七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè) 知識(shí)導(dǎo)學(xué) Module 12 Western music綜合能力演練 (新版)外研版_第1頁
七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè) 知識(shí)導(dǎo)學(xué) Module 12 Western music綜合能力演練 (新版)外研版_第2頁




1、Module 12 Western music綜合能力演練【鞏固練習(xí)】I. 單項(xiàng)選擇。1My sister likes playing _ basketball,but I like playing _ violin A/;/ B/;the Cthe;/ Dthe;the2_ Tom _ Jim likes musicThey often go to the concerts at weekends ABoth;and BEither;or CNeither;nor DNot only;but also3Linda did nothing this morning,_?_She got up

2、too late Ahad he;Yes Bhadnt she;Yes Cdid she;No Ddidnt she;No4This is my _ brotherHe is two years _ than I Aolder;elder Belder;older Colder;older Delder;elder5I didnt hear _ it Afrom Bof Cfor Dto6You can find the answer _ the question in this book Aof Bfor Cto Dwith7Do I have to take this medicine?

3、It _ so terrible Atastes Bis tasting Cis tasted Dhas tasted8Uncle Wang can make his kite _ higher in the sky Afly Bflies Cto fly Dflying9_ nice shoes she is wearing! AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a10Which will you buy,this one _ that one? Aand Bso Cor Dbut11Do you know Beethoven,the great _? Awriter Bcomp

4、oser Cpainter Dleader12You like classical music,_? Yes,of course Adont you Bdo you Care you Darent you13Many students like Western classical music,_? Adont they Bhavent they Cdo they Dhave they14_ bright the girls are! AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a15The young man was at work,_? Awas he Bdont he Cwasnt h

5、e Ddoes heII. 完形填空。Many parents want their children to be famous one dayBut do children have the same 1 ? A new 2 Hi,Keai is on at Beijing Childrens Art TheatreIt tells the story of a boy called KeaiHis parents would like him to become a painter or a 3 one dayThey teach him to 4 and to play the viol

6、in,but Keai doesnt enjoy these activitiesThen one day Keais parents see Liu Xiang win a gold 5 at the Athens Olympic Games,and they want him to be a sportsman “ 6 do they want me to be someone else?”Keai asks and says“I only want to be 7 ” The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to 8

7、their childrenIt helps parents to think about what kids want to do Young audiences(觀眾) enjoy the story,and also the 9 in the playThere are two songs in the playOne of them,Ke ais Song is very 10 to 1earn,so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!1Ajobs Bdreams Chabits Dhobb

8、ies2Asong Bfilm Cplay Dopera3A writer B teacher Csportsman Dmusician4Apaint Bwrite Crun Ddrive5A match B ring Cmedal Drace6AHow BWhy CWhen DWhere7Amyself Bdifferent Calone Dgreat8Aencourage Bunderstand Ccriticize Dinspire9Alight Bclothes Cskill Dmusic10Aeasy Bdifficult Cimportant DnecessaryIII. 閱讀理解

9、。A American band “The Backstreet Boys” have travelled all over the world but often they dont see much of the countries they visitIn recent years band members Nick,Howie,Brian,AJ and Kevin have been to countries as far as Australia,Spain,and Chile Life on tour is very busy with little time for seeing

10、 a new countryHowie explains,“We try to see the sights when visiting a country for the first time,but often we only get to see our hotel and the place where were performing” One of the good things about going on tour is the chance to meet fans from around the worldSometimes they can become overexcit

11、ed thoughIn Spain,one girl came up Kevin and grabbed his necklaceHis brother gave it to him as a present and he was sad to lose itOn another occasion,some Canadian fans ran after AJ and he hurt his foot while running away On the whole,the fans make touring special for the bandWhen they arrive in a c

12、ountry,there are often crowds of cheering fans at the airportThis makes“The Backstreet Boys”feel welcome even when they are a thousand miles from home根據(jù)短文回答下列問題。(2分510分)。1Did“The Backstreet Boys”travel a lot of countries? _2How many members are there in“The Backstreet Boys”? _3Why couldnt“The Backst

13、reet Boys”see the sights when theyre visiting a country? _4What is a good thing about going on tour for them? _5Why was Kevin sad to lose his necklace? _B Many Chinese people like American country music(鄉(xiāng)村音樂),such as the songs of John DenverBut still some people dont know when country music began Co

