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1、2020雅思面試的注意事項 雅思面試的這幾個注意事項口語備考中的幾點注意事項雅思口語注意事項一:言簡意賅考試時間很短,在對于簡單詢問性問題一定要言簡意賅的回答。如問“good morning/ good afternoon.my names x. can you tell me your full name,please?比較合適的回答是:“good morning, john. my name is yang yiming?!毖潘伎谡Z注意事項二:不要強背模板目前有很多雅思口語高分模板,在考試中大家一定要注意不要死記硬背,口語考試主要考察考生們的對話反應等能力,如果一味的背模板,會適得其反。雅

2、思口語注意事項三:不要使用很難的詞匯在真正的日常交流中,外國人并不會去追 求一些難的單詞,而更多的是用最簡單的詞匯和語法結(jié)構(gòu)將自己的意思表達出來。所以,老師建議考生不要去追求用什么難的單詞,而是想方設法用自己已經(jīng)會的表 達把意思表達清楚即可。雅思口語考試當日言行的注意事項手勢方面:手勢是特別好的一種吸引關(guān)注的方式,但是有一些身體動作,一定不要在考試時做哦。例如,用手指對方、是非常不禮貌的行為,大力度的揮舞手臂或者抖動雙腿都是非常沒有禮貌的表現(xiàn)。抓耳、摸鼻的動作會讓考官覺得你在撒謊,咬手指或者撓頭皮之類的動作也千萬不要做,否則有潔癖的考官肯定會對你個人印象非常差。目光接觸方面:目光接觸要有,但是


4、是聲音太大也萬萬不可以哦,雅思口語考試不是朗誦比賽,有些人認為在闡述中突然提高語調(diào)會起到強調(diào)的效果,可是試想一下,如果你是雅思考官,一天下來已經(jīng)面試了無數(shù)個考生,身體大腦都感到很疲乏,此時身體已經(jīng)處于白日夢階段了,一個考生突然提高音調(diào)與你說話,難道你不會嚇得從凳子上跌落下來嗎?安撫自己那受到驚嚇的心都要好久吧,哪有心情給對面的考生?一些關(guān)于雅思口語考試的誤區(qū)“如果您被考官打斷,這就表示您的英文很不好.”這是一位考生最近參加了雅思考試以后,所說的一段話:“當我在回答考官問題時,考官沒有等我說完就打斷我。 可能他不喜歡我的回答或者我的英文不是很好。”事實上,在任何模塊,考官都有可能不得不中斷考生的

5、講話。在第1部分和第3部分,考官會詢問考生一系列問題以充分考核考生的口語水平。 每個問題都會以不同的方式測試考生的英語應用能力。 例如,一個問題可能會測試考生是否能恰當?shù)剡\用英語對物品進行對比,下一個問題可能會測試考生能否談論將來可能發(fā)生的事件。 因此,如果考生的答案比較冗長,考官也許會中斷考生的回答。這樣可以方便考官提不同的問題來測試考生英語口語能力的不同方面。而且,考試的每一部分都有時間限制,這也需要考官在必要時打斷考生回答以確保在有限的時間內(nèi)完成全部口語測試。因此,如果第2部分的談話超出2分鐘的時間限制,考官就需要中斷考生。 但是,測試不會因為被中斷而扣分。如果考官多次中斷考生的回答,這

6、通常是因為考生的回答太冗長。 不過,考生是否詳盡地回答問題是影響流暢性得分的一個因素。只要考生回答時沒有過多猶豫、更改或重復,詳盡回答問題將有可能讓考生在流暢性方面得到更高分數(shù)?!叭绻麥y試很簡短,這就意味著您的英文很差。”另一位考生在參加完考試后說道:“考官只用了不到10分鐘就結(jié)束了我的口語測試了。 當考官說考試結(jié)束的時候,我很驚訝,真想說: “請您再多問幾個問題吧,我還想繼續(xù)口語測試?!蔽也恢肋@意味著什么。 也許他認為我的口語很不堪或者他根本聽不懂我的回答,因此他就結(jié)束了測試?!笨谡Z測試的時間長度是11到14分鐘。 根據(jù)上述情況,考官給考生考試時用了所能允許的最短時間??脊贋槭裁磿米疃虝r

