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1、.Unit1根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞1.What s the m_ with you?2.There s something wrong with my t_. I want to see a dentist.3.He used his k_ to cut off half his right arm.4.Some p_on the bus helped to get the old man onto the bus.5.Aron almost l_ his life because of the accident.6. The boy felt s_ and fell down.7.Do

2、n t take r_ . It s dangerous.8. People don t want to get into t_.9. I h_ myself playing soccer yesterday. Now I have a sore leg. 10.You have a fever and you s_ take your temperature.11. Let s think about it before we have to make a decision that could mean life or d_.12. On April 26,2003, he f_himse

3、lf in a very dangerous s_when climbing in Utah.13. A boy got h_ on the head in PE class.14. “Between a rock and a hard place ” m_ being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of .15. I have a c _ and a sore throat.二、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1.Aron is used to _(take) risks.2. He can stay there f

4、or ten hours without_ (move).3.We shouldn t always think about_(we).可編輯.4.We expect_(visit) the Great Wall one day.5.To_(he) surprise, they all agreed to go with him.6.Aron _(run) out of water after five days.7.The bus driver saw an old man _(lie) on the side of the road.8. Aron tells of the_ (impor

5、tant) of making good _(decide).9.Aron didnt give up after the accident and keeps on_ (climb) mountainstoday.10.Aron was caught under a rock when he was climbing by _(he).11. Does he have a _ (tooth)?Yes , and he should see a dentist.12. As a mountain _(climb), Aron loves mountain climbing a lot.13.

6、I told her _ (put) her head back.提高題一、單項(xiàng)選擇()1 Tony, Whats _ matter with you? I have _ toothache.A. a; theB. the; aC. /; theD. the; /()2. I have a pain in my back. _ . You d better see a doctor.A. I m sorry to hear thatB. Nothing seriousC. It doesn t matter()3 The meat is _ delicious. Yes, but dont e

7、at _.A. too much; too muchB. much too; too much C. too much ; much too D. muchtoo; much too()4She is a _ girl with two big eyes.A. six-years- oldB. six-year - oldC. Six years old()5 Yesterday I used up all the salt to cook dumplings. I need to buy some now .A. ate upB. run out ofC. ran ofD. ran out

8、of()6_ her husband, she has now become a famous film star.A. BecauseB. Thanks toC. Thanks forD. With the help()7 20. Must I finish my homework now? No, you _. You can go home now.A. needn t B. mustn tC. shouldn t D. can t()8 _ a teacher, Mr. Wang thinks its very important to teach the students how t

9、olearn.A. FromB. WithC. AsD. Of()9 How does Jack usually go to work? He _ drive a car, but now he _there to lose weight.A. used to; is used to walkB. was used to; is used to walkingC. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking()10. How do you like the talk show? I think its _, but s

10、ome people think its so_.A. wonderful enough; boredB. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough;boring可編輯.()11You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous.A. wouldn tB. shouldntC. couldn tD. mightn t()12The teacher speaks very loudly _ all the students can hear her.A.so thatB. becauseC. since

11、D. When()13 .Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.A. walk; tellingB. entering; to speakC. enter; to tellD. walking; talking()14. I was very surprised when the alien went into a souvenir shop.A. excitedB. amazingC. relaxingD. amazed()15 . Students shouldn t go to school_b

12、reakfast. It s bad for their health.A. withB. withoutC. forD. by()16.How do you like Li Yundi - A cool guy!His music _really beautiful.A. tastesB. soundsC. smellsD. looks()17.Youngpeopletoday_ postingwonderfularticlesandbeautifulphotos onto the micromessage(微信) to share with friends.A. are afraid of

13、B. are used toC. are worried aboutDused to()18.Andrea Bocelli never_ , which makes him a successful singer.A. takes awayB. gives awayC. gets upD. gives up()19. Ill have a tennis game tomorrow. Im a little bit nervous. Believe in _ . You re the best in our club.A. herselfB. myselfC. yourselfD. himsel

14、f()20 .Boys, dontlose_ in playing Angry Birds. It is bad for your eyes to playcomputergamesfora longtime.A. himselfB. yourselfC. themselvesD.yourselves()21 . To our_, the little girl is the first to go to bed.A. surprisesB. surpriseC. surprised D. surprising()22. -What didyour sister do? -She_the bu

15、s at the bus stopandwenthome.A. got toB. got up C. got downD. got off()23.Mo Yans books have been sold out in many book stores _ his winning ofthe Nobel Literature Prize.A. becauseB. sinceC. asD. because of()24 . It s _own business(Please事情do)it yourself. A. you B. your C. yoursD. his()25 . My fathe

