2019春八年級英語下冊 Unit 4 A good read(第3課時)Reading(2)課件 (新版)牛津版_第1頁
2019春八年級英語下冊 Unit 4 A good read(第3課時)Reading(2)課件 (新版)牛津版_第2頁
2019春八年級英語下冊 Unit 4 A good read(第3課時)Reading(2)課件 (新版)牛津版_第3頁
2019春八年級英語下冊 Unit 4 A good read(第3課時)Reading(2)課件 (新版)牛津版_第4頁
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1、Unit 4A good read 基礎(chǔ)知識回顧 .根據(jù)首字母及漢語提示補全單詞 1.Be sure to ask me for help when you find yourself unable( 不能的 ) to work out the problem. 2.Look!There are a lot of tiny( 極小的 ) ants on the ground. 3.You can wait for him until( 直到為止 ) he comes back. 4.I need your shoulder( 肩膀 ) to have a rest. 5.An army( 大群

2、 ) of deer ran through the forest quickly. 基礎(chǔ)知識回顧 .根據(jù)句意用所給詞的適當形式填空 1.She looked up for a moment,then continueddrawing( draw ). 2.My father startedtalking( talk ) to me after he knew I failed my exams. 3.Its difficult for a childto lift( lift ) the heavy box. 4.Look!The caris coming( come ) straight

3、towards the tree. 5.I saw a very small manrunning( run ) in the street when I opened the door. 基礎(chǔ)知識回顧 .按要求完成句子,每空一詞 1.He could understand the small man and knew what to say too.(改為否定句) Hecouldnt understandthe small man anddidnt knowwhat to sayeither. 2.She will stay at home until she finishes her ho

4、mework.(改為同義句) Shewont leave homeuntil she finishes her homework. 3.He saw a huge army of tiny people.They were coming straight towards him.(合并 為一句) He saw a huge army of tiny peoplecoming straight towards him. 4.Will you show us how we can tie the books together?(改為簡單句) Will you show ushow to tieth

5、e books together? 5.He felt so hopeless that he could not walk.(改為同義句) He felt so hopeless that hewas unable towalk. 基礎(chǔ)知識回顧 .根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞 1.在設(shè)法完成了工作之后,我已經(jīng)精疲力竭了。 I wastired outaftermanaging tofinish the work. 2.我對閱讀很感興趣。我認為它是忙碌一天后放松的好方式。 Iam interested inreading.I think it is a good wayto relaxaft

6、er a busy day. 3.當聽到奇怪的聲音,人們盡可能往遠處跑。 People ran outas far as they couldwhen they heard the strange noise. 4.他們已經(jīng)設(shè)法到達了山頂。 They have alreadymanaged to climb tothe top of the mountain. 5.他正在把狗拴在樹上。 Heis tying the dog tothe tree. 綜合能力提升 .單項填空 ( A )1.We dont knownext.Lets go and ask Mr Li. A.what to doB.

7、to do what C.how to doD.how doing ( C )2.Mr Wang is stronglykeeping animals in the zoo,because he thinks animals should also enjoy freedom. A.upB.for C.againstD.down ( A )3.Many people do not realize the importance of healththey have fallen ill. A.untilB.while C.when D.after 綜合能力提升 ( C )4.Excuse me,

8、can you tell meget to the nearest post office? Sorry,I am new here. A.how can IB.how could I C.how toD.what I can ( A )5.Tell the childrenunhealthy food.It is bad for their heath. A.not to eatB.not eating C.to eat D.eating ( D )6.Sallya picture when Mr Green came in. A.draw B.will draw C.drew D.was

9、drawing 綜合能力提升 ( D )7.We cant be successful unless we continue. I agree with you. A.work B.to be working C.to workingD.working ( B )8.What smells terrible? Sorry,Illmy shoes and wash them at once. A.put awayB.take away C.move awayD.get away 綜合能力提升 .完形填空 Not long ago,I made up my mind to read a lot o

10、f books to get more1.So I went to the library and returned home happily with some books.But after a few days,I felt impatient.The idea of finishing all of them seemed2,because I always found it hard to calm down to read a whole book.I didnt know3to do with it.Then4one day I thought of “Why not make

11、reading interesting?” This idea gave me5again.Reading is a journey of spirit( 精神 ).Every time we read a book,we are actually talking6the writer.I tried to put all my effort into his or her books, 7I could feel all of his or her happiness and sadness.Now books have become a part of my life. See!Attit

12、ude( 態(tài)度 ) can make a great8.Someone once said,“Even though the situation is bad,people still have one freedom to9their attitude.” So,dont complain( 抱怨 ) about study or work.It helps10.Try to see things from a different way.Believe me,this will change the situation and help you a lot. 綜合能力提升 ( C )1.A

13、.problemsB.experience C.knowledgeD.habits ( D )2.A.wonderfulB.boring C.narrowD.impossible ( A )3.A.what B.why C.howD.where ( C )4.A.sadly B.quickly C.suddenlyD.hardly ( B )5.A.adviceB.hope C.timeD.knowledge 綜合能力提升 ( A )6.A.with B.about C.ofD.at ( D )7.A.becauseB.though C.butD.so ( B )8.A.decisionB.d

14、ifference C.discussionD.promise ( B )9.A.announceB.choose C.show D.hide ( A )10.A.nothingB.anything C.everythingD.something 綜合能力提升 .任務(wù)型閱讀 Lu Yu had an unusual life.He lived in the Tang Dynasty.As a homeless child,he lived in Longgai Temple( 龍蓋寺,現(xiàn)稱西塔寺 ) and studied there including boiling tea.Jinglin

15、g( 竟陵,今湖北天 門 ) Prefect( 太守 ) Li Qiwu liked the smart boy when Lu Yu was thirteen.He not only gave Lu Yu books as gifts but also introduced him to a famous teacher.Lu Yu learnt from his teacher until he was nineteen.He also made good friends with famous people.They often travelled,tasted tea and talk

16、ed about poems together. At the age of twenty-one,Lu Yu started to study on different kinds of tea.He left Jingling and travelled around the country to search for famous tea.To study on tea picking and tea making skills well,Lu Yu lived a long life of reclusion( 隱居 ) in Tiaoxi( 苕溪,今浙江吳興 ).After that

17、,he lived in Miaoxi Temple( 妙喜寺 ),collecting,checking,studying and reading documents( 資料 ) about 綜合能力提升 tea.Over years,he finally wrote the first book on the study of tea.That was the book Tea Classic( 茶經(jīng) ),which was also the first book in the world on tea studies.This book has over seven thousand Chinese words,including the production place,the morphology( 形態(tài) ) and the growing environment of tea trees as well as tea picking,tea drinking and tea production tools and methods. Tea Classic has a great influence on Chinese tea culture.Lu Yu is still called Tea God tod


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