1、精品文庫 閱讀部分 Time: 60 minutes. The Reading Test has six parts testing various reading skills. Part 1 2 Input Five 90 word texts 450-500 word text Task 500-600 word text 250 word text 250 word text 6 How to succeed in your reading test? See some tips on page 57 of your student book. Part One 150-200 wor
2、d text Matching sentences with texts Sentence level gap-filling Multiple-choice comprehension questions Single word multiple-choice gap-filling Single word gap-filling Proof-reading: identifying extra words 歡迎下載48 Exercise One 1 This book provides many real life examples of business practice in a nu
3、mber of organizations. 2 An earlier version of this book was very successful. 3 Some of the material in this book has been presented in an audio-visual format. 4 Reading this book might save you from an embarrassing misunderstanding. 5 Managers could find practical ideas related to manufacturing in
4、this book. 6 No previous book has covered the range of material included in this one. 7 Personnel managers might recommend this book to their trainees. 8 This book is written in an entertaining style. (A) CASE STUDIES IN ORGANISATIONAL BEHA VIOUR Eds. Derek Fawcett and Alan Sparrow This book draws o
5、n a variety of genuine cases, setting both European and global contexts. It includes contributions from many business managers to ensure an accurate picture of practical approaches to the subject. Suitable both for practicing managers and for teachers of management students, Case Studies in Organiza
6、tional Behavior presents an up-to-date selection of business cases in an easy-to-use format. Also available is a video in which a number of the most valuable cases in the book are presented (B) INTRODUCTION TO WORK PSYCHOLOGY 2nd Edition Dr.J. Otis-Lavalle The aim of this established text is to exam
7、ine the contribution of psychology to our understanding of human behavior at work. The text covers issues such as selection, training, motivation and job satisfaction. It is particularly aimed at those training to be managers in the areas of staff development and human resources but offers insight f
8、or anyone employed in this area. The first edition of the book was chosen as Training Book of the Year in 1994 and the new edition has beenup dated to make it eve n more accessible. (C) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGENENT:A INTERNATIONAL P ERS PECTIVE Professor Ella Scho on hove n This is the first book to lo
9、ok at the theory and use of management techniques in every major in dustrial coun try. This survey of moder n man ageme nt methods is un equalled in its scope and is desti ned to become classic among moder n man ageme nt texts. Professor Scho on hove n describes the app licati on of HRM tech niq ues
10、 in European Un ited States and the Far East, comparing and con trasti ng the app roach of each bus in ess culture. She also in cludes a cha pter on the emerg ing econo mies of Easter n Europe and Asia. (D) P RODUCTION TECHNIQUES FOR MODER MANGERS Dirk Bolatt, Michael Terry and Dr. Yu Lua n Publishe
11、d last year, this is beco ming the esse ntial text for p roducti on man agers in in dustrial companies. More than a guide, this text explains the thinking behind recent changes in work methods and encourage managers to practice approaches to production. The authors, who have themselves all had exp e
12、rie nee in p roduct ion as well as teachi ng and research, cover both the well-known techniques and others which have received less attention but which have been devel oped by leadi ng firms in global p rocess tech no logy. (E) ORGANISATION AND CULTOURE Dr. An drew Gree n In an intern ati onal bus i
13、n ess world, the contemporary man ager deals with people from a variety of backgro unds and cultures. Often simple differe nces can obstruct com muni cati on: the intern ati onal man ager n eeds to be sen sitive to these differe nces in order to be truly effective. An drew Gree n fasc in at ing and
14、amus ing book guides you through the poten tial mistakes which con trasti ng culture way in which major cultural groups han dle each of these asp ects. This is a book to kee p with you every time you travel. Easy to read and full of hin ts, it may prove to be the differe nee betwee n intern ati onal
