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1、、 A Boy and His TreeA long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap un der the shadow He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.Time went by The little boy had grown up and he no

2、 longer played around the tree.Oneday, the boy cameback to the tree and looked sad. “Comeand play with me,” the tree asked the boy.“I amno longer a kid, I dont play around trees anymore.” The boy replied,“ I want toys. I need moneyto buy them. ”“Sorry, but I don t have moneybut you can pick all my a

3、pples and sell them. So, you will have money.”The boy wasso excited. He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy didn t come back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.Oneday, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “ Comeand play with me.” The tree said. “I don t hav

4、e time to play. I have to work for my family. Weneed a house for shelter. Can you help me?”“ Sorry, but I dont have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn t appear

5、 since then. The tree was again lonely and sad. One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “ Come and play with me! ” the tree said.“ I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat? ” “ Use my trunk to build the boat. You can sail and be

6、happy. ” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time.Finally, the boy returned after he left for so manyyears. “Sorry,my boy.But I don t have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.” thetree said. “ I don t have teeth to bite. ” The boy

7、 replied. “ No more trunk for you to climb on. ” “ I am too old for that now.” the boy said.“ I really want to give you someth ingthe only thi ng left is my dyingroots. ” The tree said with tears.“I don t need much now, just a placeto rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied. “Good!

8、Oldtree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Come here, please sit down with me and have a rest. ” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad When we grow up, we leav

9、e them, and only cometo them whenwe need something or whenwe are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but thats how all of us are treating our parents.2、 The Color of LoveAlthough pe

10、ople of different ethnicities have been mixing for centuries, the subject of interracial relationships is still controversial.Even now,mixed couples face manyobstacles, including laws restricting interracial marriage.It was only in 1967 that the United States finally struck down its anti miscegenati

11、on laws. Opposition to interracial relationships exists for different reasons, but what it usually boils down to is racism.As the world is becoming smaller, the number of interracial couples is growing, especially in countries with large numbers of immigrants. For interracial couples, love knows no

12、color. Cultural differences are just another area of the relationship to work through.But as interracial dating becomesmore common,it does not treat all ethnic groups equally. In the United States, the vast majority of white/black couples involve a black man and a white woman. Conversely, the samenu

13、mber of Asian/white couples consists of an Asian woman with a white man. The proposed reason for this is that traditionally, women prefer men who arestronger and seem more masculine than they are. For men, the opposite is true.Consequently, this leaves some groups out in the cold. But in the future,

14、 a greater mixing of ethnicities and erosion4 of gender stereotypes may balance out these dating patterns as people gain a more genuine appreciation of one anothers differences.3、 Four seasonsThere are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has three months.Spring is

15、the first season of the year. In this part of the world, the spring months are March, April and May. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green. This is a busy time for the peasants.Summerbegins in June. Then comeJuly and August. During the summermonths, the plants and flowers are

16、at their best.Next come the autumn months: September, October and November. Autumn is a wonderful season. The fields are golden with crops. It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy. Winter is the last season of the year. December, January and Febmary are the winter months, it is col

17、d in winter. The days are short and the nights are long. In manyplaces it snows. On New Years Day, we wish each other a happy New Year.There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just likea diamond ,shinni

18、ng allthe time ,andsheis my dearest countryChina !I love my motherland!Because I lovethedifferent races of mycountry !Each race hasits own cultureandcustoms.Some people arekindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous.anyway ,I cant display evry race of my country ,but what I want

19、to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming muchstronger tham before .My country has so manygreat places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about

20、 China ,they all extend their thums and sayEn.China is a famous and fantastic country !Yes,thats ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the worlds second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in

21、 the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great !My country is really beautiful !、Bring It al

22、l Back 找回自己Dont stop, never give up ,Hold your head highReach the top.Let the world see what you have got,Bring it all back to you.Hold on what you try to be,Your in dividuality.Whe n the world is on your shoulders,Just smile and let it go .If people try to put you dow n,Just walk on by, dont tur n

23、around,You only have to an swer to yourself.Dont you know its true what they say,That life, it isnt easy,But your times coming around,So dont you stop trying.Dream of falli ng in love,Any thi ng youve bee n thinking of,Whe n the world seems to get too tough,Bring it all back to you.Try not to worry

