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1、畢業(yè)論文現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的特點(diǎn)及社會(huì)功能The Characteristics and Social FunctionsOf Modern American Slang畢業(yè)論文獨(dú)創(chuàng)性聲明本人聲明所呈交的畢業(yè)論文是本人在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下進(jìn)行的研究工作及取得的研究 成果。據(jù)我所知,除了文中特別加以標(biāo)注和致謝的地方外,論文中不包含其他人已經(jīng) 發(fā)表或撰寫(xiě)過(guò)的研究成果, 也不包含為獲得 大學(xué)或其他教育機(jī)構(gòu)的畢業(yè)證書(shū)而使用 過(guò)的材料。與我一同工作的同志對(duì)本研究所做的任何貢獻(xiàn)均已在論文中作了明確的說(shuō) 明并表示謝意。論文作者簽名(手寫(xiě)) :簽字日期: 2010年 4月 9日iiContentsAbstract.Intr

2、oduction1 .The Background of Modern American Slang1 .The Source of Modern Slang23.1Sub-culture of the infiltration to the mainstream cultur.e23.2The promotion of socialites activities 23.3The large numbers of new things and new concep.t.s3.the basic characteristics of modern American slang. 34.1 Hum

3、orous 34.1.1 The expression of speech sound.s34.1.2 The expression of vocabular.y34.2Convenient and concise 34.3Updating rapidly4 . The social functions of modern American slan.g45.1 Reflecting the discrepancy of social identi.t.y45.2 Reflecting theA mericans ordinary life 55.3 Attitudes reflecting

4、the attitude to the realit.y55.4 Overcoming the communicational barrie.r5 . The respecting of modern American slan.g6 .Conclusion 7BibliographyAcknowledgementiii目錄摘要第一章 引言 1第二章 現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)產(chǎn)生的背景 1第三章 現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的來(lái)源 23.1 亞文化項(xiàng)主流文化的滲透 23.2 社會(huì)名流的積極推動(dòng) 23.3 新事物 新概念的大量涌現(xiàn) 3第四章 現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的基本特征 34.1 幽默風(fēng)趣 34.1.1 語(yǔ)音的體現(xiàn)上 34.1.

5、2 詞匯的體現(xiàn)上 34.2 簡(jiǎn)潔簡(jiǎn)練 34.3 更新迅速 4第五章 現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的社會(huì)功能 45.1 語(yǔ)言身份差異的反映 45.2 反映美國(guó)人的日常生活 55.3 態(tài)度:反映美國(guó)人對(duì)于社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí)的態(tài)度 55.3 克服交流障礙 5第六章 現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的前景 6第七章 結(jié)束語(yǔ) 7參考文獻(xiàn)致謝ivAbstractModern American slang is a rather special form of language, which has a unique expression and a long history. Westward Movement occurred on America

6、n continent in thno doubthe 19th century has promoted the formation of the American slang; while the 20th century was a rapid development period time of American slang. As for its source the penetration of sub-culture to the mainstream culture, the promotion by social celebrities and the emergent of

7、 new concepts and new things has greatly conduced the development of slang .In the course of development, the American slang gradually formed its own style and features: humorous, funny, vivid, convenient and concise, updated rapidly. At the same time, role can reflect in many sides: The slang refle

8、cts the discrepancy of social identity and the life of ordinary people. At the same time, it reflects a kind of attitude by which the people treat the reality. Its usage function includes overcoming the communicative barrier and so on. For the modern American slang, scholars cast different views, bu

9、t itthat the emergence of modern American slang and its development meet the demand of the society and the times. Now, get clear, concise and with the standard language of mutual penetration of modern American slang has become a major trend.Key words: Modern American Slang; characteristics; social f

