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1、1,English Long Sentences 英語長句的翻譯,Week 10,2,Students Presentation I love my love with an E How to analyze long sentences? Two Stages and Five Steps Methods of Translating Long English Sentences Attributive Clauses,Teaching Outline,3,文字游戲的翻譯,I love my love with an E, because shes enticing; I hate her

2、with an E, because shes engaged. I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement, her names Emily, and she lives in the east? -(David Copperfield, XXII),4,董秋斯譯文,我愛我的愛人為了一個E, 因為她是Enticing(迷人的); 我恨我的愛人為了一個E, 因為 她是Engaged(訂了婚的)。 我用我的愛人象征Exquisite (美妙), 我勸我的愛人從事Elopement(私奔),

3、她的名字是Emily(艾米麗),她的住處在East(東方)?,5,張谷若譯文,我愛我的所愛,因為她長的實在招人愛。我恨我的所愛,因為她不回報我的愛。我?guī)е綊熘∈幾诱信频囊患遥退勄檎f愛。我請她看一出潛逃私奔,為的是我和她能長久你親我愛。她的名兒叫做艾米麗,她的家住在愛河里。,6,其他譯本,我愛我的愛人,因為她很迷人;我恨我的愛人,因已許配他人;她在我心中是美人,我?guī)奖迹员荛_外人;她名叫虞美人,是東方麗人。 吾愛吾愛,因伊可愛;吾恨吾愛,因伊另有所愛。吾視吾愛,神圣之愛,吾攜吾愛,私逃為愛;吾愛名愛米麗,吾東方之愛。 我愛我的那個“麗”,可愛迷人有魅力;我恨我的那個“麗”,要和他人

4、結(jié)伉儷;她文雅大方又美麗;和我出逃去游歷;她芳名就叫艾米麗,家住東方人俏麗。(馬紅軍),7,一、英語長句的分析,在英語文章中,特別是科技和文學作品中,經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)結(jié)構(gòu)復雜的長句子,在一個主句中包含多個從句。 一般來說, 造成長句的原因有三方面: (1) 修飾語過多;(2) 并列成分多; (3) 語言結(jié)構(gòu)層次多。在分析長句時可以采用下面的方法:(1) 找出全句的主語、謂語和賓語, 從整體上把握句子的結(jié)構(gòu)。(2) 找出句中所有的謂語結(jié)構(gòu)、非謂語動詞、介詞短語和從句的引導詞。(3) 分析從句和短語的功能, 例如, 是否為主語從句, 賓語從句, 表語從句等,若是狀語, 它是表示時間、原因、結(jié)果、還是表示條

5、件等等)。(4) 分析詞、短語和從句之間的相互關(guān)系, 例如, 定語從句所修飾的先行詞是哪一個等。(5) 注意插入語等其他成分。(6) 注意分析句子中是否有固定詞組或固定搭配。,8, How it happened that a little rocky peninsula in a remote corner of the Mediterranean was able to provide our world in less than two centuries with the complete framework for all our present day experiments in

6、 politics, literature, drama, sculpture, chemistry, physics and Heaven knows what else, is a question which has puzzled a great many people for a great many centuries and to which every philosopher, at one time or another during his career, has tried to give an answer.(選自美國作家Hendrik Willem van Loon的

7、名著Tolerance第二章第一段) 每個部分的意思分別翻譯出來: 它是如何發(fā)生的 地中海遙遠角落的一個小巖石半島能夠為我們的世界提供 在不到兩個世紀之內(nèi) 我們當代政治、文學、戲劇、雕刻、化學、物理學的完整框架 上帝知道還有些什么 是一個問題 (這個問題)許多世紀以來困惑了許多人 (對這個問題)每個哲學家 在他學術(shù)生涯的某個時候 嘗試找出答案。,9,最后,將各個部分的意思合并重組: 地中海遙遠角落的一個小巖石半島,如何能夠在不到兩個世紀之內(nèi),為我們的世界提供我們當代政治、文學、戲劇、雕刻、化學、物理學(上帝知道還有些什么)的完整框架,這個問題許多世紀以來困惑了許多人,對這個問題,每個哲學家在他

