1、PRO I K I ION SCHEME DESIGN I OR MESHED VSC-HVDCTRANSMISSION SYS! EMS OF LARGFS(:ALE WIND FARMSJ.JX rtcWr J. ORdll GP Adim&W(hptrtmrni 4 I tatromc and t bctrica I pnming. Univ of(Hngow, 01 IXW , glOtptraKMof ncetfufuci iBftd FJgnealUaicnJ cf Ghsow. GkACMr. 12 SLT. LX.Kyonte:vmtw ovior configurwtiofi
2、 v dhemwd for prokcUxi tchsme dttifK DC drc trakcr c*fimsi(Mi 京 stuped for AfTmoi taaM concern Mailed prwctMm tebemt h designed Mttii a wlutkn wtteui diM netey oNnMnicMMH) ri|uirwmwcra Ib MhMot Is oeMary to rcthic a reUaMe Xcrgrid and rwi Imv (umpnn ntwcwbW cnfrjy nvbpmmiI ltrodvetioB母prrfricr h a c
3、imccpt olwW p(mcrgdopneu ambition |R Tlus k a 、ottfe Mestal DC ghd Ouk oonftccu a amnber o wtad fvwu Mid paixklpMlAf twrpor cxwtr cnihcrv wbi hied hi volMfe drax avrert (HVDCI tchiko can br HewiHe Io rvaiite ttm even with tone weak AC tUon omwcImms R Tlia mnhed tofving; aiem to mhoaerrULhflity. Mhid
4、i niMeenubk ia die traMamion lod of a Mount “ wtnd pcmT Nctmrkt Imp, ire ccwwmw in Zitioml AC trammUftka power gnX texatoe 11 b rektivdy xwic coopwvd 9 te douZlinc yslrms wtd morw rvliabk thin rvdtel ) witfuMFbc Wighcaaek uMms Io be much mere relhMt to its heavy Mlucncc tht Mk七 cbdrkily 珂m. If oxKtp
5、c o be ad for Multi* wind fenn Borvclk* wd m歹Hxwi la eScwt tywm, imwh rvUlai bop O0pok fix the inacricnced b famet DC cpmtkM Kmrio.Oe g te ImA “ caihung high p(mr DC tynttns and tbcif cfwtiun opvimew. amviUy (tar i% g afipmfriate pnxccuxi Khem M cm be doped for ap( tMs VSCMl system (10(. Ihefc h&s b
6、een fe9amm of DC dinnbukvi Ml pnMtioR in diMnbmk* led wdi as khn* & Matd-etonc 卜v*y ihirboerd powwr VMoa cvalK twvfrid |S|. de. M |9| prupew tea kvtiing td isotetxm meOod for a Bnmrf imlb-VSC4*Md DC M; *b it nuinh Iwacd g AC 込 drwil bratan CBtK and no DC FMldifear oonttmn a dacMcd Ojc io cosA to ttn
7、mil VSC41VCX.EcrvdtafK 金# prWaE dm i, rtndicd n |3| Zxwt StfcuffcDi mmIwUl itaMocf. all ihoe fruwihcfc ak net lL will be the of this M A$ mcmloned. there Is UUe VSC -tmcd DC y?cm 汕 Twhehar rnweton iws to rvaliw prcwticR E:*My Mid tclcuioa ct tilb meshed DC yi e deftecd And cfectKd Midi cufMMimt CB r
8、ipptag MraMfy.Hie paper Is oqMflbed m tniiou入 la Section 2. Ibe multi* icraMiui DC uwi term topoto tekKund k ImrodMaJ ith pmmvl topdn eftinm Fadfe chanctmfiicv of turmcr .rMTOC MfmMkM we pwlciod Sccuxi $ CXhrr Hw tfacMMcna omcludr paper2 Malti-termiail wtd fann DC etworfcThe mulU tmnihal DC ved Urm
9、Moky H still a iiucBcr of rcvwdi and HamkA. rraiMkMl toiuUoas for uind tar rwtzrks art AC coMedioa grkb with Hhcr AC r DC oMb |l|. Oma IMMieat eT DC trsumisBon mckidc the lack o( opmuoaai cwpcricncc. of DC Clh trrf the Ug to dvwinpoM( DC fcr ItegKpawcr appAcaixm. Howrver. DC |o0TJacoMtfhg 1 A fyf Ml
10、 mdMi W rn-urvmmI& ramMB vyMru ktraMmlukm It mil an cccoomicnlfor ddttM tar)|r*Kate afbhare wtod firw& Xowad*yK mutol-enniiui DC *wd fwwi mpc4ofic trv ill nriUA Ho*r% neporwd wort*pncdKWi wdiHie IhifltraiMM of a Qpisl secuoa of Maerjpid n sboM I if I mww OrUM UC wwd fm oMIsclKB arv of. only lh ttc S
