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1、初中已學(xué)過(guò)的時(shí)態(tài)1 初中已學(xué)過(guò)的時(shí)態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),過(guò)去時(shí),將來(lái)時(shí),現(xiàn)在完成,正在進(jìn)行時(shí),現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí),過(guò)去完成時(shí),過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí),過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí)。初中語(yǔ)法歸類(lèi)1一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)1、一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的用法:表示現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài)或特征,謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞一般是be。e.g. They are at work. She is very old.表示經(jīng)常性或習(xí)慣性動(dòng)作,謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞一般是實(shí)義動(dòng)詞。e.g. We go to school from Monday to Friday.表示主語(yǔ)具備的性格和能力。e.g. I like swimming. Do you speak English?普遍真理。e.g. Two plus four

2、is six. The earth goes around the sun.2、一般時(shí)態(tài)(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))的謂語(yǔ)形式。動(dòng)詞be 的人稱(chēng)變化:am, is, are實(shí)義動(dòng)詞的變化:主語(yǔ)為單數(shù)第三人稱(chēng),實(shí)義動(dòng)詞應(yīng)+s或es(do or does)。(其變化類(lèi)同于名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式);主語(yǔ)為其他人稱(chēng)時(shí),實(shí)義動(dòng)詞不變(do)??蓴?shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式: 英語(yǔ)名詞復(fù)數(shù)的構(gòu)成有規(guī)則變化和不規(guī)則變化。A 規(guī)則變化:一般在單詞的結(jié)尾直接+s;book books如果單詞以s, x, ch, sh等結(jié)尾,+es;bus buses若以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾,變y為i+es;city citiesstory stories以f或fe

3、結(jié)尾,變f或fe為ves;wife wivesknife knives以o結(jié)尾, nero /hero/ phatao /tomato 加es;其它加s: photo photos;兩個(gè)名詞用在一起構(gòu)成合成名詞變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),只把合成名詞的主體名詞變成復(fù)數(shù)。e.g. banana trees但是以woman, man等名詞與其后面的名詞構(gòu)成合成名詞變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),里面所含的成分全部要變成復(fù)數(shù)。three women teachers3、一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的句型變化。1)be動(dòng)詞的句式:am is are2)實(shí)義動(dòng)詞的句式:改否定句及疑問(wèn)句都應(yīng)借助助動(dòng)詞do或does。(當(dāng)主語(yǔ)為單數(shù)第三人稱(chēng)時(shí),用does, 同時(shí)應(yīng)

4、將其后的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞還原形)。改否定句:在實(shí)義動(dòng)詞之前+dont或doesnt.e.g. We go to school on Sundays. We dont go to school on Sundays.He does his homework after supper. He doesnt do his homework after supper.改一般疑問(wèn)句:在句首添加Do或Does,其他照抄,最后加問(wèn)號(hào)。e.g. They speak English. Do they speak English?He goes home at five every day. Does he go ho

5、me at five every day?一般疑問(wèn)句的肯否定回答。Yes, 主語(yǔ)+do. No,主語(yǔ)+dont. Yes, 主語(yǔ)+does. No, 主語(yǔ)+doesnt.e.g. Do they speak English? Does he go home at five every day? Yes, they do. Yes, he does.No, they dont. No, he doesnt.畫(huà)線部分改特殊疑問(wèn)句放句首:疑問(wèn)代詞一般疑問(wèn)句?(do/does其他?)e.g. I like to eat apple. What do you like to eat?He goes to

6、 school every day. Where does he go every day? 4、often, five days a week, every day, on Sundays, sometimes等表示頻度的狀語(yǔ)通常位于be動(dòng)詞之后,實(shí)義動(dòng)詞之前,若句子出現(xiàn)頻度副詞,通常用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。2一般過(guò)去時(shí):表示過(guò)去經(jīng)常或偶然發(fā)生的動(dòng)作,或存在的狀態(tài)的時(shí)態(tài)。構(gòu)成:用動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去式。除系動(dòng)詞be的過(guò)去式有人稱(chēng)和數(shù)的變化外(was,were),其他動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去式無(wú)人稱(chēng)和數(shù)的變化(did)。1. v + ed worked, planted, played 2. 以E結(jié)尾的: v e + d li

