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1、贛州托福作文模板 出guo為廣大托福考生帶來了贛州托福作文模板,供廣大考生參考,希望對(duì)考生的寫作提高有所幫助。 If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for. 如果為學(xué)生社團(tuán)選擇一位 _者,性格誠(chéng)實(shí)應(yīng)該是你選擇投票給誰時(shí)最重要的考慮因素。 Honesty is a good quality to lead a student organization. A lot of student

2、s vote for a campaign candidate who is loyal and honest as the best one to lead a student organization. As far as I am con _rned, being honest is essential in running a students union; however there are other factors that draw the same attention. Admittedly, _ing the truth when dealing with student

3、affairs is helpful for colleagues to improve. In order to fully support other work _te, directly _ing them where the problem is and how to correct it are useful. For example, when a colleague who is new to the Offi _ of Student Affairs, _kes a mistake in correctly registering student names, plainly

4、pointing out his mistake is ne _ssary. In addition to this, it would be also appropriate to _ him that student handwritings are nor _lly scratchy, and there would be more typos if he has not paid enough attention to them. In a word, being honest to his mistake would not discourage his working enterp

5、rise, but encourage him to work with more cautions. However, on balan _, for a leader to _nage the team well, being honest is not enough for the absolutely honest to others would hurt their feelings. To avoid this, we have to consider other factors as a leader of a student organization. To begin wit

6、h, admitting to personal mistakes is a crucial characteristics for a leader, which sets foundation for self-improvement. If one is unable to acknowledge where he has failed, he will never be able to begin the pro _ss of working on the areas of weakness. In order to be a strong leader, one has to _ke

7、 mistakes, and confront them with a desire to do better in the future. This has more to do with improving your peten _ as a leader, rather than how people per _ive you. A leader will constantly be fa _d with tough decisions. Every leader thus has to take risks, but a good leader takes calculated ris

8、ks. The only way to get better at this decision- _ pro _ss is to _ke mistakes and learn from them. Also, if you are willing to _ke your mistakes public, the voters and colleagues _y be willing to trust you to take bigger risks in the future. In addition, how to cooperate with other team _tes is also

9、 worth noticing. In other words, team cooperation is able to improve the efficiency when encountering difficulties. Aording to a survey conducted by Gallup, after polling hundreds of student leaders from universities in California, a significant per _ntage of them regard that being cooperative in de

10、aling with problems could get everybody involved when _ decisions. During the discussion, suggestions from different members would _ke the problems prehensively considered, and hen _ minimizing the chan _ to ignoring _rtain aspects. Meanwhile, letting everyone have an opportunity to express his opin

11、ion _kes them feel a part of the team, which is essential to build team spirit. To sum up, there is no denying that honesty could help a student leader to run the organization. However, to consider it as the most important one is too absolute, and there are other factors, such as admitting to errors

12、 and teamwork, that are indispensable for a leader to take consideration. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them. 人們買一些東西并不是出于需求,而是因?yàn)槠渌艘矒碛兴鼈儯欠裾J(rèn)同? In re _nt decades, international trades and improvi

13、ng living standards have largely contributed to the large scale of purchase of products. The reason behind this mercial behaviors either es from individuals needs for them or from envy of those who have already possessed them. From my perspective, the essential motive behind the s _ne would be for i

14、ndividual purposes. Admittedly, people would sometimes buy the products because friends or class _tes have them. it is not rare to see that after a high school studens has bought a newly-released iPad and bring it to the class, other friends would be at first gathering around him to witness how the

15、product runs and then beg their parents to buy the one for them. For them, buying the newest generation iPad might bring them attention from others, which has nothing to do with the functionality of product. However, on balan _, this only happens for within a s _ll number of people, especially young

16、 students and women. For other consumers, they would be wise in choosing what they want. In this regard, more people are buying products out of their needs. To begin with, for college students, they are inclined to buy what they really want. In other words, due to limited living expenses monthly, mo

17、st of them could not buy whatever they want. Aording to the re _nt survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after polling 500 students in universities from Bei _g, most of them claim that each month they have to _nage their living expenses within 1500 yuan. Not only does this sum of money have to cover meal

18、bills, clothing and fees for textbooks, but it also have to deal with emergencies. Under this circumstan _, nor _lly they have to _ke a plan for money use, and try to avoid buying things with little practical use. This explains why college students in Bei _g rarely buy the newest generation ofiPhone

19、 or pay for monthly travel, and they have to put the money either on textbooks or living ne _ssities. In addition, _le _s are another group of consumers who _ke purchase based on real needs. For example, for those who decide to buy a car, the motive is mostly because the car could help family member

20、 to tackle emergencies or drive them to the suburb for a relaxing weekend. Also, for those who decide to equip with a new Macbook, the motive might have something to do with work requirement, which asks them to pro _ss the data faster and more aurately. Moreover, for those who deicide to spend money

21、 on applying for MBA in business school, the motive might be related to career development. A wider caree insight cultivated from MBA would give them a broader window of suess in the work. Seeing from this, it is the utilitarian purpose that _kes _le _s buy real products. To sum up, although it is n

22、or _l to see some customers _ impulsive purchase sin _, most of the rational customers would buy products out of their needs. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: young people today are more likely to help others than young people were in the past. 現(xiàn)在的年輕人比過去更愿意幫助別人,是否認(rèn)同? In our country there

23、 has always been a spirit of volunteeri _. As children, we are taught that helping those less fortunate is our responsibility. But unfortunately, the growing prosperity of the nation has pla _d an emphasis on _teriali _ and individual suess, creating a generation of youth that do not understand the

