



1、1. a letter from Uncle Weiming 一封來自威明叔叔的信2. have invited 已經(jīng)邀請3. stay with his family 住在他家4. in August 在八月5. on 21 November 在11月21日6. at half past twelve 在12點30分7. havent seen my cousins before 沒有看見過我的表兄妹8. send us a photograph 寄給我們一張照片9. cheaper and more interesting 又便宜又有趣10. travel agent 旅游經(jīng)紀人11. t

2、ravel to Beijing by plane 坐飛機到北京旅游12. travel from Garden City to Beijing 從花園城到北京去旅游13. two and a half hours 二個半小時14. one thousand five hundred 150015. visit Beijing 在北京旅游16. stay there for two weeks 在那里呆二周17. at the end of August 在8月底18. get there 到那兒19. in the north-west of Beijing 在北京的西北方20. a lot

3、 of old buildings and temples 許多古建筑和寺廟21. at the palace 在宮殿22. see swans swimming on the lake 看見天鵝在湖面上游23. the centre of Beijing 北京的中心24. the Summer Palace 頤和園25. the Great Wall 長城26. the Palace Museum 故宮博物院27. Tiananmen Square 天安門廣場28. places of interest 名勝29. Lucys holiday plan 露西的假日計劃30. a huge o

4、pen area 一個巨大的露天場地31. more than one million people 多于一百萬的人32. the history of China 中國的歷史33. be back in Garden City 回到花園城34. have a wonderful time 玩得愉快35. get sth. for sb得到某物給某人36. a photo of you and me 一張你和我的照片37. an ancient building 一棟古建筑38. enjoy our holiday 享受我們的假期39. the Spring Festival 春節(jié)40. We

5、lcome to the SPCA 歡迎到保護動物協(xié)會41. an SPCA officer 一名保護動物協(xié)會的官員42. have no food or water 沒有水和食物43. hungry and thirsty 又餓又渴44. keep one as your pet 作為你的寵物45. a bowl of water 一碗水46. take him for a walk 帶他去散步47. take somebody to 帶某人去(某處)48. save many animals 拯救了許多動物49. be unkind to their pets 對待他們的寵物不友善50.

6、leave them in the streets 把它們丟棄在街里51. save animals from danger 從危險中解救動物52. keep people safe from danger 使人們遠離危險53. help people hunt animals 幫助人們狩獵54. help animals find new homes 幫助動物們找新家55. clinics for sick animals 為生病動物所辦的診所56. many years ago 許多年前57. live with dogs in caves 和狗住在山洞里58. guard our hom

7、es 守衛(wèi)我們的家園59. be kind to對待 友善60. help blind people 幫助盲人61. cross the road safely 安全過馬路62. in many different ways 在許多不同的方面63. help the police catch thieves 幫助警方抓小偷64. find missing people 找到失蹤的人65. hunt animals for food 狩獵獲取食物66. bring other animals 帶來其它動物67. to the farmer 給農(nóng)場主68. look after / take ca

8、re of 照料,照顧69. friends from other countries 來自其他國家的朋友們70. foreigners in Garden City 花園城的外國人們71. a crowded city / be crowded with 一個擁擠的城市,擠滿了72. for example 例如73. more than=over 超過74. people from the USA/Australia 來自美國、澳大利亞、日本、Japan ,the UK and India 英國和印度的人們75. visit countries near China 訪問中國附近的國家76

9、. (be)far away from China 離中國遠77. read a book 讀書78. read about sth.(sb.) 讀有關某事(某人)的79. write (a letter) to sb. 給某人寫一封信80. know sb. 認識某人81. know about sb.(sth.) 了解有關某人(某物)的情況82. would like sth.=want sth. 想要某物83. would like to do sth.=want to do sth. 想要做某事84. her age and interests 她的年齡和興趣85. his favou

10、rite subjects at school 他上學最喜歡的科目86. A:Whats your nationality? 你的國籍是什么? B:Im Chinese. 我是中國人87. in Class One Grade 7 在七年級一班88. l like riding my bicycle 我喜歡騎自行車89. play badminton 打羽毛球90. write soon 快點寫信91. tell me about yourself 告訴我有關你的情況92. Toronto Junior High School 多倫多初級中學93. in magazines and newsp

11、apers 在雜志和報紙上94. help yourself to some fish 隨便吃此魚吧95. visit sb.=call on sb. 拜訪某人96. call sb. sth., 把某人稱之為97. call sb. 給某人打電話98. computer games 電腦游戲99. in another country 在另一個國家100.in other countries 在其他國家101.Penfriends International 國際筆友會102. for example 例如103. read about India 閱讀過關于印度的資料104. the sa

12、me block of flats 同一個單元里的公寓105. different jobs 不同的職業(yè)106. work in a hospital 在醫(yī)院里工作107. make sick people better 使病人好起來108. drive an ambulance 駕駛一輛救護車109. she works for a construction company 她為一個建筑公司工作110. draws plans of buildings 畫大樓的設計圖111. type letters 打印信件112. answer the phone 接聽電話113. take notes

13、 記筆記114. empty the rubbish bin 清空垃圾箱115. opposite the empty room 在空房子對面116. on the rug 在地毯上117. in front of the sofa 沙發(fā)前118. work for a removal company 為一個搬運公司工作119. an office in the city centre 在市中心的一個辦公室120. enjoy working 享受工作121. come towards 朝著過來122. knock him down 撞倒他123. catch fire 著火124. arri

14、ve at the hospital 到達醫(yī)院125. a broken arm 骨折的手臂126. take him home 帶他回家127. the scene of the accident 事故現(xiàn)場128. look at your bedroom 看你的臥室129. tidy up your things 整理你的東西130. need more shelves and wardrobes 需要更多衣柜和壁櫥131. a secretary 一個秘書132. deliver = send 寄,送133. deliver letters and parcels 分發(fā)信件和包裹134.

15、 an architect 一個建筑師135. architecture 建筑136. construction company 建筑公司137. draw plans of buildings 畫建筑設計圖138. a removal man 一個搬運工139. removal company 搬運公司140. move peoples furniture to 移動人們的家具去141. type letters 打字142. answer the phones 接電話143. a block 一幢公寓144. work in a hospital 在醫(yī)院里工作145. work for 為

16、工作146. an airline company 一個航空公司147. help sb. do sth. 幫助某人做某事148. make / let sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事149. an ambulance worker 一位救護員150. many parcels 許多包裹151. rescue the boy from the fire 從火中拯救男孩152. her neighbour 她的鄰居153. collect rubbish 收垃圾154. our neighbourhood 我們的小區(qū)155. a motorcyclist 一個摩托車手156. fire e

17、ngine 消防車157. a broken arm 骨折的手臂158. break (broke, broken) 受損,折斷159. the scene of an accident 一場事故的現(xiàn)場160. hurt(v.)(n.) 受傷161. hurt (hurt, hurt) 受傷(過去,過去分詞)162. towards to 朝,向163. knock down 撞倒164. knock at the door 敲門165. catch fire 著火166. run away 逃跑167. carryto/into 把搬到/搬進168. much cheaper 便宜的多得多169. much more expensive 貴的多得多170. a letter for A (from B) 一封來自B給A的信171. a living room 一個起居室172. a bedroom 一個臥室173. a bathroom 一個浴室174. a kitchen 一個廚房175. a balcony 一個陽臺176. two balconies 二個陽臺177. a wardrobe 一個衣櫥178. tidy untidy 整齊的/不整齊的179.


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