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1、1外文資料翻譯譯文歐盟國內(nèi)外銀行盈利能力影響因素分析摘要:本文使用銀行級數(shù)據(jù),通過1995 - 2001年期間國內(nèi)和外國銀行在15個歐盟國家的商業(yè)運營情況來了解銀行的具體特點和整體銀行業(yè)環(huán)境對影響盈利能力。結(jié)果表明, 國內(nèi)和外國銀行的盈利能力不僅受銀行具體特點的影響,也受金融市場結(jié)構(gòu)和宏觀經(jīng)濟條件的影響。除了在集中情況下國內(nèi)銀行利潤, 所有的變量都是有重大意義的,盡管它們的影響和關(guān)系對國內(nèi)和國外銀行并不總是相同。1 介紹 在過去的幾年許多的因素造成了歐盟銀行業(yè)競爭日益激烈。最重要的因素之一是針對服務(wù)、建立、運行和監(jiān)督信貸機構(gòu)的第二個歐洲指令出臺,在銀行和金融領(lǐng)域放松管制。這個指令為所有歐洲銀行

2、機構(gòu)在單一歐洲金融市場和提供了平等的競爭條件,因此銀行正在先前無法預(yù)料的國內(nèi)外競爭之中。另外, 最近一些的技術(shù)進步對規(guī)模經(jīng)濟和范圍提供了更多的機會,而采用歐元也加速了行業(yè)的變化。此外,宏觀經(jīng)濟政策后大多數(shù)國家通貨膨脹率和利率逐步降低。最后,在越來越多的歐洲國家非金融公司被允許提供傳統(tǒng)的銀行服務(wù),并且在競爭中進一步提高,銀行被迫產(chǎn)生新的產(chǎn)品和尋找新客戶。許多銀行為了參加歐洲市場和銀行業(yè)擴大被迫增加規(guī)模,通過合并和收購的方式進行了前所未有的整合。在環(huán)境快速變化的情況下,這些變化給在歐盟的銀行帶來很大的挑戰(zhàn),因此影響了他們的效能。格林指出,充足的收益是必要的條件讓銀行保持償付能力,在一個合適的環(huán)境生

3、存、發(fā)展和繁榮??紤]到銀行業(yè)的健康發(fā)展和經(jīng)濟知識增長,影響銀行的盈利能力的潛在因素不僅和管理者有關(guān),而且和眾多利益相關(guān)者如中央銀行,銀行家協(xié)會、政府以及其他金融當局有關(guān)。2 文獻綜述參考文獻與本文可分為三大類。第一部分是研究集中于銀行的盈利能力的決定因素。第二部分包括研究歐洲銀行的利潤和成本效率。第三由研究比較國內(nèi)外銀行。在下面幾個部分中,我們討論這些類別中的每一個。3 決定因素和變量選擇31 因變量本研究使用平均資產(chǎn)回報率(ROAA)來評估銀行的性能。ROAA是把凈利潤表示為一個百分比的平均總資產(chǎn)。它顯示了每歐元資產(chǎn)獲得的利潤并指明如何有效的銀行的資產(chǎn)去設(shè)法創(chuàng)造收益。平均資產(chǎn)是用來在會計年度

4、中發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn)資產(chǎn)上的任何差異。Golin(2001)指出,平均資產(chǎn)回報率是衡量盈利能力的關(guān)鍵。32 決定因素和獨立變量四個銀行特征用作內(nèi)部決定因素。這些都是銀行的總資產(chǎn)、成本收入比、權(quán)益與資產(chǎn)比率和銀行的貸款的比率除以客戶和短期融資。此外,六個外部因素是用來檢查環(huán)境的影響對銀行的表現(xiàn)。4 數(shù)據(jù)和方法我們的示例是一個平衡面板數(shù)據(jù)集,由在15個歐盟國家的584家商業(yè)銀行從1995 - 2001年期間的4088組數(shù)據(jù)組合而成。表2和表3分別展示了目前銀行的數(shù)量所屬的國家和所有權(quán)和樣本特征。5 實證結(jié)果表4報告對銀行的平均資本回報率(ROAA)的實證估計。第一列體現(xiàn)了把所有的銀行(584)同時考慮的結(jié)果




