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1、(完整word版)英語人稱代詞和物主代詞練習(xí)題(完整word版)英語人稱代詞和物主代詞練習(xí)題 編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:這里是精品文檔編輯中心,本文檔內(nèi)容是由我和我的同事精心編輯整理后發(fā)布的,發(fā)布之前我們對文中內(nèi)容進(jìn)行仔細(xì)校對,但是難免會有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整word版)英語人稱代詞和物主代詞練習(xí)題)的內(nèi)容能夠給您的工作和學(xué)習(xí)帶來便利。同時(shí)也真誠的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我們進(jìn)步的源泉,前進(jìn)的動力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺得對您有幫助請收藏以便隨時(shí)查閱,最后祝您生活愉快 業(yè)績進(jìn)步,以下為(完整word版)英語人稱代詞和物主代詞練習(xí)題的全部內(nèi)容。14(完整word版)英語人稱

2、代詞和物主代詞練習(xí)題親愛的讀者:本文內(nèi)容由我和我的同事精心收集整理后編輯發(fā)布到文庫,發(fā)布之前我們對文中內(nèi)容進(jìn)行詳細(xì)的校對,但難免會有錯(cuò)誤的地方,如果有錯(cuò)誤的地方請您評論區(qū)留言,我們予以糾正,如果本文檔對您有幫助,請您下載收藏以便隨時(shí)調(diào)用。下面是本文詳細(xì)內(nèi)容。最后最您生活愉快 o(_)o 人稱代詞和物主代詞的使用方法順口溜:人稱代詞主格在句首,賓格在動詞后。形容詞物主代詞后有名詞,名詞性物主代詞后沒有名詞。第一人稱 第二人稱 第三人稱單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單 數(shù)復(fù) 數(shù)人稱代詞主 格iweyouyoushe he itthey賓 格meusyouyouher him it them物主代詞形容詞性myo

3、uryouryourher his its their名詞性mineoursyoursyourshers his itstheirs人稱代詞指代人或物,在句中作主語或賓語,所以有主格和賓格。賓格代詞用于替代處于賓語位置上的名詞,可以用作直接賓語和間接賓語。例i am a student. (i 主語)please help me。 (me 直接賓語) give me a book. (me 間接賓語)物主代詞是表示所有關(guān)系的一種代詞,亦稱所有格代詞。物主代詞有兩種形式:形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞.a形容詞性物主代詞為限定詞,放在名詞或名詞短語前作定語。如:this is my book。

4、b.名詞性物主代詞起名詞的作用,后面不可以再接名詞。在句子中可以作主語、賓語或表語。如:1. your pen is red。 mine is black. 你的鋼筆是紅色的,我的是黑色的。2. he didnt use his ink. he used mine. 他沒有用他自己的墨水他用了我的。3。 that book is hers, not yours。 那本書是她的,不是你的.英語代詞練習(xí)題i.選擇填空1he is_(our/ours) english teacher. _name is sam(男人名).2. jane (女人名) is my friend. she has got

5、 long hair。 _hair is yellow.but_(my/mine) is black.3。_(mine/my) dog is white .but_(her/hers) is black.4.-whose computer is it ? is it your fathers ? -no,its not_.its my mothers. - oh, its_. (its =_ _)5. look ! _car is it ? is it_(your/yours) ?no,_(our/ours) car is old (舊的)。- its_(their/theirs) car 。

6、_is new.ii用括號中單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1-are these_(you) pencils?-yes ,they are_(our)。2. whose pencil is this ?its_( i )。3.she is_( i ) friend。4。miss li often look after (照顧)_(she) brother.5.are these_(they) bags ?-no,they arent _(their)。 they are_(we) . (arent =_ _)6。this bike is my sisters . it is_(she)。7.this is

7、nt_( i ) book 。 _(my) is in the bag。 (ist =_ _)iii.填入正確的人稱代詞和物主代詞1.this isnt_knife。 _is green. (she)1 these are your books, kate. put_in de desk,please。 (they)2 _must look after (照顧)_things。 (you )3 wei fang, is that_ruler ? yes, its 。 (you)4 they want(想要) a football . give_the green one。 please。 (t

