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1、人教版PEP小學(xué)英語教材知識梳理(3-6年級)小學(xué)英語三年級上冊教材梳理Key words of each unit:Uni tTopicKey words (三會)四會U 1Greet i ngsruler, penci I, eraser, crayon, bag pen, penci I box, book.bagU 2Co I oursred, green, ye I I ow, b I ue, b I ack, brown, whi te, ora nge.redU 3Bodyface, ear, eye, nose, mouth, arm, hand, head, body leg

2、, foot.n oseU 4An i ma 丨 sduck, pig, cat, bear, dog, e I ephan t, mon key, bi rd, tiger, panda, zooPigU5Foodbread, juice, egg, milk, water, cake, fish, r ice.cakeU 6b i rthdaone, two, t hree, four, five, six, seve n,fouryeight, nine, ten.2. Main sentences in the text.UnitTopicSentences備注:紅色的句子建 議指導(dǎo)孩

3、子進(jìn)行簡單 的書空,有能力的學(xué) 生可以練習(xí)書寫,培 養(yǎng)學(xué)生的對句子的書 寫習(xí)慣和意識。并且 這些句子要進(jìn)行替換 性練習(xí)和造句。以下同!U 1GreetingsHe I Io, I m Wu Yifan. /Hi, I m Sarah.I have a ruIer/an eraserWhas your name/My name s John.Goodbye!/Bye, Miss White.U 2ColoursMr Jones, this is Miss Green.Good morning, Miss Green. /Good afternoon,Wu Yifan.I see red.Nice

4、 to meet you./Nice to meet you, too.U 3BodyHow are you/I? m fine, thank you.Let s go to schooI!Look at me.Very well, thanks.Let s make a puppet!/Great!U 4An i ma 1 sWhat s this /It s a duck.What * s that/Coo1! 1 like it.U5FoodId 1 i ke some juice, p 1 ease. /Here you are./Have some bread1 m hungry!C

5、an 1 have some water, p1 easeYou re we 1 comeU 6Bi rthdayTh i s one, p1 ease./Sure./How many p1 atesHappy bi rthday!How o 1 d are you/m 6 years old.3.Letters and soundsUnit 2Aaantapp1eBbbook bagCccatcrayonDd duckdogUnit 3Eeegge1ephantFf facefootGg green giftHh hihand Ii ice ice creamUnit 4 Jjjeepjum

6、pKkkiteKateLIlonglegMm milkmumNnnosenoodIesUnit5 Ooon orangePpPigpenQqquee nqu i teRrr iceredSss i xSarahTttigertenUnit6 UuumbreI I aunderVvvetves tWwwet waterXx fox boxYyye I low yo-yo小學(xué)英語三年級下冊教材梳理1. Key words of each unit:Uni tTopicKey words (三會)四會U 1I ntroductioUK, Canada, USA, China, she, studen

7、t,she he pupi Inspupil, he, teacherU 2Fami Iyfat her, dad, man, woma n, mot her,man womans i ster,mother fatherbrother, grandmother,grandma,grandfather, grandpaU 3Anima Isth i n, fat, tall, short, I ong, sma I I,taI Ishort b i gbig.U 4Locat i onon, in, under, chai r, desk, cap,cha i rdesk boatball,

8、car, boat, map.ballU5Fruitspear,app1e,orange,banana,pearapp1e orangewaterme1 on, strawberry, grape.U 6Numberse 1 eve n, t we 1 ve, t h i r teen, four teen,eleventwe1vef i fteen,s i xteen,seventeen,e i ghteen, n i neteen, twenty.twenty2. Main sentences in the text.UnitTopicSentencesU1I ntroductioWe I

9、 come!nsWhere are you fromI m from the UK.U2Fami IyWho s that manHe smyfather.Who s that womanShes mymot her.Is she your motherYes,shei s.1s he your fatherNo, he isn t.U 3An i ma 1sIt s so tall.Come here, chi1dren!It has a long nose It has sma11 eyes and big earsU 4Locat i onLet s go homeWhere i s m

10、y penc i1 box1 s it in your bagNo, it isn t / Yes, it is.Have a good time!U5FruitsHoney, let s buy some fruit.Do you 1 ike orangesNo, 1 don t./Yes, 1 do.Sorry, 1 don t like bananas.Me, neither.U 6NumbersHow many kites do you see/The black one i s a bird!How many crayons do you have /Open it and see!

