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1、.抽檢必考題型信息匹配(一)左欄是一些學(xué)生心中的煩惱:右欄是解決問(wèn)題的建議。請(qǐng)根據(jù)左欄的題號(hào)在右欄中找出與其相配的一項(xiàng)并將答案的字母編號(hào)寫(xiě)在題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。右欄中有一項(xiàng)是多余的。( )1.I am the benchwarmer(坐冷板凳的人)of my soccer team.When there is a game ,the coach never asks me to play.I think Im a good player but I havent had the chance to show it .How do I get my coach to let me play?( )2.

2、What can I do if I find that my best friend has been telling me lies(謊)( )3.My mom always buys me clothes I dont like!But I usually dont tell her I dont like them. Im worried Ill hurt her feelings .Sometimes I tell her what I want to wear.But she still gets me what she wants me to wear .What should

3、I do?( )4.Im a top student in my class.But my best friends school grade is not good .Before the mid-term exams , he asked me to “help”himgive him answers in the exam .I dont know what to do . He is my best friend . But I dont want to cheat(作弊) in exams either .( )5.My best friend is telling everybod

4、y about my low grade(分?jǐn)?shù))on a test . Im mad at her .What should I do ?A.If your mom thinks the clothes you like arent good for you , you wont change her mind .But you should share your ideas with her when you go shopping . Try this, “I like these jeans because theyre comfortable,” or “I dont like lac

5、ey(有花邊的)things.”With a little time and effort , youll be able to get what you want .B.You have every right to be angry , and you should tell your friend how you feel . You could say , “My grades are my business , not yours. Im angry that you told people my test score . You had no right to do that .”

6、 Give her a chance to say sorry .Remember that a true friend shouldnt enjoy making you look bad .C.First put yourself in your friends shoes . Why did he or she need to lie to you? Is he or she in a dilemma(為難)?Then imagine you were in his or her position . Would you have done the same thing?If you w

7、ould ,then you have a reason to forgive them .D.This is a problem for friendship . You need to tell your friend to give your things back .If you dont ,you will become angrier.Then you may say something you regret !Try saying something like ,”Dont forget to give me back my ruler!Its the only one I ha

8、ve!”E.Talk to your coach . Let him know what you want .Say, “I think Im a good player,but Id like to be even better,Id really like to get some game time.”Then put your heart into practice,and cheer for your teammates at games.If your coach sees that youre a good player,youll be in the game soon.F.Do

9、nt help your friend cheat in exams.Its not a helpinghand .Its wrong . If you have time ,help him review the key points of every subject. Tell him you will help him in the future .You need to let your friend know that you want to help him.Though its not the way he wants ,its the right way .(二)左欄是危急情況

10、下的五種應(yīng)對(duì)措施,右欄是六種危險(xiǎn)情況。請(qǐng)將危險(xiǎn)情況與相應(yīng)的措施配對(duì)并將答案的字母編號(hào)寫(xiě)在前面的括號(hào)內(nèi)。右欄中有一項(xiàng)是多余的。( )1.Keep calm.If you cannot cry for help or run away,give the robber your money.Try to remember what the robber(強(qiáng)盜,盜賊)looks like and tell the people later .( )2.If you are hit by a car,remember the number of the car.If it is a bicycle,tr

11、y to contact your parents before you let the rider go.( )3.Dont stay in high places and keep away from big trees.( )4.Get away as fast as you can.Put something wet on your body and try to find an exit(出口).Do not take the elevator!( )5.If you cant swim,dont get into the water.Cry out for help.Remembe

12、r that danger is never as far away as you think.Look after yourself at all times.A. If you are ill.B. If it is raining hard and there is lighting(閃電).C. If someone is drowing(溺水).D. If you are in a traffic accident.E. When there is a fire. (三)左欄是正計(jì)劃暑假去旅游的五位同學(xué)。右欄是六條旅游線路的介紹,請(qǐng)選出符號(hào)各人需求的最佳選項(xiàng)的字母編號(hào)寫(xiě)在前面的括號(hào)內(nèi)

13、。右欄中有一項(xiàng)是多余的。( )1.Jennifer,a brave girl,has a special interest in wildlife.She wants to know how wildlife lives in an area.She would like to study the environment and wild animals.( )2.Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while .He and his classmates have decided to go to a place

14、where they can enjoy the local food,walking,rowing and fishing .( )3.Jane is longing for a break from school life.She wants to try something different and exciting. She is especially interested in mountain biking and water sports .( )4.George is chairman of the Student Clud,he often organizes activi

15、ties and games.Hed like to be a volunteer to attend outdoor activities to do something helpful to society .( )5.Tom is a sports fan and a lover of the outdoors .He would like to take a trip which offer mountain climding and rock climding .A. Trip to Count Black Bear The office of National Parks is n

