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1、遂寧市高2018級第一次診斷性考試英語本試卷由四個部分組成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一節(jié)為選擇題,第三部分的第二節(jié)和第四部分為非選擇題。滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘。注意事項:1.答卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、準考證號和座位號填寫在答題卡上。2.回答選擇題時,選出每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡對應題目標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案標號?;卮鸱沁x擇題時,將答案寫在答題卡上,寫在本試卷上無效。3.考試結束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并收回。第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30分)做題時,先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內容結束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉涂到答題卡上。.第一節(jié)

2、(共5 小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話,每段對話后有一個小題。從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀- -遍。1. Where does the conversation take place?A.At a party.B. At home.C. In a shop.2. What will Jack do this Sunday evening?A. Come to see Susan.B. Attend Marks party.C. See off his fri

3、end.3. What does Dave enjoy doing?A. Collecting magazines.B. Reading magazines.C. Learning Chinese.4. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends.B. Strangers.C. Colleagues.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A film.B. A travel.C. A T-shirt.第二節(jié)(共15 小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分

4、)聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題。6. Whats the weather like now?A. Cold.B. Hot.C. Warm.7. Where does theman choose to go?A. To the Mediterranean.B.To the Caribbean.C. To Tunisia.聽第7段材料,回答第89題。8. What

5、time does the boy take a break in the afternoon?9. A. At 1:00.B. At 3:00.C. At 4:00.9. What will the woman do tomorrow?A. Buy some uniforms.B. Go to the boys school.C. Choose which subject to learn.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。10. Where are the speakers now?A. In a post office.B.In a store.C. In a school.11. Wh

6、at day is it today?A. Monday.B. Tuesday.C. Wednesday.12. What is Shelley like?A. Shes serious.B. Shes considerate.C. Shes relaxed.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13. What do we know about the man?A.Hes a new flat-mate. B. Hes an Italian painter.C. Hes a part-time cleaner.14. Where is the womans sister now?A. In Sy

7、dney.B. In Oxford.C. In Rome.15. Who gave the hat to the man?A. His brother.B. His parents.C. His friend.16. What did the man do last month?A. He went to South Africa.B. He received a birthday gift. C. He bought a mask for Alice.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17. How many people survived the huge wave?A.3.B.7.C.

8、9.18. How did the school headmistress help the children regain their confidence?A. By asking them to go back to school.B. By discussing what to do in the future.C. By introducing voluntary work to them.19. What did the children decide to rebuild?A. Their own houses.B. Their school garden.C. Their sc

9、hool library.20. What is The Alert Rabbit?A. A life-saving bag.B. A name of a natural disaster.C. A story on dealing with a disaster.第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié) ,滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A.B .C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。AWP Puppet Pop-Up StudioIt is a monthly puppet(木偶 ) making and performing workshop offered

10、on the third Saturdayof each month at different places in Calgary. The workshops are suitable for people with differentskill levels and encourage all family members, youngsters and elders to create art and dramatogether , with a different theme each month. But for 2020 , we cant get together for fun

11、 , and you canenjoy it online.Michaels Kids ClubLet your kids explore their art creativity here. Kids 3 and up can enjoy a quick project andtake home a finished masterpiece. Sign up online,or just drop in. Only $3 per child reserves 30minutes for your creative kid. The project starts every half hour

12、 between 10 am and 11:30 am onSaturday mornings.Contemporary CalgaryIt is an art gallery and contemporary art museum. People can enjoy the art of our times throughexhibitions , speeches , and education programs here. It is open from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays andcloses at 10 pm on weekends. Kids under

13、 12 years old are free.Leighton Art CentreIt is full of fine crafts(工藝品) and artwork by local artists, where you find truly unique giftsfor your loved ones, For 2020 , it is staying until December 20th to give visitors more opportunities tocome in person, while still making sure of social distancing

14、 in the house. To avoid the chance of having to line up outside, purchase a $10 ticket in advance for a 9 - 10 am shopping time onSaturday or Sunday morning.21. What do we know about WP Puppet Pop-Up Studio?A. Its open to people of all skill levels.B. Its works are exhibited for a month.C. It has a

15、different theme every year.D. Its activities begin every half hour.22. Where will Mr. Smith go if he wants to buy a special present for his kids?A. Michaels Kids Club.B. Leighton Art Centre.C. Contemporary Calgary.D. WP Puppet Pop-Up Studio.23. What do the four places have in common?A. They are all

16、open on Sundays.B. They organize activities offline.C. They are all free for children.D. They are related to art activities.BMagawa was born in Tanzania in 2014 , and hes a little bigger than normal rats. Magawa andseveral other rats are part of the Hero Rat program run by a group called APOPO. Beca

17、use therats are so light , theres little danger that they will cause accidents while working.From a young age he was trained to sniff out TNT( 炸藥). The training normally takes about ayear. Magawas main job is to sniff out a trickier kind of bomb, known as a mine which is hidden,usually underground.