7、ked, lived, changed3. 以重讀閉音節(jié),末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母,雙輔加ED:planned, stopped, dropped (preferred)4. 以輔音字母加Y結(jié)尾,把Y改為I加ED: v y I + ed carried, studied, cried.規(guī)則變化:一般在動(dòng)詞末尾加-ed;結(jié)尾是e的動(dòng)詞在末尾加-d;末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié)詞,先雙寫(xiě)這個(gè)輔音字母,再加-ed;以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的,先變y為i,再加-ed。注意:1、prefer的過(guò)去式要先雙寫(xiě)末尾輔音字母r在加-ed:preferred. 2、travel的過(guò)去式可雙寫(xiě)l再加-ed;也可以直接加

8、-ed。 2) 詞尾-ed的讀音1. p, k, t, f, sh, ch, s t stopped, liked, liked, washed, watched, danced 2. b, g, d, v, ge, z, a, e, I, o, u d played, answered, followed, agreed, arrived, listened, borrowed, called 3. t, d id painted, wanted, contacted, started, needed, sounded, ended, minded, 3) 不規(guī)則動(dòng)詞過(guò)去式:1. let讓,

9、 put放, read讀(原形,過(guò)去式,過(guò)去分詞一樣。) 2. come came come來(lái), run ran run跑 3. bring brought brought帶來(lái), buy bought bought買(mǎi) 4. spend spent spent花(錢(qián)、時(shí)間) 5. leave left left離開(kāi), meet met met遇見(jiàn) 6. burn burnt burnt燃燒, learn learnt learnt學(xué)會(huì) 7. sell sold sold賣(mài), tell told told告訴 8. get got got得到, stand stood stood站, unders

10、tand understood understood理解、懂得 9. have had had有, hear heard heard聽(tīng)見(jiàn), make made made制造, pay paid paid付(錢(qián)), say said said說(shuō), sit sat sat坐, find found found發(fā)現(xiàn) 10. am / is was been是, are were been是, do did done做, go went gone去, wear wore worn穿著, see saw seen看見(jiàn) 11. begin began begun可是, sing sang sung唱, s

11、wim swam swum游泳 12. ride rode ridden騎(馬、自行車(chē)) 13. know knew known知道 14. draw drew drawn畫(huà)、拉 15. speak spoke spoken講, take took taken拿走 16. eat ate eaten吃, give gave given給 17. can could能、會(huì), will would將, shall should將, may might可以4)用法1. 表示過(guò)去某個(gè)時(shí)間發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài),常和表示過(guò)去的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用yesterday, last night, two weeks

12、ago, in 2003 / I went home at half past five the day before yesterday. 2. 表示過(guò)去經(jīng)常或反復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作,常和often, always 等表示頻度的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。 His father often went to work by bus last year.有時(shí)動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)間不很清楚,但實(shí)際上是過(guò)去發(fā)生的,應(yīng)當(dāng)用一般過(guò)去時(shí)。 I didnt know you were here. 3.常用“ would + do ”表示過(guò)去經(jīng)常反復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。 We would turn to him for help when we

13、were in trouble. 我們一遇到麻煩,就向他請(qǐng)求幫助。 4. 在條件和時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句中,用一般過(guò)去時(shí)表示過(guò)去將來(lái)的動(dòng)作。He would let me know when he came back.他回來(lái)的時(shí)候就讓我知道。3 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí):表示在某一時(shí)刻或某段時(shí)間正在進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作的時(shí)態(tài)。 構(gòu)成:由“系動(dòng)詞am / is / are +現(xiàn)在分詞(動(dòng)詞加-ing形式)”構(gòu)成。1) 動(dòng)詞加-ing形式的構(gòu)成及其讀音。1.一般在動(dòng)詞原形末尾加-ing。 staying, listening2. 以不發(fā)音的字母e結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,先去掉e,再加-ing 。making, taking, giving,