8、學術(shù)生涯的某個時候,都會嘗試找出答案。 對于每一個英語長句, 并不只用一種翻譯方法, 而是多種翻譯方法的綜合運用。翻譯長句時, 首先,不要因為句子太長而產(chǎn)生畏懼心理,因為,無論是多么復雜的句子,它都是由一些基本的成分組成的。其次要弄清英語原文的句法結(jié)構(gòu), 找出整個句子的中心內(nèi)容及其各層意思, 然后分析幾層意思之間的相互邏輯關(guān)系, 再按照漢語的特點和表達方式, 正確地譯出原文的意思, 不必拘泥于原文的形式。,10,For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortab

9、ly at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere. 分析: (1) 骨干結(jié)構(gòu)為比較結(jié)構(gòu)it is more to do sth than to do sth else. 而且是在兩個不定式之間進行比較。 (2) 該句中共有三個謂語結(jié)構(gòu), it是形式主語, 真正的主語為: to sit comfortably at home, 并與to go out in search of amusement elsewhere作比較。 (3) 句

10、首的for a family of four作狀語, 表示條件。另外, 還有兩個介詞短語作插入語: for example, with almost unlimited entertainment available,其中第二個介詞短語作伴隨狀語, 修飾to sit comfortably at home. 試譯:譬如, 對于一個四口之家來說, 舒舒服服地在家中看電視, 就能看到幾乎數(shù)不清的娛樂節(jié)目, 這比到外面別的地方去消遣又便宜又方便。,Now you try:,11,Two Stages and Five Steps,Stage I Comprehension Stage II Pres

11、entation,12,Stage I Comprehension,Step 1: presenting the long sentence in a skeleton formStep 2: inferring the main idea from the context and the whole textStep 3: distinguishing between the principal and subordinate elements and find out the interrelations between principal and subordinate clauses,

12、13,Stage II Presentation,Step 4: entering on a tentative translation of each sentence divisionStep 5: rearrangement and finishing touches,14,Methods of Translating Long English Sentences,1. 順序法 2. Reversing 倒置法/逆序法 3. Embedding 內(nèi)嵌法 4. Dividing 切分法 5. Splitting 拆分法 6. Inserting 插入法 7. Recasting 重組法/綜

13、合法,15,1. 順序法,當英語長句的內(nèi)容的敘述層次與漢語基本一致時, 可以按照英語原文的順序翻譯成漢語 。 例1. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. 分析: 該句子由一個主句, 三個作伴隨狀語的現(xiàn)在分詞以及位于句首的時間狀語從句組成, 共有五層意思: A. 既使在我們關(guān)掉了床頭燈深深

14、地進入夢鄉(xiāng)時; B.電仍在為我們工作; C. 幫我們開動電冰箱; D. 加熱水; E. 或是室內(nèi)空調(diào)機繼續(xù)運轉(zhuǎn)。上述五層意思的邏輯關(guān)系以及表達的順序與漢語完全一致, 因此, 該句可譯為: 即使在我們關(guān)掉了床頭燈深深地進入夢鄉(xiāng)時, 電仍在為我們工作: 幫我們開動電冰箱, 把水加熱, 或使室內(nèi)空調(diào)機繼續(xù)運轉(zhuǎn)。,16,Now you try: 例2. Prior to the twentieth century, women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features that made them unique individuals and

15、 were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture. 在20世紀以前, 小說中的婦女像都是一個模式。她們沒有任何特點, 因而無法成為具有個性的人; 他們還要屈從于由男性主宰的文化傳統(tǒng)強加給他們的種種束縛。,17,2. Reversing 逆序法,英語有些長句的表達次序與漢語表達習慣不同, 甚至完全相反, 這時必須從原文后面開始翻譯。 例1. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere

16、in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity. 分析: 這個句子由一個主句, 兩個原因狀語和一個定語從句, “鋁直到19世紀才被人發(fā)現(xiàn)”是主句, 也是全句的中心內(nèi)容, 全句共有四個謂語結(jié)構(gòu), 共有五層意思: A. 鋁直到19世紀才被人發(fā)現(xiàn); B. 由于在自然界找不到游離狀態(tài)的鋁; C. 由于它總是跟其他元素結(jié)合在一起; D. 最普遍的是跟氧結(jié)合; E.