16、ot sure how many black bears are still alive after the big fire in this area. Volunteers are needed to help count them.The trip will last three hours.Booking is essential .B. Trip to Garland Valley Bring your binoculars(雙筒望遠(yuǎn)鏡)and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area .Garland Valley is a part of t

17、he national park.Many wild animals live in this area,including many rare birds.This is a great walk for birdlovers .The trip lasts 5 days .C. Trip of Flashlight Adventure Put on your warm clothes ,bring a flashlight(手電筒) and come for a night walk,along the Dungog Valley.A guide will lead the tour.Ma

18、ny of the animals you will see on the trip can only be seen at night.This walk lasts two and a half hours .D. Trip to the Gung MountainWhitewater canoeing(激流獨(dú)木舟) is offered if you want to have fun on the river .Follow the guides,for it might be a dangerous trip for those who preper to stay on dry la

19、nd. If you want to experience excitement, you shouldnt miss it .E. Trip to Kansas Peaks Rock climbing and mountain climbing are offered in this trip,including an attempt of toping East Kansas Peak.Wear good walking shoes,bring enough water and food for your stay in the mountains. Join us and meet ne

20、w friends .F. Trip to the Log Cabin Area Horseback riding and hill walking are popular on the paths.Rowing and fishing activities are offered on the lake.The log cabin dining house was built in 1929 and offers good local food .Learn about the culture and have fun.(四)左欄是Sports Daily記者對(duì)五個(gè)人的采訪摘錄,右欄是運(yùn)動(dòng)專

21、家的一些建議,請(qǐng)判斷各建議是針對(duì)哪段采訪摘錄的,并將其字母編號(hào)填在前面的括號(hào)里。有一欄是多余的。( )1. “I think sport is bad for my heart.I have some problems with my heart and my doctor told me I had to rest .When I do sports I feel very tired and my heart beats faster .Im afraid of getting heart attacks”( )2. “Im not good at any sports. And I am

22、 fat .I cant play fast games such as football and basketball.When I do sports its hard for me to breathe.I think I have to rest more”( )3. “I dont have time to do any sports.I have to work from morning till night . I cant leave my office earlier . You see, I cant do sports ”( )4. “Oh, no.I did sport

23、s when I was young .Im too old to do any sports .I think what I need is rest ,not sports .If I dont have enough rest I get angry very easily .So you see how important rest is for me”( )5. “I think I am a lazy student .I dont like doing any sports, I always go out by bus or car .I even dislike doing

24、my homework .I am annoyed when I have to read , count ,or remember the notes”A. Do you want to lose weight and be healthier?Yes.Do sports .Im sure it can help you become slim. No sport is bad for your health .But if you breathe with difficulty,you can being with swimming or jogging (慢跑).B. Dont worr

25、y. Sport is good for your health . Of course,you cant do too much and you must go to your doctor and ask for advice. Of course you must exercise slowly at first .If you do sports every day,your heart will get stronger .C. Scientists say sports are helping people to learn or remember.If we can do spo

26、rts three times a week,it is good for us. For example,jogging is very good exercise.If we often jog in a week ,we can live longer .D. Why not try your best to take more exercise.Its good for your health.If you are strong enough,the illness will go away from you .E. It is very important to do sports.

27、 People who work long hours have to do some exercise,especially if they work in an office or have to sit down at work .You can find a place near your work or your home to do sports so it wont take you long to get there .F. Yes,rest is very important . It is also important for you to do some exercise

28、 .Sport is also a way of relaxation .It helps you to eat well and rest well.Its good for your health .(五)左欄是五個(gè)人的信息,右欄是六則廣告。請(qǐng)將五個(gè)人的需求與其相對(duì)應(yīng)的廣告配對(duì)并將其字母編號(hào)填在前面括號(hào)內(nèi)。右欄有一項(xiàng)是多余的。( )1.Candy want to help the people who lost their homes in the flood (水災(zāi)) in Shaoguan last year.( )2.Brain is going to send his deaf s

29、on to take some lessons to talk with others .( )3.Tom likes English and wants to buy some magazines to improve her English .( )4.Jack wants to buy some CDs for his father .( )5.Alices daughter likes to paint .So she wants to let her have the lessons A. Job Center .We have kind and good babysitters .