24、meaning of being selfless. I believe young people today are not as charitable as previous generations of young people. The _in reasons I am so skeptical of the inclination of todays youth to help people is that they are spoiled. I remember when I was young and using a puter at the public library was

25、 a privilege. When my parents bought me my own puter when I went to university, I understood how much they sacrifi _d to give me that as a present. Nowadays, children see expensive puters, like the iPad and iPhone, as a ne _ssity, not a privilege. They re _ive all these kinds of gifts without prehen

26、ding how much their parents sacrifi _ to give them the very best in the latest technology. They do not know what it is to be without. I believe this has created a generation of selfish young people who do not understand and cannot empathize with those less fortunate, _ them less likely to feel pelle

27、d to help others. In addition, I think this generation has not learned to respect others. Trapped in their own digital world, they are unaware of the disrespect they show their elders when they ignore their parents and grandparents as they text and talk on their _llphones. Maybe that is not the sole

28、 cause, but I see a distinct differen _ between how they behave and how my generation behaved at that age. For example, when riding the bus, it is monpla _ to offer your seat to an elderly gentle _n or lady. Now, when I ride the bus, I constantly see young people who are sitting in the seats specifi

29、cally reserved for senior citizens and who basically refuse to vacate the seat when a senior citizen enters the bus. Instead, they pretend to be more absorbed in the game on their iPhones, pretending to be unaware of their obligation to offer their chair to those in need. Todays youth are so wrapped

30、 in their own self-interests that they are disrespectful and do not willingly help those in need. Admittedly, it is not entirely correct to say that all young people are selfish and do not help others. The number of volunteer organizations in schools and munity suggests that there are _ny youths who

31、 understand the importan _ of helping our fellow _n. I am _rtain there are _ny students who full-heartedly believe in volunteeri _ and charity, but I think that in general these school volunteer programs serve a selfish end. Volunteering has more or les _ee a requirement for college applications. A

32、student who does not have any volunteer servi _ experien _ is a less petitive applicant than one who does have volunteer servi _ experien _. Although there _y be a few students who genuinely believe in the social responsibility of charity, _ny students participate simply to forward their own self-in

33、terests. Todays youth, who have been raised in a period of affluen _ and privilege and do not understand what it means to have nothing, are self- _ntered, disrespectful, and less likely to help other than previous generations. It is important for gover _ent to provide money for things that are beaut

34、iful not just for things that are practical. 相比于務(wù)實(shí)的事情, _為美麗的事物投資也很重要。 Gover _ents core function is to provide for health, safety, education and defense of its citizens. It _y be tempting to argue that by focusing on things pleasing to behold, a gover _ent can harvest more support. I, however, believ

35、e this could be a bad idea, and eye-catcher projects can be no substitute for ones with practical purposes. Consider real estate. The re _nt decades has witnesses a boom in _jestic _nsions and skyscrapers on a global scale. While they are all pleasing to our eyes, quite a few boasts fashionably hall

36、ow designs taking up much spa _ yet serving few practical purposes. Even so, gover _ents still play along, funding projects and enforcing policies in the hop of a sound public i _ge. However, all this could be in vain we the housing reality of the working class ha _ee so harsh that few others would

37、step up to fill the role. If the gover _ent could subsidize affordable housing, things would be a lot better for struggling college graduates. Stu _s have shown a _jority persons have to postpone their wedding plans as the results of inability to buy a house. Affordable housing does not ne _ssarily

38、_ke a good headline, but gover _ent is doing the right thing of the benefits of the public from a practical sense. Also, Consider the public transit. Maglev train can be regarded as a re _rkable milestone in transportation history. The sleek design and fast speed gives this invention aura of fame an

39、d the gover _ent aura of flourish. Can we thus assume the administration is a suessful one? The answer is negative. This technological advan _ment is rather costly and energy inefficient. At the expense of huge financial and hu _n resour _s, the gover _ent _nages to present the world with an eye-cat

40、cher yet fails to satisfy the needs of the _jority. Poorly _intained bus lines and overly crowed subways are the reality for the public. It surely falls under the rubrics of gover _ent responsibility to upgrade the current public transit. Such practical pan does not always gather much spotlight but

41、if we take a long view, gover _ent is _ a contribution muters can benefits from on an every-day basis. To sum up, ni _-looking projects tend to be a huge drain on gover _ents resour _s. Things that seem to be practical, on the other hand, deserve more attention. Do you agree or disagree with the fol

42、lowing statement? People should know about events happening around the world even if they have little influen _ on their daily lives. Use specific examples to support your answer.人們應(yīng)該廣泛了解發(fā)生在世界各地的 _新聞,即使這些 _對(duì)我們的日常生活沒有什么影響。是否同意? There is no denying that the world is getting s _ller every day. The glob

43、alization of the economy has _de people and nations more closely connected and more dependent than ever before. People should keep up with global current affairs because whether people can see it or not, these events impact our lives more than we realize. Take for example the political situation in

44、pla _s like the Middle East. Political unrest and the most re _nt social movements in this region _y not directly affect our daily lives, but this indirectly affects oil pri _s. The global _rket largely depends on oil from the Middle East. The unrest creates disorganization, leading to disruption in the production of oil. This affects global oil pri _s which then impacts every other fa _t of industry and economy. The pri _ of everything, such as farm produ _, is affected by this seemingly localized instability. Another example of a loca


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