17、 鋁跟氧有很強的親和力。按照漢語的表達習慣通常因在前, 果在后, 這樣, 我們可以逆著原文的順序把該句翻譯成: 鋁總是跟其他元素結(jié)合在一起, 最普遍的是跟氧結(jié)合; 因為鋁跟氧有很強的親和力, 由于這個原因, 在自然界找不到游離狀態(tài)的鋁。所以, 鋁直到19世紀才被人發(fā)現(xiàn)。,18,It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structu

18、res and patterns of the language have been understood. 一旦了解英語的基本結(jié)構(gòu)和句型, 再往下學似乎就越來越難了, 這其中的原因, 也許教師比學生更容易理解。 Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. 許多人常常寧愿犧牲比較高的工資以換取白領(lǐng)工人的社會地位,這在西方倒是人之常情。,N

19、ow you try:,19,Now you try:,In reality, the lines of division between sciences are becoming blurred, and science is again approaching the “unity” that it had two centuries ago-although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now, and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction

20、of it. 雖然現(xiàn)在積累起來的知識要多得多,而且任何個人也只可能了解其中的一小部分,但事實上,各學科之間界限卻變得模糊不清,科學再次近似于兩百年前那樣的“單一整體”。,20,3. Embedding 內(nèi)嵌法,Embedding means placing the modifiers before the word being modified. Congress had made laws requiring most pressure groups to give information about how much they spend and how they spent it, th

21、e amount and sources of funds, membership, and names and salaries of their representatives.國會已制定法律,要求大部分壓力集團呈報他們花費了多少錢,怎樣花的,款項的總額以及來源、成員人數(shù)、代表的姓名和薪金等情況。 There is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or pa

22、rty. 這不是一場階級之間的戰(zhàn)爭,而是一場不分種族、不分信仰,不分黨派,整個大英帝國及英聯(lián)邦全體成員國無不參加的戰(zhàn)爭。,21,Now you try:,A molecule may be considered as the smallest particle of matter that can exist without changing its nature. 可以認為,分子是在不改變物質(zhì)性質(zhì)的情況下能夠存在的物質(zhì)的最小微粒。 In 1970, he was placed under house arrest when he refused to use massive force in

23、 suppressing worker riots on the seacoast. 1970年他因拒絕使用武力大規(guī)模鎮(zhèn)壓沿海城市的工人騷亂而被軟禁。,22,4. Dividing 切分法,By means of dividing, we may break up a long English sentence into different parts according to its sense groups, and then translate each part one by one into Chinese. 有時英語長句中主語或主句與修飾詞的關(guān)系并不十分密切, 翻譯時可以按照漢語多

24、用短句的習慣,把長句的從句或短語化成句子, 分開來敘述,為了使語意連貫, 有時需要適當增加詞語。 Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own need

25、s. 人類把自己和其他動物區(qū)別開來。與此同時,人類還具有觀察和了解周圍環(huán)境的能力。他們要么適應環(huán)境,要么控制環(huán)境,或根據(jù)自身的需要改造環(huán)境。人類就這樣一代代地生存下來。,23,5. Splitting 拆分法,By splitting we mean taking certain elements out of a sentence and treating them separately. The number of the young people in the United States who cant read is incredible about one in four. 沒有閱

26、讀能力的美國青年人的數(shù)目令人難以相信約為1/4。 大約有1/4的美國青年人沒有閱讀能力, 這簡直令人難以置信。 An outsiders success could even curiously help two parties to get the agreement they want. 說來也怪,一個局外人取得的成功竟然能夠促使雙方達成一項他們希望得到的協(xié)議。,24,6.Inserting 插入法,By inserting here we mean putting some additional punctuation marks such as dash, parenthesis, c

