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1、外研社高二英語(yǔ)必修5Module1-4學(xué)案 Module1詞匯:1.except:除了外(不包括); besides:除了外,還有;except for :整體中除去細(xì)節(jié); except that/when+從句but:習(xí)慣上只用于no /nothing/nobody/nowhere/not anything /who等詞后.Except:除與上述詞連用外,還多與不定代詞everything /everybody/everyone/always/usually/”every+n”連用1.)你除了努力工作別無(wú)選擇.You have no choice but to work hard.2.)除了

2、杰克外,還有三個(gè)學(xué)生遲到了.Three more students were late besides Jack.3.)除了下雨時(shí)以外,他一般步行上學(xué).He usually walks to school except when it rains.4.)這件衣服很適合(fit)他,除了顏色有點(diǎn)亮.The coat fitted him well except that the color was a little brighter5.)除幾處拼寫(xiě)錯(cuò)誤外,他的作文(composition)是好的.His composition is good except for a few spelling

3、mistakes.2.prefer sth; prefer to do sth; prefer doingPrefer sth to sth; prefer doing to doing 比起(干)更喜歡(干)Prefer to do rather than do :寧愿干某事(前者)而不愿干某事(后者)1.)你想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎? 我寧愿吃點(diǎn)什么.Would you like some drink? I prefer something to eat.2.)我寧愿去爬山。I prefer to climb the mountain.3.)他寧愿整天呆在家里。He prefers staying a

4、t home all day.4.)我寧愿要那小的而不愿要那個(gè)大的。I prefer the smaller one to the bigger one .5.)他寧愿在家看電視也不愿意看音樂(lè)會(huì)。He preferred watching TV at home to going to the concert.6.)我寧愿給她寫(xiě)信也不愿意給她打電話。I prefer to write to her rather than telephone her.3. Compare “把和比較;匹敵,可與相比”compare A with B:把A 和B比較Compare A to B:把A比作BCompa

5、red with /to:比起1.)如果你把城市和鄉(xiāng)村做比較,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)他們有許多不同之處.If you compare cities with villages, you will find many differences between them.2.)他把我的鞋子比做小船.He compared my shoes to small boats.3.)他的作文不能和你的相比.His composition doesnt compare with yours.4.)和他的女朋友比起來(lái),他的姐姐算是很高了.Compared with his girlfriend ,his sister is

6、quite tall.4.lead to:”通往,導(dǎo)致”to為介詞Lead sb to +n:帶領(lǐng)某人到Lead sb to do sth:使某人做某事1.)這座橋通往那個(gè)島.The bridge leads to the island.2.)勤奮通往成功,而懶惰導(dǎo)致失敗 .Hard work leads to success,while laziness leads to failure.3.)他帶領(lǐng)我們到達(dá)火車(chē)站.He led us to the station .4.)什么使你相信他?What led you to believe him ?動(dòng)詞+介詞的詞組:盼望:look forwar

7、d to;(轉(zhuǎn)向)某人求助turn to:注意pay attention to ;堅(jiān)持stick to ;開(kāi)始認(rèn)真干get down to ;屬于belong to ;指向point to ;談到refer to ;處理/對(duì)付 see to 5.(1.)as well as:它強(qiáng)調(diào)的是前面提到的內(nèi)容Not only but also:它強(qiáng)調(diào)的是but also的內(nèi)容我們不僅學(xué)英語(yǔ),而且學(xué)漢語(yǔ).We learn not only English but also Chinese=We learn Chinese as well as English.(2.)as well as 也可以置于句首.

8、As well as money,he gave the poor child some clothes.(3.) as well as連接兩個(gè)并列主語(yǔ)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用就遠(yuǎn)原則.The students as well as their teacher are excited at the news.(4.) as well as可用于同級(jí)的比較.“和一樣好”,修飾動(dòng)詞.He played basketball as well as John.(5.) as well 單獨(dú)用與句末表示“既.,又”相當(dāng)于 also,但不能用于否定句.He is a teacher and a writer as