15、 success and disaster. 重要語法:注意在備選句中的限定詞。 重視限定詞的出現(xiàn),可以 本練習(xí)中所有被選句中都有 限定詞是指在名詞詞組中對(duì)名詞起特指、類指以及表示確定數(shù)量和非確定數(shù)量等限定作用的 詞類。備選句中有限定詞的出現(xiàn),標(biāo)志著該句中重要信息的顯現(xiàn)。 迅速定位備選句中重要信息, 從而有的放矢地進(jìn)行查找和篩選。 限定詞的出現(xiàn),請(qǐng)大家分別找出。 小知識(shí): 圖書類廣告的通用格式。 書名(有時(shí)加上詳細(xì)用途或種類) 作者 發(fā)行價(jià) 訂購價(jià)(有時(shí)加上優(yōu)惠價(jià)) 圖書簡介 訂購信息(包括圖書信息) 重要詞匯和表達(dá): Genuine; con text; app roach; format;
16、 motivatio n; in sight; accessible; be desti ned to; HRM; con trast; emerg ing; inno vative; obstruct; Exercise Two 1 This book follows the p rogress of various p roducts from the concept to the selli ng stage. 2 This book in cludes very few tech ni cal terms. 3 In this book we are give n some detai
17、led in side in formati on on compani es. 4 The writer of this book believes company bosses aim at more tha n the finan cial impro veme nt of their company. 5 The writer of this book feels that success in volves the ability to ada pt quickly to a new situati on. 6 It is stated in this book that futur
18、e bus in ess success will in volve un dersta nding recent thinking in the bus in ess area. 7 This book shows how to in clude tine input of con sumer in a company. 8 This book is aimed at the workforce as well as man ageme nt. P aler Fraser AP ERCENTAGE SOLUTIONS An tici pati ng cha nges in the marke
19、t place and the comp etiti on depends on the ability to quickly reorga nize bus in ess structures. Percen tage Soluti ons shows that these sig ni fica nt cha nge in dicators lie in the 20% of bus in ess opportun ities that will drive growth and p rofit into the future. P eter Fraser suggests that co
20、mpanies stay ahead of cha nge by using a rapid redesig n app roach to quickly renew and reth ink their bus in ess. In the book he details how this redesig n could work and gives some exa mple of how it could be put into practice in a company. BUSINESS THOUGHTS 18.99 Norma n Heimes, Sandy Davies Atta
21、ining higher levels of customer satisfaction, increasing speed and efficiency in the product devel opment p rocess, and in creas ing p rofits are the goals many man agers are struggli ng to achieve. The basic bus in ess p hilos ophy beh ind this book is Customer In tegrated Decisi on Making, or CIDM
22、, which is a pro cess that shows man agers how to reach these goals by in tegrati ng the customer into the decisi on-mak ing pro cess and incorpo rati ng the customer s wants and n eeds into the desig n of new p roducts and services. 35.00 COMMODITIES TO GO Philip M Rodgers This fasci nat ing and in
23、 structive book takes readers beh ind the scenes of twen ty-four of the biggest new p roduct success stories of the p ast few years and reveals the no rmally con fide ntial work ings of some of the in stituti ons where these p roducts were deve lop ed. Each story focuses on a differe nt strategy and
24、 offers man agers and p rofessi on als in valuable in sights into how the brightest and best new p roduct ideas were origi nally thought up, the n deve loped and fin ally brought to market. 22.50 Joyce Jamies on A HANDBOOK OF MODERN BUSINESS MATTERS The incorpo rati on of in formati on tech no logy
25、in the work place has revoluti oni zed the way people do bus in ess. But the revoluti on has not fini shed - new tech no logies are being deve loped every day. The divide betwee n man and tech no logy is beco ming in creas in gly n arrow, and in some societies social and cultural cha nges are gradua
26、lly occurri ng in order to reengin eer bus in ess op erati ons for the 21st cen tury. A Han dbook of Modem Busin ess Matters will en courage you to think about the new concepts and ideas which ofte n p ass by only half un derstood, but will even tually make the differe nee betwee n success and failu
27、re. 14.99 Anne Jones BUSINESS CHOICES This origi nal book about attitudes towards work is both for in dividuals in rout ine jobs seek ing to improve the quality of their worki ng lives and for man agers who find themselves exp ected to do more with less in this era of un certa in ty. Busin ess Choic
28、es reveals a new way of thi nking about work that will motivate both empio yees and companies to reach for higher levels of achieveme nt. In a clear and very readable style that avoids much irritati ng bus in ess jarg on. Anne Jones seeks to improve work ing attitudes at all levels of the workforce.