10、unctions摘要現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)是一種相當(dāng)特殊的語(yǔ)言形式,具有獨(dú)特的語(yǔ)言表現(xiàn)力和悠久的歷 史。19 世紀(jì)美洲大陸的“西進(jìn)運(yùn)動(dòng)”促使了美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的形成,然而到了 20 世紀(jì)則是 美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)迅猛發(fā)展的時(shí)期。 從其來(lái)源來(lái)看, 亞文化向主流文化的滲透到社會(huì)名流的推 動(dòng)再到新事物新概念的大量涌現(xiàn), 產(chǎn)生了大量的俚語(yǔ)。 在發(fā)展的過(guò)程中美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)逐漸 形成了自己的風(fēng)格特點(diǎn):幽默風(fēng)趣、形象生動(dòng)、簡(jiǎn)潔簡(jiǎn)練、更新迅速等。同時(shí),它在 社會(huì)中的作用則體現(xiàn)在 :它反映了一種現(xiàn)實(shí)包括語(yǔ)言的身份差異,普通民眾的真實(shí)生 活。同時(shí)它還反映了一種態(tài)度:人們通過(guò)語(yǔ)言而表明自己對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)的態(tài)度。它的使用功 能則包括了在使用中克服語(yǔ)言交際障礙等

11、等。 對(duì)于現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ), 學(xué)者的觀點(diǎn)褒貶不 一,但不可否認(rèn),現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的出現(xiàn)與發(fā)展是社會(huì)和時(shí)代的要求。如今,變得簡(jiǎn)潔 明了及與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)語(yǔ)互相滲透成了現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ)的主要發(fā)展趨勢(shì)。關(guān)鍵詞: 現(xiàn)代美國(guó)俚語(yǔ);特點(diǎn);社會(huì)功能vi.IntroductionAmerican slang is a very complex language. In general, the definition of slang in the dictionary ,it is a highly colloquial and variable extremely un-normal style, with new words,

12、 new meanings and some figures, constitute with vivid, image and colorful, acerbic humor .Modern American slang is a very complex linguistic phenomenon. In fact, it refers to some particular class, such as industries, gangs and jargons. Some of them are common people; it is difficult to express some

13、thing presentable and acceptable, even simple and clear. “ The vocabularyo f an ordinary America generally is estimated at 10,000-20,000 words according to my conservative estimation about 2,000 words are slang.” (ChR.ed.4)1 And there are also American slang frequently used in daily life. Therefore,

14、 some linguists think that, if the person is not familiar with American slang, they can not take part in the American society to communicate with people as many as possible, and sometimes even read books and newspapers will be very difficult, because the modern American slang has frequently appeared

15、 in newspapers and books.“ it is impossible to acquire a thorough knowledge of Englis(h or of any other language, for that matte)r without being familiar with slang and vulgarism. Whoever is uninitiated will be at a loss to understand many of themasterpieces of English literature? Nay he will scarce

16、ly be able even to understand an English newspaper. ” (Partridge2.7T3h)e modern American slang is a very non-standard language variants, in contemporary American society, the social function performed will be increasingly important, such special language innovation, has been gradually integrated int

17、o the standard of English language category .Also it has become an indispensable means of expression of the standard language to add. This paper will generally research its background, characteristics and social function.II. The background of modern American slangThe Westward Movement occurred on Am

18、erican continent in the 19th century, many Americans are a large number of immigrants who are immigrated to the west. Through this way, all the local dialects, as well as various social stratum of the jargon, the black, after another, people pass by each other. Because the U.S. government did not em

19、phasize the standard language and language purification, thus emerging jargon and sayings, such as a different form of language through the use of non-stop to spread, it became a slang used by American s today. Meanwhile, the United States niso t only a mixture of multi-ethnic immigrant country, the

20、se immigrants brought their own language, but also continuously create merged with the new American English vocabulary, so that slang ever increasing . With the rapid development of American slang, something will be different .The two world wars, the Vietnam War, Korean War, the Cold War era have pr

21、oduced a lot of slang words, as well as in the “ American society, emerging social issues such as: racial discrimination, the civil rights movement, family disintegration, the younger generation of alcohol and drug abuse, anti-war movement, sexual freedom, homosexuality and even more American slang

22、sprung up. ”3 For access to economic development, science and technology development in the 80s and 90s, modern American slang is full of vitality, While computer slang, sports slang, campus slang, emerging slang have a significant increase inAmericans daily life.III. The source of modern American s

23、lang3.1 Sub-culture of the infiltration to the mainstream cultureModern American Slang has become the important mainstream culture. But in the argot, jargon, they cannot createa plethora of wonderful slang, such as“ the U.S. criminalsout of the society ,they were regarded as the street (street), acc

