已閱讀5頁,還剩49頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、高考及最新模擬分類匯編之完形填空高考完形填空【2018全國I】閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offeri ng a freecourse, called Thi nki ng Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of tak ing the class because, after all ,who does nt wa

2、nt to 42 a few dollars?More tha n that, Id always wan ted to lear n chess. An d,eve n if I were n43e nbuigh about free credits ,n ews aboutour 44 was appeali ng eno ugh to me. He was an intern ati onal gran dmaster,which45 Iwould be lear ning from one of the games 46 .I could hardly wait to 47 him.M

3、aurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, andthis _48_ was no game for him: he meant bus in ess. In his in troduct ion, he madeit 49 that our credits would be hard-ear ned. In order to 50 the class ,am ong other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we pla n to_51_ _

4、what we would learn in class to our future professi ons an d, _52_ _,to our lives. I man aged to get an A in that_53_ _and lear ned life less ons that have served me well bey ond the _54_ _.Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, Im still putting to use what he_55_ _ me: “ Theabsolute most impor

5、tant_56_ _that you learn when you play chess is how to makeThese wordsgood_ _57_.On every single move you have to_ _58_ _a situation process what youropponent(對手)is doing and_ _59_ _the best move from among all your options.”still ring true today in my _60_ _as a journalist.B. jumped atD. tur ned do

6、w n41. A. put forwardC. tried out42. A. waste B. earnC. save D. payC. moved D. tired43. A. excited B. worried44. A. titleB. competitor C. textbook D. instructor45. A. urged B. demanded C. held D. meant46. A. fastest B. easiest C. best D. rarest47. A. interviewB. meet C. challenge D. beat48. A. chanc

7、e B. qualificationC. honor D. job49. A.realB.perfect C. clearD. possible50. A.atte ndB.pass C. skipD. observe51. A.addB.exposeC. applyD. compare52. A. even tuallyB. n aturallyC. directly D. n ormally53. A. game B. prese ntatio nC. course D. experiment54. A. criteri onB. classroom C. department D. si

8、tuation55. A. taught B. wrote C. questioned D. promised56. A. factB. stepC. ma nnerD. skill57. A. grades B. decisi onsC. impressi onsD. comme nts58. A. an alyze B. describe C. rebuild D. control59. A. announce B. signal C. block D. evaluateD. behavior60. A. role B. desire C. concern【答案】41. B 42. C 4

9、3. A44. D 45. D50. B51. C 52. A 53. C54. B 55. A46. C47. B48. D49. C56. D57. B58. A59. D60. A【解析】本文是一篇夾敘夾議的文章。文章講述了我在大二學(xué)的免費(fèi)課程下棋及它對我生活的指導(dǎo)意義。41- 考查動詞短語辨析。我在大二時,學(xué)技教育處提供一種名叫思維蒙棋的免費(fèi)課程,這個課程3個學(xué)分。 我急于接4媳個課程,罡因?yàn)槲蚁牍?jié)省意錢。A. pH fonvati提出:B. jumped at急于接收;C. tried 嘗試; D. turned Mwn 拒絕故選 B *42- 考查動詞辨析。我在大二時,學(xué)校教肓處提

10、供一種名叫思維象棋的免費(fèi)課程,這個課程3個學(xué)分。我急 干接收這個課程,星因?yàn)槲蚁牍?jié)省點(diǎn)錢* A. waste浪費(fèi);B亡ani賺錢;C.卻邃節(jié)譽(yù);D. p叭付錢故選C43. 考查形容詞辨析。我總星想學(xué)象棋,即便是我對免費(fèi)的學(xué)分不激動,單是我們導(dǎo)師的信息就足扶吸引我。A. excited動的!興奮的j B. worriedC. moved 感動的;D tired勞累的。故選 444. 考查名詞辨析。我總是想學(xué)象棋,即便是我對免費(fèi)的學(xué)分不激動,單是我們導(dǎo)師的消息就足以吸引我。 A. title頭銜;題目;B. competitor競賽者;C. textbook教科書;D. instructor導(dǎo)師。

11、故選DoA. urged 督促;B. demanded45. 考查動詞辨析。這意味著我將師從這個游戲最好的大師之一。要求;C. held握??;D. meant意味著。故選 D。46. 考查詞義辨析。這意味著我將師從這個游戲最好的大師之一。A. fastest最快的;B. easiest 最容易的;C. best最好的;D. rarest最稀少的。故選 C。47. 考查動詞詞義辨析。 我迫不及待地想見到他。A. in terview面試;B. meet見面;C. challe nge挑戰(zhàn);D. beat擊敗。故選B。48. 考查名詞詞義辨析。一位先前的畢業(yè)生回校教書,這項工作對他來說根本不是游戲