9、well.(6.)might/may as well “不妨”“還是為好”,后跟動(dòng)詞原形We may as well try it again.1.我除了知道他來(lái)自德國(guó)外,對(duì)其他情況一無(wú)所知.2.除天氣不好外,這次旅游很愉快.3.除約翰外,他們?cè)谟⒄Z(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)上都很努力.4.除了約翰他們也給我寫(xiě)了信.5.教室里除了一個(gè)學(xué)生外沒(méi)有別人.6.這位老人寧愿步行也不愿意坐車(chē).7.劉胡蘭寧愿死而不愿意投降.(rather)8.把這本書(shū)和那本書(shū)比較,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)這本書(shū)更適合你讀.1.I know nothing about him except that he is from Germany.2.Except fo

10、r bad weather ,the journey was very pleasant.3.They all work hard at English except John.4.They all write to me besides John.5.There is nobody but a student in the classroom.6.The old man preferred walking to taking a bus.7.Liuhulan preferred to die rather than give in .8.Comparing this book with th

11、at one,you will find this book is suitable for you to read .9.比起這本書(shū),那本書(shū)更適合你讀.10.粗心的駕駛導(dǎo)致這次事故.11.這孩子很聰明,但他的懶惰導(dǎo)致了他的失敗.12.這個(gè)導(dǎo)游將帶你參觀那座山.13.他將帶你去郵局.14.他給了這個(gè)學(xué)校許多書(shū)還有一些錢(qián).15.這些老師和這個(gè)男孩都已經(jīng)去過(guò)北京.16.你不妨去海南旅游.9.Compared with this book ,that one is suitable for you to read .10.Careless driving led to this accident.1

12、1.The boy is clever ,but his laziness led to his failure.12.The guider will lead you to visit the mountain.13.He will lead you to the post office.14.He gave the school many books as well as some money.15.These teachers as well as the boy have already been to Beijing.16.You may as well visit Hainan .

13、Module1Introduction and Pre-reading1.We have really everything in common with America nowadays,except of course ,language.Have something/nothing/a lot /(a) little/much/many things in common with有一些共同之處in common共有,共同的in common with和一樣1.)他和他的哥哥毫無(wú)共同之處.He has nothing in common with his elder brother.2.)

14、我們彼此有很多共同之處.We have a lot in common with each other .3.)和其他許多男孩子一樣,他喜歡足球.In common with many other boys,he likes football. 2.make (much of )a difference 有影響,使不相同1.)這對(duì)我們沒(méi)有什么影響.It makes no difference to us .3.be divided by sb into :被分成這個(gè)蛋糕被媽媽分成了4部分.The cake was divided by my mother into 4 parts.1.Ever

15、ything is going on well.一切都進(jìn)展良好。1.)進(jìn)展;2.)發(fā)生;3.)繼續(xù);4.)(時(shí)間)過(guò)去/消失;5.)(燈)亮;6.)用做證據(jù)1.)工程進(jìn)展如何?How does the project go on ?2.)橋那邊有許多人,那里發(fā)生了什么?There are so many people by the bridge.Whats going on there?3.) 假如你像這樣繼續(xù)下去,總有一天你會(huì)犯大錯(cuò)誤.If you go on like this ,youll make big mistakes some day.4)讓我們繼續(xù).Lets go on .5)

16、時(shí)間飛逝. Time goes on very quickly. 6)燈亮著,房間里一定有人.The lights are going on .There must be someone in the room .7)我們正用你說(shuō)的話作為證據(jù).We were just going on what you had said.跟蹤練習(xí):1.這兩篇文章(article)彼此沒(méi)有任何共同之處.2.同其他男孩子一樣,他更喜歡戶外運(yùn)動(dòng).3.這對(duì)我們有許多影響.4.這個(gè)蘋(píng)果被媽媽分成了4部分.5.你的學(xué)習(xí)正進(jìn)展的怎么樣?1.These two articles have nothing in common

17、with each other .2.In common with many other boys .he prefers outdoors.3.It makes much of a difference to us .4.The apple was divided by my mother into 4 parts.5.How is your study going on ?Module1 Reading1.be different from:與不同2.British and American English are different in many ways.英式英語(yǔ)與美式英語(yǔ)在許多方面

