英語流行口語對話: Talking About Weather 談?wù)撎鞖鈅第1頁
英語流行口語對話: Talking About Weather 談?wù)撎鞖鈅第2頁
英語流行口語對話: Talking About Weather 談?wù)撎鞖鈅第3頁
英語流行口語對話: Talking About Weather 談?wù)撎鞖鈅第4頁
英語流行口語對話: Talking About Weather 談?wù)撎鞖鈅第5頁
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1、英語流行口語對話: talking about weather 談?wù)撎鞖?天不錯,啊? a:(its) a lovely day,isnt it? a:天兒真不錯! b:sure.its quite clear. b:可不是,真晴朗。 a:i think it will continue to be fine. a:我覺得天氣變不了。 b:i hope so. b:但愿吧。 fairly warm this morning,isnt it? 今天上午真暖和,是嗎? a:fairly warm this morning,isnt it? a:今天上午真暖和,是嗎? b:youre right.t

2、he air is so warm and everything looks so fresh and green. 是啊,天氣暖洋洋的.一切看起來都那么清新,那么翠綠 a:say,how about a walk along the river? a:去河邊散散步怎么樣? b:marvelous idea? b:太妙了! i like this kind of weather. 我喜歡這種天氣。 a:i like this kind of weather. a:我喜歡這種天氣。 b:yes,a little breeze and a lovely moon. b:是啊,微風(fēng)徐徐,皓月當(dāng)空。

3、a:and its calm.i like the peace. a:還靜靜的,我很喜歡這種寧靜。 b:me,too. b:我也是。 it seems a glorious day today. 看來今天是晴天。 a:it seems a glorious day today. a:看來今天是晴天啊。 b:i agree. b:我也這么想。 a:its beginning to spot. a:開始下零星小雨了。 b:just now we both thought it would be fine. 剛才我們倆還都認(rèn)為天會不錯呢。 the autumns marvelous here. 這兒

4、的秋天真美。 a:its nice and bright today,isnt it? 今天真是陽光明媚,天氣宜人。 b:yes,the autumn is marvelous here. 是啊,這兒的秋天美極了。 a:tomorrow will be fine too,i think. a:明天天氣肯定錯不了。 b:i hope so. b:但愿吧。 the sun is shining. 陽光燦爛。 a:the sun is shining. a:陽光燦爛。 b:but therere some mares tails. b:但是有些馬尾云。 a:thats the sign of win

5、d. a:那是有風(fēng)的征兆。 b:oh,really,i thought it was a sign of rain. 哦,是嗎,我還以為是要下雨呢。 its clearing up. 天晴了。 a:look!its clearing up. a:瞧,天晴了。 b:i can see the sun now. b:太陽出來了。 a:i like summer as long as its bright like this. 只要天氣像這樣晴.我還是喜歡夏天的. b:anyway,i dislike summer here.theres too much rainfall. 我可是不喜歡這兒的夏天

6、,雨水太多. its better than yesterday. 今天的天氣比昨天好。 a:its getting warm today. a:今兒天轉(zhuǎn)暖了。 b:yes,its much better than yesterday.but i still feel chilly. 對,比昨天強多了,可我還是感覺有點涼. a:its fairly warm for this time of the year. 對這個節(jié)氣來說已經(jīng)是夠暖和的了. what lovely weather! 天真好! a:what lovely weather! a:天兒真好! b:its so pleasant

7、after the bad weather weve been having. b:這么長時間沒有好天氣,今天可真痛快。 a:lets go out and enjoy the fresh air. a:出去呼吸一下新鮮空氣吧。 b:all right.lets go. b:好啊,走吧。 the rain is letting up. 雨小了 a:what a heavy thunder storm just now! a:剛才的暴風(fēng)雨真大啊! b:but its let up. b:現(xiàn)在小了。 a:look!what a beautiful rainbow! a:瞧,多漂亮的彩虹! b:ye

8、s,its sunny again. b:是啊,天又放晴了。 i think its going to rain. 我覺得要下雨了。 a:look at the thick clouds,i think its going to rain. 看!那去層厚厚的,我想是快要下雨了吧 b:that is whats technically called cumulonimbus. b:它的學(xué)名是積雨云。 a:whats that? a:什么是積雨云? b:the clouds that produce thunder-storm. b:它的學(xué)名是積雨云。 a:it doesnt look promi

9、sing today. 今天的天兒看起來不太好。 b:what does the forecast say? b:天氣預(yù)報怎么說的? a:they say today will be fine. a:說今天是晴天。 b:but therere already snow flakes falling. b:可是已經(jīng)飄起雪花來了。 its too cloudy,isnt it? 天陰得很沉啊。 a:its too cloudy,isnt it? a:天陰得很沉啊。 b:yes,its getting dark. b:是啊,天兒越來越暗了。 a:i feel suffocated. a:我感到很悶。

10、 b:its going to be a heavy rain. b:可能會有場大雨。 the rain is so heavy. 雨太大了。 a:gosh,the rain is so heavy! 天哪,雨太大了! b:so heavy?it rains cats and dogs! b:太大了?科簡直是大雨傾盆! a:everything grows hazy,i cant drive. 一切都模模糊糊的,車開不了了。 b:how about a rest? 休息一下吧。 im freezing. 我快凍僵了。 a:the cold was simply awful,im freezin

11、g. a:冷得要命,我快凍僵了。 b:were going to have cold spell,i hear. b:聽說寒流要來了。 a:you mean itll get even colder? a:你是說開兒還要更冷嗎? b:yeah. theres too much sun outside. b:不錯。外面太曬了。 a:theres too much sun outside. a:外面太曬了。 a:id better stay in. 那我還是呆在屋里吧. b:good boy. 好孩子. its been like this for. 這樣都了。 a:look!its rainin

12、g again. a:看,又下雨了。 b:its been like this for a fortnight. b:這樣都兩周了。 a:i wonder when itll clear up. a:不知道什么時候能放晴。 b:the weatherman says itll still last for four more days at least. 預(yù)報說這種天氣至少還要持續(xù)四天. the weather forecast says theres a hail tonight. 天氣預(yù)報說今晚有冰雹。 a:im freezing.its terribly cold these days.

13、 a:我快凍僵了,這些天太冷了啊! b:the weather forecast says theres a hail tonight. b:預(yù)報今晚有冰雹。 a:i wonder when the cold spell will pass. a:不知到寒流什么時候過去。 b:it says the spell will last another 6 days. b:據(jù)說還要持續(xù)六天。 i cant stand the cold here. 這兒太冷,我受不了。 a:i cant stand the cold here. 這兒太冷,我可受不了。 b:neither can i,especially the wind. 我也受不了了,這風(fēng)尤其難熬. a:the north wind is biting and im frozen to the bone.a 北風(fēng)刺骨,我都快冷凍透了. the snow is setting in


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