27、olon, etc., in a long and complex sentence so as to make the Chinese version both clear and smooth. The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 第二個

28、方面是全體社會成員(從政府官員到普通公民)都使用科學家們在他們工作中所采用的那種特殊的思考方法和行為方法。 If you go to visit Nobels old residence, the house in which the great chemist remained a bachelor throughout his life, you will catch sight of a shelf laden with experimental records. 如果你參觀諾貝爾的故居在那座房子里,這位偉大的化學家過了一輩子的獨身生活你將看到一個堆滿實驗記錄的書架。,25,7. Rec

29、asting 重組法/綜合法,在一些情況下, 一些英語長句單純采用上述任何一種方法都不方便, 這就需要我們的仔細分析, 或按照時間的先后,或按照邏輯順序, 順逆結(jié)合, 主次分明地對全句進行綜合處理,以便把英語原文翻譯成通順忠實的漢語句子。 例1. People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.分析:

30、 該句共有三層含義: A: 人們不敢出門; B: 盡管警察已接到命令, 要作好準備以應付緊急情況; C: 警察也和其他人一樣不知所措和無能為力。在這三層含義中, B表示讓步, C表示原因, 而A則表示結(jié)果, 按照漢語習慣順序, 我們作如下的安排:盡管警察已接到命令, 要作好準備以應付緊急情況, 但人們不敢出門, 因為警察也和其他人一樣不知所措和無能為力。,26,Now you try:,Dr. Smith resumed the activities of anti-cancer experiment begun in 1975 and financed by the Federal gove

31、rnment as soon as he snapped from his original disappointment at repeated failures, which had resulted in their forced suspension. 史密斯醫(yī)生于1975年開始著手由聯(lián)邦政府資助的抗癌實驗。他由于屢遭失敗而感到沮喪,被迫終止了實驗工作。現(xiàn)在他又重新振作起來,恢復了抗癌實驗活動。,27,Now you try: Modern scientific and technical books, especially textbooks, requires revision a

32、t short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas, observations and discoveries. 大對于現(xiàn)代書籍, 特別是教科書來說, 要是作者希望自己書中的內(nèi)容能與新概念、新觀察到的事實和新發(fā)現(xiàn)同步發(fā)展的話, 那么就應該每隔較短的時間, 將書中的內(nèi)容重新修改。 Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new tendency placed the home in the i

33、mmediate suburbs, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations, government, and pleasure in the centers of the cities. 大到目前為止, 經(jīng)歷了18和19兩個世紀, 這種新的傾向是把住宅安排在城市的近郊, 而把生產(chǎn)活動、商業(yè)往來、政府部門以及娛樂場所都集中在城市的中心地區(qū)。,28,定語從句的翻譯Attributive Clauses,I. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive.

34、II. Translation of Restrictive Attributive Clauses III. Translating Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses IV. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials,29,I. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures,This is the cat. 這就是那只貓。 This is the cat that killed the rat. 這就是那只捕殺了老鼠的貓

35、。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake. * 這就是那只捕殺了偷吃了蛋糕的老鼠的貓。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house. * 這就是那只捕殺了偷吃了放在房間里的蛋糕的老鼠的貓。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built. * 這就是那只捕殺了偷吃了放在

36、杰克修建的房間里的蛋糕的老鼠的貓。,30,II. Translation of Restrictive Attributive Clauses,Combination: 把從句譯為帶“的”的定語短語,放在被修飾詞前,將復合句譯成漢語單句。又稱“前置法”。 The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. 在他手下工作的人對他怕得要死。 Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with. 污染是我們必須解決的一個迫切問題。 July and August are th