14、riding3. 以一個(gè)輔音字母結(jié)尾的重讀閉音節(jié),先雙寫(xiě)這個(gè)輔音字母,再加-ing。 putting, sitting, running, beginning, getting, shopping 2) 用法:1. 表示現(xiàn)在或說(shuō)話(huà)時(shí)正在 動(dòng)作,常與now 連用,有時(shí)有 look, listen等詞提示。 What are they doing now? 他么現(xiàn)在在做什么?Look, what are the monkeys eating? 瞧,那些猴子在吃什么? Listen! Someone is singing in the classroom.聽(tīng),有人在教室里唱歌。2.有一些表示狀態(tài)的動(dòng)

15、詞和表示心理情感的動(dòng)詞不用進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。如: like, love, know, wish, want, remember, understand 等 I am liking this book. (X) / I like this book.3. 表示明確安排好了的不久將要發(fā)生的事情,這是表示最近的打算的最常用的表達(dá)方式(時(shí)常有一個(gè)表示未來(lái)時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)。),這僅限于少量的動(dòng)詞,如:go, come, leave, arrive, start, work, sleep, stay, play, do, have, wear, meet, see,fly,move等用進(jìn)行時(shí)表將來(lái)(be+doing),

16、此外, be going to do something 這個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)也常用來(lái)表示即將發(fā)生的事或打算/準(zhǔn)備做某事。 I am meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the cinema. / I am seeing the doctor today. / He is going to speak.4一般將來(lái)時(shí):表示將來(lái)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài)的時(shí)態(tài)。用法: 1. 表示在將來(lái)某個(gè)時(shí)間將要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài)。常與表示將來(lái)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)tomorrow, next week / month/year等連用。 We will get there tomorrow

17、. / What shall we do? / Shall we get there tomorrow? 2. 表示將來(lái)經(jīng)?;蚍磸?fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。I will come to see you every weekend. / He will do the same thing again and again.他會(huì)反復(fù)做同一件事,直到做好為止。 3.有跡象表示某事將要發(fā)生,或打算、計(jì)劃、決定要做某事,可用“ be going to + 動(dòng)詞原形”來(lái)表示。 What time is the party going to start? 聚會(huì)在幾點(diǎn)種開(kāi)始? Its going to be warmer l

18、ater on. 晚些時(shí)候天氣會(huì)更暖和。 4. be going to (x) will (下列幾種將來(lái)時(shí)要用will 而不用be going to)a. 帶有意愿色彩的將來(lái)時(shí)。I will tell you the news.我要把這消息告訴你。 Im sure they will come and help us.我肯定他們會(huì)來(lái)幫助我們的。b. 問(wèn)對(duì)方是否愿意,或表示客氣的邀請(qǐng)或命令時(shí)。Will you go with us? 你跟我們一起去嗎?Take a seat, will you?請(qǐng)坐。c. 在有時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句或條件狀語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句中,如果主句是將來(lái)時(shí),從句用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表將來(lái)。Mis

19、s Gao will tell you the answer if you ask her. 如果你去問(wèn)高老師,她會(huì)告訴你答案的。/ I will come if it doesnt rain.如果不下雨的話(huà),我就來(lái)。 5. 特殊表達(dá):一些表示位置轉(zhuǎn)移的詞,如:go, come, leave, arrive fly(乘飛機(jī)去)等,可用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示即將發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。如:They are going to Wuhan tomorrow.他們明天將乘飛機(jī)去武漢。 Uncle Wang is coming to supper.王叔叔要來(lái)吃晚飯。1 People _ _(have) robots in

20、their homes.2 He _ _(live) to be 200 years old.3 There_ _ _(be) fewer trees.4 There_ _ (be) fewer trees.5 I _ _go home tomorrow.并把上面的句子改成否定句,一般疑問(wèn)句,并對(duì)畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn)。5過(guò)去正在進(jìn)行時(shí)(The Past Progressive Tense):過(guò)去正在進(jìn)行時(shí)由“be(was/were)+doing”構(gòu)成,1)表示在過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻或某一段時(shí)間正在進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作。一般用時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)來(lái)表示。I was having a shower at that time. 那時(shí)我正

