1、新課標下的高中英語閱讀技能教學高中英語閱讀教學中需要注意的一些基本概念及問題 What is reading? How do we read?(12 assumptions) 高中英語閱讀教學中的12大閱讀微技能及案例分析 高中英語大閱讀教學模式對于What is reading?的理解 除了Intensive Reading和Extensive Reading之外,是否了解Silent reading和Oral reading之間的區(qū)別是什么?它們各自主要是鍛煉學生哪些技能? Silent Reading和Oral Reading之間的區(qū)別對高中英語閱讀教學的啟示是什么? 如何確定每堂閱讀課
2、的閱讀目的?以及由此決定的閱讀課堂教學設計思路? 新教材課堂閱讀教學如何操作效率更高?(課堂閱讀教學的目的如何確定以及如何設計閱讀教學程序)對于How do we read?的理解高中英語課程的總目標1 使學生在義務教育階段英語學習的基礎上,進一步明確英語學習的目的,發(fā)展自主學習和合作學習的能力; 形成有效的英語學習策略; 培養(yǎng)學生的綜合語言運用能力。 高中英語課程的總目標2 高中英語課程應強調(diào)在進一步發(fā)展學生綜合語言運用能力的基礎上,著重提高學生用英語獲取信息、處理信息、分析問題和解決問題的能力,特別注重提高學生用英語進行思維和表達的能力; 高考考察的閱讀技能 理解主旨要義 理解文中具體信息
3、 根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義 作出簡單判斷和推理 理解文章的基本結構 理解作者的意圖和態(tài)度高中英語課程標準要求的閱讀技能 理解文章主旨和作者意圖(七級) 能從一般文字材料中獲取主要信息(六級) 能從一般性文章中獲取和處理主要信息(七級) 能利用上下文和句子結構猜測詞義(六級) 能通過上下文克服生詞困難,理解語篇意義(八級) 能根據(jù)上下文線索預測故事情節(jié)的發(fā)展(六級) 能通過文章中的線索進行推理(七級) 能識別不同文體的特征(八級) 能通過分析句子結構理解難句和長句(八級) 能理解文章主旨和作者意圖(七級) 能理解閱讀材料中不同的觀點和態(tài)度(八級) 根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義 雖然詞匯屬于語言知識范
4、疇,但是,我國高中生英語詞匯學習的主要目的是為了閱讀的,其次是為了寫作; 因此,詞匯學習必須融入到大量而高效的英語閱讀中才能夠得到最終解決和實現(xiàn); 聽和讀是詞匯學習的輸入(也就是課程標準中提到的“聽、讀是理解的技能”),說和寫是詞匯學習的輸出(“說和寫是表達的技能”); 因此,在日常學習中,既要注意聽說讀寫四項技能的綜合訓練,又要把大部分時間和精力放在閱讀和寫作上;根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義 處理生詞的策略(Active, receptive and throwaway vocabulary) 判斷重要詞匯 判斷需要猜測的生詞 利用定義理解生詞 利用同義詞、反義詞和釋義猜測生詞 利用語法猜測生詞
5、 利用構詞法猜測生詞 利用指示代詞猜測生詞 利用嘗試猜測生詞 理解詞的非字面含義 分析詞義 利用上下文線索猜測詞義 使用詞匯圖學習詞匯 利用分類信息猜測生詞 利用詞典 利用縮略語從教學的角度來說,高中英語教師課堂閱讀教學過程中是如何處理詞匯的:A. 閱讀之前讓學生快速瀏覽生詞和短語,然后解釋;(掃清詞匯障礙)B. 閱讀之前讓學生快速瀏覽生詞和短語;C. 閱讀之前讓學生快速瀏覽指定的生詞和短語;D. 閱讀之前不讓學生看生詞和短語;E. 在閱讀前、閱讀中和閱讀后分別處理不同的詞匯;F. Sample:新課程高中英語技能教學的基本課型課文的主要功能是作為語言知識點的載體嗎? 課文的首要功能不是作為知
6、識的載體,課文首先是用來閱讀的; 閱讀的目的主要是培養(yǎng)閱讀能力,其次是提供語言輸入和文化輸入(注意:不同課型的不同側重問題); 沒有必要詳細講解課文中的語言點。如果教師以講解語言點和詞匯知識為主,那教師就只起了一個字典的作用。新課程的要求1、知識與技能有機融合;2、強調(diào)知識的建構,而不是知識的接受;3、以學生的學習活動為主,教師的講解只起著輔助作用;新模式之一1、激活、共享已有知識與經(jīng)驗;2、接觸、體驗、理解新知識和新經(jīng)驗;3、學習重點知識與技能;4、實際語言運用。Free runningWhat is reading?Longman Dictionary of Language Teachi
7、ng & Applied Linguistics :Intensive reading & Extensive readingSilent reading & Oral readingReading & Reading SkillsReading & Reading comprehensionWhat is reading?Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics :1、perceiving a written text in order to understand its content. This can b
8、e done silently (silent reading). The understanding that results is called reading comprehension.2、saying a written text aloud (oral reading). This can be done with or without an understanding of the contents.How do we read?From readers to effective readersFrom effective readers to reading teachersF
9、rom reading teachers to effective reading teachersHow do we read?How do we read?How do we read? Assumption 1: False Getting information is the most important, but not the only purpose of reading. Sometimes we read for pleasure, i. e., when we read literary works. It is suggested “pleasurable reading
10、悅讀” helps ESL/EFL students best. According to Wallace (1992), “an important by-product of reading for pleasure in any language is fluency” and Fluency in reading is a premise for increasing motivation for language learners to read more.How do we read? Assumption 2: True. Reading aloud is considered
11、more useful for pronunciation practice, listening comprehension, dictation, etc. but it is not a common real-world activity. Reading aloud in the classroom does not often help students to focus on the meaning of the text because the students have to concentrate on pronunciation, intonation, pausing