16、r often cooks some delicious food_for us at home.A. herselfB. ourselvesC. himselfD. YourselvesUnit2一根據(jù)句意及提示完成句子1.The girl could visit the_生(病的 ) kids to _ _使(他們高興起來 ) 。2.Yeah, a lot of old people are l_. We should c_ _(照顧 ) them.3.We need to _ _ _( 提出 ) a plan for the City Park Clean-up Day.4.They t

17、old me stories about how things _ _ _(曾經(jīng)是)5.Lucky _ _產(chǎn)(生影響 ) to my life.6.That s_ interesting.7.She could read by herself_ _ _ _ ( 在歲時(shí) ) five.8.You could help _ _(打掃) the city parks.可編輯.9. We can t_推遲( ) making a plan.10. For example, we can r_ money for these people.11. I want to travel a_, but my

18、parents told me not to do that because I was too young.12.These(志愿者 ) help many children every year.13.Mario gives up s_ hours each week to help others.14.Lets make some n_, too. Then Ill hand them out after school.15.What would it be like to be _(瞎的 ) or deaf ?一、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. I m sure you know tha

19、t this group was set up to help _(able) people.2. Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands _(easy) .3. But many people have these _(difficult).4. I love animals and I was _(excite) about the idea of _(have) a dog.5. I feel very _(luck) to have him.6. Thank you again for _(change) my life.7. Last y

20、ear, she decided _ (try) out for a volunteer reading program.8. I get such a strong _(feel) of _(satisfy).9. we can make plans to help _(home) people.10. Last year, a friend of _(me).11. She helps to get me a special _(train) dog.12. I m able to have a“dog helper ” because of your _(kind).13. Normal

21、 things like opening and _(close) the door is difficult for me.14. I ll send you a photo of _(she) if you like.15. In _(they) free time, they think about what to do for fun.16. She fixed up _(break) bike by _(she) yesterday.17. However, few people think about what they can do _(help) others.三、選擇題四、

22、() 1. Shedoesnt have any more ofit.A. takes afterB. looks outC. runs out ofD. gives away()2. He is repairing the TV set.A. Mend B. Fixed C. fixing upD. mended()3. They take after me.A. be similar toB. is similar toC. be similar withD. are similar to可編輯.()4. I m very busy. I d like tokidstheir school

23、 work.A. help, toB. helping, withC. help, withD. helping, to()5. We need toa plan. Let s have lunch first.A. come upB. come up withC. catch upD. catch up with()6.a volunteer is great.A. BeingB. BeC. ToD. To being()7. You helped to make _ possible for me to have Lucky.A it sB thatC itD it was()8.of t

24、hem likes to play basketball.A. EachB. Everyone C. Every D. Both()9. She came up with a good ideamaking money.A. inB. toC.Of D.for()10. His money alreadylast month.A. run out ofB. run out C. ran out ofD.ran out()11. We have got some books. We ll _to the poor children.A. put them upB. give them awayC

25、. give them away.D. put out them()12. My parentsgetting up early on weekdaysA. used toB. be used toC. was used toD.are used to()13.The old man lives _,but he never feels _.A. alone ;lonelyB. lonely; aloneC. alone; aloneD. lonely; lonely()14. DiaoyuIslandbelongstoChina. Surely itdoes!WeChinesewillnev

26、erit up.A. cutB. fixC. giveD. set()15. He offered _ valuable(有價(jià)值的) advice that _ people disagreed.A. such; a fewB. such; fewC. so ; a fewD. so; few四、完型填空( 15分)可編輯.MarioGreenand Mary Brown _1_fromRiverside HighSchoolgive upseveral_2_each week to help others.Mariolovesanimalsandwants _3_ ananimaldocto

27、r.He volunteersatan animalhospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help them _4_ his future dreamjob.“ It sahard _5_ he says,“ but I want 6_ more about how _7_for animals. I get_8_ strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get_9_ and the look of joy ontheir owner s faces.”M

28、aryisa book lover.Shecouldreadby _10_ attheage offour.Last year,shedecided to try out for a volunteer after-school _11_ program. She still works there oncea week _12_kids learn to read.“ The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see intheireyesthatthey re _13_a different journeywitheach newbo

29、ok._14_ hereis adream come true for me. I can do _15_I love to do and help others at the same time.()1 A onB fromC toDfor()2A. hourB hoursC monthD months()3A toB to beC to beingD to do()4A get BgetsC gotD getting()5A workB worksC jobD jobs()6 A to workB workC workedD working()7A careB to careC cared