18、In Cambodia , where Magawa works , mines were common during long periodsof civil war between 1975 and 1988. During that time , around 5 million mines were planted in thecountry. About half of Cambodias minefields havent yet been cleared. Since 1979 , these mines havekilled or injured over 64 ,000 pe

19、ople.Magawa is taken out to a minefield, which he carefully goes over , section by section. Magawasmaster , Malen , guides him carefully across the field on a leash( 繩子 ). When Magawa finds a mine,he scratches at the dirt above it , wigwagging that hes found something.Because the rats work by sniffi

20、ng , theyre very fast. It only takes Magawa 30 minutes to searchan area asbig as a tennis court. A human doing the same job would take four days. Malen says thatMagawa and his colleagues are very confident in the field. He works quickly and is easily able to make decisions about whether something is

21、 a danger or not. Magawa is the star sniffer of the Hero Rat program. Hes found 39 landmines and 28 bombs that were dropped from planes , but never exploded.To honor Magawa , the PDSA made a special gold award that was small enough for Magawa to wear.24. What made Magawa join in the Hero Rat program

22、?A. His beneficial birthplace.B. His great achievements.C. His strict training.D. His being light in weight.25. What does the underlined word . wigwagging mean in paragraph 3?A. Signaling.B. Pretending.C. Remembering.D. Accepting.26. What can be inferred about Magawa when he is working?A. He finds a

23、 minefield ffectively.B. He makes accurate judgments.C. He has other rats act confidently.D. He spends less time digging mines.27. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A textbook.B. A novel.C. A magazine.D. A diary.CLong ago, writing was done on parchments- -thin, dried animal skins specially pr

24、epared forwriting. But the parchment wasnt easy to make and it wasnt cheap. Then , ancient people removedthe original writing from a parchment and then used it again for another piece of writing. Thats whatcreates a palimpsest.The writing removed from the parchment cant be seen directly. Generally ,

25、 finding hiddenwriting on very old documents is so unusual, but for scientists,it is just the opposite because theyhave learned ways to use special lighting to discover it. For young college students , doing this is adifferent matter. Last year , some students at the Rochester Institute of Technolog

26、y( RIT) took part ina class that brought together many students from different areas to do a project as a group, whichwas to build a special camera system that could take pictures by using different kinds of light. Butjust as the students were finishing up their project together ,COVID-l9 hit and th

27、e students could nolonger work on the project in person. Instead , they broke into smaller groups to try to finish parts ofthe project remotely. Although they met many tough problems, they communicated , sometimesfiercely , with each other timely online to settle them.Over the summer , they got spec

28、ial permission to continue working on the camera system , andthey managed to finish it. Then they borrowed several old parchments from the collection at theschools Cary Graphic Arts Collection. When they put one of the pages under their camera systemwith ultraviolet( UV) light( 紫外銭) , the hidden wri

29、ting appeared suddenly. The students are evenmore excited because even though the parchment is no longer part of a book , the students knowwhere 29 other pages from the same book are. They hope that these , too , will have hidden writing.28. Why did ancient people remove the old writing from a parch

30、ment?A. To re-use the parchment.B. To correct the words on it.C. To see the hidden writing.D. To sell it at a higher price.29. What do scientists think of their discovery of hidden writing on old documents?A. Its surprising.B. Its unexpected.C. Its common.D. Its creative.30. Hows the relationship am

31、ong the members of the project?A. Uneasy.B. Cooperative.C. Competitive.D. Casual.31. Whats the text mainly about?A. Students finding hidden writing.B. Scientists preserving parchments.C. The protection of old documents.D. A special camera system.DFabien Cousteau is the grandson of Jacques Cousteau,

32、an ocean scientist who brought thewonders of the sea to the attention of people around the world. Jacques Cousteau helped invent theAqua-Lung(水肺) ,now used by divers everywhere. Fabien Cousteau has followed a similar path,exploring the sea as a scientist and working to protect the oceans.Oceans cove

33、r more than 70% of our planet. NOAA says we have created maps of less than20% of the worlds oceans, and only 5% have been explored. Space seems to have gotten muchmore attention , even though its farther away. The International Space Station( ISS) has been aroundfor more than 20 years , and more peo

34、ple have gone to the moon than have gone to the deepest pointin the ocean.The ocean is our life support system. It is the very reason why we exist in the first place,Fabien says.But though the ocean is all around us , studying it is a challenge. Divers are limited in how fardown they can go and how

35、long they can stay below. Returning to the surface can be dangerous.Fabien has announced a plan to build a large research station under the ocean named Proteus,which is designed to deal with many of those problems. The power for the station is expected tocome from solar energy and the movement of th

36、e ocean. Fabien says that the research base wont justbe used to study and help protect the sea, but also to research new ways of creating energy , andperhaps even searching for new medicines. Proteus is also expected to have the first underwatergreenhouse in the world , so that the lab will be able

37、to grow some of its own food.Like the ISS , Proteus is designed so that it can grow in the future , as scientists decide to addnew sections or equipment to the station. Fabien hopes to have the lab completed and ready to useby 2023.32. What do we know about Fabien Cousteau?A. Hes doing what Jacques