12、。A.chance 機(jī)會;B. qualificatio n 合格;C. ho nor 榮譽(yù);D. job 工作。故選 D。49. 考查形容詞辨析。在他的介紹中,他明確指出這些學(xué)分不容易得到。A. real真實(shí)的;B.perfect完美的;C. clear清楚的;D. possible可能的。故選 C。50. 考查動詞詞義辨析。為了通過考試,我們必須寫一篇關(guān)于把我們在課堂里學(xué)到的東西應(yīng)用于未來的職業(yè)中。A. attend參加;B. pass通過;C. skip跳躍;D. observe遵守。故選 B。51. 考查動詞詞義辨析。我們必須寫一篇關(guān)于把我們在課堂里學(xué)到的知識應(yīng)用于未來的職業(yè)中。app

13、ly把運(yùn)用于 52. 考查副詞詞義辨析。最終,把我們在課堂里學(xué)的知識應(yīng)用到我們的生活中。A. eventually最終;B. naturally自然地;C. directly直接地;D. normally正常地。故選 A。53. 考查名詞辨析o我設(shè)法在這個課程中茯得了個A game游戲;B presentation介紹;陳述;C course 課程事D亡xperimcnt實(shí)驗(yàn) 故選C。S4考查名詞辨析。我還學(xué)習(xí)了課堂之卜對我很有用的生活課g. A criterion標(biāo)準(zhǔn);B. classroom教室;C. department 部門 j 系? D. situation 情況 故選 E&55考查

14、動詞詞義辨析。和Ashley學(xué)了象棋課程之唇10年里,我仍在應(yīng)用他教我的東西might教;B. wrote 寫、C. questioned 提冋:D promised 承:諾 * 故選 A *56-考查名詞詞義辨析。你在學(xué)下棋的時候,學(xué)到的絕對重要的技能是如何做出好的決定。甩尬鞏事實(shí);B. swp 步;C. imrrner 方式;D. skill 技能 故選57. 考查名詞詞義辨析。你在學(xué)下棋的時候,學(xué)到的絕對重要的技能是如何做出好的決定。A. grades 等級; B. decisions 決定; C. impressions 印象; D. comments 評論。故選 B。58. 考查動詞

15、詞義辨析。每一步你都必須分析形勢,審視對手要做什么。A. an alyze分析;B. describe 描述;C. rebuild 重建;D. control 控制。故選 A。59. 考查動詞詞義辨析。從你所有的選擇中,評估出最好的一步。A. announee宣布;B. signal發(fā)信號;C. block阻塞;D. evaluate評估。故選 D。60. 考查名詞詞義辨析?,F(xiàn)在這些話對我作為一名新聞記者的角色來說仍然是正確的。A. role角色;B. desire欲望;要求;C. concern涉及,關(guān)系到;D. behavior行為。故選 A。點(diǎn)睛:高考復(fù)習(xí)時,注意熟詞生意的短語是很重要的

16、。本文的中的jump at意為:急于接收。此處jump是一個熟詞,但這個短語的意思學(xué)生比較陌生,這樣就會導(dǎo)致學(xué)生不知道意思而 束手無策。【2018 全國II】閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Two weeks earlier. my son . Ben ,had got in touch , he d moved to England with his mumwhe n he was three and it had bee n 1 3 years since I 41 d see n him . So imagi ne my42whe

17、n he emailed me say ing he wan ted to come to visit me.I was 43! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to 44. Thebay was 45 in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore.Getting a little 46 .I realized one kayak (皮劃艇)was in 47.“ Something s not48! ” I took of

18、f my-shirt and 49 into the water. I saw there were two instructorson board and a man lying across the middle. He was 50. viole ntly. Linking arms with one ofthe in structors . I helped _51_ the young man out of the water. He was uncon scious and as I looked at his face, something _52_to me. Those br

19、own eyes were very _53_ _ .“ What shis name ? ” I asked the instructor.“ Ben, ” he replied, and infmediateiyiat strangerwas my son!The in structors called for an ambula nee._55_ _ ,after a brief stay in hospital, Ben waswell eno ugh to be allowed tohe said,56 and later the family met up for dinner.

