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1、2021年江西省英語專升本真題解析2008年江西省下?!皩=当尽庇⒄Z一致測驗(yàn)(試題剖析)Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section A1.M: what are you doing, Mary?W: I am checking to see if there is any email.Q: what is the woman doing?2.W: Jordge, thank you for helping me clean up the office.M: you are welcome. I am just glad to help

2、you.Q: why did the woman thank the man?3.W: it was a pity you didnt go to Susans party yesterday evening.M: I would have been there, but I had to prepare for exam.Q: what can we learn from this conversation?4.M: what is the weather forecast for tomorrow?W: It will be mostly sunny and warm. The tempe

3、rture will be as high as 30 degrees.Q: what will the weather be tomorrow?5.W: can you repair the camera today? I want to use it tomorrow.M: yes, it would be ready for four oclock. Is that all right?Q: What does the woman want the man to do?6.M: how will you spend you vacation this summer?W: well, I

4、have to find a part time jobQ: what will the woman do this summer?7.M: did you have a good time during the trip?W: oh, yes, but the hotel service was terrible.Q: what is the woman complaining about?8.W: do you speak French. We need a person who can communicate in French.M: yes, I have been living in

5、 Paris for ten years.Q: what does the man mean?9.M: excuse me, what is the rate for the internet access?W: three dollars fifty for half an hour.Q: how much will the man have to pay if he goes on line for one hour?10.W: can I help you?M: I want to apply for a credit card, but I dont know how.Q: what

6、does the man want to apply for?Section BPassage oneWhen I go on vacation, I usually travel by plane. In the past, I used to book a flight with travel agency. But, now I just stay at home and search the internet for the suitable plane ticket. You can often find a flight with cheaper price on line. Fi

7、nding the best price on plane ticket is probably the most important thing you will consider. But the departuring time, the arrival time and rank of flight are also important factors. Making plane reservation is pretty easy to do. But dont forgetthat you still have to pay certain fees and taxes that

8、go along with the price of ticket. Finally, you should keep in mind that you might have to pay some money, if you decide to change your flight plans or cancel your flight,11.how did the speaker book a flight ticket in the past?12.why does the speaker book a flight ticket on line now?13.what will hap

9、pen if the speaker want to cancel his flight?Passage2Last week, I bought a second-car from the car agency. When I first saw it, I was so surprised that it was so expensive. But after Id used it for some time,I found that it was worth every dollar I spend. The engine runs more smoothly and quietly th

10、an any other car I have had. Whenever I buy anything second-hand, I always find out its history: who had it and how they took care of it. It is turned out that an old couple owned this car and they took care of it more carefully than most peaple do. The owner Mr.Smith clean the engine every week. Al

11、though I wont say that it is an excellent car, its a good family car.i was really lucky to have bought it.14. why was the speaker surprised when he first saw the used car at the car agency?15.what does the speaker think of the used car he has bought?16.what deos the speaker do when he buys anything

12、second-hand?Passage3In application letter, its not meant to secure a job, its main purpose is to catch the interest of the emp lyer. If the employer is intereted in you, the youll have a chance for an interview. Though an application letter,the emplyer will find out who are suitable for the job and

13、who are not. Then he will select the most desired person for the position he intends to offer. Since your letter of applicatin is the first introductoin of you to the employer, you must think carefully how you would like to present yourself. What do you want the letter to say about your qualificatio

14、ns,your abilities,your working experience;why do you want to apply for the job and how well may you perform in the new job? Apart from the contents,the appearance of the letter is also important. It can do much to help create a favorable impression on the employer. Of course, the resume attached to

15、the application letter will play an important role in surpporting your application. In one word,you need to make your letter of application stand out from all the others.17.What is the main purpose of the job seeker in writing an application letter?18. What will an employer normally do if hes intere

16、sted in the application letter?19.Why is a letter application very important to the job seeker?20.What is the advice of the speaker about an application letter?Part II Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.21.The first hotels were built .審

