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1、Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English-Practice makes perfect.Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning EnglishBefore Reading1Global Reading2Detailed Reading3After Reading4Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingEnglish as an International LanguageWarm-up Questions12Before ReadingBef

2、ore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Readinglive in countries where English has official statusRead EnglishIn the worlds electronic retrieval systems is stored in EnglishSpeaks some EnglishIs learning EnglishOver 1.4 billion peopleOne out of fiveOver 70% scientist90% informationOne in five

3、English Emerging as an International LanguageEnglishBefore ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Reading How many years have you been learning English? What do you think of yourself as far as English learning is concerned? Are you satisfied with the progress you have made? Why or

4、why not?123Before ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Reading As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier.Some Strategies for Learning EnglishBefore ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfte

5、r ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal Reading123Active Vocabulary & Passive VocabularyCommon Problems in English-learningStrategies to the Common ProblemsGo over the text the fastest you can, and then find out the following information:4Strategies for English LearningBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter Read

6、ingDetailed ReadingFrequently used in speaking and writingSeldom occur in daily lifeActive VocabularyPassive VocabularyCommit it to memoryRecognize when read and listenDo we need to remember all the words when we learn English?Global ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingLi

7、stening Speaking Reading Writing Listen to English everydayListen to English broadcastsWatch English TVSee English moviesSeize and seek opportunities to speakFind native speakers to walk with themRehearse aloudRead widelyA page a day is a great startWriting compositionsHave a pen palKeep diaryWrite

8、short storySummarize the daily newsStrategies for English LearningGlobal ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingWord Study Detailed ReadingDifficult SentencesImportant WordsBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingA

9、fter ReadingDetailed ReadingWord Study1 strategy n. (1)- 戰(zhàn)略學(xué),兵法I admired the general who was a master of strategy. 我敬佩那位精通兵法的將軍 (戰(zhàn)略學(xué)家)。(2)- 戰(zhàn)略,策略Ive worked out a strategy to deal with this situation. It must be a strategy to make me let him go on holiday alone.這一定是他用的計(jì),好叫我讓他獨(dú)自一個(gè)人去度假。strategic (adj.)

10、 a strategic decision 一項(xiàng)戰(zhàn)略性決定 strategist (n.) 戰(zhàn)略家2. by no means: not at alle.g. This is by no means out of the ordinary. I am by no means satisfied with my present performance. 我對(duì)目前的表現(xiàn)一點(diǎn)也不滿意。This is by no means the first time you have been late. 這絕不是你第一次遲到。She is by no means stupid. 她一點(diǎn)兒也不笨。By means

11、 of 以,借著 We express our thoughts _ words.By all means 無論如何,務(wù)必by all / every means 當(dāng)然可以,一定 Can I borrow your book? _.(=Certainly)By no means / not by any means / by no manner of means 決不,一點(diǎn)也不Means(n.): 1)method, way, approach方法,手段The quickest means of travel is by plane.2)money, income, wealth收入,(尤指足

12、夠過舒適生活的)財(cái)富a man of means = a rich man to live beyond ones means = spend too much 用度超支,入不敷出mean (adj.): 1) unwilling to give or share what one has; ungenerous 小氣的,吝嗇的He is very mean with his money.2) unkind, nasty 不客氣的,無情的,刻薄的It was mean of you not ro let the children play in the snow. meaning(n.)3.

13、diligent (adj.) = industrious勤勉的 反義; lazy, idle He is not especially clever, but hes a diligent worker. be diligent in sth/ doing sth.對(duì)認(rèn)真的 be diligent about sth. (做某事)盡心盡力的 diligent (adj.) diligence (n.) different difference patient patience resident residence4. Prolonged “ effort” &sustained “ hard

14、 work”Prolonged 和sustained 都是過去分詞作形容詞的用法。 A prolonged period of low interest rates has discouraged people to save their money into the bank. a proloned silence/ absence The conference discussion focuses on the sustained development of agriculture.Prolong(v.)延長(zhǎng)、拖延=expand,stretch, extend,lengthen,spre

15、ad, widen eg:他又問了她一個(gè)問題,僅僅是為了延長(zhǎng)談話時(shí)間。He asked her another question just to prolong the conversation.Many superstitious people believe that this medicine can prolong life. Sustain(v.) 支撐、維持 /忍受(困難)/ = tolerate /bear/ endure/ stand/ maintain/suffer/ supporteg. 在醫(yī)院里,惟一讓我支撐下去的就是回家的想法。The thought of gettin

16、g home was the only thing that sustained me in the hospital.He couldnt sustain his interest in it.6. Command: (n.) possession and mastery; knowledge of or the ability to use“gain a good of” a good command of: (knowledge of or the ability to use sth) “熟練掌握,精通”He has a good command of English. 他精通英語。I