20、We chatted“ You58my life !”I still ca nt believe what a59it was. Im just so glad I was the_eto help my son.41. A. alsoB. oftenC. evenD. last42. A. delightB. reliefC. angerD. worry43. A. scaredB.shockedC. thrilledD. ashamed44. A. talkB. stayC. meetD. settle45. A. bathedB. clea nC.deepD. formed46. A.

21、fasterB. closerC. heavierD. wiser47. A. troubleB. advaneeC. questi onD. battle48. A. realB. rightC. fairD. fit49. A. staredB.sankC. divedD. fellabout everyth ing and the n Ben57to me. I just want to say tha nk you,50. A. arguingB. fighti ngC. shouti ngD. shak ing51. A. leadB. persuadeC. carryD. keep

22、52. A. happe nedB. occurredC. appliedD. appealed53. A. sharpB. pleasa ntC. attractiveD. familiar54.A. agreedB. hesitatedC. doubtedD. knew55. A. Fortu natelyB. Fran klyC. SadlyD. Sudde nly56. A. returnB. relaxC.speakD. leave57. A. jokedB. returnedC. liste nedD. poin ted58. A. createdB. honoredC. save

23、dD. guided59. A. coin cide neeB.changeC. pityD. pain60. A. on boardB. i n timeC. for sureD. on purpose【答案】41. D42. A43. C44. C45. A46. B47. A48. B49. C50. D51. C52. B53. D54. D55. A56. D57. B58. C59. A60. B【解析】這是一篇記敘文。講述了作者13年后和兒子見面的情景。在和兒子見面的地點(diǎn),作者救了一個年輕人,沒有想到的是,年輕人竟然是自己13年未見的兒子。41. 考查副詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)空前句中可

24、知,兒子在三歲的時候離開,到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)13年了。由此可以暗示出是上一次見面。 A. also也;B. often經(jīng)常;C. even甚至;D. last上一次,故 選D項切題。42. 考查名詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)上下文可知,13年沒有見到自己的兒子,突然收到兒子的電子郵件,并且說要來看自己。由此可以推知,我很快樂、開心。A. delight高興,愉快;B. relief(痛苦、憂慮等的)解除,減輕;C. an ger怒,忿怒;D. worry擔(dān)心。故選 A項切題。43. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)第一段可知,作者13年沒有見到自己的兒子,突然收到兒子要來拜訪自己的電子郵件,肯定是欣喜若狂。A. scar

25、ed驚恐的;B. shocked震驚的;C. thrilled欣喜若狂的;D. ashamed慚愧的。故選 C項切題。44. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)空前可知,我很早就到了拜倫灣,我們應(yīng)該在那里見面。A. talk談話;B. stay停留;C. meet見面;D. settle解決。故選 C項切題。45. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)上下文可知,早晨海灣應(yīng)該是沐浴在陽光里。A. bathed沐浴;B. clean清掃;C. deep深處;D. formed形成。故選 A項切題。46. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)常識和下文兒子出現(xiàn)意外情況可知,只有是離的比較近一點(diǎn),才能意識到一只皮劃艇出現(xiàn)意外。A. f

26、aster迅速的;B. closer靠近,逼近(其他船只等);C.heavier重的,沉重的;D. wiser有智慧的;聰明的。故選B項切題。47. 考查名詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)下文兒子出現(xiàn)意外情況可知,一只皮筏艇處于麻煩之中。A.trouble麻煩,困難;B. advanee前進(jìn),進(jìn)展;C. question問題,疑問;D. battle戰(zhàn)斗,戰(zhàn)役。 故選A項切題。48. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)上句皮劃艇處于麻煩之中可知,某件事不正常。A. real真實(shí)的;B. right正確的,正常的;C. fair公平的;D. fit合適的。故選 B項切題。49. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)上文皮劃艇有麻煩和下

27、文我去幫忙救人可知,我脫掉我的T恤衫,跳入水中。A. stared盯著看,目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地看,凝視; B. sank下沉,沉沒;C. dived潛水, 跳水;D. fell打倒;擊倒。故選 C項切題。50. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)上文 a man lying across the middle禾口下文 He was unconscious 可知,應(yīng)該是劇烈的顫抖、搖動。 A. arguing爭論,辯論;B. fighting打架;C. shouting呼喊; D. shaking搖動。故選 D項切題。51. 考查動詞詞義辨析。我?guī)椭涯贻p人帶出水面。A. lead領(lǐng)導(dǎo),引導(dǎo),帶領(lǐng);B. persua