11、3. Letters and sounds5 個元音字母:Aa, Ee, li, Oo, Uu元音字母在單詞中的發(fā)音(短元音)Aa: cat bag hand dadEe:tenredlegpenli:bigsixpigmilkOo:dogboxbodyorangeUu:funrunduckun der小學(xué)英語四年級上冊教材梳理1. Key words of each unit:UnitTopicKey words (三會)四會U 1SchoolcI assroom, window, bI ackboard,Iight, picture, door, teacher ? s desk, com

12、puter, fan, wall, puter, I i ght, door, fan, floorU 2Schoo I bagSchoo I bag, maths book, Engli sh book, Ch i nese book, storybook, can dy, not ebook, toy, key.book, math, English, toyChineseU 3Fr i endsstrong, f r i endly, qu i et, ha i r, shoe, glassesstrong, ha i r, shoeU 4Fami Iybedroom,

13、 Ii v i ng room, study, kitchen, bathroom, bed, phone,room, study, bed, kitchentab 1 e, sofa, fridge.tab 1e,keyU5Foodbeef, chicken, nood1es,soup,beef, soup, noodles,vegetab 1e,chopst i cks,bowl,fork, kni fe, spoon.U 6Jobspare nts, cous i n, un c 1 e,aunt,brother,doctor,baby brother,doctor,cook,nurse

14、,dr i verdriver, farmer, nurse2. Main sentences in the text.Uni tTopicSentencesU 1Schoo IWe have a new classroom /Les go and seeWhere i s it/lt,s near the wi ndow Let s c I ean the c I assroom!Let me cIean the windowsU 2Schoo I baWhas in your schooI baggAn Engl ish book, a maths book, three storyboo

15、ks and What colour is it /It s bIue and white.U 3Fr i endsWhas his nameHis name is Zhang Peng.He * st a 1 1 and strong.Who i s heHe has g 1 asses and h i s shoesare b1ueU 4Fami 1 y1 s she in the 1 iving roomNo, she isn t.Where are the keysAre they on the tab1eNo, they aren t. They re in the door.U5F

16、oodWhas for dinnerWhat wou1d you 1 ike for1 d 丨 ike some soup and bread, p 1 ease (1 d 丨 ike二 1 wou 1 d 1 ike)Help yourse 1 f. WouId you 1 ike a knife and fork No, thanks. 1 can use chopsticksU 6JobsHow many people are there in your fami1y ThreeMy fami 1 y has six peop 1 e Is this your uncle Yes, it

17、 is. He s a footba11 p1ayer.Whas your auns jobShe s a nurseand soundsAa: cake face name makeOo: nosenoteCoke Mr JonesUu:usecuteexcuseEe:meheshe weIi: I ikekite five n i ne r ice小學(xué)英語四年級下冊教材梳理1. Key words of each unit:UnitTopicKey words 三會四會U1Schoo If i rst,secondfloor, teacherscomputer, art, music,of

18、fice,I ibrary,pIayground,Iibrary, teachercomputer room, art room, mus ic room,U2Timebreakfast,Eng Ii sh cI ass, Iunch,breakfast, lunch, d i nner,mus i c c I ass, PE c I ass, din ner, getup, go to schooI, go home, go to bedget up, go homeU3Weathecold, coo I, warm, hot, sunny, windy,co I d,coo I,warm,

19、hot,rcloudy, snowy, rainysunnyU4Farmtomato, potato, green beans, carrot,tomato,horse, cow, sheep, henpotato,horse, cow,sheep, greenU5C1otheclothes, pants, hat, dress, ski rt,clothes, dress, ski rt,scoat, sweater, sock, jacket, sh i rtshi rt, sock, coatU 6Shoppiglove, scarf, umbre11 a, sunglasses,nic

