四川宜賓縣雙龍鎮(zhèn)初級(jí)中學(xué)校八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中試題無(wú)答案 人教新目標(biāo)版_第1頁(yè)
四川宜賓縣雙龍鎮(zhèn)初級(jí)中學(xué)校八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中試題無(wú)答案 人教新目標(biāo)版_第2頁(yè)
四川宜賓縣雙龍鎮(zhèn)初級(jí)中學(xué)校八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中試題無(wú)答案 人教新目標(biāo)版_第3頁(yè)
四川宜賓縣雙龍鎮(zhèn)初級(jí)中學(xué)校八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中試題無(wú)答案 人教新目標(biāo)版_第4頁(yè)
四川宜賓縣雙龍鎮(zhèn)初級(jí)中學(xué)校八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中試題無(wú)答案 人教新目標(biāo)版_第5頁(yè)
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1、四川宜賓縣雙龍鎮(zhèn)初級(jí)中學(xué)校2014-2015學(xué)年八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中試題 ( 全卷滿(mǎn)分120分, 考試時(shí)間120分鐘) 第一部分:聽(tīng)力(共四節(jié);滿(mǎn)分20分)。 第一節(jié):(共5小題;每小題1分,計(jì)5分) 請(qǐng)將正確答案填聽(tīng)句子,根據(jù)所聽(tīng)句子內(nèi)容重新安排下列圖片的順序。每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。 (1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4. _ 5. _ 5分)分,計(jì)第二節(jié):(共5小題;每小題1 情景反應(yīng)。聽(tīng)句子,選出最佳答語(yǔ)。每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。gkong . ( )6.A.Sunday. B. Once a week. C. He went to Hon A.On weekends. B. Exercise. C. N

2、o,I dont.( )7. A.Great. B. Good idea. C.I dont know.( )8.( )9.A.Yes,I was. B. Yes,I am. C. Yes, I do. ( )10.A.I cant stand them. B.No,I dont. C. Thank you. 5分)分,計(jì)小題;每小題(共第三節(jié):51 聽(tīng)對(duì)話(huà)和問(wèn)題,選擇答案。每題讀兩遍。1 ( )11.A. His aunt. B. Her aunt. C. His uncle. ( )12.A. Hes ill. B. He is fine. C. Hes sad. ( )13.A. Lil

3、y is shorter than Sally. B. Lily is as tall as Sally. C. Sally is shorter than Lily. ( )14.A. Betty. B. Jim. C. Tom. ( )15.A.She loves them. B.She likes them. C.She doesnt like them. 第四節(jié):(共5題;每題1分,計(jì)5分) 聽(tīng)短文,根據(jù)所聽(tīng)短文和所給問(wèn)題選擇最佳答案。短文讀三遍。 ( )16. Where is the shop? A.Its near a school. B.Its in a school. C.I

4、n a park. ( )17. Can the students buy pens in the shop? A. No, they cant. B. Yes , they can. C. Yes, they do. ( )18. Are the things the cheapest in town ? A. No, they arent. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they arent. ( )19. What time does the shop close? A. At six PM. B. At seven thirty PM. C. At seven P

5、M. ( )20.Where does the writer have lunch? A. In the shop. B. At the restaurant. C. At home. 第二部分:基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié);滿(mǎn)分25分) 第一節(jié) 選擇填空(共15小題;每小題1分,計(jì)15分) 從下列各題的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇一個(gè)可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),請(qǐng)將正確答案填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。 ( )21.My watch doesnt work, so I decide _a new one.A.buy B.buying C.not to buy D.to buy ( )22.All the children ha

6、d fun _in the park yestoday. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing ( )23.His parents _ English teachers in our school. A.are all B.all are C.are both D.both is ( )24.The book is _. Most of the students are _ in it. A.interesting,interested B.interesting ,interesting C.interested,interesting D.inte

7、rested,interested ( )25. _do you play tennis? I play three times a week. A.What B.How C.How often D.Whats in the newspaper,you should read it. ( )26.There is A.anything important B.nothing important C. something important D.important something food. ( )27.She always eats 2 A.too many B.too much C.ma

8、ny too D.much too .“I just finished my last movie.”She says. ( )28 A.to make B.makeing C.making D.makes she does. same things ( )29.Her best friend likes to do A. the , with B. the, as C .a, to D. a, as me to your home. ( )30.Thanks for A.ask B. inviting C. to invite D.asks ( )31. The Yellow River i

9、s _river in China. A.longest B. the second longest C. the longest D. the longer . ( )32.His hair is_ shorter than A.a few ,mine B.a little, her C.a little,mine D.little, me ( )33. Most children watch TV three four a week. A. and, times B. or, times C. and, time D. or, time ( )34.You should take the

10、thing_. ous B.seriously C.good D. bad A.seri ( )35.I think its necessary for us _ the same.A.is B.are C.being D. to be 完形填空(共10小題;每小題1第二節(jié)分,計(jì) 10分) 閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇可 以填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并將正確答案填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。 All over the world people enjoy 36 . Sports help people to keep healthy, happy and to live 37