7、間呢?可能僅僅是因為考官已經(jīng)評定了考生的口語水平,無需再繼續(xù)進行剩余三四分鐘的考試。只要考生以正常語速回答問題,考官就能最短在11分鐘內(nèi)評定考生的英語口語水平。 因此,多數(shù)考生的口語測試時間大約為11到12分鐘。 但有時,考官也會對考生進行14分鐘的最長時間的測試。例如,在11分鐘內(nèi),考生的回答還不能使考官評定其口語水平時,這種情況就會發(fā)生。緊張的考生也許會出現(xiàn)如下表現(xiàn),因而需要更多時間才能充分顯示出他們的語言能力:? 回答比較簡短;? 語速比較慢;? 出現(xiàn)停頓,更改,猶豫或者不斷重復。另一方面,考試時間較長也可能是因為正面的因素: 例如,水平很高的考生在回答第3部分問題時往往會給出比較詳細的

8、答案,這樣就會需要更多時間。而且,如果考官很贊賞考生的回答,考試時間也會在允許的范圍內(nèi)較長。最重要的一點是考生不會在11分鐘之前結(jié)束口語測試。反之,考官最多也只可以利用14分鐘的時間對考生的口語能力作出合理的評定。換句話說,11到14分鐘之間的額外時間是用來確定以下幾點:? 在第1、3部分應該提問足夠多的問題;? 考生有機會陳述觀點;? 對考生作出的評定應該是準確的。事實上,考官用最短的時間對考生進行口語測試,并不意味著考生的口語是不好、好,或是特別優(yōu)秀?!叭绻脊倏雌饋韺δ幕卮鸩桓信d趣,就表示您的英語很差?!痹?jīng)有位考生告訴我,當她回答問題時,考官沒有直視她。 她認為這就表示她的答案很枯燥

9、或她的英文不好。 另一位考生在網(wǎng)上也寫了類似評論:“如果考官對您的回答沒有作出很興奮的回答,而且表情漠然,那么你的口語考試成績就不會很高。”上述兩位考生都誤解了考官的肢體語言。 缺乏目光交流并不意味著考生的回答很枯燥或者英文不好。因為當考生回答問題的時候,考官可能正在:? 為了準確判斷考生的口語技能而仔細地聆聽考生所說的一切;? 瀏覽評分標準;? 做一些簡短的筆記;? 看看要問考生的下一個問題。而且,口語測試是一個規(guī)范化的測試。 這就意味著對考生的準確評定不是建立在輕松的日常交談的基礎(chǔ)上的,而是建立在正式的、結(jié)構(gòu)化的面試的基礎(chǔ)上的。這也意味著世界各地的口語考官的表現(xiàn)要既專業(yè)又保持一致性。例如,

10、考官們必須盡量避免給與鼓勵性的評論(如:“很有趣”)或用手勢臉色來傳達過于支持的情緒。 有關(guān)人士在網(wǎng)站上也建議,考官一定不要對答案“反映過于興奮”。 總之, 不要因為以上這些不必要的疑問和焦慮讓您覺得考試發(fā)揮得不好。 消極的想法不會帶來良好的表現(xiàn)。以上就是雅思面試的這幾個注意事項,你都了解了嗎的全部內(nèi)容,雅思的口語考試可以說是實打?qū)嵉摹迸_上一分鐘,臺下十年功“。文中提到的我們在備考時要注意的3個地方其實非常具有代表性。在口語考試當天,我們也不必刻意約束自己的舉止,以一個自然的姿態(tài)跟考官交流其實是最容易發(fā)揮出自身能力。2020年9-12月雅思口語part23答案解析:想見的新聞人物describ

11、e a person you saw in the news who you want to meet.you should say:who the person waswhen you saw him or herwhat was the news aboutand explain how you felt about the person or the newsa person i think id like to meet that ive seen in the news is oprah winfrey. you may know her, shes one of the riche

12、st women in the world shes a tv host from the us. i am not sure how often she is on the news, but she has her talk show, she hosts it, the oprah winfrey show, and ive seen it multiple times, and i really like her personality, her attitude and assertive character and the way she interviews people, li

13、stens to them and offers her opinions. i did see her on the news several years ago, in fact. it was a time when she went into a high-end handbag shop and was looking at different and very expensive bags. the shop assistant did not recognize her, and was apparently very rude to her by refusing to tak

14、e down from a high shelf behind her, a very expensive bag that oprah wanted to see, and oprah felt that she was treated in this way because she is a black woman because of racial prejudice. anyway, i saw this both in the newspaper and on television, because even though oprah did not reveal which sho