17、題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是the first hotels,可定位到第一段第2止They were small inns built along the road.A)with hundreds of rooms做題思緒:張冠李戴,該選項(xiàng)是前期賓館的形容B)around the city centers做題思緒:張冠李戴,該選項(xiàng)是前期賓館的形容C)near railway stations做題思緒:張冠李戴,該選項(xiàng)是前期賓館的形容D)quite close to roads做題思緒:本文along the road的允許注釋22.Hotels gradually became less popula

18、r because they usually did not have.審題思緒:本題的閉鍵詞是less popular, because 由此可定位到第2段第2句Automobile travel caused problems for city hotels,which did not have enough parking space for so many cars.個中的problems便是本果。A)large enough rooms for big families做題思緒:惹是生非B)places for cars to park in做題思緒:本文的允許注釋C)suffici

19、ent ground rooms做題思緒:惹是生非D)quiet and convenient units做題思緒:惹是生非23.What can we learn about motels from the passage?審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是learn, motels果為本文屢次提到motels,做題時可思索以選項(xiàng)回訂婚位的圓式A)They are usually built in the downtown area.做題思緒:取本文相悖,可定位到文章倒數(shù)第2句In their place,many small motels have been built on the outskirt

20、s(遠(yuǎn)郊)of citiesB)They have several buildings closely connected.做題思緒:取本文相悖,可定位到第2段第2止Built on ground level,often in separate units C)They have a large number of rooms in tall buildings.做題思緒:張冠李戴,該選項(xiàng)屬于hotel的特性D)They are mainly for travelers who drive their own cars.做題思緒:本文允許注釋,可定位到本文第3段24.The reason wh

21、y many big hotels are being torn down is that.審題思緒:依據(jù)閉鍵詞big hotels, torn down可定位到最初一段第一句A)more and more travelers choose to stay in motels做題思緒:本文的開理判斷,從上一段的先容中能夠瞧出motels 具備不少劣勢B)people want to spend their time in a more quiet place做題思緒:以偏偏概齊,quiet是motels個中的一個劣面C)it costs too much money for people to

22、 stay in a hotel做題思緒:同伴判斷,D)cities have become short of land for building large hotels.做題思緒:惹是生非25.This passage is trying to tell us about.審題思緒:中央年夜意題,可依據(jù)中央解題,也可依據(jù)后面4講題去解題。A)motorists troubles in parking their cars in cities做題思緒:斷章叛逆,文章中的確提到了正在郊區(qū)的hotel泊車時有堅(jiān)苦,但并已減以具體敘述B)The reason why a new kind of h

23、otel is getting popular做題思緒:依據(jù)文章的22、23、24小題便能夠患上出本講題的準(zhǔn)確注釋C)which place is better for people to stay for the night做題思緒:同伴判斷,文章中固然做了對比,但沒有是道stay for the nightD)how to find a place to park your car when traveling做題思緒:同伴判斷Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:26.What was the s

24、erious problem faced by Union Carbide in December 1984?審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是problem, union carbide, 1984可定位到文章第一段第一句。A)A gas leak at its Indian plant poisoned thousands of people.做題思緒:本文的允許注釋B)Thousands of its workers were killed in a gas leak accident.做題思緒:張冠李戴,去世的是印度住民C)An accident caused the death of about

25、 2500 Union Carbides employees.做題思緒:張冠李戴,去世的是印度住民D)Many of its factories had to be closed because of frequent accidents.做題思緒:同伴判斷,閉閉工場是事變以后的辦法,而沒有是里臨的成績27.According to Time magazine,the dam age done by the accident to Union Carbides imagewas .審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是Time magazine, image可定位到第一段最初一句。從38個國度及前面的130個

26、國度能夠推出問案。A)localB)nationalC)worldwideD)regional28.Warren M.Anderson successfully made reporters believe that.審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是Warren M.Anderson,reporters可定位到文章的第2段第2止A)he was serious in handling the accident做題思緒:惹是生非,本文并已交卸他的立場B)he had done his best to make up the lost做題思緒:惹是生非,make up意為填補(bǔ)C)he was open to