8、正相關(guān)關(guān)系,出乎我們的意料,雖然與伯克(1989)和Kosmidou(2006)的研究一致。無論是國內(nèi)或國外銀行,規(guī)模(SIZE)之間的關(guān)系和銀行的業(yè)績是負的。負系數(shù)表明,在這兩種銀行中,大銀行的收入水平就會低于的利潤,研究也發(fā)現(xiàn)要么經(jīng)濟規(guī)模和范圍為較小的銀行或金融機構(gòu)的規(guī)模不夠大。范德Vennet(1998)發(fā)現(xiàn)的證據(jù)表明,在歐盟規(guī)模經(jīng)濟效益只有在根據(jù)資產(chǎn)小于10億歐元的最小銀行才有效,此后報酬不變和規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟的最大銀行超過1000歐億。 6 結(jié)語在最近幾年中,許多因素加劇了歐盟銀行業(yè)的競爭,尤其是銀行的操作環(huán)境的急速變化給銀行帶來了巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。這是合理的假設(shè)去認為所有這些變化都必然會對銀行

9、的表現(xiàn)有一定的影響。格林在2001年指出,銀行需要足夠的資金以維持償債能力并在合適的環(huán)境中生存。銀行的效率和經(jīng)濟增長之間的關(guān)系是有據(jù)可查的。與此同時,銀行的破產(chǎn)會對經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)生不利的后果。因此,認識影響銀行的盈利能力的潛在因素是必不可少的,不僅是為了銀行經(jīng)理,也是為了在15個歐盟國家眾多的利益相關(guān)者,如的中央銀行,銀行協(xié)會,政府和其他金融機構(gòu)。從這項研究中得出的結(jié)論對于那些經(jīng)濟和銀行系統(tǒng)正經(jīng)歷根本性變化的新歐盟國家都是很有意義的。2外文原文Factors influencing the profitability of domestic and foreign commercial banks i

10、n the European UnionAbstractUsing bank level data this paper examines how banks specific characteristics and the overall banking environment affect the profitability of commercial domestic and foreign banks operating in the 15 EU countries over the period 19952001. The results indicate that profitab

11、ility of both domestic and foreign banks is affected not only by banks specific characteristics but also by financial market structure and macroeconomic conditions. All the variables, with the exception of concentration in the case of domestic banks profits, are significant although their impact and

12、 relation with profits is not always the same for domestic and foreign banks.Keywords Banks; European Union; Profitability1. IntroductionOver the last years a number of factors have contributed to the growing competition in the European Union (EU) banking sector. One of the most important factors is

13、 deregulation, promoted by the Second European Directive on Banking and Financial services, concerning establishment, operation and supervision of credit institutions. This Directive sets out the principles of banking in the Single European financial market and provides equal competitive conditions

14、for all European banking institutions. As a result banks now compete in previously inaccessible domestic and foreign markets. Furthermore, a number of recent technological advances offered more opportunities for economies of scale and scope while the adoption of euro accelerated the changes in the i

15、ndustry. For instance, income generation from foreign exchange transactions has been lost while the pricing of banking products and services has become more transparent, enhancing competition. Furthermore, the macroeconomic policies that were followed in most countries gradually reduced inflation an

16、d interest rates. Finally, in more and more European countries non-financial firms were allowed to offer traditional banking services, leading to further increase in competition. Therefore, banks were forced to generate new products and seek new customers. This is reflected in the continued diversif

17、ication across geographical areas and business lines. Many banks have been forced to increase in size in order to compete in the enlarged European market and the banking industry experienced an unprecedented level of consolidation through mergers and acquisitions.It is reasonable to assume that all

18、these changes posed great challenges to banks in the EU as the environment in which they operated changed rapidly, a fact that consequently had an impact on their performance. As Golin (2001) points out adequate earnings are required in order for banks to maintain solvency, to survive, grow and pros

19、per in a suitable environment. Given the relation between the well-being of the banking sector and the growth of the economy (Rajan and Zingales, 1998, Levine, 1997andLevine, 1998), knowledge of the underlying factors that influence banks profitability is essential not only for the managers of the b

20、anks but for numerous stakeholders such as the Central Banks, Bankers Associations, Governments, and other Financial Authorities. Knowledge of these factors would also be of particular interest to the new EU countries whose economies and banking systems are experiencing fundamental changes during th

21、is period.The aim of this paper is to extent earlier work on the determinants of profitability of banks in the EU and examine to what extent the performance of commercial banks operating in EU markets is influenced by internal factors (i.e. banks specific characteristics) and to what extent by exter

22、nal factors (i.e. macroeconomic and financial market structure) in view of the ongoing process of integration and concentration. Although a growing literature uses efficient frontier approaches to examine the profit and cost efficiency of EU banks (e.g., Altunbas et al., 2001andSchure et al., 2004),