15、p it was (because she didnt want to damage the reputation of the store), she did openly discuss the incident with the media, and then someone in the bbc, i think, managed to track down the actual shop, who then gave a public global apology, claiming it was a misunderstanding. i think the incident to

16、ok place in switzerland, im not sure. i am not sure how i felt about this incident. i think its an interesting story, and im always interested to see international news stories especially about famous stars like oprah winfrey.part31. what kind of people can be usually seen in the news?politicians us

17、ually feature in the news a lot, and some celebrities. and, of course, reporters and news presenters who go to different places and different countries to deliver live reports on television.2. do you think famous people, celebrities, can have a big influence on the general public by their behavior?y

18、es, i think so. especially on young people. young people like to have idols and role models and they tend to get very passionate about following famous people sometimes, especially singers, pop icons, sports personalities and some actors. so, famous people have a responsibility to behave fairly dece

19、ntly in the public eye, so that they do not negatively influence young people, in particular. also, today the media are like vultures, they are always following famous people looking for gossip so if youre famous you not only have to make sure you behave perfectly in public, but you must also protec

20、t your private life from snooping journalists who are looking for a story. so, yes, its not always the responsibility of the celebrity, its also the gossip from the media that can have an influence on young people.3. what kind of issues are frequently reported in the news?oh, lots of things are repo

21、rted in the news the news might talk about international events, treaties, conflicts, and major things that are happening in the world between governments. the news might also cover the environment, the economy, business news things like this.if there is a natural disaster like a hurricane or an ear

22、thquake or something, this will be reported, and sometimes a reporter will be sent there to do a live report on the event, maybe interview some locals and so forth for example, only a few weeks ago i heard about the eruption of a volcano in new zealand. reporters arrived on the scene shortly after t

23、he incident and interviewed some of the relief crew on live television. things like this are commonly reported on the news, both on television, and on line.4. whats the difference between the news nowadays and the news in the past?the main difference between the news today and the news in the past i

24、s that in the past everyone relied on tv and newspapers for news, but today people read most of their news on their smartphones. so, the news is more up-to-date today than in the past. its an interesting topic because today there are different opinions about the reliability of the news. some people

25、say we can trust the news more today, and some people think we should trust the news less, because there is more censorship and control of the news. im not sure what i think to be honest. because there are so many more ways of getting news from all over the place, i dont really know whether we can t

26、rust it more or less than in the past, but i do know that its much easier to access the news and reading news on our phones is certainly is a good way to kill time on the subway or in a taxi, or when youre waiting to be served in a restaurant or other times like this.2020年9-12月雅思口語part23答案:相處最多的家庭成員

27、describe a family member who you spent the most time with.you should say:who the person waswhat you guys did togetherwhy do you spend the most time with that personand explain how you feel about spending time with the personthe family member id like to talk about is my brother. hes an amusing person

28、, actually, with a dry and mischievous sense of humour. he is 5 years younger than me and he works for a company that sell automobiles, a kind of off-road adventure vehicle company, i guess youd call it. anyway, to be honest hes a bit lazy, but always seems to be quite lucky in finding good jobs wit

29、h flexible bosses, great benefits and a fairly high salary! i think maybe its because of the way he is able to talk confidently to all different types of people, and command respect, as well as being an endearing person who is pretty well-liked. i spend most of my free time with him because he lives

30、 next door to me and because we help each other out a lot with all sorts of things and on the weekends we go out for meals, then go to a bar and drink and share stories and discuss family and friends. on sundays we take it in turns to cook he enjoys cooking mexican and lebanese food its kind of his

31、hobby really and i enjoy cooking chinese and japanese dishes. so, most sundays we invite each other round, along with friends and sometimes other family members, and we eat together. hes very sporty, and im not very sporty, so this is the main difference between us really apart from this we are very

32、 similar and have a really good laugh together and share a lot of common interests.part31. what are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? how about the drawbacks?there are a number of practical and emotional advantages to younger and older generations sharing the same home f

33、irstly, life today is very busy, and often both parents have to go to work if there are children, then the grandparents can easily take over and look after the children during the daytime or when the parents are busy. this is a lot easier if everyone lives together in the same house, especially in b

34、ig cities where housing is expensive and distances between work and home can involve long commutes. the drawbacks, well there are also a number of drawbacks. you dont get much personal space or private time if you live with other family members, especially grandparents sometimes other family members might also interfere in your daily business or poke their nose into your personal affairs or arguments with your husband or wife. so everyth


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