21、沖澡。2) 過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí)的主要用法是描述一件事發(fā)生的背景;一個(gè)長(zhǎng)動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)候,另一個(gè)短動(dòng)作發(fā)生。 I was reading the newspaper when the doorbell rang. 我正在看報(bào),突然門(mén)鈴響了。3. 過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí)在語(yǔ)境中的運(yùn)用。如:I waved to her but she wasnt looking. 我向她揮手但她沒(méi)往這邊瞧(from )。She didnt hear the doorbell. She was listening to the radio. 她沒(méi)聽(tīng)見(jiàn)門(mén)鈴響,她在聽(tīng)收音機(jī)。3) 常用的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ) this m

22、orning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while then, at that time, this time yesterday, at (eight) yesterday (morning),(a year) ago, 以及由when引出的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句。如:He was cooking supper this time yesterday.(昨天這個(gè)時(shí)候他正在做晚飯) The little girl was playing with her toy when I s

23、aw her.(我看到小女孩的時(shí)候她正在玩玩具)注:與always, forever, frequently等副詞連用,可表示某種感情色彩。如:She was forever complaining. 她老是抱怨。(厭煩)She was always thinking of others. 她老是想到別人。(贊揚(yáng))4)用于賓語(yǔ)從句或時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句中,表示與主句動(dòng)作同時(shí)進(jìn)行而且是延續(xù)時(shí)間較長(zhǎng)。句子中通常不用時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)。如:She was it happen when she was walking past.(她路過(guò)時(shí)看到事情的發(fā)生)/ They sang a lot of songs while

24、they were walking in the dark forest.(他們?cè)诤诎档纳掷镒邥r(shí)唱了很多歌)1 My brother fell while he_ _(ride)his bicycle and hurt himself. 2 It _ _ (rain)when they left the station. 3 When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _ _(rise)4 He _ _(sleep)when the UFO arrived.5 The alien got out while the girl_ _(shop)

25、6 While the by _ _ (walk)down the street,the UFO landed.并把上面的句子改成否定句,一般疑問(wèn)句,并對(duì)畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn)6現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)I. 用法 (1)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表示過(guò)去發(fā)生的或已經(jīng)完成的動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在的影響或結(jié)果,常與already, yet, just, recently, ever, never, before等表示不確定時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。 1 I have studied English before. 表示I know a little English. 2 He has already come back. 表示He is here now

26、. (2)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表示過(guò)去某一時(shí)間開(kāi)始一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)。此時(shí),句中謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞通常是延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,且常與表示一段時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。如:these days, all this year, recently, for 時(shí)間段以及since時(shí)間點(diǎn)等等。 3 She has been ill for 3 days. 4 He has worked in the bank since 1990. II. 構(gòu)成:have / has 動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞 (1)has用于主語(yǔ)是第三人稱(chēng)單數(shù),have用于其它人稱(chēng) (2)動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞構(gòu)成分為規(guī)則動(dòng)詞和不規(guī)則動(dòng)詞。規(guī)則動(dòng)詞在詞尾加ed,其規(guī)則與過(guò)去式一樣。

27、不規(guī)則動(dòng)詞要記住。例如:taketaken, gogone等。III. 肯定式、否定式和疑問(wèn)式,否定式:have/has+not+過(guò)去分詞,疑問(wèn)式:have/has放在句首如:(I have received a special gift. I have not received any special gift. 基本結(jié)構(gòu):主語(yǔ)+have/has+過(guò)去分詞(done) 肯定句:主語(yǔ)+have/has+時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)+過(guò)去分詞+其他.否定句:主語(yǔ)+have/has+not+過(guò)去分詞+其他.一般疑問(wèn)句:Have/Has+主語(yǔ)+過(guò)去分詞+其他.特殊疑問(wèn)句:特殊疑問(wèn)詞或詞組+一般疑問(wèn)句(have/has+

