2020-2021學年冀教版九年級下冊英語習題課件Unit 4 Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter_第1頁
2020-2021學年冀教版九年級下冊英語習題課件Unit 4 Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter_第2頁
2020-2021學年冀教版九年級下冊英語習題課件Unit 4 Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter_第3頁
2020-2021學年冀教版九年級下冊英語習題課件Unit 4 Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter_第4頁
2020-2021學年冀教版九年級下冊英語習題課件Unit 4 Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter_第5頁
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1、Unit 4 Stories and Poems,Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter,冀教版 九年級,1,fable,2,axe,3,woodcutter,4,silver,6,7,8,9,10,was cutting,make his living,Suddenly; came up with,dove into; brought,so happy with; honesty that; other two,先練后背,提示:點擊 進入習題,5,admit,honest; dishonest; honesty,6,7,C,breaking,題組專訓,1,

2、2,3,4,5,B,holding,C,D,8,admitted into,10,C,9,C,B,A,B,D,C,1,2,3,4,5,dove,make their living,talking to,policy,10,admitted,6,7,8,9,課后鞏固,What is,because he was ill,comes back,dont need,Did; say any,11,12,13,14,15,B,D,D,B,16,17,18,19,一、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子,并背記相應(yīng)英語詞匯 1. Have you read the _ (寓言) The Farmer and the S

3、nake? 2. Youd better cut it with an _ (斧子) for its too hard.,fable,axe,3. A _ (伐木者) and his family live in a forest. 4. A song says, “The sun is like a gold shuttle(梭子) and the moon is like a _ (銀的) shuttle.” 5. Dont be afraid to _ (承認) to your mistakes.,woodcutter,silver,admit,二、根據(jù)提示完成句子,并背記英語句子 6.

4、 一天,當他在湖邊伐木的時候,斧子掉進了水里。 One day, when he _ _ wood beside a lake, he lost his axe in the water.,was cutting,7. 他需要它( 斧子) 來謀生。 .and he needed it to _ _ _. 8. 突然,她想出來一個好主意。 _ she _ _ _ a great idea.,make his living,Suddenly came up with,9. 這個精靈潛入湖里,帶回了一把金斧子。 The spirit _ _ the lake and _ back a gold ax

5、e.,dove into brought,10. 精靈對伐木工人的誠實是那么滿意,以至于給了他 另外兩把斧子當作禮物。 The spirit was _ _ _ the woodcutters _ _ she gave him the _ _ axes as presents.,so happy with honesty that other two,1. Dont tell a lie. You are _ honest boy. 【中考蘭州】 A. a B. an C. the D. /,B,2. The girl is _ . We all believe her. She doesnt

6、 make friends with _ people, because she thinks _ is important for a person. (honest) 3. He came in, _ (hold) a book in his hand.,honest dishonest honesty,holding,4. The Monkey King can make 72 changes to his shape and size, _ himself into different animals and objects. 【中考攀枝花】 A. turned B. to turn

7、C. turning D. turn,C,5. Paul went to the bookstore with some friends of _ . 【中考臨沂】 A. he B. him C. himself D. his,D,6. Do you know who taught _ Russian? Nobody. He learned it by _ . 【中考濱州】 A. his; himself B. him; him C. him; himself D. his; him,C,7. The boy admitted _ (break) the window. 8. 他被一所重點大學

8、錄取了。 He was _ _ a key university.,breaking,admitted into,9. If your parents wanted to have a _ child, would you agree? Of course. But they should make it in _ years time. 【中考隨州】 A. second; second B. two; two C. second; two D. two; second,C,10. How do you keep fit? I live on _ floor. I walk upstairs

9、instead of taking the lift every day. 【中考哈爾濱】 A. twelve B. the twelve C. the twelfth,C,一、單項選擇 1. You all failed in the exam yesterday, so I want to give you _ chance. 【中考青海】 A. one B. a second C. the third,B,2. I asked _ to do _ schoolwork by_ . 【中考蘭州】 A. him; his; himself B. her; her; itself C. her

10、; his; myself D. him; her; herself,A,3. Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and _ is noisy. 【中考上海】 A. another B. the other C. other D. others,B,4. Do you watch Peppa Pig on TV? Its so funny! Well, no, to be _ , I think its quite silly. 【中考無錫】 A. curious B. brave C. gentle D. honest,D,5. My fath

11、er _ when I came back last night. A. will watch TV B. is watching TV C. was watching TV D. watches TV,C,二、用方框內(nèi)所給單詞或短語的適當形式填空 6. The swimmer _ into the river to save the child.,dove,7. People come to cities to _ by working hard.,make their living,8. The children ran out of the room, _ each other happ

12、ily.,talking to,9. People live a happy life because of the good _ of the Chinese government.,policy,10. The boy _ taking my book by mistake. He felt sorry for it.,admitted,三、按要求完成下列各題 11. Honesty is important for everyone. (對畫線部分提問) _ _ important for everyone?,What is,12. He didnt go to school becau

13、se of his illness. (改為同義句) He didnt go to school _ _ _ _ .,because he was ill,13. My father returns home from work at 6:00. ( 改為同義句) My father _ _ home from work at 6:00.,comes back,14. You need to finish your work first.(改為否定句) You _ _ to finish your work first. 15. The man said some words.(改為一般疑問句

14、) _ the man _ _ words?,dont need,Did say any,四、閱讀理解 16. The elephant and the monkey argued about _ . A. who could climb faster B. whose skill was better C. how to be stronger D. where to pick the fruit,請同學們看典中點第48頁短文。,B,17. The monkey was afraid of _ . A. the fruit B. the elephant C. the tiger D. the water,D,18. Why couldnt the elephant get the fruit? _ A. Becaus


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