37、e months when the weather is hot. 七八月是天氣很熱的月份。 In the room where the electronic computer is kept, there must be no dust at all. 在存放電子計算機的房間里,不能有一點兒灰塵。,31,2.Division,如果從句結(jié)構(gòu)復雜,譯成漢語前置定語顯得太長而不符合漢語表達習慣時,往往譯成后置的并列分句。可以譯成并列分句,重復英語先行詞,如: Between these two tiny particles, the proton and the electron, there i

38、s a powerful attraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges. 在質(zhì)子和電子這兩個微粒之間有一個很大的吸引力,而這個吸引力總是存在于正負電荷之間。 還可以譯成并列分句,省略英語先行詞,如: Newton invented a paper lantern illuminated by a candle which he carried with him to light his way to school on dark winter mornings. 牛頓發(fā)明了一只點

39、蠟燭的紙燈籠,在昏暗朦朧的冬天早晨上學時帶著燈籠照路。,32,2.Division,He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weight up to two pounds each. 他種出了200個大得驚人的西紅柿,每個重達兩磅。 A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat. 燃料是一種物質(zhì),在適當溫度下能夠燃燒并放出熱量。 They worked out a new method by which p

40、roduction has now been rapidly increased. 他們制定出一種新方法,采用之后生產(chǎn)已迅速得到提高。 They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他們正在為實現(xiàn)一個理想而努力,這個理想是每個中國人所珍愛的,在過去,許多中國人曾為了這個理想而犧牲了自己的生命。,33,3. Mixture,溶合法是把原句中的主語和定語從

41、句溶合在一起譯成一個獨立的句子的一種翻譯方法。(There be 結(jié)構(gòu)句子往往這樣處理) There were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month. 在那群人中,有些人每天站在那里,站了一個月。There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. 樓下有人要見你。 Fortunately, there are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless. 幸好有些化學燃料是潔凈無煙的。 There are some

42、metals which posses the power to conduct electricity and the ability to be magnetized. 某些金屬既能導電,又能被磁化。 There are many people who want to see the film. 許多人要看這部電影。,34,3. Mixture,還有一些定語從句,譯成漢語時可將英語主句壓縮成漢語詞組作主語,而把定語從句譯成謂語,溶合成一個句子。 “We are a nation that must beg to stay alive,” said a foreign economist.

43、一位外國經(jīng)濟學家說道,“我們這個國家不討飯就活不下去。” We used a plane of which almost every part carried some identification of national identity. 我們駕駛的飛機幾乎每一個部件都有國籍的某些標志。 Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes. 好的鐘擺可以自動補償溫度變化造成的誤差。,35,III. Translating Non-Restrictive Attribut

44、ive Clauses,1. 在譯文中把原文從句后置,重復關(guān)系詞所代表的漢譯,譯成并列分句。 I told the story to John, who told it to his brother. 我把這件事告訴了約翰,約翰又告訴了他的兄弟. This is a college of science and technology, the students of which are trained to be engineers or scientists. 這是一所科技大學,該校學生將被培養(yǎng)成工程師或科學工作者。,36,2.前置法:一些較短的具有描寫性的從句也可譯成帶“的”的前置短語,放

45、在被修飾詞前面,Transistors, which are small in size, can make previously large and bulky radios light and small. 采用體積較小的晶體管可以使先前那種大而笨的收音機變得又輕又小。 The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor. 整天躲在云層里的太陽,現(xiàn)在又光芒四射地露面了. The emphasis was helped by the speakers mouth, which was wide, thin a

46、nd hard set. 講話人那又闊又薄又緊繃繃的嘴巴,幫助他加強了語氣。 But Miggles laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 密格爾的富有感染力的笑聲打破了靜默。,37,3. 譯成獨立句,One time there was a violent thunderstorm, the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective. 有一次是暴風驟雨,猛烈的程度實為我平生所僅見。這場暴風雨遮住了我的目標。 Nevertheless the problem was

47、solved successfully, which showed that the computations were accurate. 不過,問題還是圓滿地解決了。這說明計算很準確。,38,IV. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials,1.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Cause 2. Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Result 3. Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Concession 4.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clause of Condition 5. Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Purpose,39,1.Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Cause,We know that a cat, whos


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