11、. People play different games in winter and summer. 38 is good for swimming. And in winter people often go skating. Some sports are very 39 and people everywhere like them. For example, football is very popular. In China, most people, men, 40 boys and girls, like to watch football games. They often

12、talk about them. 41 and jumping began long, long ago. But basketball and volleyball are 42 . People began to play them not long ago. And people are 43 new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of 44 . People 45 different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a gam

13、e they often become friends. ( )36.A.play sports B.to play C.playing sports D.eat ( )37.A. long B. longer C. happy D. happily ( )38.A. Winter B. Summer C. Autumn D. Spring ( )39.A. boring B. difficult C. expensive D. interesting ( )40.A. woman B. women C. old D. young ( )41.A. Run B. Runs C. Running

14、 D. To run ( )42.A. new B. interesting C. popular D. old 3 ( )43.A. start B. play C. playing D. starting ( )44.A.the oldest sport B.the newest sport C. The oldest sports D. the newest sports ( )45.A. in B. of C. from D.at . 分)閱讀短文,按要求答題分,滿(mǎn)分40閱讀理解(共第三部分:20題;每題2A Mr Smith gave his wife money every Fri

15、day evening. His wife always spent it all the next Tuesday, so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all. oney? She answered,I dont One day Mr Smith asked her, But how did you spend all that mknow . So one Friday evening, Mr Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and

16、 a write down how you spend the money . pencil. He said to his wife , Please Next Tuesday, his wife had no money again. Mr Smith took the exercise book to see how she had spent it.I have done what you told me , she said gladly. She had writtenFriday, I got 18 pounds from Mr Smith. on the first page,

17、and on the second page, she wrote , Tuesday, I have spent it all. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選出最佳答案并將其標(biāo)號(hào)填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。( ) 46.Mrs Smith always spent all the money . A.the next day B.in four days C. in a week D. on next Wednesday ( ) 47.Mr Smith gave his wife an exercise book and a pencil and asked her_ . A.to do homework

18、 B.to write down how she spent the money C.to have a look D.to draw a picture on it ( ) 48.Mrs Smith was_to do what Mr Smith asked her to . A.happy B.sad C.sorry D.bored ( ) 49.Mr Smith gave his wife money _ a week. A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times ( ) 50.The story tells us that Mrs Smith w

19、as not very_. A.glad B.tall C.careful D.good B The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at one time. When the sun is shining on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side. At night, you can see the stars. The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from

20、 the sun is so bright that you cant see them. When night come, there is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far aw

21、ay. The sun is closer to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger. 4 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選出最佳答案并將其標(biāo)號(hào)填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。 ( )51.When it is night, the sun _ . A. doesnt shine B. shines for a short time C. disappears D. shines on the other side of the earth ( )52.We cant see the stars in the sky at daytime because _

22、. A. there are no stars there B. the stars are much smaller than the sun C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen(被看見(jiàn)) D. the stars come out only at night ( )53.The stars look small because _ . A. they are far away B. they are small C. they have no light D. they are in the sky ( )54.Smal

23、l things may look _ when they are close. A. bigger B. small C. near D. far away ( )55.The sun looks bigger than other stars because _ . A. its bigger B. its closer to the earth than other stars C. it gives much bright light D. its far away in the sky D One day a rich man and a businessman met in a r

24、estaurant. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the rich man tasted it, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears(眼淚) came into his eyes. The businessman asked him why he was crying. The rich man didnt want to tell the truth and he told a lie,“Sir, I had a br

25、other who was killed last year. I was thinking of his death, and that made me cry.” The businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. He also burned his mouth so much that he had tears in his eyes. The rich man noticed it and asked the businessman,“Sir, why do you cry?”The businessman an

26、swered,“Oh, Im crying because you brother was really killed. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選出最佳答案并將其標(biāo)號(hào)填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。 ( )56.Where were the rich man and the businessman? A.In a shop. B.In s bus. C.In a restaurant. D.At home. ( )57.Why did the rich man cry? A.Because he was sad. B. Because his brothers death. C.Because the so

27、up was so hot that he burned his mouth. D.Because he didnt like the soup. ( )58. The businessman _the rich man at first. A.believed B.didnt believe C. believe D. doesnt believe ( )59.The 5 businessman _at last. A.was angry. B. was happy. C.liked the rich man. D.laughed. ( )60.Who told the truth? A.T

28、he rich man. B.The businessman. C.Nobody. D.A and B. D Now TV programs play an important part in our daily life. We can get a lot of knowledge programs is some TV Thefrom and a lot of fun it. Today is Saturday. following family your information Now information today. read it and try to find some for

29、 you and members. 12 Football Match SCTV Channel 1 13: 15:30 TV Play SCTV Channel 4 CCTV Channel 6 18:30 Cartoon Film Report (法律)CCTV Channel 1 12:38 LegalCCTV Channel 3 21:00 The Latest Music F表示)根據(jù)短文判斷正(用T表示)誤(用). He can watch CCTV Channel 1 at lunch time. ( ) 61.My father is interested in laws(法學(xué)

