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1、理解所列項目。脫口而出所列句子。讀熟考題。學習目標12 3名詞復數(shù)的特殊變化歌訣:第2頁以-0結尾的名詞變復數(shù): 兩菜(tomato, potato)兩人(hero, Negro)”加-es;其余加-s。學習歌訣各國人變復數(shù)規(guī)則 英法見a,不見e,其他各國加s;中日不變。學習反思?語法系列1-?名詞實戰(zhàn)學習內(nèi)容:名詞學習時間:2019.08-08第一課語法學習?名詞?名詞復數(shù)的特殊變化?:lass, box, watch, brush等詞以 s, x, ch, sh,結尾,復數(shù)要力卩-es;簽tory, factory等以輔音字母+y結尾的詞復數(shù)要先將-y變成-i再加-es; ?nife, w

2、ife, life等以-f或-fe結尾的詞一般先將-f或-fe變?yōu)?v,再加-es;?歌訣:以-o結尾的名詞變復數(shù):兩菜(tomato, potato 兩人(hero,Negro) ”力卩-es;其余力卩-s。child ( children) , foot ( feet), tooth(teeth), mouse (mice),man (men ) , woman (women )?注意:與man和woman構成的合成詞,其復數(shù)形式也是 -men和-women。如:an Englishman, two Englishmen歌訣:各國人變復數(shù)規(guī)則 英法見a,不見e,其他各國加s;中日不變。En

3、glishmanEn glishme n; Frenchman-Fren chme nGerman-Germa nsChin ese, Japa nese? deer,sheep單復數(shù)同形。people, police以單數(shù)形式出現(xiàn),但實為復數(shù),所以它們的謂語當然也是復 數(shù)形式,這就是集體名詞。the En glish, the French, the Ch in ese等名詞表示國 民總稱時,也作復數(shù)用。maths, politics,physics等學科名詞,雖然以-s結尾,仍為不可數(shù)名詞。還 有 the United States美國),the United Nations (聯(lián)合國)等

4、應視為單數(shù)。? man, woman等作定語時,它的單復數(shù)以其所修飾的名詞的單復數(shù)而定。 如口: men workers, women teachers?數(shù)詞+名詞作定語時,這個名詞一般保留單數(shù)形式,中間加連字符。如:a ten-mile walk 十里路two-hu ndred trees 兩百棵樹a 16-year-old girl 一名 16 歲的女孩?有的名詞變成復數(shù)形式以后,其意義發(fā)生變化:water 水waters 水域sand 沙san ds 沙灘work 工作works 著作,工廠wood 木頭woods樹林experienee 經(jīng)驗experie nces經(jīng)歷paper 紙p

5、apers 論文step 步steps 臺階?注意:some coffee 些咖啡,a coffee 一杯咖啡,three coffees三杯咖啡,some drink些飲料a drink杯飲料,three drinks三杯飲料his hair他的頭發(fā)a few grey hairs幾 根白發(fā)glass玻 璃a glass只玻璃杯fish 魚fishes各種魚類有些物質(zhì)名詞以復數(shù)形式出現(xiàn),表示數(shù)量之多,范圍之廣。The boy burst into tears at the bad n ews.The road is covered with snow.They have a heavy sn

6、ow every year.have breakfasthave a won derful breakfastTime and tide wait for no man.We had a won derful time last ni ght.?名詞的所有格(1)名詞的所有格一般用于表有生命的名詞,其構成多在詞尾加女口 the professor s s教授c的演講the boy s remark孩的一番話。(2) 以S結尾的復數(shù)名詞的所有格直接加“”來構成;不以S結尾的復數(shù)名詞 的所有格加 構成比較:a workers night sch一所工人夜校Children s book童讀物(3)

7、若一事物表二個人共有,則在后一名詞加 構成所有格;若不是共有, 則需在兩個名詞后加構成所有格;且用作主語或先行詞時注意謂語動詞的單 復數(shù)問題。my sister AlCe s workTom and Nancy s mother is very beautiful.Tom s and Nancy s mother are both teachers.?比較: They live Tom and Mike s room which has been cleafife們Up在湯姆和邁 克已經(jīng)被打掃過的房間里,(此房間系兩個共用) They live in Tom s and Mike s room