28、主語(yǔ)+過(guò)去分詞+其他)?定義:在過(guò)去不確定的時(shí)間里發(fā)生的動(dòng)作,但是結(jié)果對(duì)現(xiàn)在有影響。過(guò)去分詞1 、規(guī)則動(dòng)詞:規(guī)則動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞的構(gòu)成規(guī)則與規(guī)則動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去式的構(gòu)成規(guī)則相同。四點(diǎn)變化規(guī)則: (1)、一般動(dòng)詞,在詞尾直接加“ ed ”。 work-worked-worked ,visit-visited-visited (2)、以“ e ”結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,只在詞尾加“ d ”。 live-lived-lived , (3)、以“輔音字母 + y ”結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,將 y 變?yōu)?i ,再加“ ed ”。 study-studied-studied ,cry-cried-cried (4)、重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾,末尾

29、只有一個(gè)輔音字母,先雙寫(xiě)該輔音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop-stopped-stopped , drop-dropped-dropped 2 、不規(guī)則動(dòng)詞:AAA型原型 過(guò)去式 過(guò)去分詞cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt put put put set set setshut shut shut spread spread spread let let letAAB型 beat beat beatenABA型 become became become run ran run come came come特殊情況 re

30、ad read readread原形發(fā)音為/ri:d/,過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞發(fā)音為/red/ABB型bring brought brought buy bought bought build built built burn burnt burntcatch caught caught dig dug dug feel felt felt fight fought foughtfind found found hear heard heard hold held held keep kept keptlay laid laid lead led led lose lost lost make ma

31、de mademeet met met sell sold sold shoot shot shot sit sat satstand stood stood sweep swept swept teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought win won wonABC型 begin began begun blow blew blown break broke broken choose chose chosendraw drew drawn drive drove driven drink drank drunk fly

32、flew flownforget forgot forgotten freeze froze frozen give gave given grow grew grownknow knew known ride rode ridden rise rose risen ring rang rungshake shook shaken sing sang sung sink sank sunk swim swam swum throw threw thrown write wrote written用法(1)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)用來(lái)表示現(xiàn)在之前已發(fā)生過(guò)或完成的動(dòng)作或狀態(tài),但其結(jié)果卻和現(xiàn)在有聯(lián)系,也就是說(shuō),動(dòng)

33、作或狀態(tài)發(fā)生在過(guò)去但它的影響現(xiàn)在還存在. I have spent all of my money.(含義是:現(xiàn)在我沒(méi)有錢(qián)花了.) Jane has laid the table.(含義是:現(xiàn)在桌子已經(jīng)擺好了.) Michael has been ill.(含義是:現(xiàn)在仍然很虛弱) He has returned from abroad. (含義是:現(xiàn)在已在此地) (2)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)可以用來(lái)表示發(fā)生在過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻的,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動(dòng)作(用行為動(dòng)詞表示)或狀態(tài)(be動(dòng)詞表示)常與for(+時(shí)間段),since(+時(shí)間點(diǎn)或過(guò)去時(shí)的句子)連用. for+時(shí)段since+過(guò)去一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)(譯為:自從以來(lái))s

34、ince+時(shí)段+agosince+從句(過(guò)去時(shí))It is+時(shí)段+since+從句(過(guò)去時(shí))Mary has been ill for three days. I have lived here since 1998. 注:瞬間動(dòng)詞(buy,die,join,lose)不能直接與for since 連用。要改變動(dòng)詞come/arrive/reach/get to-be in go out-be outfinish-be over open-be open die-be dead1.have代替buy My brother has had(不能用has bought) this bike for

35、 almost four years. 2、用keep或have代替borrow I have kept(不能用have borrowed) the book for quite a few days. 3、用be替代become How long has your sister been a teacher? 4、用have a cold代替catch a cold Tom has had a cold since the day before yesterday. 5、用wear代替put on b)用“be形容詞”代終止性動(dòng)詞 1、bemarried代marry 2、beill代fall

36、 (get) ill 3、bedead代die 4、beasleep代fall (get) asleep 5、beawake代wake/wake up 6、begone代lose,die,sell,leave 7、beopen代open 8、be closed代close/shut 9、bemissing(gone,lost)代lose c)用“be副詞”代終止性動(dòng)詞 1“beon”代start,begin 2“beup”代get up 3“beback(to)”代return to,come back to,go back to 4“be here (there)”代come(arrive,