30、( )62.My cousin likes football matches.He can watch CCTV Channel 1. 63.I can watch TV plays in SCTV Channel 4 in the afternoon. ( )64.My sister is six. I think she can watch CCTV Channel 6. )( TV Channel 3 at noon today. 65.I like music, I can watch CC( ) 第四部分:口語(yǔ)運(yùn)用。(共5個(gè)小題,每題1分,滿(mǎn)分5分) 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(huà)。從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?/p>

31、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(huà)(其中有兩項(xiàng)是多余的),請(qǐng)將正確答案填入相應(yīng)位置。 A:Hello!Laury.You come from America,_66_ B: Hello!Zhang Ming. I go back once a year. A:Do you like Chinese food? B:Yes._67_.Its hot. A:I agree with you ._68_ B: Yes ,very ofen._69_ A:Great! I love watching them!_70_ B: It Animal world. A.Do you often watch TV on Sundays

32、? B.Chinese food is different from American food. C.Whats you favorite food? D.How often do you go back to America ? E.What do you think of talk shows? F.Whats your favorite program? G.Chinese food is the same as America food. 6 66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._ 第五部分:讀寫(xiě)綜合(共三節(jié);滿(mǎn)分30分) )102分,計(jì)分。5第一節(jié):完成句子。(共個(gè)小題,

33、每小題 根據(jù)句意和漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子,每空一詞。 邁克和他的哥哥有一些相同之處。71.Mike and his brother have something _ _. 72.因?yàn)檫@糟糕的天氣我不能和朋友一起出去。_ _the bad weather. I cant go out with my friends_ 73.雖然我比莉莉文靜,但我們都愛(ài)運(yùn)動(dòng)。sports. _Im quieter than lily, we _like 他總是能激發(fā)我的潛能。74.He always helps me _out the _in me. 75.這個(gè)小男孩受不了西餐。The little boy _ _we

34、stern food. (共第二節(jié):選詞填空:用所給單詞的正確形式填空,請(qǐng)將正確答案寫(xiě)在題中的橫線上,每詞限用一次。 8分)小題;每空18分,滿(mǎn)分funny really win good on study favorite in he laugh Many people think Xiao Shenyang is 76 actor in china. Some people like him very much because of 77 funny-looking. And he can make people 78 all the time. His 79 name is Shen H

35、e. He was born 80 May 7th, 1981. During 2009 CCTV Spring Festival , Xiao Shenyang 81 top prize for the most popular language program. In fact, Xiao Shenyang 82 hard and does 83 in many things. He can also imitate(模仿) many famous singers. Be with Xiao Shenyang, you can be very happy! 76._ 77._ 78._ 7

36、9._ 80._ 81._ 82._ 83._ 第三節(jié):書(shū)面表達(dá)(共1題,計(jì)12分) 以My Best Friend and I 為題寫(xiě)一篇短文,從外貌、性格、愛(ài)好特長(zhǎng)等方面比較,說(shuō)說(shuō)你倆的相同與不同,要談及你們間的互助。要用上比較級(jí)。80詞左右 。 _ 7 引導(dǎo)語(yǔ): 觀音片區(qū)、八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)半期檢測(cè)、現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始聽(tīng)力考試。 第 1 大題的提示語(yǔ):第一節(jié):聽(tīng)句子,根據(jù)所聽(tīng)句子內(nèi)容重新安排下列圖片的順序。每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。 的聽(tīng)力原文: 第1段聽(tīng)力材料 1. Tom runs fastest of the four boys. 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第2段聽(tīng)力材料 2. I drink coffee tw

37、ice a week. 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第3段聽(tīng)力材料 3. My favorite TV show is talk show. 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第4段聽(tīng)力材料 4. I play football better than Kim does. 8 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第5段聽(tīng)力材料 5. My mother wants me to have fruit every day. 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第 2 大題的提示語(yǔ):第二節(jié): 情景反應(yīng)。聽(tīng)句子,選出最佳答語(yǔ)。每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。 的聽(tīng)力原文: 6段聽(tīng)力材料第did Mike go on vacation? 6. Where 本段聽(tīng)力

38、材料的問(wèn)題: 段聽(tīng)力材料第77. What do you usually do on weekends, Sam? 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 8段聽(tīng)力材料第8. How was the food? 9 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第9段聽(tīng)力材料 9. Are you as outgoing as your friend? 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第10段聽(tīng)力材料 10. What do you think of the soap operas ? 本段聽(tīng)力材料的問(wèn)題: 第 3 大題的提示語(yǔ):第三節(jié): 聽(tīng)對(duì)話(huà)和問(wèn)題,選擇正確的答案。每題讀兩遍。 的聽(tīng)力原文: 11段聽(tīng)力材料第11. What did you do last weekend, Jane? I went to visit my aunt. Question: Who d


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