30、30 yuan/hour Tel:8B. Audio World .Many different kinds of CDs,VCDs on sale.Tel:6650123 Fax:6650321C. Victims Homes .There is a flood in Shaoguan last year.Some people lost their homes.So it accepted the victims(受災(zāi)者) in the flood.D. Little BookshopIt is a place which offers magazine for English learn

31、ers of all levels .E. Hope Center .The teachers are very friendly, they can bring new hopes to many blind and deaf people.The teachers will teachF. Childrens Palace .You can take your kids to have art lesson .You can learn how to paint .(六)左欄是五個(gè)中學(xué)生的周末活動(dòng)。右欄是對(duì)六幅照片的描述。請(qǐng)將這五個(gè)人的活動(dòng)與相對(duì)應(yīng)的照片說(shuō)明配對(duì)。并把選項(xiàng)的字母編號(hào)寫(xiě)在前面

32、的括號(hào)里。右欄中有一項(xiàng)是多余的。Weekend activities( )1.I had a great weekend .I went to the beach with my friends and we played volleyball .It was tring but fun !( )2.My weekend was fun . We went to the beach . I swam in the sea , but my friends didnt .( )3.I enjoyed myself in the mountains . The weather was cool a

33、nd cloudy,just right for walking .( )4.My weekend wasnt good .I went to the beach with my family .It was raining and we were cold and wet .( )5.I had a great weekend in Shnya . I visited my aunt .I sat by the swimming pool,drinking coke . It was very hot , but it was relaxing .Photo descriptions A.

34、photo one:A boy is swimming in the sea .Other boys are running on the beach .The sun is shinning .B. phono two:Its raining .A group of people are busy picking up the food and drinks on the beach .They look cold .C. photo three :A girl is watching TV at home .She is drinking coke .She is very relaxed

35、 .D. photo four:Its a sunny day .Some children are playing beach volleyball .E. photo five:This boy looks cool .He wears sunglasses and a hat.He is sitting by the swimming pool and drinking coke.Isnt he relaxed ?F. photo six:Its not cold or hot .And there is much cloud in the skySo you can see a boy

36、 walking in the mountain happily .(七)左欄是五個(gè)人想去的旅游的地點(diǎn)介紹。右欄是六種貨幣的介紹,請(qǐng)根據(jù)介紹,為每人選擇合適的旅游點(diǎn)使用的貨幣,并把選項(xiàng)的字母編號(hào)寫(xiě)在前面的括號(hào)里。右欄中有一項(xiàng)是多余的。( )1.Canny is going to visit Mount Fuji this Summer holiday.She wants to go shopping with her friend,Kokitoy,a beautiful Japanese girl .( )2.Jerry is an Amercian boy.He is going to vi

37、sit her pen pal,Malin Han in Shangxi Province.He wants Malin to have dumplings with him .( )3.Kinston wants to travel to several European countries ,at first ,hes going to buy beautiful clothes in Italy,then hes going to visit Spain,at last hes going to Greece .( )4.John is going to LEglise Russe in

38、 Russia. He wants to take some photos of the beautiful scenes .( )5.Rita is going to see the famous actors in Hollywood .Hes going to get their autographs and take photos with them .A. CNY Its the official currency(貨幣) of China .It is only used in China.B. USD Its the official currency of the United

39、 States .It is widely used in the US.C. EUR Its not used in every European Union country .Its just used in some EU members:Austria,Belgium,Finland,Germany,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Spain etc.D. GBP Its the basic currency of the United Kingdom.Its used in UK.E. RUB its the currency of the Russian Federati

40、on .It is used in Russia .F. JPY Yen is the currency used in Japan .It is only used in Japan .(八)左欄是五個(gè)經(jīng)常旅游的朋友的愛(ài)好介紹。右欄是六個(gè)世界著名的浪漫地點(diǎn)的介紹,請(qǐng)為每個(gè)人選擇最合適的一個(gè)浪漫景點(diǎn),并把選項(xiàng)的字母編號(hào)寫(xiě)在前面的括號(hào)里,右欄中有一項(xiàng)是多余的。People ( )1.Ken likes art and flowers .He wants to visit the romantic place to see the beautiful flowers .( )2.Grace lik

41、es music and parties. She wants to sing and dance with friends on the beaches .( )3.Apple wants to take photos of the Big Ben,the Buckingham and the Thames .He wants to walk in the little old town streets .( )4.Leo likes to history of Greek and Roman .He wants to visit some Roman ruins.( )5.Roy like

42、s to go shopping and have delicious food and at a very low price .He wants to draw the city in the book from the hills .Romantic PlacesA. Prague-Czech Republic (布拉格-捷克共和國(guó))Prague is an ancient European city;its a romantic old town.The famous Czech beer is the reason to visit Prague .You can walk thro

43、ugh the narrow streets of the loder parts of the town.The things are very cheap and foods are very delicious.You can view the city from the hills,so its called “city of a hundred spires.”(百塔之城)B. Paris-FranceIt is the Capital of Love .Its the most romantic city in the world .It has many famous places:Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Montmartre and so on .C. London-the United KingdomIts one of the most romantic cities in the world .Its little old town stre


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