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1、三英語名詞、代詞、數(shù)詞專項訓(xùn)練【專項訓(xùn)練】一、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1、Who works, Jack or John? (carefully)2、Mr. Black lives on thefloor. (six)3、Jack will come back on theof next month. (twenty-three)4、Different people may have different. (idea)5、That cat is too young to look after. (it)6、Chinese is one of the most importantin the w

2、orld. (language)7、People often mistakefor each other. (we)8、I often go to work on. (foot)9、Isbike red or black? (he)10、Autumn is theseason of the year. (three)11、I know one of the. (boy)12、Meimei learnt to speak English by. (she)13、Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of. (glass)14、Theboy is very strong. (se

3、ven)15、You can do it all by. (you)16、Its time forto have supper. (we)17、Please give them their. (photo)18、Are there anyin the box? (watch)19、Could you showthe way on the map? (she)20、There are twelvein a year. (month)21、He put on the new coat and then looked atin mirror. (he)22、Would you like some?

4、(tomato)23、Look at thosein the boats! (people)24、Mr. Green lives on thefloor. (twelve)25、She can swim very well. She taught(she).26、Look! Theare singing. (woman)27、Ive lived here alllife. (I)28、My radio is not so good as. (he)29、Summer is theseason of the year. (two)30、September 10th isDay. (teacher

5、)31、My sister has two. (pen)32、He lives on thefloor. (four)33、My mother is a. (teach)34、Could you passa piece of paper, please? (I)35、Thestory is very interesting. (one)36、Jim has some. (knife)37、Could you givea bottle of water, please? (he)38、September is themonth of the year. (nine)39、How much are

6、 these? (vegetable)40、You bought a new pencil onway to school, didnt you? (you)41、He read someabout Zhou Enlai. (story)42、The girl under the tree is a friend of. (Lucy)43、Manyare playing in the park. (child)44、Mary putsbag in the desk. (she)45、It isnt my ruler. is a long one. (I)46、She fell off the

7、bike, and hurt both of her. (foot)47、Thelesson is very difficult. (twenty)48、There areof workers in a factory. (hundred)49、This is my dictionary. are over there. (she)50、March 8th is Day. (woman)51、There are many beautiful in this picture. (flower)52、Miss Gao is one of the most popularin the school.

8、 (teacher)53、I meton my way to school yesterday. (they)54、His room is on thefloor. (three)55、We have fourin the morning. (class)56、Please giveback soon. (they)57、Can I have some? (box)58、Please askto come with you next time. (they)59、Letsing together. (they)60、There are manyin the field. (sheep)61、O

9、ctober theis my brothers birthday. (eight)62、Listen tocarefully, children. (I)63、Who was theto get there? (one)64、Do you knowdaughter she is? (who)65、A friend ofwill come to see her tomorrow. (she)66、The girl in a green shirt issister. (Tom)67、There are four bags ofon the floor. (rice)68、I sawclimbi

10、ng tree. (it)69、June 1st isDay. (child)70、Miss Li teachesChinese and they like her very much. (they)71、Thein the room come from Tianjin. (man)72、I have a dog. name is Lucy. (it)73、How manyare there in your city? (zoo)74、I often drink a glass ofin the morning. (milk)75、Some of theare hard to reach. (

11、pear)76、I have twostamps. (hundred)77、John is very clever. He can mend the bike. (he)78、Some oflike Chinese. (we)79、Miss Li doesnt like that bag. She prefers. (I)80、Will you please help (I)?二、選擇填空:1、We foundvery difficult to learn Japanese. AthisBthatCitDits2、Her parents went there with a friend of.

12、AtheyBthemselvesCthemDtheirs3、I asked him for some oil, but he hadnt.AsomeBanyCanythingDno4、of the four roads will take you the hospital.ANeitherBEitherCBothDAny5、I have five colour pencils, one is red, another is blue andthree are green.Athe otherBotherCthe othersDothers6、of us would agree with you

13、.ASomeoneBNo oneCNoneDNobody7、Did you breakwindows?Aboth ofBboth theCeither ofDthe both8、of you would like to go with me?AWhichBWhatCAnyDWho9、has passed the examination.AEvery of usBAll of usCEvery one of usDEach of us10、There is a line of trees onside of the street. AeveryBbothCanyDeach【答案】:一、1、mor

14、e carefully2、sixth3、twenty-third4、ideas5、itself6、languages7、us8、foot9、his10、third11、boys12、herself13、glasses14、seventh15、yourself16、us17、photos18、watches19、her20、months21、himself22、tomatoes23、people24、twelfth25、herself26、women27、my28、his29、second30、Teachers31、pens32、fourth33、teacher34、me35、first36、knives37、him38、ninth39、vegetables40、your41、stories42、Lucys43、children44、her45、Mine46、feet47、twentieth48、hundreds49、Hers50、Womens51、flowers52、teachers53、them54、th


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