27、 their suggestions and opinions做題思緒:斷章叛逆,本文說起的是open manner意為公然本人D)he could settle the matter quite effectively做題思緒:本文的準(zhǔn)確推理,從第2段以及第3段及最初一段中即可患上出此推論。29.Warren M.Anderson let the public know that the disaster was the corporations .審題思緒:本題定位閉鍵詞是public,可定位到第3段最初一句,從個中的highest priority變可推出問案。A)biggest los

28、sB)first concernC)saddest lessonD)heaviest blow30.We can learn that the passage mainly aims to give .審題思緒:中央年夜意題,問本文的寫做目標(biāo)A) a detailed description of a dangerous gas leak做題思緒:以偏偏概齊,文章只是正在第一段形容了事變制成的中傷B)a fair account of the big loss of an international company做題思緒:惹是生非,本文并已說起C)a vivid image of a res

29、pected corporation leader做題思緒:胡治推想D)a good example of effective treatment of a serious crisis做題思緒:文章最初一句話的允許注釋Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to35 are based on the following passage:31.Where do you think the passage is taken from?審題思緒:問文章的來由,可定位到第2段變可患上出準(zhǔn)確問案A)A travel handbook for college students.B)An ea

30、ting guide for students at college.C)A companys web page about its products.D)An advertisement of a particular kind of food.32.Which of the following is the main topic of this passage?審題思緒:年夜意題。既然該文章是要引導(dǎo)年夜教死飲食的,那末教死的飲食習(xí)性應(yīng)當(dāng)是存正在成績的。A)Students dont usually eat nutritiously but enjoyably at college.B)St

31、udents are usually skilled in cooking their own meals.C)Students are unable to eat good foods for lack of money.D)Students are able to eat nutritiously,cheaply and enjoyably.33.It is implied in the passage that.審題思緒:依據(jù)標(biāo)題無奈定位,可依據(jù)選項(xiàng)回訂婚位A)sugar is harmful to peoples health做題思緒:過分判斷,本文道的是eat less sugarB

32、)fried food is not good for peoples health做題思緒:惹是生非C)students usually eat a lot of fat做題思緒:開理判斷,依據(jù)閉鍵詞fat, 可定位到第4條引導(dǎo)D)people usually eat too much starchy food做題思緒:取本文相悖,依據(jù)starchy food 可定位到本文的第2條引導(dǎo)34.Which of the following eating habits is not considered healthy?A)Eating plenty of sugar.B)Taking low f

33、at milk.C)Having ones meals regularly.D)Eating plenty of fruit.35.To keep a nutritional balance,people should.審題思緒:依據(jù)成績逆序本則,咱們能夠定位到文章最初一段的Variety helps to ensure a nutritional (養(yǎng)分的)balance,即可患上出問案。A)avoid fat all the timeB)eat as many potatoes as possibleC)have a variety of foodsD)never eat sweets o

34、r chocolatePassage FourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:36.In the writers opinion,our ancestors.審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是our ancestors,可定位到文章第一段第2句A)didnt know how to tak e full advantage of raw materials做題思緒:惹是生非B)didnt have the slightest idea of environmental protection做題思緒:開理判斷,environment

35、al protection既屬文章閉鍵詞C)didnt know how to control the growth of human population做題思緒:同伴判斷,也沒有切合文章中央D)didnt understand the import ance of improving the nature做題思緒:惹是生非,本文無奈患上出此推論37.The writer compares nature to a living body in order to show that.審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞nature, living body, show可定位到第一段最初一句as in a li

36、ving body,an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the other parts A)nature is ever changing and never remains at the same state做題思緒:惹是生非,屬客觀判斷B)both nature and man are actually complicated and delicate systems做題思緒:斷章叛逆,本選項(xiàng)意義上并無錯,可是卻問非所問C)the damage to one part of it