30、D cares()8A such aB a suchC a soD very a()9A goodB wellC betterD worse()10A sheB herC herselfD hers()11A readB to readC readsD reading()12A to helpB helpC helpsD helping()13A goB goingC go onD going on()14 A VolunteerB VolunteersC To volunteerD Volunteering()15 A howB whatC whenD that五、閱讀理解 (10分 )可編

31、輯.As a volunteer teacher, I traveled a long way to a small village school in Chongzuo,Guangxi.On mywaythere,I thought about thevillage,the school,and the childrenthere.However, my heart sank when l arrived there. It wasnt what I expected. It didntlook like a school at all! The school had only three

32、rooms, one for Grades l, 2 and 3, andthe Other for Grades 4, 5 and 6. There was a third one for me.Thechildrenwelcomedmewarmlyonmyfirstday.Theyaskedmealotofquestions, and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai. The next day, Igave them a test to find out their level. To my surprise

33、, though the test was very easy,over half of the students failed it, yet they all wanted to learn new things. l knew theyneeded me.I was busy preparing lessons: reading test papers every night. I enjoyed teachingthese lovely and hardworking children, and I could see that they were making progresswit

34、h my help. I have also learned a lot from them. I understand their lives better, andwe are now good friends.I have worked in Chongzuo for a year now. Im very happy, and the experience hasbeen very useful for me. 1 love the small village and the children. In fact, I would like tocontinue working here

35、.()1.The writer is a volunteer teacher who comes from.A. GuangxiB. XiamenC. ShanghaiD. Changchun()2. The writer found there were only _rooms in that school.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four() 3 . In the passage,” my heart sank.means that the writerA. felt upsetB. was happyC. got angryD. was glad()4. The w

36、riter found the students level was _ he expected after the first test.可編輯.A. just asB. higher thanC. lower thanD. the same as()5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Both the volunteer teacher and the students have worked so hard.B. The students have improved a lot with the writer s hel

37、p.C. The writer has also learned a lot from his students.D. The writer has worked in Long Zhou for a half a year now.Unit149. in a difficult situation在閑境屮1. have a fever發(fā)燒50. keep on doing sth.繼續(xù)或堅(jiān)持做某事2. have a cough咳嗽51. make a decision做出決定3. have a toothache牙疼52. take risks 冒險(xiǎn)4. talk too much說得太多5

38、3. give up放棄5. drink enough water喝足夠的水二、重點(diǎn)句型6. have a cold受涼 ;感冒1. What s the matter? s7. have a stomachache胃疼What s the matter with you?= What8. have a sore back背疼the trouble with you?= What s wrong9. have a sore throat喉嚨痛with you? 你怎么了?10. lie down and rest躺下來休息2. What should she do?她該怎么辦呢?11. hot

39、 tea w ith honey加蜂蜜的熱茶Should I take my temperature?12. see a dentist看牙醫(yī)我應(yīng)該量一下體溫嗎?動(dòng)t詞+原形 . .13. get an X-ray拍X光片主語 + should/shouldn14. take one s temperature量體溫 You should lie down and rest.15. put some medicine on sth.在上面敷你應(yīng)該躺下休息一會兒。藥 You shouldn t go out at night.16. feel very hot感到很熱你晚上不應(yīng)該出去。17. s

40、ound like聽起來像3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper18. all weekend整個(gè)周末or a book?19. in the same way以同樣的方式你認(rèn)為它是來自報(bào)紙還是書呢?20. go to a doctor看醫(yī)生4. I think I sat in the same way for too long21. go along沿著走without moving.22. on the side of the road在馬路邊我想我以同樣的姿勢一動(dòng)不動(dòng)地坐得太久了。23. shout for help大聲呼救5. She sa

41、idthat the man had a heart24. without th inking twice沒有多想problem and should go to the hospital25. get off下車Unit226. have a heart problem有心臟病1. Clean-Up Day清潔日27. to one s surprise使 . 京訝的是2. an old people s home養(yǎng)老院28. thanks to多虧了 ;由于3. help out with sth.幫助解決困難29. in time及時(shí)4. used to曾經(jīng) 過去 _30. save a life挽救生命5. care for關(guān)心 ;照顧31. get into trouble造成麻煩6. the look of joy快樂的表情32. right away立刻;馬上7. at the age of在 .歲時(shí)33. because of由于8.clean up打掃 (或清除 )干凈34. get out of離開 ;從出萍9. cheer up ( 使)變得更高興 ;振雀35. hurt oneself受傷10. give out分發(fā) ;散發(fā)36. put a bandage on sth.用繃帶包扎11. come up with想出


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