17、t takes a lot of skills to obtain a good job offer, including a good command of expressing yourself. 獲得職位需要很多技巧,包括良好的表達(dá)能力。Those artists whose paintings are on display show a good of water color.This young girls of English is really excellent.(v.)(1) order Do as I (you). (2)master擁有,掌握 Many college s

18、tudents a large vocabulary.(3)overlook from a higher position俯瞰 The house s a fine view of the sea.7. Complain: (vi). express dissatisfaction, unhappiness, annoyance or pain He complained that the exam was too hard. 他抱怨考試太難了 Some children complain that their parents nag at them. 一些孩子抱怨他們父母老是數(shù)落他們。com

19、plain (to sb.) about/of sb./sth. 向某人抱怨某事 Neighbors complained to the police about the noise from the building site. 街坊鄰居們向警方投訴工地上傳來的噪音。 He complained to me about the food. 他向我抱怨伙食不佳。 Ive really got nothing to complain of. 我確實(shí)沒有什么可抱怨的。cant complain 習(xí)慣表達(dá)方式,表示對(duì)某人某事的評(píng)價(jià)“沒什么可說的”What was the weather like o

20、n your holiday? Oh, I cant complain. 噢。沒說的。(要多好,有多好) Complaint (n.) make a complaint about8. Memorize: (vt.) commit to memory; learn by heart He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Roses street.He could memorize nothing. 他什么也記不住。The boy can memorize the data easily. 這男孩能輕松地記住這些數(shù)據(jù)。An actor

21、 must be able to memorize his lines. 演員須善于熟記臺(tái)詞。Memeory (n.) Shes got a bad memory for faces.in memory of 紀(jì)念memorable (adj.) 值得紀(jì)念/回憶的 The film was memorable for its fine acting.memorize, remember, recall. & remind (v)“記憶,記住,回憶”Memorize指有意識(shí)的下功夫把某事的整個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)都記在腦子里。例如:Dont write down your PIN number, memoriz

22、e it. 不要把你的密碼寫下來,記住它。Remember表示記得,多指無意識(shí)地回憶起往事。例如:He remembers every detail of that occurrence as though it happened yesterday. 那件事的前前后后他都記得一清二楚,仿佛發(fā)生在昨天一樣。 Recall指想方設(shè)法回憶已經(jīng)遺忘之事。例如: I seem to recall Ive met him before somewhere. 我好像以前在哪里見過他。Remind指經(jīng)某人或某事的提醒而回憶起某件已遺忘之事。例如: If I forget, please remind me.

23、 如果我忘了,請(qǐng)?zhí)嵝盐摇?. cram: v. = fill/ load/ pack/ stuff1) force (sth.) into a small spaceA lot of information has been crammed into this book.2) make (sth.) full We all crammed in and Peter started the car. 36,000 spectators crammed into the stadium to see the game. 三萬六千名觀眾擠進(jìn)運(yùn)動(dòng)場(chǎng)觀看比賽。Cram into 勉強(qiáng)塞入,填滿Cram

24、oneself 吃飽,填飽肚子Cram up 死記硬背(功課),臨時(shí)抱佛腳10. Bound: (adj.)( 1) certain or very likelyI knew that the invitation was bound to come. When you are handling so many affairs at a time, mistakes are bound to happen. 你一次處理這么多事務(wù),肯定會(huì)出錯(cuò)。2) obliged to do (sth.) or having the duty to do (sth.) 負(fù)有義務(wù)的,有責(zé)任的Tom felt bo

25、und to tell Joanna the truth.3) travelling towards a particular place or in a particular direction開往去的 The plane is bound for US.be bound to do sth: (be sure to ) 肯定,注定, 一定會(huì), She would be bound to like it! 她一定喜歡.You are bound to succeed if you learn more useful sentence patterns. 如果你學(xué)習(xí)更多實(shí)用句型,你將成功征服英

26、語!The earths climate is bound to change significantly in the future!全球氣候必將發(fā)生顯著的變化!12. commit: v. 1) do (sth.) wrong or illegalWomen commit fewer crimes than men.2) say that (sb.) will definitely do (sth.) or must do (sth.)He has clearly committed his government to continuing economic reform.這一獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金要求學(xué)

27、生們必須在公立學(xué)校授課。The scholarship commits students to teaching in public schools3) pledge devotion to (sb. or sth.)He wasnt yet ready to commit to the relationship.Collocation: commit a crime/error/murder/arson/suicide 犯罪/犯錯(cuò)/犯謀殺罪/犯縱火罪/自殺commit (sb.) to doing (sth.) 向某人承諾做某事commit oneself to (sth.) 致力于comm

28、it (sb./sth.) to (sth.) 為某一特定目的而使用人力或物力commit (sth.) to memory把記住commit (sth.) to paper 把寫下來commit (sth.) to flames 燒毀某物, 將某物付之一炬Commit to memory: memorize; learn by heart Can you commit to memory all the main points of the lecture? I tried to commit all the poems to memory. You must be choosy; sele

