



1、on 表示在一物體上,強調兩物相接觸,over 也表示在一物體上,但強調覆蓋這一物體。試比較: she put her coat on the bed. 她把大衣放在床上。 she put her coat over the sleeping baby. 她把大衣蓋在那正在睡覺的孩子身上。theres a magazine lying open on the table.桌上有本雜志翻開著。theres a cloth over the table. 桌上攤著一塊臺布。 the woman lifted a big jar on her head. 那位婦女頭上頂著一只大壇子。 she put

2、 her hands over her face. 她用手遮住臉。over 表示“越過”某一高度,具有動態(tài)之意,on 僅表示“處于之上”,是靜態(tài)。試比較: they dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders. 他們肩背繩索拖拽巨石。(繩在肩膀兩邊彎下去,不用 on。) to my horror, i saw, over my fathers shoulder, a gorilla, the worst enemy of the soldier in africa. 使我感到恐怖的是,從我父親的肩膀上看過去,我發(fā)現(xiàn)非洲士兵最危險的敵

3、人一只大猩猩。(視線越過肩膀后,一直向前方延伸,不用 on. ) the farmers walked to their fields with hoes on their shoulders. 農民們肩上扛著鋤頭,向田地走去。(僅表示鋤頭所處的位置。是靜態(tài),用on,不用 over. )over 和 above 都可以用來表示“高于”,相當于“higher than”。例如: the water came up over/above our knees. 水已漲至我們膝蓋之上。 can you see the birds flying above/over the pear trees? 你看

4、到那一片梨樹上空飛翔的鳥嗎?如果要表示“覆蓋”或“越過”,則用 over。如: theres thick cloud over the south of england. 英格蘭南部地區(qū)一片烏云。 electricity cables went over the fields. 電纜線越過田野。(這句也可以用 across)指數量時,我們一般用 over(more than)表示“超過”,但如果指上下垂直的度量以及海拔高度時,要用 above。試比較: you have to be over 18 to see this film. 你得超過十八歲才能看這部電影。(不用 above) the

5、temperature is three degrees above zero. 溫度在零上三度。(不用over) the mountain is over(more than)4,000 metres above (higher than) sealevel. 那座ft海拔有四千多米高。over 表示在某人或某物的正上方,反義詞是 under。above 表示位置高于某人或某物。但不一定是正上方,反義詞是below.“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who learn to lear

6、n are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professional clerical and teaching position, i understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. this document is also edited by my s


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