18、不同.“In way”在某方面,用方式”你可以用你自己的方式去做.You may do it in your own way.搭配:在途中:on the way去的路上:On the way to/on ones way to在某種程度上:In the way決不:In no way 按照,以的常規(guī);關(guān)于;就而言:In the way of 順便問(wèn)一下:by the way 讓路:make way 擋路,礙事:Be in the way /in ones way 3.在的另一邊:on the other side of 在路的另一邊有一家商店.There is a shop on the ot

19、her side of the road.4.get around:四處走動(dòng)在這里你將更喜歡乘出租車(chē)四處走動(dòng).Here you will prefer to get around by taxi.5.queue up;stand in line排隊(duì)(等候)6.Prepositions ,too,can be different:compare on the team.on the weekend(American),with in the team ,at the weekend (British)介詞的用法也可能存在差異,對(duì)比一下詞組: on the team. in the team on

20、 the weekend,at the weekend .人們把他比作活雷峰.People compare him to a living Leifeng.7.The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.在兩種英語(yǔ)中另外兩個(gè)領(lǐng)域的區(qū)別是拼寫(xiě)和發(fā)音.在某方面有區(qū)別:differ in 8.After all,there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as be

21、tween them.畢竟,兩個(gè)國(guó)家各自內(nèi)部的差異和兩國(guó)之間的語(yǔ)音差異可能是一樣多的.1)after all ;畢竟;終究2)as much as ;as many as:和一樣多There is nearly as much pollution in this city as in that one.There are nearly as many kinds of pollution in this city as in that one.9.A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than

22、understanding a New Yorker.一個(gè)倫敦人要聽(tīng)懂來(lái)自格拉斯哥的蘇格蘭人的話比理解一個(gè)紐約人的話更困難.Have a little/some/great/no difficulty in doing sth做某事有點(diǎn)/些/很大/沒(méi)有困難我很難與他們?nèi)〉寐?lián)系,因?yàn)槲野咽謾C(jī)忘在家里了.I had great difficulty in getting in touch with them,for I left my mobile phone at home.我們班大部分同學(xué)與這個(gè)外教交流沒(méi)有困難.Most of the students in my class have no

23、difficulty in communicating with the foreign teacher.拓展:做某事有困難:have trouble in doing sth 做某事沒(méi)有困難:There is no difficulty in doing sth10.Since the 1980s,with satellite TV and the Internet,it has been possible to listen to British and American English at the flick of a switch.自從20世紀(jì)80年代以來(lái),隨著衛(wèi)星電視和因特網(wǎng)的使用

24、,非常便捷地聽(tīng)到英式英語(yǔ)和美式英語(yǔ)已經(jīng)成為可能.at the flick of a switch:輕輕一按電源;形容便捷It is +adj.+to do sth:”做某事是”,it 是形式主語(yǔ),動(dòng)詞不定式做真正主語(yǔ)隨著因特網(wǎng)的使用,輕輕一按電源,收聽(tīng)BBC英語(yǔ)節(jié)目已經(jīng)成為可能.with the Internet,it has been possible to listen to BBC English programs at the flick of a switch.11.This non-stop communication,the experts think ,has made it

25、easier for British people and Americans to understand each other.專(zhuān)家們認(rèn)為,這種不間斷的交流使英國(guó)人和美國(guó)人更容易互相理解了.make it +adj. for sb to do sth:it 是形式賓語(yǔ),真正賓語(yǔ)是動(dòng)詞不定式to do sth,形容詞是賓補(bǔ).任何事情都不能使得失去的時(shí)間被彌補(bǔ).Nothing can make it possible for lost time to be made up.Listening to music makes it possible for her to relax from wor

26、king long.12.But it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British English.但這導(dǎo)致了大量的美語(yǔ)單詞和結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)入了英國(guó)英語(yǔ).Lead- led led to 導(dǎo)致,導(dǎo)向,通往,to介詞13.This international dimension suggests that in the future ,there are going to be many “Englishes”,not just two main varieties.這種國(guó)際化的廣泛使用表明,將來(lái)會(huì)

