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1、高考英語(yǔ)作文范文精選五篇賞析 寫作是一種重要的交際途徑,因此長(zhǎng)期以來(lái),學(xué)生對(duì)英語(yǔ)寫作非常重視。下面就是給大家?guī)?lái)的高考英語(yǔ)作文賞析,希望能幫助到大家!高考英語(yǔ)作文1二孩的好處the good sides of second childin my family, there are only three people, my parents and i. because of my parents work, they could only have one child at that time, so i dont have any siblings. i felt so lonely whe

2、n my parents went out for their work. now the government changed their policy, people can have the second child. but some people refuse because they think they cant afford it. despite the expense, there are many advantages to have the second child. for one thing, the only child can have someone comp

3、any, so they wont feel lonely on the process of growing up. for another thing, two kids will help each other, they can share things together. learning to share things is a very important lesson for children. in chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but i think two are perfect for the family.在我的

4、家庭,只有三個(gè)人,我的父母和我。因?yàn)楦改傅墓ぷ?他們只能有一個(gè)孩子,所以我沒(méi)有任何的兄弟姐妹。我感到孤獨(dú),當(dāng)我父母出去工作了?,F(xiàn)在政府改變了政策,人們可以有第二個(gè)孩子。但有些人拒絕,因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為他們負(fù)擔(dān)重。不考慮花費(fèi), 生二孩有很多好處。首先,獨(dú)生子女有伴, 因此在成長(zhǎng)的過(guò)程中不會(huì)感到孤獨(dú)。另一方面,兩個(gè)孩子會(huì)互相幫助,他們可以一起分享東西。學(xué)習(xí)分享事物對(duì)孩子來(lái)說(shuō)是一個(gè)非常重要的課程。在中國(guó)的傳統(tǒng)中,越多孩子越好的,但我認(rèn)為兩個(gè)孩子對(duì)一個(gè)家庭來(lái)說(shuō)是的。高考英語(yǔ)作文2for many child, learning to bike can be a fun experience, but thi

5、s is not the cases with the girl in the picture, who obviously has no fun at all. for fear that she may fall off the bike, her parents are holding the handle, with her grandmother giving a hard push from behind. the three adults are dripping with sweat while the gitl is sitting on the saddle wonderi

6、ng who actually is learning to bike a bike. they have without doubt gone too far protecting the gitl.todays parents seem to be too protective of their children, which can de a barrier to their growth and development. rather, children should be encouraged to learn to do things on their own. of course

7、, they are likely to run into setbacks, but it is these setbacks that can teach them to be mature and independent. dont you think so ?高考英語(yǔ)作文3may l0th monday cloudythis afternoon my school held an english-speaking contest namedchallenging the future in the multi-function classroom. the students who a

8、re excellent at english took part in the contest. i just went there as an audience.i got a lot from their speech. in their speech, i found all of them had made full use of the present time and conditions to prepare for the future and used the known factors to challenge the unknown ones. from this i

9、realized that we shouldnt waste our time of today and shouldnt put todays work off to tomorrow. today is the base of tomorrow. i will no longer waste my present time. i am going to study hard and do good preparation for my future.5月10日 星期一 多云今天下午我們學(xué)校在多功能教室舉辦了題為“挑戰(zhàn)未來(lái)”的英語(yǔ)演講比賽。那些擅長(zhǎng)英語(yǔ)的學(xué)生參加了比賽。我作為觀眾去了多功能

10、廳。從他們的演講中我學(xué)到了很多。在他們的演講中,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他們都充分利用了現(xiàn)在的時(shí)間和條件來(lái)為未來(lái)做準(zhǔn)備,用已知的因素來(lái)挑戰(zhàn)未知的因素。由此我意識(shí)到我不應(yīng)該浪費(fèi)今天的時(shí)間,不應(yīng)該把今天的事推到明天。今天是明天的基礎(chǔ),我不再浪費(fèi)現(xiàn)在的時(shí)間。我打算好好學(xué)習(xí)為我的未來(lái)做好準(zhǔn)備。高考英語(yǔ)作文4zhang dong is my best friend. he is a boy. both of us are good at english, so we often have a chat in english in our spare time. besides,football is our favour

11、ite sport. we like watching football match. zhang dong works hard at his lessons. he often studies late into the night. no matter how tired he is, he insists on doing his homework. so he gets good marks in all his subjects. he loves popular songs and classical music, too.there are three people in hi

12、s family and he is the only child. his father is a doctor and his mother is a beijing opera actress. though zhang dongs family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed. he dreams of being a lawyer in the future.such is my friend, a clever and kind boy. i highly value the friendship with him.張東是我最要好的


14、述過(guò)度分享的危害;(3)提出建議。dear jim,im worried that youve been addicted to sharing all sorts of photos in wechat circle recently. there is no doubt that wechat makes communication convenient and our spare time colorful. however, there exist some potential risks if we overshare it. one severe problem is lettin

15、g out privacy, which may cause economic losses. besides, oversharing can make others uncomfortable, for they think you are showing off.therefore, we should never post our personal information in wechat circle, and nor should we add strangers to the list of friends randomly. its wiser to set aside some time to accompany parents or do something more meaningful.i would appreciate it if you cou


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