24、ording to their argument, the world of the prison was divided into two parts: within and outside the prison, whiles the street of outside the prison, as long as they are not in custody, the street can be control by their activities, hence the slang in the street time was used to refers parole period

25、 ”4.Another example is to kick the bucket”(which means dead, to die or pass away), this expression is very popular because in the 7th century in England, when the death penalty for death row inmate must be in the buckets (bucket), the executioner put the noose on the cover in the prisoners neck, and

26、 then kicked away buckets, the prisoners would be a result of the noose tightening and suffocation. Now this expression has been widely used to refer to any kind of death. 5 The military, the police, the students, the workers, the unemployed homeless, the drivers, the prostitutes, the criminals unde

27、r the subculture of a variety of social groups to the slangs contribution is enormous, they created a large number of slang ,which the slang constantly updated and have their own characteristics. Although some jargon or some slang words relate with the sex are macabre, but it is undeniable that they

28、 are a major source of modern American slang.3.2 The promotion of socialites activities.The mainstream of todays slang was dominating the U.S. mainstream culture and the creation of upper-class .As U.S. cultural center, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and other large cities through the

29、 media contribute to the United States culture. The upper class includes these cities, such as politicians, businessmen, television show, host, columnist and entertainment industry stars, etc. Most of them are higher education, full of talent, and strong communicational skills; they are a major rank

30、 to create the daily slang. Such as the much-rocker slang refers specifically to gather personal privacy and political scandals of the people, the term in social life and political life of the frequent, has entered the scope of the spoken language. It has been defined as difficult to convince someth

31、ing presentable and acceptable in the U.S. Slang has frequently appeared in newspaper, famous, celebrity biographies, or even the U.S. Presidents official speech. Therefore we can say the U.S. slang has been become the“ blood” and integrated into the mainstream culture.3.3 The large numbers of new t

32、hings and new conceptsIn recent years, the rapid development of economy and science and technology, a large number of new slang came into being and to express new things and new concepts. Such as: hot line (hotline), fall out (radioactive fallout), one of the most classic and most familiar of the sl

33、ang is cool, and intended to cool”it m, neoawn sa st osulacnhgin,g,wonderful. The development of these slang emerging industries and emerging things, IT industry, entertainment, and sports industries, emerging in todays slang occupy almost half of the country. Pop music often appears as rock and rol

34、l, it formerly refer to rock and roll. “ Grooveintended to record the lines, and later evolved into slang. Groove (excellent, popular), because the pop star. If something goes wrong, individual broadcasters would be scrambling to sing songs with their record released. By the resulting in the groove,

35、 this idiom is used to describe a singers success and popularity, but to engage in other occupations, once the cause of the success of the Albertan straight up that they are often said to be in the groove, the meaning of this term was “ extende d own”.6 “ Another example is “ ankle biter ”: biting h

36、eel of the person (die immediaotneely p aefrtseor n.).”7IV. The basic characteristics of modern American slangEnergetic, cheerful and lively, non-legalistic and innovation are all Americans proud of the national identity.8 These characteristics of communication in their daily conversation with ways

37、and words or sentences have been fully reflected slang precisely the characteristics of the national characteristics with the Americans, in line for make it even more unique and more prominent.4.1 Humorous4.1.1 The expression of speech soundsA lot of American slang words utilize the euphony of pronu

38、nciation in order to be easily understood and remembered. Particularly, many slang words adopt the approach of rhyme which makes the effect of language more expressive, humorous. A kind of rhyme is alliteration .For example, tick-tack (a ticking or taping beat like that of a clock or watch), tip-top

39、 (of the highest equality).But another kind of rhyme is the end rhyme such as funny-money (the substitute of money), razzle-dazzle (be lost in), This approach can make the people feel that the language is so lively rhyme and sweet-sounding. So we can think that these formations of slang words could

40、be easily remembered and spoken, which is helpful to the widespread circulation and smooth communication of language.4.1.2 The expression of vocabularyModern American slang of the humor mainly through the acronyms, truncated, duplicate and other methods are embodied. Many American Slang is constitut

41、ed by the first letter of the acronym, such as the well-known NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations first letter, but enrich in innovation and humor of Americans, have naturally It has developed into another completely different slang meaning: No Action Talk Only (lip), thus successfully r