14、untry music is from the folk music(民間音樂) of the Appalachian Mountains in the east of AmericaThere,people sang while playing the violin and guitarThey sang about everyday life,love and their problemsSo the songs were sometimes a little sad One of the most popular country music singers is John Denver,

15、who is also quite famous to the ChineseFor Denver,music was a language that could bring the world together The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997But his music will live on6John Denver is a great _ singer AEnglish BJapanese CAmerican DChinese7American country music is from the _ mus

16、ic of America Apop Bjazz Clight Dfolk8John Denver died in _ A1997 B1990 C1996 D19999The American folk music is about _ Aeveryday life Blove Ctheir problems Dall of A,B and C10Country music is from the folk music of the Appalachian Mountains in the _ of America Aeast Bwest Csouth DnorthIV. 書面表達(dá)。書面表達(dá)。

17、請(qǐng)根據(jù)所給提示,向大家介紹一位歌手朱之文。60詞左右。NameBornGood atFamous forZhu Zhiwen1969年 ShandongSinging songsTaking part in the CCTV Spring Gala(春晚)A famous singer答案與解析:. 單項(xiàng)選擇。1B。與play連用時(shí),球類運(yùn)動(dòng)名詞前面不加the,西洋樂器名詞前面加the。2D。由后句句意“他們經(jīng)常在周末去聽音樂會(huì)”可知他們兩個(gè)都喜歡音樂,故排除B和C;因?yàn)橹^語動(dòng)詞用的是“l(fā)ikes”,both.and 連接成分作主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用原形,排除A,故選D。3C。當(dāng)句中出現(xiàn)noth

18、ing時(shí),視該句為否定形式,簡短問句遵循“前否后肯”的原則,故用did she。4B。elder意為“年長的”,older是old的比較級(jí)。句意為“這是我的哥哥,他比我大兩歲?!?B。句意為“我沒聽說過它”。hear from意為“收到的來信”,hear of意為“聽說”。6C。the answer to the question為固定搭配,意為“這個(gè)問題的答案”。7A。句意:我必須吃這種藥嗎?太難吃了。taste,smell,sound等作連系動(dòng)詞時(shí)無被動(dòng)語態(tài)和進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。8A。make.do意為“讓/使做”。9A。在感嘆句中,what修飾名詞,how修飾形容詞或副詞,shoes為名詞,排除C

19、和D。此處shoes用的是復(fù)數(shù),排除B。10C。選擇疑問句用or連接供選擇的部分,or為“或者”的意思。11B。由常識(shí)可知貝多芬是一位作曲家。12A??疾榉匆庖蓡柧溆梅ā7匆庖蓡柧淝翱虾蠓?,謂語動(dòng)詞前后應(yīng)一致。故選A。13A。反意疑問句前面為肯定,后面應(yīng)為否定的形式,故選A。14C。在感嘆句中,what修飾名詞,how修飾形容詞或副詞,bright為形容詞,排除A和B。C形式不對(duì)。故選C。15C。反意疑問句要注意前面為肯定時(shí),后面要用否定結(jié)構(gòu)。II. 完形填空。1B。根據(jù)第一句話,許多的父母親都希望他們的孩子在將來會(huì)出名??赏浦湟猓嚎墒呛⒆觽儠?huì)有同樣的夢(mèng)想嗎?dreams“夢(mèng)想”。2C。文章后面提到了這是一部話劇。play“話劇”。3D。根據(jù)下文的play the violin可知,父母親想要他成為一名音樂家。4A。根據(jù)上文的painter可知,父母教給兒子畫畫。5C。此處指的是劉翔在雅典奧運(yùn)會(huì)上獲取金牌。a gold medal“一枚金牌”。6B。為什么他們讓我成為其他的人呢?why“為什么”。7A。我只是想要做我自己。myself“我自己”,與上文的someone else構(gòu)成對(duì)比。8B。根據(jù)下文的:這有助于父母考慮孩子想要做什么,可推知句意:這個(gè)話劇表明了對(duì)父母親而言學(xué)會(huì)理解孩子是很好的。understand“懂得;理解”。9D。 根據(jù)下文的“songs?!笨?/p>


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