



1、江蘇譯林四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)期中測(cè)試卷 (時(shí)間:40分鐘 總分:100分) 命題: 審核:聽力部分(30分)1、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內(nèi)容。(聽兩遍)25=10( ) 1. A. elephants B. animals C. any( ) 2. A. either B. or C. too( ) 3. A. cool B. cute C. wonderful( ) 4. A. table tennis B. sticker C. car( ) 5. A. sixteen B. seventeen C. nineteen2、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。(聽兩遍)25=10( ) 1. A. Lo

2、ok at my lion. B. Look at these lions.( ) 2. A. Its fat. B. Theyre fat.( ) 3. A. The little monkey is in the tree. B. The little monkey is on the mat.( ) 4. A. Do you like it ? B. Would you like a pie?( ) 5. A. I can do this. B. Dont be sad.3、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到句子的應(yīng)答句。(聽兩遍)15=5( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. OK.( )

3、 2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can.( ) 3. A. I have some apples. B. I like apples.( ) 4. A. Its cute. B. Theyre cute.( ) 5. A. No, I cant. B. Yes, I do.4、 聽錄音,將下面一段話補(bǔ)充完整。(聽三遍)15=5Hello, Im Lily. Im a girl. I can _, but I cant _. I _ dolls. They are cute. I have _ dolls. _ you have any dolls?筆試部分(70分)1、

4、 看圖片,將句子補(bǔ)充完整。25=101. I like .2. The boy can . 3. I have toy cars. 4. Mike can play . 5. Look at these two . 二、英漢互譯。110=101. have a look_ 6.踢足球 play _2. fourteen mangoes_ 7.一些狗 some_3. have a try_ 8.制作一個(gè)蛋糕 _ a cake4. how many_ 9.十八匹馬 _horses5. play table tennis_ 10.我們的熊貓 _panda三、判斷下列每小題中劃線字母發(fā)音是否相同,相同

5、的用T表示,不同的用F表示。16=6( ) 1. father breakfast ( ) 2. his has ( ) 3. lion fat( ) 4. grape hurry ( ) 5. fly like ( ) 6.log bag四、單項(xiàng)選擇。115=15( ) 1. What do you like? I like _. A. monkey B. monkeys C. a monkeys( ) 2. Look at the elephants. _ cute and fat. A. Its B. Theyre C. theyre( ) 3. Do you like grapes?

6、Yes, I _. A. dont B. do C. can( ) 4. What do you have? I _ a watermelon. A. like B. have some C. have( ) 5. Yang Ling can_. A. swim B. hamburgers C. dolls( ) 6. Have _ try. Yeah, I can jump. A. an B. 不填 C. a( ) 7. _ you have any oranges? No, I dont. A. do B. Do C. Does( ) 8. Mike can play basketball

7、_. A. well very B. very well C. very( ) 9. Can I have a look? _. A. Thanks B. Great! C. Sure.( ) 10. They have _ apples. A. some B. a C. an( ) 11. I _ like lions. A. not B. doesnt C. dont ( ) 12. I can dance. _ about you? Me too. A. What B. How old C. Where( ) 13. How many _ do you have? I have two.

8、 A. cake B. cakes C. a cake( ) 14. I have _ orange. A. an B. a C. any( ) 15. Can Helen sing? Yes, _. A. he can B. she cant C. she can2、 選出下列句子的應(yīng)答句。25=10( ) 1. Would you like a cake? A. Its cute.( ) 2. Look at my cat. B. Sure. Here you are.( ) 3. Can I have one toy car? C. No, thanks.( ) 4. I cant ju

9、mp. D. No, he cant.( ) 5. Can Wang Bing play table tennis? E. Have a try.3、 連詞成句。24=81. jump , can , I ( . ) 2. like , I , pineapples , dont ( . ) 3. you , do , what , have ( ? )4. many , have , cars , how , you , do (?) 7、 閱讀對(duì)話,判斷正誤。(正確的用“T”表示,錯(cuò)誤的是“F”表示) 16=6 Duck: Hi, Mr Horse. I can swim. Can you

10、 swim? Horse: Hello, Miss Duck. I cant swim, but I can run. Can you fly, Miss Duck? Duck: Yes, I can. Miss Bird can fly,too. She can fly well. Horse: I cant fly, but I can jump. Duck: Miss Monkey can jump too. Horse: Can Mr Elephant jump too? Duck: Yes, he can, and he can play football. Horse: Cool!

11、( ) 1. Mr Horse can swim.( ) 2. Miss Duck can swim and fly.( ) 3. Miss bird can play football and jump.( ) 4. Miss Monkey and Mr Elephant can jump.( ) 5. Mr Horse cant jump.( ) 6. Miss bird cant fly.八、選詞填空。(每個(gè)單詞只能用一次)15=5 Can , any , dont , three , manyA: What animals do you have?B: I have cats.A: H

12、ow _ cats do you have?B: I have _. Do you have _ cats?A: No, I _ . _I have one cat?B: Sure. 四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)聽力原文1、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內(nèi)容。聽兩遍26=121 Look at these toy animals.2 I cant skate either.3 A:One two three, I have two mangoes.B: Wonderful.4. I have a sticker.5. Helen has sixteen stickers.2、 聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的句子。聽兩遍25=101. Look at these lions.2. Its fat.3. The little monkey is in the tree.4. Would you like a pie?5. Dont be sad.3、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子的應(yīng)答句。聽兩遍24=81. Here you are.2. Can you play basketball?3. What do you h


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