29、ct what you want to commit to memory and allow your mind to forget the rest.13 acquaintance: n.1) somebody you know a littleShe was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.We are only casual acquaintances. 我們只是泛泛之交。He and I are not real friends, only nodding acquaintances. 我和他實(shí)在不算是朋友,只是點(diǎn)頭之交而已。S

30、he has many acquaintances in the business community. 她在商界有不少熟人。2) knowledge of sb. or sth. I have some acquaintance with English, but I do not know it well. 我稍懂些英語, 但并不精通。He has a passing/some acquaintance with a lot of different subjects.The practice of a lawyer requires acquaintance with court pro

31、cedures.律師工作要求熟悉法庭程序。Collocation: casual acquaintance偶爾見面的人make somebodys acquaintance第一次見某人,結(jié)識(shí)某人mutual acquaintance雙方都認(rèn)識(shí)的人have a passing/nodding acquaintance with sth. 對(duì)知之甚少/ 點(diǎn)頭之交,略知一二acquaint (v.) acquaint sb. with sth.使某人了解,把通知某人She acquainted them with facts.be acquainted (with) 與相識(shí)Were already

32、acquainted with each other.16 .On a basis: according to a certain rule, spirit or frequency以某種方式地On a regular basis 經(jīng)常,定期 on a daily/weekly basis 每天/每周He will visit Eastern Asia on a regular basis. 也因此,他將會(huì)定期走訪東亞地區(qū)。The milkman sends us milk on a regular basis.These workers are paid on a daily basis.

33、這些工人按天領(lǐng)薪。 12% of Americans report they have difficulty sleeping on a frequent basis. Patients are cared for on a “first-come-first- serve”(先到者先服務(wù))basis.17. In addition to : (besides)“除以外,還”There is a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.in addition to表示“除之外”,后接具體事物;in addition 在句

34、中作狀語,表示“此外”。The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes free shareware這家公司提供廉價(jià)的因特網(wǎng)訪問服務(wù)。此外,還做免費(fèi)的共享軟件。In addition to music, I also like the computer.I like music. In addition, I also like the computer.They eat a great deal of fruit in addition. 他們還吃大量的水果。20.environment: n. Young

35、children often feel happier in the home environmentenvironment, circumstance & surroundings這三個(gè)詞都有“環(huán)境”之意。environment表示由周圍的人、物等一切物質(zhì)和精神因素所構(gòu)成的環(huán)境。例如:A pleasant working environment is of vital importance.有一個(gè)令人愉快的工作環(huán)境是極其重要的。circumstance通常用復(fù)數(shù),表示對(duì)局勢(shì)產(chǎn)生影響的各種條件的總和。例如:Prisoners can only leave their cells under c

36、ertain circumstances犯人們只有在某些情況下才能離開他們的牢房。surroundings指環(huán)境時(shí)只可用復(fù)數(shù)形式,表示各種物體所構(gòu)成的物質(zhì)上的自然環(huán)境。例如:He switched on the light and examined his surroundings他打開燈,仔細(xì)檢查四周。Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. Mike, unhappy in an of post-war confusion, spent more and mor

37、e time among his collection of great paintings. will force us finally to adopt this policy. He woke in the familiar of his hotel room. Different involve adopting different tactics. environmentCircumstancessurroundingscircumstances21.Reliable (adj.)=dependableShes not very reliable.a reliable source

38、of informationrely: vi.Rely on (sb. / sth.) for / to do (sth): trust or depend on (sb. or sth.)I knew I could rely on David to look after my parents.You can rely on me for help.你可指望我來幫忙。He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.他已表明在緊要關(guān)頭他是可以信賴的。We rely on his finishing the work today.我們信賴

39、他今天能完工。23 apart (ad.) Fall apart 土崩瓦解 take apart 把拆開 Tell apart 區(qū)分,區(qū)別I cant tell the twins apart.Apart from: as well as, besides除以外(無)/(尚有)Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.The house stands apart from the village. 那棟房子在村外。There can be no knowl

40、edge apart from practice. 離開實(shí)踐就沒有知識(shí)。Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.除了一些拼寫錯(cuò)誤, 這篇文章寫得很不錯(cuò)。 Apart from that, all goes well. 撇開那一點(diǎn), 一切順利。CF: besides, except, except for & apart from這幾個(gè)詞和短語都有“除之外”的意思。Besides表示“除了還有”。例如:Besides Li Ming, there are many other students atten

41、ding the meeting.Except表示“除去,不包括”。例如:He goes to work everyday except SundayExcept for表示“除以外”,指對(duì)某種基本情況進(jìn)行具體的細(xì)節(jié)方面的修正。例如:Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes.24 assign: (give a task to sb) 指派,分配任務(wù)The teacher assigned students much homework.I was assigned to do the job.Assignment (n.)Ou

