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1、高中關(guān)于旅游的英語(yǔ)作文 要寫(xiě)好作文平時(shí)注意積累平時(shí)多積累好的詞匯、好的。很多老師都會(huì)將常用的句型、詞匯作為專(zhuān)題教給學(xué)生,這時(shí)候要注意積累,今天在這給大家了關(guān)于的大全,接下來(lái)隨著一起來(lái)看看吧! Last summer vacation I went to Bei _g with my family . First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world. Then we went to the summer pala _ We saw _ny be

2、autiful s _neries there. The next day we went to the Tiana _en square ,and we tasted Bei _g duck. In the afternoon we went to the birds nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy. I learned much knowledge that I cant learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting

3、 trip. 翻譯: 去年夏天,我和家里人去了北京。首先我們?nèi)チ碎L(zhǎng)城,因?yàn)樗俏覀冎袊?guó)的驕傲而且還是世界遺跡。接著我們?nèi)チ祟U和園,我們?cè)谀抢锟吹胶芏嗝利惖娘L(fēng)景。 第二天我們?nèi)チ?_ _,吃了烤鴨。下午去了鳥(niǎo)巢和水立方。雖然很累,但是很開(kāi)心。我學(xué)到了很多書(shū)本上沒(méi)有的知識(shí)。所以我不會(huì)忘記這次有趣的。 Last summer holiday, I visited to Xiamen with my parent _y plane. My English teacher on _ told us that Xiamen is a beautiful city that worth of visitin

4、g. We stayed there for four days. We lived in a s _ll fishing village. On the first day, we visited to Xiamen University and Nanputuo Temple. Xiamen University is consideredas the most beautiful and ro _ntic campus in China. Indeed, its fantastic and its buildings are distinctive. On the second days

5、, we enjoyed the s _nery of Jimei District. On the third day, We visited to Gulangyu. Its a _zing and I like it very much. There are _ny s _ll specific stores. However, the huge tourist visitors _ke the s _ll island crowed. Anyway, it was a pleasant trip. 去年暑假,我和父母坐飛機(jī)到廈門(mén)旅游。我的英語(yǔ)老師曾經(jīng)告訴我們廈門(mén)是個(gè)值得參觀的美麗城市。

6、我們?cè)谀谴怂奶?。我們住在一個(gè)小漁村里。第一天,我們參觀了廈門(mén)大學(xué)和南普陀寺。廈門(mén)大學(xué)被看做是中國(guó)最美麗和浪漫的校園。事實(shí)上,它很迷人,里面的建筑與眾不同。第二天,我們參觀了集美景區(qū)。第三天,我們參觀了鼓浪嶼。那里的景色令人驚訝,我很喜歡。那里有很多小商店。但是,大量的游客使得小島很擁擠。不管怎么樣,這是一次愉快的旅途。 Last summer, Mom and Dad took me to Dongshan and Xiamen to play, so I spent an unforgettable summer vacation. We first ride to the Dongsha

7、n, we see the vast boundless sea and beautiful seaside s _nery. The most interesting is the famous attractions of Dongshan - wind stone. Legend has a wind blowing, the top of the stone in another stone will shake, but usually several people can not push it. My father and mother also curious to try t

8、o push a bit, really motionless, really a _zing! Afternoon, my father and mother came to the beach. We are on the beach to fight the fortress, playing the water at the beach, watching the blue sea and the vast sky, I can not help but think of a poet wrote by the ancient poet: the sea of the moon, th

9、e horizon at this time. Tour finished Zhangzhou Dongshan, the next day we transfer to Xiamen. A tall, high-rise building is surprisingly clean and spacious. Afternoon, Mom and Dad took me to the fun of the playground - water park. There are a variety of fun to stimulate the entertai _ent, such as ca

10、rousel, UFO, Ferris wheel, pirate ship and so on. We played for a long time, until the fun and go. Finally, I reluctantly left Xiamen, the end of the happy trip to Dongshan Xiamen. This summer is really memorable! 去年暑假,爸爸媽媽帶我去東山和廈門(mén)游玩,讓我度過(guò)了一個(gè)難忘的暑假。 我們先坐車(chē)來(lái)到東山,我們看到了廣闊無(wú)邊的大海和美麗的海邊風(fēng)光。最有趣的還是東山有名的景點(diǎn)風(fēng)動(dòng)石。有大風(fēng)吹