38、once did.B. He took part in the work in the ISS.C. He built an undersea laboratory.D. He helped invent the Aqua-Lung.33. Why does the author mention the statistics in paragraph 2?A. To show the worlds oceans are vast.B. To prove oceans and space are vital.C. To advise people to protect oceans.D. To

39、tell why oceans need exploring.34. Which of the following can best describe Proteus?A. Environment-friendly.B. Water-saving.C. Expensive.D. Risky.35. What is the best title for the text?A. Fabiens Ocean Research AchievementsB. Proteus:Research Lab Growing GraduallyC. Proteus : Plan for Underwater Ve

40、rsion of ISSD. Fabiens Dream about Promoting his Station第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)根據短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多Everyone wants to be happy ,but for many of us , the path to contentment isnt always clear.Happiness isnt a passive state.36 If youre ready to start becoming a more joyful version ofyour

41、self , here are some habits that will help you get there.Practice gratitude( 感激). Think about all the things in your life that you appreciate and startwriting them down once a day. It can be one thing or many. The choice is yours!37Spend time with people who bring you joy. Make time for the friends

42、and family members whocelebrate your accomplishments and support you during hard times._ 38 When youre meetingnew people , stick to the ones who are full of happiness , which will increase your happiness.39Theres nothing like the feeling of achieving your dreams. Therefore , think about whatyou want

43、 out of life, large and small,and get to work on making it happen! Not only will thisincrease your confidence and self-worth,but it will also give you a sense of purpose !Give optimism a try.40For example, when you start to get stressed, think aboutsomething good from your day to balance out the neg

44、ative emotions( 負面情緒 ). Optimists make achoice to focus on the good in their life instead of on the bad.In one word , happiness is very attainable. It just takes some practice !A. Set and meet goals.B. Spend your time thinking about the past or future.C. Either way , this will bring your mind to the

45、 positive.D.It is easy to get stressed when you are always on-the-go.E. It is something we have to work toward each and every day!F. Do remember that these are your most valuable relationships!G. There are many ways to train your mind to look on the bright side.第三部分語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45 分)第一節(jié)(共20小題;每小題1.5

46、分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B .C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Loida Guillen Strong couldnt be prouder of her mom Mercedes,who has always put her familyfirst.Growing up in the Dominican Republic , Mercedes wanted to become a 41 . But when herfather died,she must make a 42 choice:stay in school or take care of

47、 her brother and sister.She43 the latter.As an adult , Mercedes44her dream once again to raise Loida and her brother. Theirfamily eventually moved to America, where Mercedes wasted no opportunity to45theimportance of a good education. She may have46 to leave school , but she wanted more for herkids.

48、Thanks to her moms47,Loida grew up to become a doctor, which was her momschildhood dream. After48for 10 years and saving some money,she thought it was her 49to make her mom proud!50,she began to study for a doctors degree. But Loida51 tokeep it a secret from her mom-for nearly three years !52,on Aug

49、ust l, 2020, the time came to53 her mom. Loida called her mother ,_54that she was ill in the University of Central Floridas College of Nursing. When Mercedesrushed inside 55 and saw Loida standing in a cap and gown(長袍 ). After learning the56 , the excited mom fell to her knees. That was a57 for Loid

50、a and herself!Loida told her,It is you that 58 me complete my dream. I want you to know that your59 sacrifice is not in vain. Lets send Loida and Mercedes our60! Theyve both worked so hard to make this dreamcome true !41. A. doctorB. teacherC. merchantD. politician42. A. wrongB. possibleC. quickD. d

51、ifficult43. A. createdB. chose .C. learntD. lost44. A. searched forB. gave awayC. put asideD. picked out45. A. ignoreB. rememberC. stressD. evaluate46. A. hadB. expectedC. happenedD. agreed47. A. influenceB. successC. backgroundD. challenge48. A. waitingB. studyingC. workingD. resting49. A. chanceB.

52、 turnC. curiosityD. interest50. A. StillB. EvenC. AgainD. Then51. A. hesitatedB. decidedC. failedD. promised52. A. QuicklyB. NaturallyC. FinallyD. Temporarily53. A. meetB. surpriseC. supportD. attract54. A. lyingB. respondingC. repeatingD. Predicting55. A. by mistakeB. by chanceC. in the endD. in a

53、hurry56. A. truthB. growthC. faithD. strength57. A. memoryB. habitC. dreamD. fact58. A. arrangedB. meantC. provedD. helped59. A. familiarB . unselfishC. unknownD.similar60. A. explanationsB. messagesC. giftsD. congratulations第二節(jié) (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處填人1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。Nowadays , every f

54、amily produces electronic rubbish( e-rubbish)- 61old TV or computerprinter ,or an out-of-date mobile phone we no longer need. But when we throw these everyday thingsaway, not many of62 ( we) know where these objects go. The reporter, Peter Essick , decided63( follow) this e-rubbish to several different countries around the world.Later, Essick found a lot of e-rubbish had gone to Ghana,64he saw mountains of oldcomputers. In the local markets,he65( discov


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