



1、Module 6Unit 11. Listen and complete the form.1. Whatin the photo1? What about the photo2?It a, and it caus ingpolluti on.A place where we canwaste products.2. Where does the polluti on go?It goes into theandinto the ocea n.3. What can be recycled there?Suchasandand paper.4. Why do we n eed to recyc

2、le the waste?en ergy.2. Listen and choose the best answer.1) Betty gotfrom Zhao Ming.A. a letterB. an emailC. an on li ne magaz ine2) Zhao Ming is at aschool in Dalian.A. Intern ati onalB. middleC. gree n3) It wasteful to.A. throw away paper, metal and glass B. turn lights offC. sell waste for recyc

3、li ngUnit 21. Liste ning.Why must we protect the en vir onment?We n eed a (1) hen vir onment.Waste does (2) hto ouren vir onment.How to do?Rememberthreewords:(3)r, (4) randr3. Read the paragraph Reduce and choose the best answer.()1) What does reduce mean?A. It means use more.B. It means use less.C.

4、 It meansnot use .()2) Before we buy somethi ng n ew, we should.A. think whether it is good quality.(質量)B. think whether it is expensive.C. whether it is necessary.()3) Whats not the speakers idea?A. The products from abroad are better for the environment.B. The products are better for the environme

5、nt.C. We d better try to use the old things if possible.4. Read “ reuse ” and fill in the blank.Reuse means (1) “ ”Us. e things for as (2) as possible. We should (3) them so that they will last and we should (4) them if we can instead of (5) them away and buying new ones.5. Read “ recycle ” and answ

6、er the questions!) What does recycle mean?2) What should we do?6. RetellWe all need a !) h environment but we produce waste everyday and it does 2) h to our 3) e.Thoughwe are young, we can still do something to help. In 4) f, even thesimplest everyday 5) a can make a 6) to theenvironment. Here are s

7、ome ideas for you.Reduce means“use less”. Dont 7) w things. This saves moneyand reduces 8) p and waste going into the environment. Before webuy something new, think whether it is really necessary, or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, 9) c local products if possible,and t

8、ry not to buy too many things from 10) a.完成句子Unit 11. 每個人都認為我們必須謹慎地對待環(huán)境。Everyone agrees we must the environment.2. 扔掉玻璃、紙張和金屬是浪費的行為,所以每個班級收集可再用的廢品,然 后賣掉,以便回收利用。glass, paper and metal, so every class collects , sells it for .3. 我們應該籌措資金幫助貧窮地區(qū)的學生。We should help students in poor areas.4. 我們應該制止那些工廠污染河流

9、。We should the river.5. 如果不這樣做,未來是沒有希望的。If we dont, the .6. 我希望如果人人都考慮到污染和再回收,我們就可以保護空氣和海洋,幫助 拯救我們的世界。I m hopeful that if everyone pollution and recycling, wecan , and our world.Unit 21. 你開窗而不開空調嗎?Do you open a window air conditioning?2. 這些垃圾對我們的環(huán)境有害。The rubbish our environment.3. 盡管我們年輕,我們?nèi)匀荒茏鲆恍┦虑閬?/p>

10、幫助此事。 we are young, we can still .4. 即使是最簡單的日常小事也能對環(huán)境很大的影響。 the simplest everyday activities can the environment.5. 我們在買新東西前,要考慮一下是否真的需要 - 也許舊的東西同樣還可以 用!Before we buy ,think - or maybe the old one will be just as good!6. 提醒年輕人網(wǎng)上慎重交友,很有必要。 warn the young people not to make friends online carelessly.7

11、. 當我們的確要買東西時,如果可能的話,要選擇國內(nèi)產(chǎn)品,盡量不要買太多 的國外產(chǎn)品。When we do buy things, choose local products , and try notto buy many things from abroad.8. 你關心環(huán)保和節(jié)能嗎?Do you protecting the environment and saving energy?9. 我們都需要一個有益健康的環(huán)境, 但是我們每天都會制造垃圾, 而這些垃圾 對我們的環(huán)境有危害。We all need a environment, but we produce waste every d

12、ayand it our environment.10. 其實,即使是最簡單的日常小事也能對環(huán)境產(chǎn)生很大影響。 , even the simplest everyday activities can to the environment.11. 雖然把一種東西變成另一種東西會消耗能源, 但還是比把它們?nèi)拥艋驘艉谩?it takes energy to something something else, its better than things or burning them.Unit 31. 污染的水對健康不利。Arent you the dangers of on theenviron

13、ment.4. 也許我們都能參加進來,開創(chuàng)一個小森林。 we can all and start a small forest.5. 輪流說一說關于這個問題你考慮的是什么,應對措施是什么。Take it say what you think about the problem and what canbe done.綜合練習1. 海上的空氣對她的健康狀況有很大影響。The sea air has her health.2. 這電視機不能修了, 你要買臺新的。The TV set and you need to buy a new one.3. 不要把這些腐爛的蔬菜扔掉了,我們可以拿它去喂豬。T

14、hose rotten vegetables should not , we can feed them to thepigs.4. 如果可能的話, 明天我們就去爬山。, well climb the mountain.5. 只有壞人才會傷害動物。Only bad people will animals.6. 這本字典有助于提高英語成績。The dictionary will your English.7. 聽了這個壞消息,他忍不住哭了。After hearing the bad news, he .8. 必須采取措施防止此類事故在該市發(fā)生。Something must be done thi

15、s kind of accident in this city.9. 他的演講有助于理解這個政策。His speech the policy.10. 我認為考試作弊對學習非常有害。In my opinion, cheating in exams our study.11. 這次考試的成敗對學生來說非常重要。Success or failure in the exam will the students.12. 我們應該籌集資金幫助貧困地區(qū)的孩子們。We should children in poor areas.13. 冰加熱時,可以變成水。Ice can water when it is w

16、arm.14. 課堂上請盡可能認真聽講。Listen to the teacher in class.15. 他父母唯一關心的就是他的學習。The only thing his parents is his study.16. 有些廢品可以循環(huán)再用的,所以我們最好是賣掉而不是扔掉。Some waste is reusable, so wed better sell it for recycling .17. 我們必須謹慎對待環(huán)境。We the environment.18. 下周我們?nèi)覍由砣ハ愀鄱燃?。My family will Hong Kong for a holiday next week.19. 他有這么多的孩子,他不知道該怎么辦才好。He had that


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