42、r teacher gave us many assignments to do.Our trecher assigned us a lot of homework, but we had no time for these assignments.27. absorb:(take in) 汲??;理解(知識(shí));使全神貫注Dry earth absorbs water quickly. 干土吸水很快。They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture. 他們大量地吸收了羅馬文化。be absorbed in sth/doing sth著迷于,被所吸引,

43、全神貫注于”老人全神貫注地讀這本書。 The old man was absorbed in the book. 1. at fault: responsible for something bad that has happened The police said that the driver was at fault.關(guān)于空氣污染大多數(shù)人認(rèn)為是鋼鐵廠的責(zé)任。As for air pollution, most people believe that steel factories are at fault.My memory is at fault. 我想不起來了。我完全錯(cuò)了。I am

44、quite at fault.When a marriage broke up, it is hard to say who is at fault.3. watch out for =look out for; pay attention toWhat problems should I watch out for when buying an old house? Watch out for the spy s wiretapping when you have the meeting.你們開會(huì)的時(shí)候當(dāng)心間諜竊聽。Watch out for the thieves on the bus.

45、要提防公交車上的小偷。Watch out for cars when you cross the road. 過馬路時(shí)當(dāng)心車輛。7. feel free to do sth dont worry about doing sth 做某事不拘束,自由做某事Please feel free to ask me anything concerning me. 有關(guān)我個(gè)人的事,請(qǐng)隨便問吧。 Internet chat rooms make people feel free to express themselves.請(qǐng)別客氣,盡管打電話給我.Feel free to call me. 請(qǐng)盡管隨時(shí)來訪。P

46、lease feel free to visit anytime. 9. put into practice carry out or perform實(shí)施;執(zhí)行The law should be put in practice as soon as possible. 應(yīng)該盡快實(shí)施這項(xiàng)法規(guī)。Weve made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.我們定好了計(jì)劃, 現(xiàn)在必須把它們付諸實(shí)施。Joan was keen to put some of the things she had learned into practice.對(duì)任何

47、理論,先要融會(huì)貫通,才談得上運(yùn)用自如。One must have thoroughly mastered a theory before one can put it into practice properly.Learning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there ar

48、e various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them.Some Strategies for Learning English Detailed ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Readingby means of以 ,借著by all means無論如何, 務(wù)必by fair means or foul 不擇手段地by no means/not by any mean

49、s/by no manner of means決不,一點(diǎn)也不prolonged 1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head

50、with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do

51、 not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary. Detailed ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingV. commit (sth.) to memorymemorize & rem

52、emberbe bound to 肯定;有義務(wù)be bound forhappen-rredcommit a crime/error/murder/arson/suicide 犯罪/犯錯(cuò)/犯謀殺罪/犯縱火罪/自殺commit (sb.) to doing (sth.)向某人承諾做某事commit oneself to (sth.)致力于commit (sth.) to memorycommit (sth.) to paper commit (sth.) to flames 記住. on sth.: focus on sth.2. Watch out for idiomatic ways of

53、saying things. Have you ever wondered why we say, “I am interested in English”, but “I am good at French”? And have you ever asked yourself why native English speakers say, “l(fā)earn the news or secret”, but “l(fā)earn of someones success or arrival”? These are all examples of idiomatic usage. In learning

54、English, you must pay attention not only to the meaning of a word, but also to the way native speakers use it in their daily lives.3. Listen to English every day. Listening to English on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills. In addition to

55、 language tapes especially prepared for your course, you can also listen to English radio broadcasts, watch English TV, and see English movies. The first time you listen to a taped conversation or passage in English, you may not be able to catch a great deal. Try to get its general meaning first and

56、 listen to it over and over again. You will find that with each repetition you will get something more.Detailed ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Readingin addition toin addition 4. Seize opportunities to speak. It is true that there are few situations at school where you have

57、 to communicate in English, but you can seek out opportunities to practice speaking the language. Talking with your classmates, for example, can be an easy and enjoyable way to get some practice. Also try to find native speakers on your campus and feel free to talk with them. Perhaps the easiest way

58、 to practice speaking is to rehearse aloud, since this can be done at any time, in any place, and without a partner. For instance, you can look at pictures or objects around you and try to describe them in detail. You can also rehearse everyday situations. After you have made a purchase in a shop or

59、 finished a meal in a restaurant and paid the check, pretend that all this happened in an English-speaking country and try to act it out in English. Detailed ReadingBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed Reading 5. Read widely. It is important to read widely because in our learning enviro

60、nment, reading is the main and most reliable source of language input. When you choose reading materials, look for things that you find interesting, that you can understand without relying too much on a dictionary. A page a day is a good way to start. As you go on, you will find that you can do more


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