11、ottowvwg Mmpd l H nedr hn ccmcciMW) io a *ind Un cr nmilarc imvrWr pUlfom to AC phd mMbuUol 2 The loop here H sMctfiad wta wmatkm t two AC I) Tlwiw mifM not bv rml DC te tMoaftDl b (hr fKdr wall marc thM two oofiftoctiot* c catMcwd be tm (shaM In Fig J k g Im fWcat Moa (aiWxmn fault人bi Ht- IKTaHc I:
12、 IX? twh dmvy (IO)cwtKnic coati wd rdl血kt,. Uw ha# pcmm for Urcc-ecilc DC *)slrai*XI VSC DC J”tr*.rrc lsbDmikd VSL-taed sjitaai cahk Ml imlyvi b carried out in |IO| and “13 M(wr Bicw Zu e mMnly shonmiit fiulu and frond taaihs bo* * pow and ncprtrvcoM So* the Mi* difvctkvaKMrrml-Hodmg Cth Ihr dhunc c
13、viluttion pmmiaxi methnS prupoaoS bi |IO| h wed bcc m uc preamedU Mttltt itfBiMl amM / toofi tx. tofoteoHw kwp kn4nfy H oernmew ir Irtdku4 AC power tramnilsUcn 巧stcats because d haUncc betweenoaly one maMMMm reqairei the raamiukA frtd to be fwfdi men rvMik J lo b mfluvncv to Oar wM s)ttcni. If c mef
14、C ar ailhaiMi Ibe rclialnlity can eiw X oUutxni by InvoJmif mhMiMi Hnn |l|. twt the iMcm W cnlr m wm as bMk Ml ate at Uuiu at aarwul opemxvi lines ar 5農(nóng)九 la the 沁 pocr tmMniMioa tevd. ouM be cements. However, thh kp lopoloo maUf tficpromUM fete, coordteMlka md MMBchfiarmuchmcrvconcvOne main fwNcM fo
15、r aMVfici I呻 / moled tywm 士 the power flow can not be eqvcwd ocmld. FW toed Aow mAi wry m lwemMen ctMnftw. Special MUntioctof tie limt taMM tern k roqulrad w cf te bidfZkMl load fkm cm them. Thmkwc the pouNe txrrml pemer Ojw amptMdr wd dkidaoni ntei 9 tw cauiuded M nU the rd”d axuraic Incrcrwon. MhM
16、 AC din&jtKYi d tranmwon i cimmxilyiMd tcfogy. with nuUin; utocbofi and ivkiy tectfik|e& Hcftcc gditwl AC syMcm rda ooonlnMAon 4 (I2| h Mhw4 dfnrU DCU DC tailWhen * ChA 4hteMX cUmflcd Iran the veftay pnht h n. the Mt om be comOervd ascocumrg the DC tw (wticii k Iht Mme ltcvical n*i ithr均 in term of
17、cquidM orcuKk a exAmpte show te 律 I (7弘 la |IOL DC (mb faulM *iML Ikmcvcv. fur lucc operiDoci.4 PrutectiiM sriKflu fur loop / mesWd de 巧sAoowtoig to (he above ly the proeectson Kftew dnincn the (Mali chamclcHMks andfwmkaffd lyft of CB anlml. Tkr U? iuw h UnUjgy of a Miccthv tut rciubte CB coonlirMtk
18、m method Tie prwpcwol pmcMi coordbiatMin arc rva)(wd by diw oaiuMMM Mithuul(fcan: rets, comflMkMxn. The CB CuA trpig rcqiMfanaiti arc 1) ne DC carvmt mM uiugc arc reNfvd to tv ooMMMMNah moniuwd Amg tfw tywra ofminMi. 2) When owmrva h detected, the cqanskm Wl HMoe to tertxw-aluBteti uste woitage dffe
19、renoe (mnriM fMthxl (10); 3) Pw Mmvd+11 打imd lo oomfwv wib the nhy jrv-w mAw Io whether to trip the CB or aoc41 DC Wtrar 0ocatMMiRm DCdlocaMxi it Ztnued in J. W4wdkiaal uimna44iKiiing DC CB ar md TM b ind oc wiM firm depeMb cm (he windreuxirce dxkflflcfn. I he pemer livbaw h *wiiHsam will obc tu&A;
20、ph%skal prtflUfMes.111 M need spevdkiltorhh* for ttw cmxrfimct M rvwlu. HU (how comwedy iMd for AC M4amr b)mml in Mh lintar 與urn. all die power mntco ob Im oikulalcd MfwaMty to cwpra orrw rtwll Mxcvdmi li tufcrpcmuuo Ihoren HcrHcrc the thecrdifial power Aow results cm be cakuteltd Almost Inmch Mtucf
21、i It bdptfd for ml dmc dedshM proem.Aztficv bMe 匕 0 cwduUoB * ixvwul opEkn ctfrcat harmewo This b rdmd lo modahtoon mdhni of 紙 amxrtm |?|. The hmofiici v Eb know. hiHvdtr frwfMicwi and cm be limited fk cmSIUImm (totcctxxi far feuk ocotfvmce Hence. 0c Ofcncsc* tt 1 Me I. dhr晳t crrrrt dWvetian ani wnp