20、e, shoppingngpretty, expensive, nice2. Main sentences in the text.Uni tTopicSentencesU 1Schoo IWhere s the teachers, office It s on the second floorIs this the teachers, officeNo, it isn t The teachers? office is next to the I ibrary.I s that the computer roomDo you have a IibraryYes, we do.U 2TimeW

21、hat time is itIt s 6 o, clock It s time for dinner.Time to go home, kids.It s time to get up.U 3WeatherCan 1 go outside nowIt s co 1d outside.Yes, you can. / No, you can tWhat s the weather 1i ke i n New YorkIt s rainy.IsIt s 26 degrees.it co 1dNo, it isn,t.U 4FarmAre these carrotsYes, they areWhat

22、are theseThey re horse.Are they hensNo, they aret They are ducksU5C1othesAre these yoursNo, they aren? re Chen Jie s.1s this John sNo, it isn t. It s Mike s.Whose coat is thisIt s mine.Whose pants are thoseThey are your father s.U 6ShoppingCan 1 he 1p youYes. These shoes are nice.Can 1 try them onTh

23、ey,re too sma11.Size 6, p1 easeHow do you 1 i ke th i s sk i rtit s very pretty.How much is this skirtIt s $89.and soundsUnitLettersWordsExerciseU1erwat er,t iger,My si ster s,No,nears i ster,computer,the.d i n ner.U2i rurgirl, bi rd, nurse,a and her a and herhamburger.U3ar, a Iarm, car,card.aon the

24、ta I I.ball, tall,wa I LDogs inwith aU4orhorse,fork,I d Ii ke fourhomework,wor I d map.Thi s i s herI likeU5I eapp I e,peopIe,Chen Jie has ai s ab i ketab I e.That is line 1 e Dan sU6er, ur ,ar,a 1, or,1 eMvi s aHe i sHe 1 ikes to plavand wr iteUnitSentencesU1This is the Iibrary.That is the pIaygrou

25、nd.U2What time is itIt s ten o cIockU3Is it sunny Yes, it is. No, it isn t. Is it windyU4These are cowsThose are sheepU5These are John5 s shoesThis is Chen Jie, s dressU6They are very expensiveThey are too smaI I.小學(xué)英語五年級上冊教材梳理1 Key words of each unit:UnitTop i cKey words 四會U 1FamiIy,fr iend sandpeop

26、IearoundoId, young, funny, k i nd, str i ct, polite, hard-work ing, he I pfu I, c I ever, shy,U 2Daily rout i nesMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fr i day, Saturday,Sunday, weekend, wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, pI ay footba I IU 3Food,dr ink and heaI thytea,i cecream,hamb

27、urger,salad,sandwich,fresh,hea11hy, de I icious, hot, sweetU 4Persona Ii nterestssing Engl ish songs, p I a yt he pipa, do kung f u, da nee, draw cartoons, cook, swim, pI ay basketball, pI ay p i ng-pong , speak Engl ishU5Living env i ronmentc I ock pI ant bottle bi kephoto frontbetweenabove bes ide

28、 beh i ndU 6Natureforest, r i ver, I ake, mounta i n, hill, tree, br i dge, bu iIdi ng, viI I age, house2. Main sentences in the text.Uni tTopicSentences備注U1Fami Iy,fr iI s he youngNo, he isn t這里的這些句子endsIs he funnyYes, he is.都是教材后面的4會句子,所以不and peopIeWhat s she IikeShe s kind.再進(jìn)行刷紅。請around在教學(xué)中進(jìn)行關(guān)注!U

29、2What do you have on ThursdaysDaily以下同!rout i nesI have maths,English and music.Do you oftenread books in this parkNo, I don t.U3Food,dr inkWhat wouId you Iike to eat -一A sandwich,and heaI thyp I ease.What would you Iike to drink -一I d Iikesome water.Whas yourfavour ite food一一 NoodIesThey re delicio

30、us.U 4Persona1What can you do for the party, chi Idreni nterests1 can sing English songsCan you do any kung fu, John一一Yes, 1 can.U5LivingThere i s a b i g bedenv i ronmen tThere are so many pictures here.U 6Nature1 s there a r i ver in the forest, Miss WhiteNo, there i sn t.Are there any tai 1 bui 1