27、有許多種英語(yǔ),而不僅僅是兩種.Dimension:1)長(zhǎng),寬,高,厚度;2)(復(fù)數(shù))面積,容積,大小線是一度空間,平面是兩度空間.A line has one dimension and a square has two. 這個(gè)語(yǔ)音實(shí)驗(yàn)室的容積是多少?What are the dimensions of this language laboratory?1)Suggest +sth/doing sth 2)做“建議”講時(shí),其后所接的賓語(yǔ)從句用虛擬語(yǔ)氣.主語(yǔ)+ suggest +that+(should)+do sth3)做 “表明,暗示”講時(shí),其后所接的賓語(yǔ)從句不用虛擬語(yǔ)氣.1.他向老板建議另

28、一項(xiàng)計(jì)劃.He suggested another plan to his boss.2.我可以建議大家步行去那兒?jiǎn)?May I suggest going there on foot?3.他建議我們至少每天進(jìn)行半小時(shí)的戶外活動(dòng).He suggested that we should walk out for half an hour at least every day.4.他蒼白的臉表明他病了.His pale face suggested that he was ill.Cultural Corner P81.It is spoken by more than a billion peo

29、ple one fifth of the worlds population .世界人口的五分之一十億多人說(shuō)漢語(yǔ)。More than “多于”,還有“不僅僅”的意思。竹子不僅僅用來(lái)搞建筑。Bamboo is used for more than building.Not more than :“不超過(guò),不多于”,表示事實(shí)No more than:“僅僅,只”,表示感情色彩,表示少教室里不超過(guò)5個(gè)學(xué)生。There are not more than 5students in the classroom.公園里只有5個(gè)人。There are no more than 5people in the

30、park.P9問(wèn)題答案:1.He wanted to simplify the spelling of English and make it different from British English.2.The work of simplify Chinese has made it convenient for people to read ,understand and use the Chinese language.So has Websters work for American people.1.Combinations of letters (like ough)may b

31、e pronounced in a number of ways.字母的結(jié)合,像ough,可能以許多種方式被發(fā)音.Combinations:名詞,聯(lián)合,結(jié)合; in combination with 與聯(lián)合在一起動(dòng)詞:combine ;combine with:使與結(jié)合;同時(shí)具有1)我們不能總是把工作與快樂(lè)連在一起.We cant always combine work with pleasure.2)學(xué)生應(yīng)該把在學(xué)校學(xué)到的知識(shí)與實(shí)際結(jié)合起來(lái).Students should combine what they have learnt at school with real practice.3

32、)我們應(yīng)該使理論與實(shí)際相結(jié)合.We should combine theory with practice.2.For Americans things are a little bit easier,thanks to the work of Noah Webster.對(duì)于美國(guó)人來(lái)說(shuō),事情變得稍微容易一點(diǎn),多虧了Noah Webster的工作。a little bit 修飾比較級(jí)easier,修飾比較級(jí)的詞和短語(yǔ)有:much,any,rather,no,not,far,by far,a little,a bit,a lot,a great deal等。他比以前胖多了。He is much f

33、atter than before.Thanks to : 多虧,由于,to是介詞多虧了黨,我們已過(guò)上了幸福的生活.Thanks to the Party,we have led a happy life.由于大雨他上學(xué)遲到了.He was late for school thanks to the heavy rain.拓展:表示原因的常用短語(yǔ):because of ,as a result of, due to ,owing to3.As a young man he had fought against the British in the American War of Indepen

34、dence.當(dāng)他年輕的時(shí)候,他參加了美國(guó)獨(dú)立戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)同英國(guó)人作戰(zhàn)。Fight against“同戰(zhàn)斗”Fight with :同戰(zhàn)斗;與并肩作戰(zhàn)Fight for :為(得到)而戰(zhàn)Fight ones way through :擠過(guò)人們常常為自由而戰(zhàn).People often have to fight for their freedom.那男孩不得不擠過(guò)人群同那著名導(dǎo)演說(shuō)話. The boy had to fight his way through the crowed to talk to the famous director.跟蹤練習(xí): 1.由于地震,很多人變得無(wú)家可歸 2.因?yàn)樗慕ㄗh,