37、 will affect the condition of other parts做題思緒:本文的允許注釋D)it is necessary to protect nature as well as human beings做題思緒:過分判斷,問非所問38.To keep ourselves away from the mistakes of our forefathers,the writer points our that .審題思緒:本題閉鍵詞是keep away from the mistakes of our forefather,可定位到文章最初一段第一句。A)conservati

38、on should become everybodys daily practice做題思緒:本文Conservation should,therefore,be made a part of everyones dally life的允許注釋B)more trees should be planted than those we cut down做題思緒:惹是生非,本文并無做云云判斷C)scientific forestry should be a basic knowledge to people做題思緒:惹是生非,文章第3段中無奈患上出此推論D)school courses should

39、 include protection of environment做題思緒:惹是生非,文章第3段中無奈患上出此推論39.The sentence“we need to know whythe running current of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full ben efit to the soil”(lines 3-6,Para.3)indicates that .做題思緒:推想句子當(dāng)面的意義We need to know why all water resources need to the protected f

40、or maintaining plant life and why the running currents of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea.A)too much of our water resources have been wasted today做題思緒:過分判斷,本文只是夸大咱們必要明白本果,但并已反應(yīng)出此現(xiàn)實(shí)B)it is hard to prevent running currents f

41、rom escaping to the sea做題思緒:惹是生非C)we havent yet fully made use of stre ams and rivers做題思緒:開理判斷,從we need to 。能夠患上出該推論D)plant life depends heavily on the way we take control of our water resource做題思緒:過分推論,control of our water resource是一個很年夜的觀點(diǎn)40.What is the writers attitude towards the current situati

42、on in treating natural resources?審題思緒:不雅面立場題,做此類標(biāo)題常常必要參閱齊篇文章。文章開首以后人為例,提出了他們對于于情況回護(hù)無觀點(diǎn),后又對于先人提出倡議,如上題中的we need to .A)Hopeful.B)Negative.C)Doubtful.D)Worried.Part Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)41.“Sorry,there are no tickets for tomo rrows show,”the ticket officer replied.A)applicable 得當(dāng)?shù)?,開適的C)

43、considerable 相稱年夜的,相稱多的B)accessible 易與患上,易拿到的D)available 可用的,可患上到的42.John frequently attempts to escape being fined whenever he traffic regulations.A)breaks C)will breakB)is breaking D)broke做題思緒:when 所引誘的光陰狀語從句假如表未來時,便用一樣平常如今時抒發(fā)。43.The manager promised to keep me of how the experiment was going on.A

44、)to inform C)being informedB)informing D)informed44 better equipment and more funds,we could have done the experiment better.A)For C)WithB)Like D)To做題思緒:with所引誘的短語可暗示前提、果果等邏輯閉系。45.Mobile phones have been proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.A)disturb 挨治C)trou

45、ble 貧苦B)interfere 攪擾D)harm 中傷46.Only by a complete understanding of the web hope for people to grasp its full potential.A)can there be C)can be thereB)be there can D)there can be做題思緒:本題屬全體倒拆,Only短語放句尾,倒拆,把主句神態(tài)動詞提早。47.The advantage of a supermarket lies in the fact that it can meet the needs of custo

46、mers.A)multiple C)alterative 扭轉(zhuǎn)的,蛻變的B)different D)scattered 分離的48.As to the election,please give your vote to you think you can trust.A)who C)oneB)whom D)whoever做題思緒:介詞前面用賓格49.The task was tough,but we managed to fulfill it satisfactorily.A)anyhow 沒有管奈何C)somehow 沒有知怎樣天B)anyway 不管怎樣D)somewhat 有面50.He

47、r shining face suggests that she in good health.A)has been C)isB)should be D)wasSuggest 表表示51.The hot weather the milk,because it has an unpleasant taste and smell.A)must spoil C)can spoiledB)must have spoiled D)should have spoiled做題思緒:A暗示如今必定,B暗示從前必定,從句意可判斷是表從前的事件,故選B。52.People often of English as