23、 to our best knowledge, there are only few studies that focus on the determinants of profitability while focusing on the EU as a total1 (e.g., Molyneux and Thorton, 1992andStaikouras and Wood, 2003).Molyneux and Thorton (1992) were the first that examined the determinants of banks profitability oper

24、ating in 18 European countries over the period 19861989. Most recently the European banking sector was examined by Staikouras and Wood (2003) that considered banks from 13 EU countries over the period 19941998. The present study attempts to provide additional and more recent evidence on the determin

25、ants of banks profitability in the EU. In order to accomplish this task, our paper differs from the earlier mentioned studies in several aspects. First of all, we include more recent years in the analysis by examining the period 19952001. Furthermore, we examine more factors by introducing the influ

26、ence of additional financial market structure variables such as stock market capitalization to GDP, stock market capitalization to assets of deposits money banks and assets of deposits money banks to GDP, not considered in the above studies. Finally, we are the first that distinguish between foreign

27、 and domestic banks. During the last years both developed and developing countries around the world have relaxed restrictions on foreign banking and most of them now allow more foreign banks to undertake more banking-related activities in their domestic banking markets, mainly because of the increas

28、ingly importance of international trade in goods and financial services. As Goddard et al. (2001) point out since 1989 the number of foreign banks has increased in every banking market in Europe, which now hold a large proportion of banking assets in the UK (53% of banking sector assets in 1999), Be

29、lgium (24% of assets in 1999), Portugal (12% of assets in 1999) and France (12% in 1999). Previous studies that distinguish between domestic and foreign banks focus mostly on differences on profit and cost efficiencies using frontier approaches (e.g., Berger et al., 2000andSathye, 2001) or financial

30、 characteristics that differentiate these two groups of banks (e.g., Kosmidou et al., 2006a) and not on whether the internal and external determinants of profitability among domestic and foreign banks are different.The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a literature revie

31、w of related studies. Section 3 describes the dependent and independent variables while Section 4 presents the data and methodology used in the study. The empirical results are presented in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, the concluding remarks are discussed.2. Literature reviewPrior literature re

32、lated to the present paper can be classified in three broad categories. The first consists of studies that focus on the determinants of banks profitability. The second consists of studies that examine the profit and cost efficiency of European banks. The third consists of studies that compare domest

33、ic and foreign banks. In the following sections we discuss each one of these categories.2.1. Studies on the determinants of profitabilityFollowing the early studies of Short (1979) and Bourke (1989) a number of more recent studies have attempted to identify some of the major determinants of banks pr

34、ofitability. They consider internal and external factors and examine a single country (e.g., Berger, 1995, Angbazo, 1997, Guru et al., 1999, Ben Naceur, 2003, Mamatzakis and Remoundos, 2003, Kosmidou et al., 2005andKosmidou, 2006) or a panel of countries (Molyneux and Thorton, 1992, Demirguc-Kunt an

35、d Huizinga, 1999, Abreu and Mendes, 2001, Staikouras and Wood, 2003, Hassan and Bashir, 2003andGoddard et al., 2004). In the discussion that follows we focus on the studies that examine the EU banking market.2The study of Molyneux and Thorton (1992) is one of the first that examines the determinants

36、 of banks profitability in several countries. The results indicate a positive association between the return on equity and the level of interest rates, bank concentration and the government ownership. In a more recent study, Abreu and Mendes (2001) examine Portugal, Spain, France and Germany and fin

37、d that loan to assets and equity to assets ratios have a positive impact on interest margins and profitability. They also find that operating costs have a positive impact on net interest margins measures but not on profits measures, while the opposite holds for banks market share. From the macroecon

38、omic variables, inflation is relevant in all cases, while the nominal effective exchange rate does not have an impact on performance. The unemployment rate has a negative sign in all regressions and is significant in the case of profits although not on net interest margins measures. Staikouras and W

39、ood (2003) examine the performance of a sample of banks operating in thirteen EU banking markets. The results indicate that loans to assets ratio and the proportion of loan loss provisions are inversely related to banks return on assets, as well as that banks with greater levels of equity are relati

40、vely more profitable. The funds gap ratio is also significant and positively related to performance. Furthermore, the authors found no evidence to support either the structureconductperformance or the efficient hypothesis. Two of the three macroeconomic indicators, the variability of interest rates

41、and the growth of GDP had a negative impact, while the level of interest rates had a positive effect. Goddard et al. (2004) investigate the determinants of profitability in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, for the period 199298. They find only weak evidence for any consistent or sy

42、stematic sizeprofitability relationship and a positive relationship between capital-assets ratio and profitability. The relationship between the importance of off-balance-sheet business in a banks portfolio and profitability is positive for the UK, but either neutral or negative elsewhere.2.2. Studi