42、idiculed the real NATO one. There are other acronyms, such as: VIP (VIP, very important person), V. D (venereal disease, venereal disease, and venereal disease), D & D (drink to disturb public order, Drunk and Disorderly), BC (birth control, birth control). 9 ”These usages of slang words are not onl

43、y humorous but also lively. The American is enriching their spare time and bringing more entertainment to their cultural life.4.2 Convenient and conciseGenerally speaking, everyday Americans exchanges interpersonally, using the standard language seem serious, even some dull and boring, but it appear

44、s that the use ofslang are fast, concise, vivid, more rich in personality and expressive. For example,“ h(slang) and lance (the standard language) have a dancing in Italy, comparison, hop more dynamic, more reminiscent of grass hopper (grasshopper) on the grass leap and vivid form, it is feeling hap

45、py, more joyful color and lance is more formal, solemn, that people will go there for beautiful dance, exquisite costumes and so on. Therefore, everyday peoples communication of slang is more preferred because of its precise image of the insidiously catchy, simple and concise, bold powerful.4.3 Upda

46、ting rapidlyThe vitality of modern American slang to a large extent depends on the freshness.The newly created slang after repeated non-stop after the inevitable has become commonplace, and even become boring. It has been abandoned or replaced by new words. Therefore, according to the length of life

47、, slang can be divided into two parts, short-lived, fleeting, was eliminated out; the other one is over a period of time, has been absorbed or upgrade the standard spoken language. For example: skidoo (away), peach (girl), skirts (women) have been flourishing, such as slang slowly should be forgotte

48、n. There is no need. And if guy (man, boy), fan (obsessed person),y es-man (yes-person), cop (police) so are enduring, the extension of the present; while others, such as have a ball (enjoy merry), have had it (enough to eat bitterness), get with it (note or busy) and others into verbal expressions,

49、 and even our most familiar with OK is also slang originally, but now has become fashionable standard language, almost everywhere have coublde heard. “ Generally speaking, slang life only a few years to several decades and then gradually withdraw from the ranks of terms. ”10But that does not mean th

50、at all of the slang is the case, character, function is different from their destiny .It is not the same.V. The social function of modern American slangMay be in our personal opinions, American slang just regard as a kind of language, it has no real meaning, even some people just think it doesnt mat

51、ter of using correct or meaningful .So understand its social function become more important .But what is social function? It means the direct reflection of people to the social views and attitude .Absolutely, it can definite a lot of aspects, but in the using of slang, the social function can includ

52、e these sides.5.1 Reflecting the discrepancy of identityThe appreciation rate of slang could be the basis that measures the man and his social status. Therefore we could judge the speaker idse ntity throughout his oral words. The same language mode can emphasize the cultural attitude of a man or a g

53、roup. Various society and profession has its own slang, so the slang can hint the career and status of the speaker. If a person usually uses such words“ metal, disco , which indicates the speaker may bmember of jazz band or addict to the jazz. The slang of youth and college students always show a ki

54、nd of strange humor. When you meet a person who highfr-equently use cut class,apple-polishing, bears (male teacher), Mickey mouse (the courses which easy to l earn) , you can assure that he is a college student.“ In the mind of a speaker, slang is neither vnor low, but bringing a prestige to them. S

55、o whether to use slang or use which kind of slang always expressest heir sense of cultural value in the daily life. People always copy the action and language form of their idols. Such as the fans of some singer often use words which is commonly used by the singer, so you can guess who his idol is.

56、Slang has become the mark and symbol of the station, view on life, sentimental tendency of some Americans.5.2 Reflecting the Americans ordinary lifeMost slang words come from daily life, which keeps the original flavor of the ordinary life, and it is the outcome of self-creation. It is different fro

57、m the Kingnglish or writst eEnEnglish. It is lively opposite to other language speech. Every slang word seems to be existed with its own story and background. It seems to be alive, and the birth and development of American slang is the testimony to the short history of America. It fills the vacuum o

58、f the Standard English for the most part. Its appearancee nriches the family of language speech, and becomes the symbol of the public culture. Nowadays, slang as the crystal of America culture, it has been becoming the emblem of America just like baseball, fast-food, and be popular with its features, not only in America but in the whole world. On the other hand, American slang will be mainly created by jazz, solders, college students, s


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