8、hey)5 its lin taos bag 。 give it to_。 (he)6 is this pencil-box li leis ? no,_is very(非常) new.(he)7 this box is too heavy(很重). i cant carry(攜帶)_。(it) (cant =_ _)8.dont worry ,let_( i ) help_。 (you)9. _is a boy. _name is mike(男人名)。 mikes friends like_very much(非常)。 (he)10. my sister is in_room。 _is a

9、teacher。 (she)11. jane is a little girl . _mother is a nurse(護(hù)士)。 (she)12. we are in_classroom。 _classroom is bag。 (we)13. my father and mother are teachers. _are busy(繁忙). (them)14. you are a pupil(兒童)。 is_brother a pupil , too ? (you)15. i ate(eat的過去分詞) all_sandwiches yesterday. (i) can i have one

10、 of_。(they)?16. jack(男人名) has a dog and so have i(我也有一只)。 _(he)dog and_(i) had a fight(打架)。17. george(男人名)has lost(丟失了)_(his) pen. ask mary(女人名) if (是否)she will lend(借) him_.(she) 18. the teacher wants you to return that book of_.(he)19. mr and mrs。 green(男人名)and a friend of_are coming to see us. (t

11、hey)20. we are going to paris(巴黎) to stay with a french(法國) friend of_(we)。iv.根據(jù)漢語提示填空(漢語只是個(gè)提示,不要照搬翻譯)1_(她)is a student. _(她)sister is a student too。2。_(我)want_(你) to do it today.3._(他)brother is a worker(工人). _are twins(他們).4._(你們)are english。 _(我們)are chinese.5.all of(所有)_(我們)love_(我們)teacher.6.th

12、is is_(我)book. that is_(你).7。these pens are_(他們)._(你們)are over there(在那邊).8.can_(你)read it for_(我們)。v。 補(bǔ)全對話1-whose bike is it ? is it_(your/yours)? -no,its not_.(my/mine) _is red. but this bike is blue . -is it janes ? -sorry, i dont know。 maybe its_. -jane,is this_bike ? no,its not_。you can ask bil

13、l(男人名)。 maybe its_。 -bill,is this bike_ ? -oh,yes,its_bike。thank you very mnch!2. -whose classroom is it ? is it_(our/ours)classroom ?no,its not_。 its_(their/theirs)-_(their/theirs) classroom is big.-yes ,you are right. -but_is small.vi.根據(jù)句意用適當(dāng)人稱代詞、物主代詞填空1。mary works in a bookstore(書店)。 _likes_work

14、very mnch。1 jone and i are in the same(相同的) school. _go to school together(一起)。2 she is a friend of_. we got to know each other(彼此、互相) two years ago.3 her sister makes all_own(自己的) dresses。4 i have many friends。 _are all good at(擅長于) english.5 -may i use(使用)_bike ? -_is broken(故障、壞的).vii。根據(jù)漢語意思補(bǔ)全句子1

15、.this is_father. 這是我的爸爸。2。is that bike _? yes,its_。 那輛自行車是你的嗎?是,它是我的。3。_like_car。 我喜歡他們的小汽車。4。our school is here, and_is there。 我們的學(xué)校在這兒,他們的在哪兒。5。whose bike is this ?its_(=its_ _). 這是誰的自行車?是她的嗎?6。is that car_? yes,its_. 那輛車是你的嗎?是的,它是我的viii。選擇1。 this is my book. are over there.a. your b。 yours c。 you

16、 d. mine2. whose pen is it? its 。a。 her b。 hers c。 she d. his3。 bag is new and is new, too. a。 our, he b。 ours, his c. my, his d。 my, her4。 this room is ours, and that one is 。a。 they b. them c。 theirs d。 their5. whose pencils are there? theyre 。a. my b。 me c. mine d. our6. is the new watch ? yes, i

17、ts 。 a. you, me b. yours, mine c。 your, my d。 your, mine7。 whose shoes are these? they are .a. me b. mine c。 my d。 i 8. she is a student , name is han mei. a. its b. her c。 hers d. his9。 its a dog。 i dont know name。a。 its b. its c. it d. its 10. this ruler isnt mine. i think it is 。a. he b。 him c. h