43、es on the profit and cost efficiency of EU banksIn recent years, there has also been an increase of academic studies that focus on the efficiency of financial institutions using frontier analysis. Berger and Humphrey (1997) outline 130 studies, covering 21 countries, multiple time periods and variou

44、s types of institutions that applied three parametric (i.e. stochastic frontier approach (SFA), distribution free approach (DFA), thick frontier approach (TFA) and two non-parametric (i.e. data envelopment analysis (DEA), free disposal hull (FDH) frontier approaches for determining the best-practice

45、 frontier against which relative efficiencies are measured.3 The efficiency of a bank is measured relatively to that of the best-practice banks of similar size, with most studies focusing on cost efficiency rather than profit efficiency.4 Some recent studies also consider both cost and profit effici

46、ency (e.g., Berger and Humphrey, 1997andBerger and Mester, 1997), as well as risk variables (e.g., Berger and DeYoung, 1997, Berg et al., 1992, McAllister and McManus, 1993, Mester, 1996andRao, 2005).Although the EU is considered relatively under researched (given its size and importance) there is n

47、ow a growing strand of literature that examines the efficiency of EU banking institutions. Examples of such studies are Altunbas et al. (2001), Bikker (2002), Maudos et al. (2002), Schure et al. (2004) and Staikouras et al. (2005). The studies of Dietsch and Weil (1998), Cavallo and Rossi (2002), Ca

48、su and Molyneux (2003), are also interesting as they focus on most of the main EU banking sectors. Earlier studies, as the ones of Berg et al. (1993), Pastor et al. (1995), Lang and Welzel (1996), Lozano-Vivas (1997), Dietsch and Lozano-Vivas (2000), focus mostly on sub-sets of selected markets or i

49、ndividual countries such as the nordic countries, France, Germany and Spain among others.2.3. Studies on foreign versus domestic banksOther studies have employed similar techniques to compare the efficiency of foreign and domestic banks. Hasan and Hunter (1996), Mahajan et al. (1996), and Chang et a

50、l. (1998) conclude that foreign banks in the US are less cost efficient than domestic banks, while Seth (1992) and Nolle (1995), find that foreign-owned banks are not as profitable as domestically owned banks. Similar results were obtained in studies which examined the Australian market. Using DEA S

51、athye (2001) found foreign banks to be less efficient than domestic, while comparable results were obtained by Avkiran (1997).Fewer studies have examined European markets. After estimating separate frontiers for foreign and domestic banks in Spain, Hasan and Lozano-Vivas (1998) find that foreign ban

52、ks are about equal as profit efficiency as domestic banks. Berger et al. (2000) estimate cost and profit frontiers to compare the efficiency of banks in France, Germany, Spain, UK and US. For the US case, the results showed that domestic banks are on average less cost efficient than foreign banks. F

53、or the EU countries, cost efficiency and profit efficiency were found higher for domestic banks than foreign banks in three cases (i.e. France, Germany, UK), but the difference was not found to be statistically significant. Using a multicriteria decision aid methodology, Kosmidou et al. (2004) find

54、that domestic banks exhibit higher overall performance compared to foreign banks operating in the UK. Kosmidou et al. (2006a) examine how foreign banks differ from domestic banks in the UK and find that the later are characterized by higher return on equity, net interest revenue to total earning ass

55、ets, and loans to customer and short term funding.Studies that compare the performance of foreign and domestic banks in developing countries yield in general different results. Demirguc-Kunt and Huizinga (1999) as well as Claessens et al. (2001) find foreign banks to be disadvantaged compared to dom

56、estic banks in developed countries although not in less developed countries. Finally, in a more recent study, Fries and Taci (2005) examine the cost efficiency in 15 post-communist countries. The results indicate that privatized banks with majority foreign ownership are the most cost efficient ones

57、and those with domestic ownership are the least, though both being more efficient than state-owned banks.3. Determinants and variable selection3.1. Dependent variableThis study uses return on average assets (ROAA) to evaluate banks performance. ROAA is the net profits expressed as a percentage of av

58、erage total assets. It shows the profits earned per euro of assets and indicates how effectively the banks assets are being managed to generate revenues. Average assets are being used in order to capture any differences that occurred in assets during the fiscal year. As Golin (2001) points out, retu

59、rn on average assets is the key measure of profitability.3.2. Determinants and independent variablesFour bank characteristics are used as internal determinants of performance. These are the banks total assets, the cost to income ratio, the ratio of equity to assets and the ratio of banks loans divided by customers and short term funding. In addition, six external determi


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