8、svwhiehrhCleaned up他們分住 在湯姆和麥克的房間里,兩個房間均被打掃過。(強調(diào)兩個人一個房間)所有格特殊表示: 用于表示時間、距離、價格、重量等的名詞后。today s newspaperfive minutes walk (drive)five pounds weight 用于表示國家、世界、城市等地方的名詞后。the world s populationNew York s parks 表示種類。men s clothingchildren s toy“ of所有格表示無生命物體the picture of the school必須用“ o所有格方式有:the top o

9、f the mountain the city of Romethe cost of liv ing the n ews of her birththe life of the richpictures of Mr. Joh n他本人的照片)Mr. John s picture他所擁有的照片)雙重所有格 “ of + 表示整體中的一個或一部分a friend of Tom湯姆的一個朋友(許多朋友中的一位)。that/this/these/those +名詞(單、復數(shù))of Mary s/yours/his/hersThat inven tion of hers belo ngs to the

10、world.她的那項發(fā)明是屬于全世界的。?名詞作定語air polluti on空氣污染 coffee cup咖啡杯 body Ian guage身 體語言 Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎 eve ning scho ol 夜校 street dan ce街舞 village people 村民 Chi na problem中國問題 weather report天 氣預報boy frie nd男朋友 in come tax所得稅 road accide n交通事故sports field 田徑場 win ter sleep冬眠 country music鄉(xiāng)村音樂 school educatio

11、n學 校教育 recepti on desk接 待臺第二課實戰(zhàn)操練1 I m sorry I went out for a smoke. I was very tired.There s nofor this while you are at workD. choiceA. causeB. excuseC. matter2. At night, we can see colorful lights on bothof the streets.A. sides B. sideC. side s3. is the most importa nt festival in Chi na.A. Chri

12、stmas B. Spring Festival C. Mid-autu mn Day D. Natio nal Day4. Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last yearShe said she would n ever forget some pleasa ntwhile work ing there.A. experime nts B. expressi ons C. experie nces D. emoti ons5. Read thecarefully. They will help

13、you know how to use the popper.A. in struct ionsB. decisi onsC. results6. Whe n you visit Fran ce, you can go toand take photos there.ABCD7. Excuse me. may I know your?Sure. Its No. 3. Bridge Street.A. house B. address C. way D. place8. My classmate lent me a(anso that I wouldn t get wet in the rain

14、.A. can dleB. umbrella C. scarf D. Wallet9. - How far is your family from here?-It s about tenwalk.A. minute s B. minute C. minutes D. minutes10. The two cities have reached an to develop scie nee and tech no logy.A. educati on B. exciteme nt C. agreeme nt D. inven ti on11. There are millio ns of we

15、bsites on the Internet and therea lot of usefulon the websites.A. are; in formatio ns B. are; in formatio nC. is; in formatio nD. is; in formati ons12. - -I m going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit.-0K. Thanks for your.A. offer B. i nformatio n C. message D. order13. about the sports me

16、eti ng make us excited.A. News B. I nformatio n C. Messages D. Advice14. Can you imagi ne what life will be like intime?A. 50 years B. 50 year s C. 50-years D. 50-years15. There are twoand threeon the table.A. apple; banana B. apples; banana C. apples; bananas16. Mr. Smith always hasto tell us. So h

17、e does.A. some good pieces of n ewsB. some pieces of good n ewsC. some good piece of n ewsD. some piece of good n ews17. What血 you like?1 miA. sports B. music C. art D. subjetS18. Jack, will your family move to Shan ghai?Yes. That s a very bigmy parents made.A. decide B. decisi on C. educati on19. -

18、 I hear you are not allowed to eat in class.-Right. It s one of thein our school.A. pla ns B. orders C. rules D. suggesti ons20. Stop making so much. The childre n are sleep ing.A. voice B. no iseC. sound21. The old man used to raise manyto make a livi ng on the farm.A. duck B. horse C. bird D. shee

19、p22. These n atural disasters have warned us that every one should start to protect the immediately.A. amuseme ntB. developme nt C. en vir onment D. gover nment23. The theme park is aboutride from the museum. You should start outright now.A. two hour B. two hour s C. two hours D. two hours24. There are manyat the foot of the hill.A. cow B. horse C. sheep25. I n order to stay fit, people pay more atte nti on to their.A. diet B. experie nee C. thoughts D. awards26. Jack will have a math test this after noon. He n eeds a.A. hat B. r


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