28、de說服,勸服;C. carry搬運(yùn),裝運(yùn);D. keep保持;保存,保留;故選C項切題。52. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)句意可知,當(dāng)我看著他的臉時,我想到了一些事情。occur跟to短語時,表示 想到”而不是 發(fā)生” happen后接不定式,是碰巧”的意思。故選B項切 題。53. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)下文,“What s his name?知,他棕色的眼睛對我來說是很熟悉的。A. sharp銳利的;鋒利的;B. pleasant愉快的,快樂的,舒適的;C. attractive有吸引力的;引人注目的;D. familiar親密的,熟悉的。故選 D項切題。54. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)下文“

29、 That stra nger was my son可知,我馬上就知道。A. agreed同意,贊成,承認(rèn),答應(yīng);B. hesitated猶豫,躊躇;C. doubted懷疑;疑惑;D. knew知道,了解。故選D項切題。55. 考查副詞詞義辨析。 根據(jù)空后句子可知, 應(yīng)該是幸運(yùn)地。A. Fortunately幸運(yùn)地,僥幸地; B. Frankly率直地,坦白地,真誠地; C. Sadly悲哀地,悲傷地;D. Suddenly突然地,忽然地; 故選A項切題。56. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)空前was well enough可知,應(yīng)該是被允許出院。A. return返回;報答;B. relax放松

30、,休息;C. speak說;D. leave離開。故選 D項切題。57. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)下文I just want to say thank you可知,Ben轉(zhuǎn)向我向我說謝謝。A. joked 開玩笑;B. turned 轉(zhuǎn)向;C. listened 聽;D. pointed 指出。故選 B 項切題。58. 考查動詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)上文 I helped carry the man out of the water可知,應(yīng)該是挽救 了我的生命。A. created創(chuàng)造;創(chuàng)作;B. honored尊敬;尊重;給與榮譽(yù); C. saved救,拯救; D. guided指導(dǎo),指揮;故選 C項

31、切題。59. 考查名詞詞義辨析。我沒有想到這是多么巧合的一件事呀!A. coincidence巧合,巧事;B. change改變,變更,變換;C. pity憐憫,同情;D. pain疼痛;痛苦。故選 A項切題。60. 考查介詞詞組詞義辨析。我高興的是我在那兒及時幫助了我的兒子。A. on board在船上;B. in time及時;C. for sure肯定;D. on purpose目的。故選 B項切題。點(diǎn)睛:occur和happen的區(qū)別1. occur是比較正式的用語,可用于具體或抽象的事物,通常指按計劃或規(guī)律在較為確定的時間發(fā)生的事。跟to短語時,表示 想到”而不是 發(fā)生”例如:Som

32、ething occurred意 思是某事發(fā)生了 ”。An idea occurs to me that going to Switzerla nd for traveli ng will be marvelous!我想至 U去瑞士旅游會很棒!2. happen常指具體事件的發(fā)生,特別指那些偶然的或未能預(yù)見的發(fā)生”,是不及物動詞。例如:How did the accide nt happe n? 這事故是怎樣發(fā)生的 ?If anything happe ns, please let me know. 有什么事發(fā)生,請告訴我。如果happen后接不定式,是 碰巧的意思。如:I happe ned

33、 to meet him on my way home.我在回家的路上碰巧遇至U他。注意:happen和happen to都是不及物動詞或短語,不能用于被動語態(tài)?!?018 全國III閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。When most of us get a text message on our cell pho ne from an unknown pers on, we usually say sorry, _41_ number! and move on. But when Dennis Williams _ _42_ _ a t

34、ext that clearly wasn t intended for him, he did some_hin_43_ .On March 19, Dennis got a group text 44_ him that a couple he did nknow wetre atthe hospital, waiting for the _45_ of a baby. Con gratulati ons! But I think some one was mistake n, Dennis 46. The babywas born and update texts were _ _47_

35、 quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. Inher 48 , she didn t seem to realize that she w_s 49 the baby s photos with a complete stranger. Well, I don t50 you all but I will get there to take pictures withthe baby, replied Dennis before asking which room the new 51 were in.Much to the family