35、我已經(jīng)改變了主意.3.他建議我們?cè)摴策M(jìn)晚餐.4.他的聲音表明他生氣了.5.姚明不僅僅是一個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員,他已為年輕人樹(shù)立了好榜樣.6.他和人民并肩做戰(zhàn)一起反對(duì)日本人.7.他比以前瘦了點(diǎn).8.知識(shí)的追求(pursuit)應(yīng)該與智慧相結(jié)合.1.due to /as a result of the earthquake,many people became homeless.2.Due to his advice ,I have changed my mind.3.He suggested that we have supper together.4.His voice suggested that he

36、 was angry. 5.Yaoming is more than a player and he has set a good example to the young people.6.He fought with the people against the Japanese.7.He is a little thinner than before.8.The pursuit of knowledge should be combined with wisdom.重點(diǎn)詞組和句子課件1. 與有許多共同之處(和一樣)2.except/besides/except for/except th

37、at/but區(qū)別3.被某人分成 4.一種常用語(yǔ)言 5.有許多影響 6.給某人寫(xiě)信(2種)7.prefer 的6種用法 8.compare的三種用法 9.表示原因5個(gè)短語(yǔ) 10.通往/導(dǎo)致 11.帶某人去某地 12.使某人做某事13盼望14.(轉(zhuǎn)向)某人求助15.注意16.堅(jiān)持17.開(kāi)始認(rèn)真干18.屬于19.指向20.談到21.處理/對(duì)付 22.as well as有關(guān)的6種用法 23. 與不同 24.以許多方式 25. go on 的6個(gè)意思 26.在的另一邊27.用充滿 28.四處走動(dòng) 29.排隊(duì)(2種)30.在隊(duì)里 (2種)31.在周末(2種)32.在方面不同 33.畢竟 34.和一樣多(

38、2種)35.在做某事方面有困難(2種)(主語(yǔ)是人)36.在做某事方面沒(méi)有困難37.做某事是的(it是形式主語(yǔ))38.輕輕一按開(kāi)關(guān),便捷地 39.suggest當(dāng)建議講時(shí)的2種用法40.suggest當(dāng)暗示/表明講時(shí)的用法41.把和結(jié)合起來(lái) 42.以許多方式 43.修飾比較級(jí)的副詞 44.從畢業(yè) 45.同戰(zhàn)斗 46.與并肩做戰(zhàn)47.在美國(guó)獨(dú)立戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中48.從事 49.以著名 50.一本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)參考書(shū)51.第一詞典52.在途中53.去的路上54.在某種程度上55.決不56. 按照,以的常規(guī);關(guān)于;就而言57. 順便問(wèn)一下58.讓路59.擋路,礙事重點(diǎn)句子: 1.一切都進(jìn)展良好。Everything is

39、 going on well.2.英式英語(yǔ)與美式英語(yǔ)在許多方面不同.British and American English are different in many ways.3.介詞的用法也可能存在差異,對(duì)比一下詞組: on the team. in the team on the weekend,at the weekend .Preposition ,too,can be different:compare on the team.on the weekend(American),with in the team ,at the weekend (British)4.在兩種英語(yǔ)中另外

40、兩個(gè)領(lǐng)域的區(qū)別是拼寫(xiě)和發(fā)音.The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.5.畢竟,兩個(gè)國(guó)家各自內(nèi)部的差異和兩國(guó)之間的語(yǔ)音差異可能是一樣多的.After all,there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.6.一個(gè)倫敦人要聽(tīng)懂來(lái)自格拉斯哥的蘇格蘭人的話比理解一個(gè)紐約人的話更困難. A Londoner has more diffi

41、culty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.7.自從20世紀(jì)80年代以來(lái),隨著衛(wèi)星電視和因特網(wǎng)的使用,非常便捷地聽(tīng)到英式英語(yǔ)和美式英語(yǔ)已經(jīng)成為可能.Since the 1980s,with satellite TV and the Internet,it has been possible to listen to British and American English at the flick of a switch.8.專(zhuān)家們認(rèn)為,這種不間斷的交流使英國(guó)人和美國(guó)人更容易互相理解Th

42、is non-stop communication,the expert think ,has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other.9.但這導(dǎo)致了大量的美語(yǔ)單詞和結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)入了英國(guó)英語(yǔ).But it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British English.10.這種國(guó)際化的廣泛使用表明,將來(lái)會(huì)有許多種英語(yǔ),而不僅僅是兩種.This international dimension s