12、and the recognition of new words. Remember, even mouthing can slow down reading and affect understanding.How do we read? Assumption 3 : True. Effective reading depends first of all on having a purpose for reading, i.e., knowing why you are reading a text. The purpose will determine what specific inf
13、ormation you are going to look for and the appropriate type of reading skills to be used.How do we read? Assumption 4: Not true. First of all, if our eyes are constantly moving in a straight line from left to right, we can see nothing because there is no focus. Rather, our eyes are always jumping. S
14、econdly, the eyes do not jump from letter to letter, word to word, but from “group of words” to “group of words”. For each jump, our eyes take in a phrase, rather than a word.二級(小學56年級)1. 能認讀所學詞語;2. 能根據(jù)拼讀的規(guī)律,讀出簡單的單詞;3. 能讀懂教材中簡短的要求或指令;4. 能看懂賀卡等所表達的簡單信息;5. 能借助圖片讀懂簡單的故事或小短文, 并養(yǎng)成按意群閱讀的習慣。For example:Ple
15、ase take good care of my little cat when Im away.Try reading the followingtime a at word one ,slowly English process you Whenmeaning the catch to easy is it ,now doing are you as ,to difficult very is it ,However .word individual each of .passage the of meaning overall the catchHow do we read? Assum
16、ption 5: True. Although all students are encouraged to read as fast as possible, they always read at different speeds. So students can start reading together, can read aloud together, but they cannot “read together.” They might be using one book, but they are reading individually. The reading result
17、 is always different. Timed reading or Fast reading 能否拿出學生從高一到高三閱讀所有課文的不同閱讀速度記錄表格? 是否在高一上學期就教會學生如何根據(jù)閱讀文章的題材和體裁調(diào)整自己的閱讀速度? 是否在高二結束的時候教會學生較好的把握所有高考考察的閱讀技能? 為此,高中英語教學要鼓勵學生通過積極嘗試、自我探究、自我發(fā)現(xiàn)和主動實踐等學習方式,形成具有高中生特點的英語學習的過程與方法。 How do we read? Assumption 6: Not true. When we read for meaning, we do not need to
18、read every word in each sentence. We guess much of what it is said in a text when we read it. Read broken sentence in the box below. Can you figure out the meaning? An old m_ w_s walk_ d_n the s_t. Even though about half the letters are missing, you could probably read the sentence without difficult
19、y.How do we read? Assumption 7: Not true. Different reading tasks and different reading materials require different reading speed. We read fast if we just want to know the important front pages news, bur we slow down to ensure accuracy when we read materials like contract terms, medicine instruction
20、s etc.How do we read?How do we read? Students should be discouraged from using dictionaries too often. Any students reading for a serious purpose need to be able to look up key words. So students must learn to use a dictionary effectively and with discretion. The first step towards using the diction
21、ary as a tool instead of a crutch is to decide which words to look up - and to accept that they should be as few as possible. Having decided to look up a word, we want to do it quickly and to make best use of the information in the dictionary. Both skills need training!How do we read? Assumption 10:
22、 True. Research has indicated that lack of cultural knowledge may lead to failure in ESL/EFL reading. Language and culture are inseparable.How do we read? Possessing a large amount of vocabulary is necessary but not sufficient for reading comprehension. To achieve reading comprehension, you need not
23、 only vocabulary, but also general knowledge about the language, about the world, and about the text types. Besides, you need to have effective reading strategies to help you get the information you need or reach the level of comprehension the author has intended.How do we read? Assumption 12: True.
