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1、托福獨立寫作的三大提分點 托福獨立寫作的三大提分點對于寫作,想必大家或多或少都會有一些問題,今天,上海新航道托福培訓(xùn)為大家總結(jié)了托福獨立寫作的三大提分點,并為大家解答一些問題。1.是不是字數(shù)越多,高分越有保證?是的。因為托福寫作,主要考察考生在多大程度上,能就一個話題有效展開。一般來說,如果寫的越多,意味著考生對某一個話題的認識越深;也能從側(cè)面反映考生的知識面很廣、英文詞句儲備很大。另外,500+的數(shù)字,能夠沖淡你作文中的語言硬傷(拼寫錯誤、語法錯誤等)。因為考官往往會假定,由于你表達的東西太多,而來不及檢查錯誤,從而對你網(wǎng)開一面。比如,很多新航道的線下課學(xué)生,每次批改作業(yè)都是語言錯誤不斷(尷




5、分。再說為什么不需要用“模版”。其實托福寫作界各路前輩,都已經(jīng)用親身例子來反復(fù)論證過,“用模版既不加分也不扣分”。唯一的優(yōu)勢,可能就是:擴充字數(shù),最多50字。所以說,這種做法最多是給那個“無話可說”的你買一個心安、聊以慰籍罷了。相反,不如稍微花一兩個小時,學(xué)習(xí)怎樣把分論點講簡單、講豐富的技巧。比如,筆者從美國研究生院習(xí)得的“橋梁概念” 就特別適用于托福獨立寫作(包括gre的issue),這套方法論的精髓就是,能把任何一個觀點拆成8句話。既可以把事情說的更清晰縝密,客觀上也起到了擴充字數(shù)的作用。相較于背模版、使用模版,這是一個更務(wù)實、好處更多的選擇。最后,祝各位考生都能取得理想的成績!2020.

6、1.11托福綜合寫作參考范文今天上海新航道托福培訓(xùn)班為大家?guī)淼氖?020.1.11托福綜合寫作參考范文!本題是重復(fù)20xx年12月16日真題,如何保護蝙蝠不被風(fēng)力渦輪機傷害閱讀:1,蝙蝠每年遷徙的路線是固定的,所以只要把風(fēng)力渦輪機建在遠離遷徙路線的地方即可;2,風(fēng)力渦輪機只在白天工作,如此一來,夜間活動的蝙蝠便不會受到影響;3,使用雷達電波驅(qū)趕蝙蝠。事實表明,蝙蝠一般不在有雷達顛簸的地方活動。聽力:1, 風(fēng)力渦輪機的選址比較特殊,需要在山脊才有足夠的風(fēng)發(fā)電,但山脊正好在蝙蝠遷飛的路線上。如果伴奏,可能會影響渦輪機的效果;2, 蝙蝠晚上活動白天休息,蝙蝠會選址比較高的建筑結(jié)構(gòu)休息,比如風(fēng)力渦輪

7、機。如果讓渦輪白天工作,可能對休息的蝙蝠產(chǎn)生影響;3,蝙蝠之所以遠離雷達,是因為雷達顛簸會破壞它們的生殖系統(tǒng)。如果采用雷達電波驅(qū)趕,這會帶來傷害,從而使數(shù)量更少。話題分類:生物/技術(shù)類參考范文:the reading passage and the lecture debate on the solutions to save bats from being harmed by wind turbine. the reading passage proposes three solutions, which are all contradicted by the following lectu

8、re.the first solution is to construct wind turbine at places not interfering with bats migratory patterns. scientists could study the patterns, and then guide power companies to build turbines not in the paths of the bats migrations. however, the lecturer finds this impractical because wind turbines

9、 have to be built where there is plenty of wind to spin the turbine. but thats exactly where bats are most likely to migrate as they follow mountain ridges. the wind speed will be too slow to spin the turbines if they are built outside of bats migration paths, for example flat plains.the second solu

10、tion is to shut down the current wind turbines at night, so that the blades of the wind turbines will not harm the bats flying though the area. but the lecture opposes, contending that bats have to sleep when the night is almost over, often on the wind turbines. when the wind turbines are turned bac

11、k on during the day the bats will still be harmed.the last solution, according to the reading, is to use radar to keep bats away from the turbines. it is because bats can detect the waves emitted by radar, and they will stay away from it. yet the lecture finds this a bad idea as radar waves can harm

12、 the bats reproductive organs. once they get in touch with the wave, their reproductive system will be permanently injured and this will further reduce bats population.2019年6月15日托福綜合寫作解析及參考范文閱讀:wildlife crossings 的可行性1. 野生動物不熟悉,沒有辦法用2. 花費太大3. 阻礙生物數(shù)量和繁殖能力,因為只有一小片區(qū)域可以活動聽力:反駁1,剛開始的第一年確實不行不會用,但是野生動物的適應(yīng)能