29、 18.99 “術(shù)語”。反之亦然。 小技巧:備選句中使用解釋性的語言而相應(yīng)的文章中出現(xiàn)技術(shù)性語言或 請(qǐng)指出重要詞匯和表達(dá)中存在的“術(shù)語”。 重要詞匯和表達(dá): In dicator; CIDM; con fide ntial; work in gs; reengin eer; rout ine; era of un certa in ty; readable; jarg on; 小資料: Customer In tegrati on Attaining higher levels of customer delight, increasing the speed and efficiency i
30、n the product devel opment p rocess, and in creas ing p rofits are goals many man agers are struggli ng to achieve. Customer Integrated Decision Making, or CIDM, is a process that will show managers how to reach these goals by in tegrati ng the customer into the decisi on-mak ing p rocess and incorp
31、o rat ing the customers wants and n eeds into the desig n of new p roducts and services. Customer Integration: The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Leaders Guide for Decision Maki ng focuses on the compi ete CIDM/QFD p rocess. The book details the reas ons for using CIDM market ide ntificati on tec
32、h niq ues, and QFD idea gen erati on methodologies, as well as some basic and advaneed customer choice prediction approaches. This practical, structured, and rep licable p rocess will p rovide a company of any size with the tools to assure its teams success as they move to become lin ked to the cust
33、omer. Customer In tegrati on opens with a comp rehe nsive overview for executives, followed by a detailed discussi on of how CIDM/QFD can in crease p rofits for bus in esses in a variety of in dustries. The executive overview reviews the issues confronting companies today and gives reasons why execu
34、tives will n eed to be lin ked to customers to comp ete. The sec ond part of the book lays out some of the foun dati on kno wledge that middle man agers will n eed to have in order to commit to supporting individuals and teams and to compiete CIDM/QFD projects. Part II also offers p ractical discuss
35、i ons on the critical role of leadersh ip and the challe nges of impi eme ntati on. The third part of the book p rovides a ste p-by-ste p explan atio n of the pro cess, along with a compi ete review of the n ecessary concepts and tools to make a CIDM/QFD p roject happen. Customer In tegrati on is de
36、sig ned for the whole company .It p rovides the in formatio n executives and managers need to undertake a Customer Integrated Decision-Makingproject and the kno wledge that team members n eed to assure success in their p roject. Exercise Three (2000.5) 1. This job in volves p rotect ing the con fide
37、 ntiality of compu ter systems. 2. Finan cial assista nee will be give n if gett ing this job means you n eed to move house. 3. The p ost in volves in creas ing the importance of IT with in the company. 4. You may be give n greater seni ority soon after being appoin ted to this po st. 5. Exp erie ne
38、e of gover nment compu ter con tracts may help the app lica nt for this po st. 6. In this p ost you will be respon sible for appoin ti ng and training some staff. 7. The successful app lica nts main task will be gett ing companies to sig n up to new con tracts for IT services. 8. You will be in char
39、ge of the money allocated for I.T. AIT P ROFESSIONAL-LONDON We are a key p layer in one of the most rapi dly grow ing in dustry sectors world-wide, the p rovisi on of outsourced compu ter n etwork services, and can boast a growth record over the p ast ten years of 50% per annum. An opportun ity exis
40、ts for an exce ptio nal and exp erie need in dividual to join the company to deve lop our existi ng customer base. You will be able to dem on strate a successful track record in senior man ageme nt withi n the IT sector. We are look ing for exp erie nee of sell ing large cap ital p rojects or servic
41、e con tracts and the ability to devel op excelle nt customer relati onships at all levels. Strong adm ini strati on and orga ni zati onal skills, with a kee n eye for detail, are esse ntial. IT P ROJECT MANAGER App licati ons are in vited from can didates aged 30- 47 with at least 5 years successful
42、 exp erie nee of devel oping company compu ter systems in volv ing 100 plus term in als, ideally across several sites. The successful can didate will be respon sible for the impI eme ntati on of new compu ter on-li ne systems to major compani es. The ability to deve lop, and in some cases to recruit
43、, an effective team, and play a key role in the group growth is important. It is expected that there will be the po ssibility of joining the Board in the n ear future. CCONTRACTS MANAGER The successful app lica nt will have exp erie nee of a wide range of state and p rivate sector in dustries, focus
44、ed on, but not limited to, markets in manu facturi ng, engin eeri ng, retail and distributio n. Heor she will po ssess con siderable exp erie nee of deve loping clie nt relati onships, p roject delivery and the impiementation of large-scale IT systems across the UK and Europe. Quite exceptional p re