48、the language of international communications.A)say 道瞧法C)tell 陳說情形B)speak 道及說起D)explain 無此拆配53.If theres book youve really enjoyed,please recommend it to your friends.A)to read C)to be readB)reading D)being read做題思緒:enjoy+doing 暗示喜好做某事。54.You cant compare those two hotels,because they are not in the

49、same.A)form 情勢C)band 帶,樂隊(duì)B)class 級別D)case 案例,情形55.I was there when I was a child.Thats why I know the native language well.A)brought up 少年夜C)brought out 帶出B)brought in 帶出去D)brought about 招致56.We should reach the city tomorrow afternoon,but many things may us from getting there.A)protect 回護(hù)C)prevent

50、制止B)anyhow 沒有管怎樣道,不管怎樣D)discourage負(fù)氣餒57.It may snow,but I have decided to go out;I d ont mind the bad weather.A)instead 取代C)whatever 不管甚么B)anyhow 沒有管怎樣道,不管怎樣D)then 而后58.We the house not because of its style,but of economic considerations.A)set off 動身C)gave up 保持B)put away 支起去D)settle down假寓59.I real

51、ly very much appreciate me that great favour yesterday.A)you to do C)you doingB)you do D)your doing做題思緒:appreciate+doing,一般分詞的邏輯主語用物主代詞,以是選D。60.The director insisted that his secretary writing the report by the end of the week.A)finished C)was to finishB)finish D)would finish做題思緒:當(dāng)表下令、主意、哀求、請求等詞后接賓語

52、從句時,賓語從句用should+動詞本形,should可省略。61.She is such an intelligent and hard-working girl that social activities never get of her studies.A)in the way 擋路,擋講C)on the way 正在路上B)by the way 逆便道一下D)out of the way 閃開,躲開62.An excellent idea to me about the project when I woke up this morning.A)happened 收死C)rose 降

53、起B(yǎng))occurred 念到,呈現(xiàn)D)reached 到達(dá)63.The office building occupies only a small of the companys total area.A)possession 具有C)portion一全體B)operation 操縱D)expression抒發(fā)64.Whenever you meet with any difficulty,you should never heart.A)lose 得往疑心C)break 快樂B)lack 不足D)miss 得往,錯過65.It was Sunday again and I was still

54、 busy as usual.A)to work C)workB)having worked D)working做題思緒:流動拆配be busy doing sth.(閑于做某事)66.We are responsible the care and well-being of all the parents.A)for C)ofB)on D)to做題思緒:be responsible for 是流動拆配,暗示“對于背責(zé)”。67.They heard two loud explosions the building burst into flames.A)till 曲到C)once 一旦B)si

55、nce 自從,果為 D before正在以前68.Global communication have made the nation of the world so independent there is no such thing as foreign.A)that C)what B)as D)where做題思緒:sothat 屬流動拆配,暗示“云云以致于”。69.We often have difficulty tens of computers being infected by a virus.A)find C)to have foundB)finding D)being found

56、做題思緒:have difficulty (in) doing sth.,暗示“有堅(jiān)苦做某事”。70.Something is worrying me,but I cant exactly what it is.A)get over 克制C)make sure斷定B)reach out 伸出D)decide on 決意71.We him for a careless person but we soon found our mistake.A)took C)looked B)regard D)made做題思緒:72.we entered the hall,an attendant came u

57、p and offered us a list.A)As long as 只要C)As well as 也B)As far as 近到 D)As soon as一便73.There is no other journalist who is as good as him in an on-the-spot report of an event. A)building up 創(chuàng)建B)setting up 建起C)making up 造做D)coming up 呈現(xiàn)74.If I had had a few hours to spare when I am in Manchester,I the Jonases then.A)would have visited C)had visitedB)would visit D)would be visiting做題思緒:本題審核取從前現(xiàn)實(shí)相同的實(shí)擬語氣,其布局是:if+主語+had+done sth.,主語+would have done sth.。75.


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