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1、課前準(zhǔn)備,你準(zhǔn)備好課本,筆記本和 導(dǎo)學(xué)案了嗎?,請拿出你的激情和熱情, 全力以赴,享受學(xué)習(xí)的樂趣吧!,Unit 5,Why do you like pandas?,Unit 5,Section A 1a-2b,烏伊嶺區(qū)中 學(xué) 王立文,panda / pnd/,pandas,tiger / taig(r)/,tigers,elephant / elifnt/,elephants,koala /kua:l/,koalas,lion / lain/,lions,giraffe /d rf ; d ra:f/,giraffes,lion,elephant,tiger,giraffe,Main word

2、s,panda,cat,koala,No, Im a pet.,Were all animals.,cute,beautiful,lazy,scary,smart,Its scary.,Can you guess?,It eats meat.,It is a _.,tiger,Can you guess?,It likes eating bamboo.,It is a _.,It is kind of shy.,panda,寫出動物名稱。,a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose: _ an Australia a

3、nimal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in trees and eats leaves: _,koala, elephant, panda, giraffe,elephant,koala,3. a large, black and white animal that lives in forests in China: _ 4. a large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin legs: _,panda,giraffe,Match the words with

4、the animals in the picture.,tiger _ elephant _ koala _ panda _ lion _ giraffe _,e,1a,c,f,a,d,b,tiger _ elephant _ koala _ panda _ lion _ giraffe _,1b,Listen and check the () the animals you hear in 1a.,Listening,猜猜看!,Its a panda.,Guess what animal it is.,Its an elephant.,Its a lion.,Its a tiger.,Its

5、 a koala.,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the pandas first.,Because theyre very cute.,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,beautiful,giraffes,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Le

6、ts see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,interesting,koalas,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,smart,elephants,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,1c,拓展延伸,Talk about the other two animals in 2a with a partner. D

7、o John and Julie like them? Do you like them? Why or why not?,Why do you like them?,Well, I like koalas.,Because theyre very cute and they are from Australia.,Why dont you like them?,Well, I dont like lions.,Because theyre really scary.,Where are they from?,Most of them are from South Africa.,Task 1

8、 let sb do sth句型中 ,let后接動詞 的什么形式?sb若是代詞時,該用什么形式? Task 2 Why引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句可以什么詞來回答? .,七嘴八舌,1. Lets see the pandas first. 我們先看看大熊貓吧 。 【點撥】句型let sb do sth意為“讓某人做某事”。Let后用人稱代詞作賓語時,一定要用賓格。Let 后接動詞時,動詞用原形。 例如: Let me go home now. 讓我現(xiàn)在回家吧。,精講點撥,【點撥】句意為“我們首先看看熊貓吧” first作副詞,意為“首先”,在句中作狀語,可放在句首或句末修飾動詞或整個句子。如:First

9、lets play chess.,2. Lets see the pandas first.,師點教撥,.,3. Why do you want to see them? Because they are interesting. 【點撥】why引導(dǎo)的特殊問句,常常用because引導(dǎo)的句子來回答。 他們是行影不離的朋友。例如: Why do you arrive late for class? Because I get up late.,精講點撥,Exercise,用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 He wants _(go) to the zoo. Why _ Mr. Green _(like

10、) pandas? Lets _(see) the pandas first. Do you like _(giraffe)? Animals are very _(friend).,to go,does,like,friendly,giraffes,see,1. 讓我們先去看老虎吧。 _ 2. 你為什么想去看熊貓? _,Lets see the tigers first.,Why do you want to see pandas?,將下列句子譯成英語。,Exercise,拓展演練,根據(jù)要求寫出下列單詞的相應(yīng)形式。 1. ugly (反義詞) _ 2. meet (同音異形詞) _ 3. l

11、eaf (復(fù)數(shù)形式) _ 4. relax (第三人稱單數(shù)形式) _,relaxes,beautiful,meat,leaves,Translate and write them down.,1. - 為什么你想去看考拉? - 因為他們很可愛。 2. - 你喜歡獅子嗎? - 是的,我喜歡。,- Why do you want to see koalas? - Because theyre very cute.,- Do you like lions? - Yes, I do.,3. A: How old is this panda? B: _. (two) 4. A: _? (other, picture) B: I like the picture on the table, too. 5. A: Why do you like


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