31、 dings in the natureparkNo, there aren,t.s spe11UnitItemWordsU 1以字母y結(jié)尾的單詞fr iend Iybaby happy windy sunnysorryU 2有字母組合ee/ea的單詞feet beef meettea read eatU 3有字母組合ow的單詞cow f1ower downs1ow snow ye 1 lowwindowU 4有字母組合00的單詞book 1 ook foot ba 1 1 good ba 1 1 oonfood zoonoodlesU 5有字母組合ai/ay的rainy rainbow pa

32、int wait say wayb i rthday單詞MondayU 6有字母組合0U的單詞house mouse sound count小學(xué)英語五年級下冊教材梳理1. Key words of each unit:Uni tTopicKey wordsU 1Weekenddo morning exerci ses, eat breakfast, have-c I ass, p I ay sports,activityeat dinner, cIean my room, go for a walk, go shopping,take adancing cI assU 2Season ands

33、pr i ng,summer, fa I I,wi nter, go on a picnic, go swimming, p i ckactivityappIes, make a snowmanU 3Month, fest i va1 and schoo1 ca1endarJanuary, February, March, Apr i 1, May, June,July, August, September, October, November, DecemberU 4Dateandb i rthdayfi rst, second, thi rd, fourth, fifth, twe 1ft

34、h, twentieth twenty-fi rst, twenty-thi rd, thirtiethU5Be 1ong anddoinghi s, hers, mine, yours, thei rs, ours, c 1 imbing, dr inking, eat ing, p1 ay ing, s1eep ing, jumpi ngU 6Activities and Behavior ru 1 esdoing morning exercises, havingc 1 ass, eating lunch, reading a book, 1 istening to music, kee

35、p to the r ight, keep your desk c1ean, ta 1k qu ietly, take turns2. Main sentences in the text.Uni tTopicSentencesU 1WeekendWhen do you finish cI ass in the morningactivityWe finish cI ass at 1 o clock.What do you do on theweekend1 often watch TV and p1 ay ping-pong with myfather.u2SeasonWhich seaso

36、n do you 1ike best, Mike-Winter.andWhy 一一Because 1 1i kesummer vacation.activityu3Month,When i s the party-一ts i n Apr i1 fest i va1When i s the tr i p th i syearandschoo1It s in October. We11 go to the Great Wall.ca1endaru4Date andWhen i s Apr i1 Foo 1 sDay 一一It s on Apr i1rb i rthdayWhen is your b

37、i rthday-My bi rthday i s on Apr i 1 4:U5Be 1ongWhose is it一一It ssIts yourdog. The dog i sand doingyours.1s he/ she i ng No. It s i ng.Are these. ing一一No. They re ing.U6ActivitiWhat are they doing They re eating lunch.esandBehavior ru 1 esWhas the little monkey doing It s p1 ay ing with its motherSh

38、h. Ta 1k qu i etly.Keep your desk c1ean.3. Letters and soundsUnitItemsWordsUnitlc Ic lea nc I ockcI ass cI everplp I ateeggplantpI ease pI ayUnit 2brbrow nI ibrarybrotherumbreI I agrgree ngrapesgrandpa growUnit 3chChinachickenIunchteachershsheepfishshi rt shortsUnit 4tht hreethinthirteenmathsththist

39、hatmotherbrotherUnit5nglongsingringyoungnkthinkinktrunkp i nkUnit6whwhatwhenwherewhwhosewho小學(xué)英語六年級上冊教材梳理1. Key words of each unit:UnitTopicKey words 三會四會U 1Locat i onsDi rectionsinteresting I taiian restaurant pizza street GPS gave feature fol low far tel Iscience museum , post office 、bookstore, ci

40、nema hospital, cross i ng , turn left r i ght , stra ightU 2Mea ns of transport at i onear Iy he I met must wear pay attention to traffic Iights Munich Germany Alaska sled fast ferry Papa Westray Scotlandon foot , by bus, p I ane axi , sh i p , subway , tra i n , s I ow down , stopU 3Spare1esson,spa

