



1、精編word文檔 下載可編輯經(jīng)典英語演講套路第一標準步驟introducing yourself/starting the meeting /opening remarksladies and gentlemen, good morning!(女士們,先生們,上午好)hello everyone and welcome.(各位,你們好,歡迎你們)its my great honor to be here.(我來到這里,倍感榮幸)its very happy to see you all.(我很高興見到大家)thank you for being here.(感謝大家光臨)最常用的自我介紹we

2、havent all met before,so id better/like to /want to introduce myself. im li yang from let me introduce myself.im.(我以為從未會過面,還是讓我來做一下自我介紹。我是李陽,來自李陽瘋狂英語文化傳播有限公司。/首先讓我來做個自我介紹。我是.)超級謙辭i hope youll excuse my english.im a little out of practice/ excuse my poor english.(我好久不說英語/我有些緊張,英語講的不好之處請大家好好包涵)【瘋狂提示】千

3、萬別小看上面的這些句子,就算是美國的專業(yè)主持人在演講開始前,都要到洗手間反復(fù)操練。第二標準步驟preparing the aduiencewhat i am going to talking about today is(我今天要談?wù)摰氖?)first id like to talk about (首先,我想談一談.)(開門見山,觀點明確)my topic today is very interesting.(我今天談?wù)摰脑掝}很有趣)i hope i can share my experiences with you.(我希望能和大家我的經(jīng)歷)ill start withand then mo

4、ve on to finally, im going to /ill begin by describingthen go on to and ill end with.(我將以開始,然后轉(zhuǎn)向最后,以作為結(jié)束)(先總后分,條理清晰)i think, if you dont mind, well leave questions to the end you have any questionhs ill be glad to answer them.(我想如果你們不介意的話,我們將把問題留到最后來解決。/如果你們有問題,我很高興為大家解答。)(主次分明 以“禮”服人。)please hold/s

5、ave any questions until the end.(請把所有的問題留到最后)remember this important point.(請記住這個重點)第三標準步驟delivering the messagefirstly.secondly/first of allnext.(首先其次.)this brings me to my next point /feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.(這正引出了我下面要講的一個如果你們有問題請盡管打斷我。)i must emphasize/stre/make clear/id

6、like to turn to/id like to stress.(我必須強調(diào)/重點指明/我要轉(zhuǎn)向/強調(diào).)at this point we must consider/at this point we have to bear in mind(在這一點上我們必須考慮.)now, to digrefor a moment/now to change the subject for a moment(現(xiàn)在,我們暫時撇開這個話題/現(xiàn)在我們臨時換一個話題.)to go back to my earlier point/to return to the point i made earlier(還回

7、到我先前的話題.)finally/in conclusion(最后.)(最后.)第四標準步驟winding-upbefore finishing/closing id like to summarize the main points again/before i finish,id like to run through the main points again.(在結(jié)束之前我要將我的要點再總結(jié)一下)thats all id like to run through the main points again.thats all i have to say for the moment/no

8、w/that brings me to the end of my presentation.(這些就是今天/剛才要講的一切)thank you for listening/coming/being here/thank you for your attention.(謝謝大家前來聽我的演講)now if there are any questions. ill be happy to answer be glad to take any you have any questions,id be glad to answer them.(如果有任何問題,我將非常樂意為大家解答/我很高興為大家解

9、答。)finally id like to summarize the mail point.(最后我想總結(jié)一下要點)i hope you all enjoy yourself today.(我希望大家過的很開心)thank you for listening.(感謝你們前來聽講)thank you for your time.(感謝你們的光臨)thank you very much.(非常感謝)經(jīng)典演講示范american high school students ladies and gentlemen, good morning. its my great honor to be her

10、e and i am very happy to see you all. thank you for what i am going to talk about today is american education. firstly, id like to talk about american high school students. my topic today is very interesting because american high school students are very different from chinese high school students.

11、i was a teacher in an american high school and i hope i can share my experiences with you. remember this important point, american students care about their social activities and activities outside school more than anything else. chinese students care about their schoolwork and exams more than anyth

12、ing else. american students are very independent. they drive their own cars, work at part time jobs and often have their own money. american high school students are often involved in relationships with boyfriends or girlfriends. studens in america must learn how to schedule their time among work, s

13、chool, friends, sports and of course, fun! this type of responsibility is challenging for young people and often their education suffers. this is just a brief introduction to one of the many aspects of american education. thank you all for listening and i hope you all enjoy yourselves today.1、 女士們, 先生們、早上好!我很榮幸來到這里、并且很高興見到大家。謝謝你們的光臨。我今天要談?wù)摰脑掝}是美國教育。2、 首先,我想談?wù)劽绹母咧猩?。我今天的話題很有趣,因為美國的高中生與中國的高中生有很大的不同。我是一位來自美國的中學教師,我希 望我能和你們一起我的經(jīng)歷。3、 請記住一點,美國的高中生把學校之外的社會實踐活動看得比任何東西都重要。而中國的學生卻把學校表現(xiàn)和考試成績看得比什么都重要。美國學生很獨立。他們擁有自己的車,他們能兼職工作,他們用自己賺的錢去購買電話、電視機、


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