37、reach,get) here或go (arrive,reach,get) there等等 d)用“be介詞短語(yǔ)”代終止性動(dòng)詞 1.“be in/at +地點(diǎn)”代替go to /come to 2.用be in the army 代替join the army 3.“be in/at +地點(diǎn)”代替move to 常用瞬間動(dòng)詞變延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞表:1. have arrived at/in sw. got to/reached sw. come/gone/moved to sw. have been in sw./at相應(yīng)的介詞2. have come/gone back/returned have

38、been back 3. have come/gone out have been out4. have become have been5. have closed / opened have been close/open6. have got up have been up; 7. have died have been dead;8. have left sw. have been away from sw.9. have fallen asleep/got to sleep have been asleep; 10. have finished/ended/completed hav

39、e been over; 11. have married have been married;12. have started/begun to do sth. have done sth. ;13. have begun have been on14. have borrowed/bought have kept/had 15. have lost havent had16. have put on have worn 17. have caught /get a cold have had a cold; 18. have got to know have known19. have/h

40、as gone to have been in20. have joined/have taken part in the league/the Party/the armyhave been a member of/ have been in/have been the Partys member/the league member/the soldier 注意: 1.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)不能單獨(dú)與準(zhǔn)確時(shí)間連用,(如表示過(guò)去的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ))如yesterday(morning、afternoon),last(morning、afternoon)等,除非與for,since連用.2.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)往往同表示不確

41、定的過(guò)去時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用,如already(肯定), yet(否定,疑問(wèn)), just, before, recently,still, lately等: He has already obtained a scholarship. I havent seen much of him recently (lately). We have seen that film before. Have they found the missing child yet ?3. 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)常常與表示頻度的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用,如often, sometimes, ever, never, twice, on sever

42、al occasion等: Have you ever been to Beijing I have never heard Bunny say anything against her. I have used this pen only three times. It is still good. George has met that gentleman on several occasions.4. 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)還往往可以同包括現(xiàn)在時(shí)間在內(nèi)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用,如now, up to these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/mo

43、nth/year, just, today, up to present, so far等: Peter has written six papers so far. Man has now learned to release energy from the nucleus of the atom. There has been too much rain in San Francisco this year. The friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries have been enhanced in the

44、past few years. Up to the present everything has been successful. 5. 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)還可以用來(lái)表示過(guò)去的一個(gè)時(shí)間到現(xiàn)在這段時(shí)間內(nèi)重復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作. We have had four texts this semester. 6.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的完成用法 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的完成用法指的是動(dòng)作發(fā)生在過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻并已結(jié)束,但該動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)生了影響,與現(xiàn)在情況具有因果關(guān)系。 例如:He has turned off the light.他已把燈關(guān)了。(動(dòng)作結(jié)束于過(guò)去,但說(shuō)明的是現(xiàn)在的情況-燈現(xiàn)在不亮了。) 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)完成用法的特點(diǎn)是動(dòng)作不延續(xù),因此,

45、該時(shí)態(tài)只能與表示不定的過(guò)去時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、頻度時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)(如:never,ever,once等)、包括現(xiàn)在時(shí)刻在內(nèi)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)(如:this morning month year.,today等)連用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的鋼筆了嗎? 7.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的未完成用法 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的未完成用法指的是動(dòng)作開(kāi)始于過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻,一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,或可能還要繼續(xù)下去。 例如:He has lived here since 1978.自從1978年以來(lái),他一直住在這兒。(動(dòng)作起始于1978年,一直住到現(xiàn)在

46、,可能還要繼續(xù)住下去。) I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部隊(duì)已經(jīng)呆了五年多了。(動(dòng)作開(kāi)始于5年前,一直延續(xù)至今,有可能還要繼續(xù)下去。) 此種用法的句中常需一個(gè)表示一段時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)(由since或for引導(dǎo)),或表示與現(xiàn)在時(shí)刻相連的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)(如:up to now,so far)等。 例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前為止我沒(méi)有他的任何消息。 注意:(1)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的未完成用法只適用于延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,不可用于終止性動(dòng)詞,即瞬間完成或延續(xù)時(shí)間很短的動(dòng)詞。如:come,go,arri