41、ce,travel,visit, see a film, t ake a t r i p,timeha 1 f,price,Mid-Autumnsupermarket, evening, tonight,activitieFestival,together, gettomorrow,nextweek,stogether, mooncake, poem,dietionary, comic book, wordmoonbook, postcardU 41 nterestspendancing,singing, readingandpa 1,hobby,jasmine, idea,Canstor i

42、es,p1 ay i ngfootba11,hobb i esberra, amaz i ng, sha11,goa1,jdoing kung fu, cooks Chineseo i n,c1ub,sharefood,studies Chinese,does wordpuzzles,goes hikingU5Jobscountry, head teacher, sea,factory,worker,postman,st ay, un i vers i ty,gym, if,bus i nessman,f i sherman,reporter ,use , type ,sc ient i st

43、,p i1ot,coachquickly, secretarypo1ice officerU 6Fee 1i ngsmice chase bad hur t i 1 1angry ,afra i d , sad ,worr i ed ,wrong should fee 1 we 11 sithappy ,see a doctor ,wear warmgrass hear ant worry stuckclothes , do more exercise , takemud pu11 everyonea deep breath, count to ten2. Main sentences in

44、the text.UnitTopicSentencesU 1Locat i onsDi rectionsWhere i s the museum shopIt, s near the door.How can we get thereTurn Ieft/right at the bookstore.U 2Means of transporta t ionHow do you come to schooIUsuaI Iy, I come on foot.In the USA peopIe on bikes must wear oneDon t go at the red IightI must

45、pay attention to the traffic Iights.U 3Spare time activitiesWhat are you going to do todayI m going to see a filmWhere are you goingWe re going to the cinemaU 41 nterestsandhobb i esWhat are Peter s hobbiesHe 1i kes read i ng storiesDoes he 1i ve i n Sydney No, he doesn t.Does he 1 ike doing word pu

46、zz1es and going hiking Yes, hedoes U5JobsWhat does he doHe s a bus i nessman.What does your mother do She, s a head teacherWhere does he workHe works at seaHow does he go to work He goes to work by bike.U 6Fee 1i ngsThey, re afraid of him.The cat is angry with them.Whas wrong Your father is ill.He s

47、hou1d see a doctor this morning.Don t be sad語法單元話題語法U 1Locat i ons表示在附近,next to表示與相鄰。它的范圍比near小。Di rections2.表示在哪兒轉(zhuǎn)時,用介詞ato 如:Turn 1 eft at the banko 在銀行左轉(zhuǎn)。3了 解常用介*司,攻口: in , on, unde, r near, over, behind , in front of U2Means of transporta t ionfoot步行 乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介詞by-,但是步 行只能用介詞on。,somet imes, a

48、 1 ways, often等詞在英文中被稱為頻度副詞”, 是用來表示動作頻率的,但程度上有區(qū)別。一般來說可按頻率 大小扌非歹J: a 1 waysusua 1 1 yoften sometimesnever (決 不)U 3Spare time activitiesare you going to do你想做什么詢問他人在未來的打算。Be go i ng to后面要跟動詞的原形。evening和tonight的區(qū)別:this evening指的是今天晚上 睡覺以前的時間,一般指晚上十二點(diǎn)以前。而tonight指的是 今晚,一般是指一整晚的時間,通宵。U 4Interests and hobb

49、 i es1.動詞變?yōu)閯用~的規(guī)則:動詞變?yōu)閯用~,即在表達(dá)個人愛 好時,如果是動詞要加ing。一般要遵循以下三條規(guī)則:(1) 一般情況下,在動詞的后面直接加ing。如:p I ay playingread read ingdo doinggo一goi ng(2)以不發(fā)音的字母e結(jié)尾的動詞,要去掉不發(fā)音的字母e,再加ingo如:dancedanc i ngmake ak i ngdancedanci ng(3)以單元音加單輔音結(jié)尾的重讀閉音節(jié),要雙寫最后一個輔音字母,再加ingo如:runrunn i ngswimsw i mm i ngputputtingsit sitting2.第三人稱單數(shù):主語是第三人稱單數(shù),動詞詞尾加s或es.動詞第三人稱單數(shù)的構(gòu)成原則:1) 一般在動詞詞尾加s,如comes; 2)以s, x, sh, ch結(jié)尾加


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