36、 s surprise, Dennis stuck to hiS52 ! He turned up at the hospital53 gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey s husband was totally54 by the unexpected visit. I don t think we would have randomly iriited him overbut we 55 it and the gifts.Teresa 56 a photo of the cha nee meet ing on

37、 a social n etwork ing website57by the touching words: What a 58 this young man was to our family! Hewas so 59 and kind to do this. H The post has since gained the 60 of socialmedia users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just threedays.41. A. unluckyB. secre

38、tC. newD.wrong42. A. receivedB. tran slatedC. copiedD.prin ted43. A. reas on ableB. specialC. necessaryD.practical44. A. convincingB. remindingC. i nformi ngD.warni ng45. A. wake-upB. recoveryC. growthD. arrival46. A. resp on dedB. i nterruptedC. predictedD.repeated47. A. coming inB. setti ng outC.

39、pass ing dow nD.moving around48. A. opi nio nB. an xietyC. exciteme ntD. effort49. A. compari ngB. excha ngingC. discuss ingD.shari ng50. A. acceptB. knowC. believeD.bother51. A. pare ntsB. doctorsC. patie ntsD.visitorsmak ing54. A. discourageddefeatedB. relaxedC. ast oni shedD.55. A. admitB.needC.

40、appreciateD.expect56. A. foundB. selectedC. developedD.posted57. A. con firmedB. simplifiedC. clarifiedD.accompa nied58. A. pityB. bless ingC. reliefD.problem59. A. smartB. calmC. sweetD. fairD.60. A. sympathyB. atte ntio nC. con trolD. trust【答案】41. D42. A43. B44. C45. D46. A47. A48. C49. D50. B51.

41、A52. B53. A54. C55. C56. D57. D58. B59. CD.52. A. dreamB. promiseC. agendaprin ciple53. A. beari ngB. collect ingC. ope ning60. B【解析】本文為記敘文。文章主要講述了Dennis Williams認(rèn)真對待陌生人的信息,使陌生人倍受感動的故事。41. D.考查形容詞。根據(jù)后文But whe n Denn is Williams42 a text that clearly was ntinten ded for him, he did someth ing 43以及后文他

42、所做的事情可以得知,大部分人會回應(yīng)撥錯號了。A. unlucky不幸的;B. secret秘密的;C. new新的;D. wrong錯誤的。故選 D。42. 考查動詞。根據(jù)文章第一句 When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person 可以推知,他接到了電話。 A. received 收到;B. translated 翻譯;C. copied 復(fù)制;D. printed印刷。故選 A。43. B.考查形容詞。根據(jù)后文內(nèi)容可知,他做了與眾不同的事情,所以用special合適。A.reasonabl

43、e 合理的;B. special 特別的;C. necessary必要的;D. practical 現(xiàn)實(shí)可行的。44. C 考查動詞。根據(jù)后句a couple he didn t weowat the hospital, waiting for theofa baby.可知,這對陌生夫婦是在告訴他這個消息。A. convincing讓人信服的;B. reminding提醒;C. informing 通知;D. warning 警告。故選 C。45. D考查名詞。根據(jù)下文 The baby was born可知,他們在等候新生兒的到來。A. wake-up醒來;B. recovery 恢復(fù);C.

44、 growth 成長;D. arrival 到來。故選 D。46. A考查動詞。根據(jù)前句內(nèi)容可知,這是Dennis的回復(fù)。A. responded回復(fù);B. interrupted打斷;C. predicted 預(yù)料;D. repeated 重復(fù)。故選 A。47. A 考查動詞短語。根據(jù)本句The baby was born and update texts were 47 quicklyfrom the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa.可知,消息很快再次進(jìn)來。 A. coming in 進(jìn)來;B. setting out 著手; C. passing down使流

45、傳; D. moving around 走來走去。故選A。48. C.考查名詞。根據(jù)本句In her 48, she didn t seem to realize that she was49the baby s photos with a complete strang可知,這位媽媽太興奮,沒有意識到把照片分享給 了陌生人。A. opinion 觀點(diǎn);B. anxiety 焦慮;C. excitement 興奮;D. effort 努力。故選 C。49. D.考查動詞。根據(jù)后文I will get there to take pictures with the baby replied De

46、nn is beforeasking which room the new 51 were in 可知,Dennis 收到了 Teresa發(fā)來的照片,所以是她跟 陌生人分享了照片。A. comparing 比較;B. exchanging 交換;C. discussing討論;D. sharing分享。故選Dot know50. B 考查動詞。根據(jù)前文 Denn is got a group text44 him that a couple he did n可知,Dennis 不認(rèn)識他們。A. accept 接受;B. know 認(rèn)識,了解;C. believe 相信;D. bother 打擾