47、ve,leave,join,become,die等。 8.一段時(shí)間+has passed+since從句9. 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)常和短語(yǔ) up to now /till now, so far (意思是從過(guò)去某一確定的時(shí)間一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在.)Up to/till now hes read many story books. 至今他已讀過(guò)好多故事書(shū)。Ive been to New York three times so far. 至今我已到紐約去過(guò)三次。10 has gone (to),has been (to), has been (in) 的區(qū)別gone:去了沒(méi)回been to :去過(guò)been in:

48、呆了很久一般過(guò)去時(shí)和現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)( 1 )、一般過(guò)去時(shí)的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用過(guò)去式,而現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的謂語(yǔ)基本構(gòu)成是“助動(dòng)詞 have/ has + 動(dòng)詞(V.)的過(guò)去分詞”。 過(guò)去時(shí)表示過(guò)去某時(shí)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或單純敘述過(guò)去的事情,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作;現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)為過(guò)去發(fā)生的,強(qiáng)調(diào)過(guò)去的事情對(duì)現(xiàn)在的影響,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是影響。(2) 、一般過(guò)去時(shí)通常與表示過(guò)去的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。如: yesterday, last week , two years ago ,just now ,in 2002 等;而現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)則常與 just ,already ,ever ,never 等副詞和 these days ,this week ,since

49、 ., for . 等表示一段時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)連用。 試比較以下幾組句子,有什么區(qū)別: A:Have you seen the film ? B:Did you see the film ? 分析:你看過(guò)這部電影嗎?( A )句強(qiáng)調(diào)的是被問(wèn)者對(duì)劇情是否了解;( B )句強(qiáng)調(diào)的是看這部電影的動(dòng)作是否發(fā)生過(guò),并不強(qiáng)調(diào)是否知道其內(nèi)容。 A:How has he done it ? B:How did he do it ? 分析:他是怎么做的這件事?( A )句強(qiáng)調(diào)的是他做這件事的方式對(duì)現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)生了某種影響;( B )句單純的詢(xún)問(wèn)做這件事的方式。 A:He has lived in Beijing for 8

50、 years . B:He lived in Beijing for 8 years . 分析:他在北京住了 8 年。( A )句講的是到目前為止他在北京住了 8 年,可能還會(huì)繼續(xù)在北京住下去。( B )句講的是他在北京住過(guò) 8 年,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不在北京了。(2)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)強(qiáng)調(diào)過(guò)去發(fā)生的動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在的影響和結(jié)果,而一般過(guò)去時(shí)與現(xiàn)在沒(méi)有聯(lián)系,只是說(shuō)明某個(gè)動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)間是在過(guò)去。 比:I have washed the car. 我洗過(guò)了車(chē)。(看上去很漂亮) I washed the car a moment ago.我剛才洗過(guò)車(chē)了。 She has watered the flowers.她已經(jīng)澆了花

51、。(不需要再澆了) She watered the flowers yesterday.她昨天澆的花。 I have written the letter but I havent posted it yet. 信我已經(jīng)寫(xiě)好了,但還沒(méi)有寄出。 I wrote the letter last week and I posted it three days ago.我上周寫(xiě)的那封信,3天前寄出的。 (3)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表示的動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在并可能延續(xù)下去,而一般過(guò)去時(shí)則單純表示過(guò)去某段時(shí)間內(nèi)的經(jīng)歷。 比:It has rained for five hours. 雨已經(jīng)下了5個(gè)小時(shí)了。 It ra

52、ined for five hours yesterday.昨天下了5個(gè)小時(shí)的雨。 He has waited for her for two hours. 他等她已經(jīng)兩個(gè)小時(shí)了。 He waited for her two hours and then went home.他等她等了兩個(gè)小時(shí),然后就回家了。 I have reviewed two lessons this morning.今天上午我已經(jīng)復(fù)習(xí)了兩課。(說(shuō)話(huà)時(shí)還在上午) I reviewed two lessons this morning.今天上午我復(fù)習(xí)了兩課。(說(shuō)話(huà)時(shí)已是下午或晚上)1)I have received some gifts. 2) He


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