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1、合肥商務英語口語 商務英語口語區(qū)別于日常口語,有很強的專業(yè)性。下面收集了一些合肥商務英語口語 _給大家,希望對大家有用。 我們公司今年盈利嗎? Is our pany in the black this year? Is our pany _ money this year? Is our pany profitable this year? in the black 經(jīng)理說我們必須在明年年末扭虧為盈。 Our _nager said we would have to turn into pro fit by the end of next year. turn into profit 這么說

2、,這位新的財務長就是派來使公司脫離虧損的? So the new CFO is sent to bring the pany out of the red ? 據(jù)說公司下個月還要裁員呢。 It is said that several people are going to be laid off next month. It is said that our pany plans layoffs next month. It is said chat our pany plans to cut jobs . It is said that our pany plans to slash jo

3、bs 這很正常。 Its quite mon. 我的好朋友就剛剛被炒魷魚。 One of my close friends just got laid off. One of my close friends is between jobs now. One of my close friends has just got the sack/ axe. One of my close friends was just fired. 我做了一個艱難的決定。這是我的辭呈 I ve _de a tough decision. Here is my resignation. _ Why? 我想拓展我的

4、視野。 . I want to expand my horizons. 我在這里待得太久了。想換一換環(huán)境。 Ive been here for too long. I want to change my enviro _ent. 我辭職是因為我想嘗試不一樣的東西。 I m quitting because I want to try something different. 我精疲力竭了。我需要好好休息。 I m running out of run out of steam I need to take a steam break. 我正考慮給你升職呢。 Im thinking about

5、promoting you. 老實說,我有一個更好的工作機會。 To be honest Ive got a better offer. 我已經(jīng)決定出guo念書了。 Ive decided to study abroad. 那恭喜你了。 Congratulations! 謝謝! Thank you! 真的很髙興能與你共事,但該是我離開的時候了。 Ive really enjoyed working with you. However, I think its about time for me to leave. 我很抱歉在這個時候提出辭呈. Im sorry to bring up my r

6、esignation at this moment. 我做了一個艱難的決定。這是我的辭呈 I ve _de a tough decision. Here is my resignation. _ Why? 我想拓展我的視野。 . I want to expand my horizons. 我在這里待得太久了。想換一換環(huán)境。 Ive been here for too long. I want to change my enviro _ent. 我辭職是因為我想嘗試不一樣的東西。 I m quitting because I want to try something different. 我精

7、疲力竭了。我需要好好休息。 I m running out of run out of steam I need to take a steam break. 我正考慮給你升職呢。 Im thinking about promoting you. 老實說,我有一個更好的工作機會。 To be honest Ive got a better offer. 我已經(jīng)決定出guo念書了。 Ive decided to study abroad. 那恭喜你了。 Congratulations! 謝謝! Thank you! 真的很髙興能與你共事,但該是我離開的時候了。 Ive really enjoye

8、d working with you. However, I think its about time for me to leave. 我很抱歉在這個時候提出辭呈. Im sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment. 稱呼的方式因國而異。 Addressing someone differs addressing from nation to nation. 能舉個例子嗎? Would you give an example? 比方說美國人,他們間不論什么關系都直呼其名。 Say Americans. They like using fir

9、st name in any relationship. 稱呼老板也叫名字嗎? Even to call their boss? 沒錯。他們認為,這樣交流起來更容易。 You said it. In their opinion this helps _ke their munication easy. 還能使工作關系平等些。 And their interaction in the workpla _ is more equal. 嗯。多數(shù)情況下,英國人也叫名字。 En. The British also use first names most of the time. 但我發(fā)現(xiàn)一些英國人不

10、太擅長記名字。 But I find some Englishmen are not good at remembering names. 所以他們經(jīng)常不用名字作稱呼。 So they will often use no names at all. 我們中國人好像很在乎職稱。 Our Chinese seem to value titles. 德國商人和意大利商人也是如此。對他們直呼其名會引起不快,甚至會危及生意的成敗。 So do Ger _n and Italian businesspeople. Addressing them only by first names would be u

11、npleasant or even disastrous to business. 美國人喜歡什么樣的禮物? What kind of gift do American businesspeople like? 美國人講究禮品的實用性和獨特性。在美國人心目中,我國產(chǎn)的仿真兵馬俑是一種送禮珍品。 Americans prefer something practical and unique. Chinese imitation clay figures of warriors and horses are precious gifts in their minds. imitation clay

12、 figures of warriors and horses 英國人呢? What about Englishmen? 不要送昂貴的禮品給英國人。 Dont give them expensive gifts. _? Why? 那會被誤認為是賄賂。 That would be mistaken as bribery. 那送什么合適呢? What present is taken as proper? 高級巧克力、名酒或鮮花,都是上乘禮品 Some high-grade chocolates, a bottle of well-known spirit or fresh flowers _ke

13、 wonderful presents for them. spirit 法國人崇尚藝術,他們一定喜歡藝術性強的禮品吧。 Frenchmen are keen on art. They must have a preferen _ for artistic gifts. be keen on 說得很對,仿古禮品是他們的最愛。 You said it. Presents modeled after antiques would be their favorites. 德國人喜歡什么禮品? What about the proper gifts given to Ger _ns? 德國人很講究禮物

14、的包裝。切勿用白色、黑色或棕色的包裝紙。絲帶也不能用。 Ger _ns are particular about the packaging of gifts. White, black and brown paper should never be used as packing _terial. Ribbons are also avoided. 真有趣! How interesting! 另外,不要送尖銳的東西,因為德國人視其為不祥之兆。 And dont give them something sharp. They regard them as ominous symbols . 我知道


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