13、力很強的,所以后面幾年使用會大幅度增長。2,對于人來說比較危險,動物橫穿馬路造成人們受傷,一年會有很多起,花費的錢更多。3,roads限制了生物的活動區(qū)域,crossing幫助他們客服這個困難,這樣就可以任意活動,從而位置healthy population。話題分類:動物學(xué)2019年6月15日托福綜合寫作解題思路:閱讀部分仔細看,很多時候能夠給我們一些聽力內(nèi)容方面的提示。聽力的細節(jié)一定盡可能的給全。2019年6月15日托福綜合寫作參考范文both reading and listening deal with the same topic about the possibility of c

14、rossings. however, their perspectives are different. according to the reading, crossing sare not a good way for wildlife animals, while the professor in the listening casts doubt on the writers argument.first, the reading points out animals are unfamiliar with the crossings so that they dont know ho

15、w to use it. however, in the lecture, the professor mentions that it wont work for the first year for sure. for animals, they need more time, like 10 years, but their adaptation is strong. so in the following years, the using of crossings will increase greatly.in addition, the writer contends that b

16、uilding crossings costs a lot. on the contrary, the professor holds the idea that otherwise its actually dangerous for human. he states that thousands of people get damaged and cost millions of dollars to fix that. building crossings can effectively avoid it. so crossing is not only benefit animals,

17、 but also is additional merits for human.the last point of there ading illustrates that in developed area, the habits of wildlife get damaged and fragmentation is not good for their hunting food and reproduction. in contrast, the professor refuses to accept the writers idea by asserting the crossing

18、 can in fact, connect different areas, animals pass through anywhere freely and easily. so they can maintain a healthy population with the crossings.2019年6月15日托福獨立寫作解析及參考范文話題分類:工作2019年6月15日托福獨立寫作解題思路:禁止之后會減少員工不滿意度:1,非工作時間的郵件會很大程度干擾員工休息,進而影響效率2,消磨員工的積極性和工作熱情3,員工會有被尊重和被理解的感受不會減少員工的不滿意程度:1,對工作內(nèi)容本身,比如創(chuàng)新

19、性,挑戰(zhàn)性,喜愛程度等不滿意,無法被抵消2,工作環(huán)境(辦公環(huán)境和人際關(guān)系)是更影響滿意程度的部分3,如果周末接收郵件需要工作能夠得到足夠的認可或者獎勵,也是可以接受的。2019年6月15日托福獨立寫作參考范文:for corporations, its fairly reasonable to provide a working environment that all workers have fewer complaints about. some of them have planed prohibiting sending emails to the employees at week

20、ends, thought it will alleviate their discontent towards their workplace. but some strong believers are inclined to the fact that even receiving no tasks in their leisure time, employees will not easily change their attitude to the company. accordingly, i with no hesitation, advocate that declining

21、disturbance toworkers personal life such as their holidays from company can greatly improve their satisfactory of the firm.for starters, everyone needs to have a rest while constant assignments will finally eliminate their passion to work. specifically, most people, indeed, enjoy doing their jobs wi

22、th high level of satisfaction, but this only happens when they are not tired of current jobs and have regular breaks during busy weekdays. if company fail to distinguish weekends from weekdays, employees will possibly develop boredom after long-time working. for instance, my best friend who just ent

23、ers the workplace, at first, she had sufficient enthusiasm and energy towards her job. however, she seldom had weekends due to constant extra work assigned via emails, since her boss always said that brilliant workers should contribute more to the whole company. at last, she cannot bear it but resig

24、ned without any reluctance to this job. thus, it is extremely essential for the employers to provide enough personal space without improper emails during the weekends.on the other hand, for bidding emails related to work at the weekends greatly facilitate better working achievements of the employees

25、, which can definitely enhance their sense of content. considering the fierce competition in present society, overwhelming burdens, tasks and numerous problems at work always exhaust people. in this case, offering undisturbed and relaxing holidays to them can let them better recover from the tiredne

26、ss and become more energetic for the following tasks hence leading to higher possibilities of successful outcomes. with enjoyable working experience and strong sense of achievement, it is hardly for workers to feel bad or unsatisfactory towards their companies. as a result, i believe that companies

27、had better avoid any working emails at the weekends in order to allow their workers to have a better rest.given all reasons and examples discussed above, i can safely come to the conclusion that workers will become more satisfied towards the company when they have no interference from the working em

28、ails at the weekends.2019年6月16日托福獨立寫作解析及參考范文if you go travelling to a city for the first time, but you only have a limited amount of time, which place you will choose?1. touring the historic sites2. going shopping on some markets3. going to the restaurants or cafe話題分類:生活解題思路:選1主體段1:historic sites可以幫

29、助了解當(dāng)?shù)匚幕黧w段2:historic sites包含markets和food stands參考范文:as i plan my ideal itinerary to a completely strange city for the first time, the desirable destination within a limited amount of time must be the historic sites instead of various markets for shopping or places for meals and drink.to begin with,

30、heading for historic attractions prompts tourists to get acclimated to the local customs and traditions rather quickly. to be specific, a visit to a historic site is regarded as a valuable chance to be exposed to fabulous and time-honored buildings, each with specific history attached to it. in othe

31、r words, such visits expanding individual outlooks on what may be included in school turn out to be a great approach to re-enforce lessons. many historical places also enable visitors to attain knowledge excluded in textbooks. moreover, the multi-linguistic services provided by staff members in such attractions


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