24、bout a thing.Enjoy the times life can bring.Keep it all inside you,Gotta let the feelings show.Imagination is the key, Cause you are your own destiny.You never should be lonely,When time is on your side.Dont you know its true what they say,Things are sent to try you.But your times coming around,So d

25、ont you stop trying.Dont you know its true what they say,Things happen for a reason.But your times coming around,So dont you stop trying.6、 Little Red Riding Hood小紅帽O(jiān)nce upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red RidingHood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood wen

26、t to visither. Onthe way, she met ( 遇見) a wolf. Thats a good idea. Little Red RidingHood, the flowers are so beautiful. Whynot pick ( 采集 ) some?Help!Help!The wolf went to her grandmas house and swallowed (吞下 ) her up whole. Whatare you doing, dear grandma? Im just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In

27、grandmas house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandmas ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z z z The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed (經(jīng)過、路過 ) by. He killed the wolf and cut open itsstomach. Little Re

28、d Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.7 、四季詩SpringIt s spring , it s warm .It s not cold ,It s wet .Plants grow and grow .In spring ,we can see trees ,plants , birds ,nets ,and flowers .SummerIn summer , it s hot .It s not cool ,its wet .The sun shines and shines .In summer ,we can see shells ,ha

29、ts , ice-creams ,and umbrellas .AutumnIn autumn ,it s cool .It s not hot ,its dry .The leaves fall and fall .In autumn ,we can see bicycles ,leaves ,slides ,and kits . WinterInIn winter , it s cold .It s not warm , it s dry .The wind blows and blows .In winter ,we can see hats ,coats ,scarves ,and g

30、loves .8、 My favourite petMy favorite pets are dogs.I smile when I see one.I play with them when I can.Dogs arent animals to me.Theyre perfect companions.Theyre mans best friends.Doga are loyal and honest.Their eyes are like windowsI can see right into their hearts.dogs are unique.No two are alike.E

31、ach one has its own personality.The little ones are cute.The big ones are frisky.Their wagging tails are funny.I love shaggy dogs.i love playful dogs.I wouldnt mind being a dog.Dogs are bright.They can do tricks.They can be useful,too.Guide dogs lead the blind.Rescue dogs save people. Search dogs he

32、lp the police.Dogs know how to live.Theyre happy-go-lucky.I hope I can have one someday.9、Farmer and snakeOne day, it was snowing heavily. It was white everywhere. A farmer had cut some wood and was returni ng home whe n he saw a rattles nake on the road, numb with cold.“Oh, little snake. Why aren t

33、 you at home in such cold weather ? Look, you re freezing. Poor you!The farmer thought some more to himself:“ What can I do for you? Make afire to warmyou? No, it s snowing so hard, and I have only a small bundle of wood. Besides, my family is wait ing for the wood to cook.”The farmer tur ned round

34、and round an xiously and the n d:“ I know! I ll put you under my clothes, it s warm there. ” He uncuttoned his clothes and put the sn ake in side, aga inst his chest.Some time later, the snake came to life gradually. The warmth of the oldfarmer had not changed its cruel nature. It op

35、ened its mouth and bit right in to the farmer s chest.“Oh, my god! How cruel you are! I saved you, but you bit me. Why?” Ashe was say ing this, he took out the sn ake and threw it on the gro und.But the farmer was already pois oned and was dying. Only at this time didhe realize that he had done some

36、thi ng “I took pity on him, but he bit me in retur n.”10、My dreamWhe nl was a n aughty boy, may be because of the in flue nee of the film.Xiao Bi ng Zhang Ga,my dream was to be a soldier just like Zhang Ga. I thought if I was a soldier, I should be able to swim, dive and elimb trees as he did. It se

37、emed to be very won derful. So I bega n to lear n swim ming, diving and elimb ing trees. I practiced every day and fin ally I could do them well. But whe n I en tered junior high school and had the military trainin g. I suddenly found that being a soldier was very difficult and I wasn t strong eno ugh to bear it . I had to give my dream up.But I wasn t discouraged,


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