43、uggests that in the future ,there are going to be many “Englishes”,not just two main varieties.重點(diǎn)句子測(cè)試:1.一切都進(jìn)展良好。2.英式英語(yǔ)與美式英語(yǔ)在許多方面不同.3.介詞的用法也可能存在差異,對(duì)比一下詞組: on the team. in the team on the weekend,at the weekend .4.在兩種英語(yǔ)中另外兩個(gè)領(lǐng)域的區(qū)別是拼寫(xiě)和發(fā)音.5.畢竟,兩個(gè)國(guó)家各自內(nèi)部的差異和兩國(guó)之間的語(yǔ)音差異可能是一樣多的.6.一個(gè)倫敦人要聽(tīng)懂來(lái)自格拉斯哥的蘇格蘭人的話比理解一個(gè)紐約人的

44、話更困難.7.自從20世紀(jì)80年代以來(lái),隨著衛(wèi)星電視和因特網(wǎng)的使用,非常便捷地聽(tīng)到英式英語(yǔ)和美式英語(yǔ)已經(jīng)成為可能.8.專(zhuān)家們認(rèn)為,這種不間斷的交流使英國(guó)人和美國(guó)人更容易互相理解9.但這導(dǎo)致了大量的美語(yǔ)單詞和結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)入了英國(guó)英語(yǔ).10.這種國(guó)際化的廣泛使用表明,將來(lái)會(huì)有許多種英語(yǔ),而不僅僅是兩種.Module2詞匯課件1.volunteer1)做可數(shù)名詞“志愿者,義務(wù)兵”2)可做及物動(dòng)詞+to do和不及物動(dòng)詞常與for+sth連用“自愿做,自動(dòng)請(qǐng)求去做”3) voluntary形容詞“自愿的,無(wú)償?shù)摹?)他是一個(gè)指揮交通的志愿者.He is a volunteer who directs the

45、 traffic.2.)一些學(xué)生自愿維護(hù)班里的紀(jì)律.Some students volunteered to keep discipline in the class.3.)他自愿參軍10年了.He has volunteered for service for 10years.4.)我妹妹做了大量的無(wú)償?shù)墓ぷ?My sister does a lot of voluntary work.2.show/have respect for:尊重/尊敬某人/某物反意詞組:look down on /upon”輕視/看不起”同根詞: respectable adj. 受人尊敬的,恰當(dāng)?shù)?respect

46、ably adv.恰當(dāng)?shù)豏espectful adj.尊敬的/恭敬的; Respectfully adv.尊敬地/恭敬地 Respecting prep.介詞,“關(guān)于”In /with respect of/to:關(guān)于Without respect of/to:不管1)他是一位受人尊敬的老師.He is a respectable teacher.2)我們應(yīng)該尊敬老人.We should have/show respect for the old.3.1)apply to sb for sth:向某人申請(qǐng)某物2) Apply sth to sth:把某物貼/涂在某物上3)apply to sb

47、 /sth:與某人/某物有關(guān)/有效4) Apply oneself to sth/doing sth:集中精力到某事/做某事5)apply sth to sth:把應(yīng)用到1)他向大學(xué)申請(qǐng)補(bǔ)考.He applied to the college for taking an exam again.2)你可以在你的皮膚上抹些東西.You can apply sth to your skin.3)這些規(guī)則對(duì)我們并非總有效.These rules dont always apply to us.4)假如你真地專(zhuān)心與你的工作,你就會(huì)成功.If you really apply yourself to yo

48、ur work,you will be successful.5)我們應(yīng)該把理論用于實(shí)踐.We should apply a theory to practice.拓展:applicant:申請(qǐng)人; application申請(qǐng)書(shū);applied:應(yīng)用的4.1)require doing sth= require to be done :需要做某事(主語(yǔ)是物,用法同need)2) required sb to do:需要某人做某事3): require that sb(主格)(should ) do sth:從句用虛擬語(yǔ)氣4) require +名詞1)該車(chē)需要沖洗了.The car requi