22、litujr dMAgei will be (Me sqpiB Acd io detect d aoadcm.3 DC CB rtia) cMnSaatM rvtecWmI be rrla)eooniMKn wiatiom n dnenM dtflnittaa of the de|rw IH |I2|. TW prvwy proCMM nchy wt (FPRSX primioUqpvc IPO)And baclup procccum JepenJmQ defm (BD) arc defined m Rmcikaol dercmy:Hvgion wtting of nfay R dRwnt c
23、n thr rrity 艮 心十民 S red be ccurdniUm* Then g 心民)te caiM FFRS Somber 縄 ii drAned FD. AcocrdMg lo dw caiopcratMNi fracifte befwten friman pratmhc rd町、nd hlci praccoc idayk the proiccocn feta)Bppmc iih 島.i vmg Woc of % vwmt be 二山川 m wrss cf Ac Flint of mwt avoKCK RK K?xu US* 亠 yMrbdrwsrew3-asr esT*? aW
24、QAW&*w*fixontv- wmIi MV Qoaw3B2 f s- 9 and * clMmm * !$ .i jcaa- aff 6an9e3 3BXB among PRMecti.e nekys wr ;r X ?rvwh Y nr0K8- BD3*& wnbcr i f nrry sedl 8 s s ? B9. 1 31 2W KiAy. 5 Ihcnumpk scoxn Mu, T尸_乍】ff ill 9FI i CUBTa cpia.r3S8 &ff3 OK usia Bfi- t lass 7 frsASS 7W USM ar- 二X OBku-aums .cadi rda
25、y pw ft5-ppmf pcrwd 2XM UaM =0- BUs ff be med to iei-up relay deky ume F beciup 7 ? 38S3- W6右 10 2.0 ? s s of other C1U.99aL iss i ?fi& WRPI3 pcrE iff9 CSXS9 S9irSMUXl G f 10 the pM/MM detrnk* can mU* s r E_ ocmrv 3i May f IF-73S t&TafrKI.4l e7T ff9 =一 ? vsasQ f&os 83 an 甲 r, 7L 995 ft 3rp& 3*&wi= t
26、rip Avr dw cp Msyff.ww f 70E XDQC&r 6 B procEctB s UBS 寥1 *13*3 2aii8r wo s& CM ex 833SS8 77s flxr A* liMd 3 F E-rnaR WMR0km md3i533- ntf二 3n CB. W6 EBPK& 09 :ala! mMe R 于倉 Cm 1- ficw QI asdw If-ff&mnc 9CC88 V 2&W cr nwrly 83 s !=ft.wvy L F FvftsK by iMf r k the rtxrw of the CBa-wcilTWM04ir-fe?23M7
27、AC Isf i9 t s st oc ? r OK FK phmary ItftMM =dlr thH depend 3 x Mxuracy 241ER d VK5R Bb&SQB an 5-rvomvd匕 Aa prnfwd hl = rcUrwcc fdq 1U9K WCMITHWJ is equfpcd f the sfw BKfrvxr DrbcoBed 3S ? 1 VOK s t Ex Kns3 & B c5 Q備 kwg sdia&s Kenr d 2* 01 &3BR F ta K f I Mm analym S3 bt Mcmd to -eL M 03 oUcubti* v
28、alue3-JMrfl* that mcam the L omn 27r &x 8i E L .Q Fy I i shoM the relay : 3rl&2pT丄 TlMg * yB9K US 1i - 9113s*xfaErsssx*z-3-55 s nt i fl f PHMCCtis nrwhx FW *m3kb3 xtv 3*35 ft Fi fny 0RSR* Al- Ae Um 邑艮 Um、& KO MW ctcAy -W8 MW in Mat rper anhpmnr aMMkai vwt MW B hiac Luc 7 3b rrrr e?n Kes 5MNt y prwct
29、km3吾 s? 9391 8d& 49 *slhn)mti VSL mate in lhe cuilUliM aad ataorpum at *h rwcliw power from dw AC grite (rfwm Fig. 6)urns of (Me ammI opcrailoftIheVSC6ITCVE1IAsanutrd ia Ihr UizfteM diodesI “Ii,Al u) immcditfch dntnoy Vhe coourtarAt be mmc hac. * AC 7 will M ii the (mA 戸Hml 9: Owufvw wfw rtaA mn C/j
30、n DOMRc* .C VM (/.HSA Xg”c 3c/四tchem desiB b 1 tesMr Io the dexiopaeM of thd mdttramai DC (nnwMan nrtcrUMhHf A5C bWM tefMlhe Rwcri tec and Ikytwid loops. For Miiuncc. e AC rwwnrwai caNc oonweting thr two AC grid nhcw wMabm in Hg. I wil fam hybrid lx wMi tkxh AC mdDCoomteUonv Itowccr. due iodic sfunaaat wmhon time dvflbEcv. ihcrw no nwd to ooordlftaftr AC IU wh DC om. All Oc AC (Ik cm be h oxmlinitkM uitfi its AC W* ncrnul AC rrtworti.7 rooHmiMHUS pttper daeaMes tfte frcttction Khem
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