18、is d。 her11。 schoolbag is beautiful。 but is more beautiful.a. jims, my b. jims, mine c. jims, me d. jims, i 12。 am a boy and is a girl。 a。 my, she b. i, her c. i, she d。 mine, she13。i like new dress.a。 she b. her c。 hers d. his 14.i often help mother do housework(家務(wù)活)。 a. me, she b。 mine, her c。 my,

19、 her d. i, hers15.is that hat? no, its not 。 its . a. your, my, toms b. you, mine, toms c. yours, mine, tom d. your, mine, toms一、用適當(dāng)?shù)娜朔Q代詞填空:1。_ismyaunt。weoftenvisit_。 ( she )2。 chinaisadevelopingcountry。_isintheeastofasia. ( its )3.whatdayis_today?_isthursday. (its)5。iownabluebike。theredoneisnt_. (

20、i )6。thesenewhousesaresonice._areveryexpensive.( them )7.thefishermencaughtalotoffish,didnt_? ( them )8。linglingisagirl._studiesinaprimaryschool。_brotherliveswith_andhelps_with_ lessons. ( she )9。mikeismyclassmate._isgoodatengliush。 ( his )10.katewantsaglassofmilk。willyoupassitto_? ( she )11.whatsth

21、eweatherliketoday?_iscloudy。 ( its )二、用形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞填空1。iateall_sandwichesyesterday.( i )canihaveoneof_? ( you )2.georgehaslost_ ( his )pen。askmaryif(是否)shewilllendhim_。 ( she )3.jackhasadogandsohavei。_( he ) dogand_ ( i )hadafight(打架).4.theteacherwantsyoutoreturnthatbookof_( he )5.mr.andmrs。gree

22、nandafriendof_arecomingtoseeus。 ( they )6.wearegoingtoparistostaywithafrenchfriendof_. (we )三、用適當(dāng)?shù)娜朔Q代詞和物主代詞填空a.從括號內(nèi)選擇正確的代詞填空1.yourfootballclothesareonthedesk.pleaseput_(they,them,their,theirs)away.2。(we,us,our,ours)_englishteacherismrs.green。wealllike_(she,her,hers)。3。(i,me,my,mine)_cantgetmykite.co

23、uldyouhelp_(i,me,my,mine)?4。tomcantgetdownfromthetree。canyouhelp_(he,him,his)?6.wecantfindourbikes。canyouhelp_(we,us,our,ours)?5。theseare_(he,him,his)planes。thewhiteonesare_(me,mine).b。填入正確的人稱代詞和物主代詞1.thisisnt_knife._isgreen。 ( she )2。theseareyourbooks,kate。put_inthedesk,please. (they )3._mustlookaf

24、ter_things。 ( you )4.weifang,isthat_ruler?yes,its。( you )5.theywantafootball。give_thegreenone,please. ( they)6。itslintaosbag。giveitto_. ( he )7.isthispencilboxlileis?no,_isverynew. ( he )8。thisboxistooheavy。icantcarry_.( it )dontworry,let_( i )help_. ( you)9._isaboy_nameismike。mikesfriendslike_verym

25、uch. ( he )10.mysisterisin_room._isateacher。 ( she )11。janeisalittlegirl._motherisanurse. ( she )12.wearein_classroom。_classroomisbig。 ( we)13。myfatherandmotherareteachers。_arebusy ( them)14.youareapupil。is_brotherapupil,too? ( you )四、用括號中的適當(dāng)形式填空 (1)arethese_(you)pencils? yes,theyare_(our)。(2)-whose

26、isthispencil? its_(i)。(3)ilove_(they)verymuch。(4)sheis_(i)classmate.(5)misslioftenlooksafter_(she)brother。(6)-arethese_(they)bags?-no,theyarent_(their).theyare_(we)。五、選擇填空1.whossingingoverthere?_issandyssister.a。thatb。itc。shed。this2。_willspendthesummerholidayinhawaii。a.she,youandib。you,sheandic.i,yo



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