45、se ntati on and com muni catio n skills required. Gen erous relocati on p ackage available. DIT P ROFESSIONAL We are a global con sult ing orga ni zati on with an outsta nding repu tati on for the p rovisi on of audit, tax, and man ageme nt con sulta ncy services. In order to maintain our leadersh i
46、p po siti on, we n eed to stre ngthe n our team by appoin ti ng two sp ecialists in IT and telecoms security. We are look ing for some one with con siderable un dersta nding and p ractical exp erie nee of the security and con trol requirements for telecoms and networked systems. You will be a recogn
47、ized expert readily acce ptable to major orga ni zatio ns who employ thelatest tech no logy. In retur n, we offer you an opportunity to deve lop your skills by work ing at a variety of intern ati on al locati ons. EIT FACILITIES MANAGER We are a market-leading retail financial services group which h
48、as achieved dominance in a nu mber of p roducts, and we have excit ing plans for future growth, with a direct effect on our IT requireme nts. We now n eed to appoint some one who is cap able of carry ing out a thorough review of all our IT services and rep rese nting the n eeds of IT to the board. T
49、he task of the appoin tee will be to sig ni fica ntly raise the p rofile of IT and add real value to the bus in ess. Respon sibilities will in clude managing and motivat ing the IT dep artme nt, the p roject man ageme nt of new tech no logy, and man agi ng the IT budget and relati onships with supp
50、liers. Finan cial services exp erie nee, whilst desirable, is not esse ntial. “術(shù)語”。反之亦然。 小技巧:備選句中使用解釋性的語言而相應(yīng)的文章中出現(xiàn)技術(shù)性語言或 請(qǐng)指出重要詞匯和表達(dá)中存在的“術(shù)語”。 小知識(shí):招聘廣告的通用格式。 使用所需職位或用人單位作為標(biāo)題; 正文部分依次列出:所需職位;條件(詳細(xì)) ;待遇(通常不祥); 其他情況 重要詞匯和表達(dá): Con fide ntiality; seni ority; p rovisi on; outsourced; track record; kee n; pl u
51、s; Board; engin eeri ng; distributio n; relocati on p ackage; audit; recog ni zed; dominance; appoin tee; p rofile. Exercise Four (2000.11) This event will help you get the best out of your staff. You n eed to be a senior man ager to atte nd this eve nt. This event offers advice which can be acted o
52、n immediately. You have the opportunity to socialize with the sp eakers at this event. 5 6 7 8 A This event concen trates on the app licatio n of new tech no logy in bus in ess. You can lear n someth ing about the law at this event. This event will hel p you to orga nize worki ng gro ups more effect
53、ively. This event makes comp licated ideas easy to un dersta nd. BUSINESS CONNECTIONS Thornway Centre, 2 -3 April This is a very sp ecial event in deed, and will cover an important range of bus in ess issues that you simply cannot afford to ignore if you are running a company. The matters that affec
54、t you high-level decisi on - makin g, l ong -term planning will be discussed by some of the con ti nent most forward thin kers. Busin ess Connections is a unique opportunity to access in formati on before anyone else hears it and is restricted to directors and chief executives. You n eed to book wel
55、l in adva nee, as p laces are limited. ENTER PRISE Un ity Conference Ce ntre, 15 March Enterprise is a particularly useful event if you re involved in personnel, human resources or any other area of man agi ng people and will really ben efit you in your daily meeti ngs. It s vei p ractical sessi on.
56、 You will spend the day exte nding your already con siderable range of kno wledge and exp erie nee. What you will take away are some new in sights into the areas you already know a great deal about. The focus will be on teamwork, particularly on how to run teams in order to make the most of their po
57、ten tial. Phone the Centre for further details. CBUSINESS SOLUTION Con way Hall, 20 -22 March These could be the three most p roductive days you will ever spend in your bus in ess career. Busin ess Soluti ons is for anyone in bus in ess who wants to use the latest compu ter software to get ahead of
58、the comp etiti on. You will not be overwhelmed with a great weight of theory, but rather be offered a series of hard - hitting solutions to today s.sThObeBr information can be put into p ractice the very n ext day in your company. Tickets available in adva nee or from recep tio n on the first day. M
59、ARKET SOLUTIONS D Exhibition Centre, 4 -5 April This is the first truly international marketing event to take place in this country. Understanding how markets really function is vital to survival and success in bus in ess. Such kno wledge can give you the edge in comp etiti on. Market Soluti ons is
60、a very sp ecial opportun ity to lear n form some of the world s best market analysts, who are ready to share their expertise with you. Although the issues involved are very compiex, the presentations will offer very clear analyses and straightforward in formati on p acks. Book early to be sure of a
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