47、,麻煩。故選E。A. parents 父母;B. doctors 醫(yī)生;53 gifts for the new motherLindsey和她的孩子禮物的承諾。51. 考查名詞。根據(jù)前文可以推知,這對夫婦為新父母。C. patients 病人;D. visitors 游客。故選 A。52. B 考查名詞。根據(jù)后文He turned up at the hospitalLin dsey and her baby boy.可知,他堅守了自己對于新媽媽A. dream 夢想;B. promise 承諾;C. agenda 會議議程;D. principle 原則。故選 B。53. A考查動詞。根據(jù)

48、語境可知,他是拿著禮物來的。A. bearing攜帶,拿;B. collecting收集;C. opening 打開;D. making 制造。故選 A。54. C考查形容詞。根據(jù)unexpected可知,她丈夫是十分驚訝。 A. discouraged沮喪;B. relaxed放松的;C. astonished吃驚的;D. defeated打敗的。故選 C。55. C考查動詞。根據(jù)語境以及后文往網(wǎng)上發(fā)帖可知,Teresa夫婦十分感激 Dennis的到來以及帶來的禮物。 A. admit承認(rèn);B. need需要;C. appreciate感激;D. expect期望。故選 C。56. D 考查

49、動詞。根據(jù)后文The post has since gained the 60 of social media users all over theworld, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.可知,她把照片貼 到了網(wǎng)上。A. found 發(fā)現(xiàn);B. selected 選擇;C. developed 發(fā)展;D. posted 發(fā)帖。故選 D。57. D考查動詞。根據(jù)語境可知,照片后面附著一段感人的文字。A. con firmed確定;B. simplified簡化;C. clarifi

50、ed 分類;D. accompanied 伴隨著。故選 D。58. B考查名詞。根據(jù)語境可推知,這位母親認(rèn)為這位年輕的陌生人來看望寶寶是上帝的祝福。A. pity同情,憐憫;B. blessing祝福;C. relief放松,如釋重負(fù);D. problem問題。故選 B。59. C考查形容詞。根據(jù)語境He was so 59 and kind to do this.可知,與kind并列,所以用sweet, 表甜美善良。A. smart聰明的;B. calm冷靜的;C. sweet甜美的;D. fair公平的。故選 C。60. B 考查名詞。根據(jù)文章最后一句 The post has si ne

51、e gai ned the 60 of social media users allover the world, receivi ng more tha n 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days. 可知,三 天里有184,000人分享,61,500點(diǎn)贊,所以是引起了極大關(guān)注。A. sympathy同情;B. attention關(guān)注;C. control控制;D. trust信任。故選 B。【點(diǎn)睛】完形填空的解題技巧之一就是要根據(jù)上下文來學(xué)會推理”出最佳選項。同學(xué)們要遵循 上下求索”的原則來查找信息。例如,第5,11小題可以判斷這

52、對夫婦在等待新生兒的出生,所以這對夫婦是新父母。而第16, 20題是相互聯(lián)系的,可以推斷出他們是在網(wǎng)上發(fā)帖,引起了人們的關(guān)注。而根據(jù)文章第1題和第3題可知,Dennis做的是與眾不同的事情,所以完形填空的解答要注重上下文的結(jié)合?!?018 浙江卷】閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題紙上將該項涂黑。We have all heard how time is more valuable than money, but is it 36_ 一 to have too much?I _37_ _back in high school I s

53、pent most of my day at school since I also _38_ _a teamsport. By the time I got home, I only had a few hours to do my homework, and I had to do it39When I got into college, things _40_ _ I suddenly found myself out of class before noontime. Because of all this _ 一41_ there was no sense of _ _42_ to

54、do my school workimmediately. I was perform ing this actio n of wait ing un til it later became43. Once thathappe ned, I just kept44my study ing further and further back in my day. Then I got to thepoint where I was 45 really late at night to get my work alone.One day I 46 a former classmate of mine

55、 who was 47 a lot of money running a sideli ne(副業(yè)).S ince his regular job was 48, I asked him why he just did nt dohis sideline full-time. He said without the job, he would 49 have too much time and would just do what I did back in 50 .He said that if he 51 the job, he would lose his 52 to work and succee


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