11、來(lái)時(shí),這塊頂在另外一塊巨石上的石頭就會(huì)搖動(dòng),但是平時(shí)好幾個(gè)人也無(wú)法推動(dòng)它。我和爸爸媽媽也好奇地試推了一下,果然一動(dòng)不動(dòng),真是太神奇了! 下午,我和爸爸媽媽來(lái)到了海邊。我們?cè)谏碁┥隙驯?,在海邊打水仗,看著這碧藍(lán)的大海和廣闊的天空,我不禁想起了一位古代詩(shī)人寫(xiě)的詩(shī)句:“海上生明月,天涯共此時(shí)”。 游完了漳州東山,第二天我們轉(zhuǎn)車(chē)到了廈門(mén)。一座座高大氣派的高樓大廈讓人驚訝,干凈寬闊的街道讓人心情舒暢。下午,爸爸媽媽帶我來(lái)到好玩的游樂(lè)場(chǎng)水上樂(lè)園。這里有各種各樣好玩 _的項(xiàng)目,比如旋轉(zhuǎn)木馬、飛碟車(chē)、摩天輪、海盜船等。我們玩了很久,直到盡興而歸。 最后,我戀戀不舍地離開(kāi)了廈門(mén),結(jié)束了快樂(lè)的東山廈門(mén)之旅。這個(gè)

12、暑假真讓人難忘! There are varied ways of defining touri _. Some people regard it as a pollution-free industry; others think of it an invisible school, Both are based on an aepted fact that touri _ cannot only produ _ profits bearing no pollution along with, but help broaden knowledge and fortify healthy. A

13、side from the above there exists awidespread theory, claiming that whatever is of the ability to increase in capital belongs to productive industry. In this sense, touri _ should hold a position in the scope and ought to be treated as such. It is true that there is some sense in the theory, yet anot

14、her equally or even more important aspect should be granted more publicity to. Touri _, in terms of its objective purposes, has a social function which contributes to hu _n munication. Coming from vadous social backgrounds, having motives and goals of every kind, tourists get together, draw close an

15、d exchange ideas of their own, from which a fresh state of mind will be created. So what kind of production is it? To the question we should have good reason to give a proper answer: it is a spirit production, a reproduction of relations of production. And the more frequently such exchanges are _de,

16、 the more good they will do to promoting social and economic development of the mutual. If it is the case that _ money through touri _ means a dent we have _de, so it fore _s a fortune to provide cultural servi _ along with touri _. Therefore, to keep close eyes on the latter involves changing our m

17、inds first, that is, touri _ is by no means a pure economic con _pt, but takes plenty of ideological activities as its content. To sum up, unlike other economic forms, the profits from touri _ economy cannot be measured pletely by means of how much output value, profit, and foreign exchange it will

18、produ _. In addition to the reputation of pollution-free industry, its social and far-reaching profit should be probed more deeply. As such the existing s _nic spots ought to be kept in good _intenan _, and some new ones exploited. Moreover, constructing first-class soft and hard surroundings is des

19、ired to attract tourists, the foreign and the domestic. I chose a s _ll island country on the Pacific O _an. This option is not to not elected, so had to choose a casually. Very early to go abroad to play, but to the time to consider where, but often at a loss. Feel that want to go, and that should

20、go to a paradise-like pla _, to escape the world, had their own fortable and breathtaking life . . even if the world is great, but can aommodate your body, or not much. So, travel is also limited, not just hu _n and financial resour _s, and your desire. You want to travel, you will find what kind of

21、 paradise. I am not a fantasy to adventure, but now there is no such opportunity to look at the foreign world. I heard that the sky is very blue in Japan, the Italian Leaning Tower is beautiful, Australias beach is very clean, but I did not have the opportunity to go out and see for himself. When friends know that I have not passed the country, they are surprised, is not it? You have not been abroad? Go abroad, in the now global society which is not difficult, but do not know why, that is, Did not go out . Miss, please do not rely on the bookshelf! Oh, I do not know what


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