49、res washing=The car requires to be washed.2)他們要求我出面.They required me to appear.3)他們要求我們立刻去.They required that we should go at once.4)她需要治療.She requires medical care.拓展:requirement n.需要/需求Meet the requires of the times :滿足時(shí)代的需求Meet the requires/needs/demands/standard of the peoples everyday life :滿足人

50、民的生活需要The first require :第一要件 ;Required adj.必修的 5.in +adj + condition:在狀況/情況下,介詞短語(yǔ),常做表語(yǔ)或狀語(yǔ)1)在那種狀況下他不能去旅游.He cant travel in that condition .2)這些老房子都完好無(wú)損.These old houses are all in good condition.相關(guān)詞組:out of condition:健康狀況不佳On condition that :在條件下,倘若On no condition:在任何條件下都不,決不能做某事1)自從那次事故以來(lái),他的健康狀況一直不

51、佳.Since the accident ,he has been out of condition.2)倘若你不玩微機(jī)游戲,你可以用我的電腦.You can use my computer on condition that you dont play computer games.3)在任何情況下,你都不能那樣對(duì)你父母.You are on no condition allowed to do that to your parents.6.have an effect on /upon:”對(duì)產(chǎn)生作用,發(fā)生影響”have no /little/much/great effect on /up

52、on:對(duì)沒(méi)有/有很小/有重大影響1)他的祖父對(duì)他有很大的影響.His grandfather has a great effect on him.2)這種藥對(duì)這病很有效果.The medicine has a good effect on the disease.拓展:put/bring/carryinto effect:實(shí)行實(shí)施;施行(法律)Come/go into effect:開(kāi)始實(shí)施,開(kāi)始生效Of no effect:無(wú)效的,無(wú)用的Have /produce an effect on:對(duì)產(chǎn)生影響/效果1)新系統(tǒng)即將啟用.The new system will soon be put i

53、nto effect.2)新的安全規(guī)則上周開(kāi)始實(shí)施.The new seat-belt regulations came into effect last week.3)我的警告無(wú)濟(jì)于事.My warning was of no effect.辨析:affect vt.影響;effect n.影響 ,vt.產(chǎn)生,實(shí)施(不表示影響)7.take sth for granted”想當(dāng)然,認(rèn)為是理所當(dāng)然的” ”主語(yǔ)+take it for granted that+從句”想當(dāng)然,認(rèn)為是當(dāng)然理所的” ,it 做take的形式賓語(yǔ),真正賓語(yǔ)that是引導(dǎo)的從句我想當(dāng)然地認(rèn)為每個(gè)人都讀過(guò)這本書(shū).I tak

54、e it for granted that everyone has read the book .Take可表示對(duì)某人某物的反應(yīng),態(tài)度或懷有某種感情.Take it easy慢慢來(lái),輕松點(diǎn)Take sth seriously嚴(yán)肅地對(duì)待某物Take ones time 不緊張,慢慢來(lái)Take it for granted 認(rèn)為理所當(dāng)然1)我們總以為父母為我們所做的一切都是理所當(dāng)然的.We always take everything our parents do for us for granted.2)他想當(dāng)然地認(rèn)為媽媽?xiě)?yīng)當(dāng)為他洗所有的衣服.He takes it for granted t

55、hat his mother washes all his clothes.Module2課文課件1.Life is hard at high altitude.在高海拔地區(qū)的生活很艱苦。at high altitude:在高的海拔處At an altitude of :在海拔的地方現(xiàn)在這架飛機(jī)正在海拔10,000米高處飛行.The plane is now flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters.2.One road in particular ,which goes north from La Paz ,is considered the most d

56、angerous road in the world .尤其是從拉巴斯通往北邊的一條路被認(rèn)為是世界上最危險(xiǎn)的路.in particular :especially “特別,尤其”整頓飯都很好,特別是酒更好.The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent .consider把認(rèn)為,看作: consideras ; considerto be/have done我們把他當(dāng)作朋友.We consider him as our friend = We consider him to be our friend .我們認(rèn)為他發(fā)明了電話.(他被認(rèn)為已發(fā)明了電話)We consider him to have invented the telephone.= He is considered to have invented the telephone.Consider 考慮:co


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