24、 We cannot improve our reading by talking about how to read which is like learning to drive by listening to a lecture about how to drive. You need to be engaged in reading either for information or for pleasure. That is to say reading extensively definitely helps!課程標準規(guī)定的中小學生閱讀能力要求一級(小學34年級)1. 能看圖識字;
25、2. 能在指認物體的前提下認讀所學詞語;3. 能在圖片的幫助下讀懂簡單的小故事。二級(小學56年級)1. 能認讀所學詞語;2. 能根據(jù)拼讀的規(guī)律,讀出簡單的單詞;3. 能讀懂教材中簡短的要求或指令;4. 能看懂賀卡等所表達的簡單信息;5. 能借助圖片讀懂簡單的故事或小短文, 并養(yǎng)成按意群閱讀的習慣。三級(七年級)1. 能正確地朗讀課文;2. 能理解簡短的書面指令,并根據(jù)要求進行學習活動;3. 能讀懂簡單故事和短文并抓住大意;4. 能初步使用簡單的工具書;5. 除教材外,課外閱讀量累計應達到4萬詞以上。四級(八年級)1能連貫、流暢地朗讀課文;2能讀懂說明文等應用文體的材料;3能從簡單的文章中找出
28、息并進行加工處理;5能在教師的幫助下欣賞淺顯的英語文學作品;6除教材外,課外閱讀量應累計達到30萬字。為什么課標從小學到高中都要求閱讀故事和文學作品? 文學閱讀與故事語法 文學閱讀與圖式理論 文學閱讀與詞匯、語法學習 文學閱讀與閱讀能力以及其他能力的提高The 1,000,000 Bank Note Level 6 About ten oclock on the following morning, seedy and hungry, I was dragging myself along Portland Place, when a child that was passing, towed
29、 by a nurse-maid, tossed a luscious big pear minus one bite into the gutter. I stopped, of course, and fastened my desiring eye on that muddy treasure. My mouth watered for it, my stomach craved it, my whole being begging for it. But every time I made a move to get it some passing eye detected my pu
30、rpose, and of course I strengthened up then, and looked indifferent, and pretended that I hadnt been thinking about the peat at all. The same thing kept happening and happening, and I couldnt get the pear. I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame, and to seize it, when a window beh
31、ind me was raised, and a gentleman spoke out of it, saying: “Step in here, please.”高中英語閱讀教學12大閱讀微技能1 根據(jù)提示進行預測 Predicting from clues 根據(jù)內(nèi)容進行預測 Predicting from content 掃描單詞 Scanning for words 掃描信息 Scanning for information 判斷主題 Identifying the topic高中閱讀教學12大閱讀微技能2 歸納中心思想 Identifying the main idea 判斷寫作結構(時間順序/列舉) Identifying the main idea(Time order / Listing) 判斷寫作結構(對比/因果)Identifying the main idea(Comparison/ Cause and effect)高中閱讀教學12大閱讀微技能3 識別代詞和同義詞 Identifying pronouns and Synonyms 根據(jù)上下文推測詞義 Guessing meaning from context 瀏覽文章,了解大意 Skimming for the general idea 瀏覽文章,了解作者的觀點 Skimming for the poi
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