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1、消消 防防 Fire FightingFire Fighting 1 FireFightingTraining 2 消防程序圖消防程序圖Fire fighting ProcedureFire fighting Procedure 消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備 Anti-fire equipment and facilityAnti-fire equipment and facility 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 The structure of fire fighting system The structure of fire fighting system 火災(zāi)原因、滅火方法及

2、滅火劑的種類火災(zāi)原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類 Fire fighting reasons,anti-fire methods and category of fire foamFire fighting reasons,anti-fire methods and category of fire foam 員工必備的素質(zhì)員工必備的素質(zhì) Necessary ability of staff Necessary ability of staff 總結(jié)總結(jié) Conclusion Conclusion 測驗(yàn)測驗(yàn) Test Test 內(nèi)容內(nèi)容 Content Content FireFightingTr

3、aining 3 消防程序圖消防程序圖 Fire fighting Procedure 你可能是第一個(gè)發(fā)現(xiàn)火情你可能是第一個(gè)發(fā)現(xiàn)火情 的人,你需要快速而果斷的的人,你需要快速而果斷的 行動(dòng)。全店的緊急救護(hù)措施行動(dòng)。全店的緊急救護(hù)措施 就依賴于你的第一反應(yīng)。就依賴于你的第一反應(yīng)。 You maybe happen to find the fire, react quickly and well. The speed of the fire fighting in the store depends on your first action. 1. 1. 發(fā)現(xiàn)火災(zāi)發(fā)現(xiàn)火災(zāi) Fire discove

4、r FireFightingTraining 4 2. 2. 立即報(bào)警立即報(bào)警 Alert immediately 消防程序圖消防程序圖 Fire fighting Procedure 3. 3. 迅速滅火迅速滅火 Master the fire 4. 4. 盡快疏散盡快疏散 Evacuation 5. 5. 自我保護(hù)自我保護(hù) Protect yourself FireFightingTraining 5 2. 2. 立即報(bào)警立即報(bào)警 Alert immediately l 保持鎮(zhèn)靜,不要驚慌保持鎮(zhèn)靜,不要驚慌. . 弄清情況及所處位置。弄清情況及所處位置。 KEEP CALM , DO NO

5、T PANIC. Be clear what happened and where ? l 電話通知保安辦公室電話通知保安辦公室(Tel.No(Tel.No) 或者打碎最近的火警盒(紅色)或者打碎最近的火警盒(紅色) Call security (Tel No.) or break the nearest alarm box FireFightingTraining 6 l 報(bào)告火情具體的位置,以及火勢大小報(bào)告火情具體的位置,以及火勢大小 Indicate precisely to security the location of the fire and the degree of its

6、extension 2. 2. 立即報(bào)警立即報(bào)警 Alert immediately “在紡織品處倉庫的器材室有煙冒出來!” There is the smoke from the equipment room in the storage of Textile ! ” FireFightingTraining 7 3. 3. 迅速滅火迅速滅火 Master the fire 不要等到火災(zāi)發(fā)生時(shí) 還不知如何使用。 Dont learn only when you face a fire. Because it is too late. 在平時(shí)有空時(shí),就可閱讀 滅火器的使用方法。 You can

7、 learn how to use the extinguisher at the free time. 盡量使用滅火器,但千萬 不要冒險(xiǎn)。 Try to master the fire with an extinguisher, but DO NOT TAKE ANY RISK. FireFightingTraining 8 滅火器使用方法很簡單:滅火器使用方法很簡單: - - 拆掉鉛封,拆掉鉛封, - - 拉出保險(xiǎn)鞘,拉出保險(xiǎn)鞘, - - 將噴嘴對準(zhǔn)火源根部,將噴嘴對準(zhǔn)火源根部, - - 按下把手,按下把手, 噴射。噴射。 It is easy to use: - Remove the l

8、ead sealing . - Use upright pull out pin. - Aim at base of fire. - Squeeze levers to operate. 3. 3. 迅速滅火迅速滅火 Master the fire FireFightingTraining 9 3. 3. 迅速滅火迅速滅火 Master the fire 關(guān)閉煤氣管道閥門關(guān)閉煤氣管道閥門 Close the gas tap. 切斷配電柜電源切斷配電柜電源 Turn off the power supply at the cabinet. 生鮮及家電處還必需注意:生鮮及家電處還必需注意: Spe

9、cial attention for Fresh and Appliance Division: FireFightingTraining 10 4. 4. 盡快疏散盡快疏散 Evacuation 聽到疏散通知后,緊急疏散開始。聽到疏散通知后,緊急疏散開始。 After hearing the evacuation message, the evacuation begins 各部門按各組分工展開。各部門按各組分工展開。 Responsibility divided for each department FireFightingTraining 11 報(bào)警報(bào)警 AlertAlert 滅火滅火

10、 FightingFighting 疏散疏散EvacuationEvacuation 通知通知119119隊(duì)隊(duì) Inform Team 119Inform Team 119 店長決定店長決定 通知消防局通知消防局 Security chief Security chief inform fire bureauinform fire bureau FireFightingTraining 12 5. 5. 自我保護(hù)自我保護(hù) Protect yourself 及早熟悉疏散通道及早熟悉疏散通道 Be familiar with the evacuation path 了解緊急出口的位置了解緊急出口的

11、位置 Know the localization of the emergency exit 出口 FireFightingTraining 13 5. 5. 自我保護(hù)自我保護(hù) Protect yourself 煙最易導(dǎo)致死亡煙最易導(dǎo)致死亡 Smoke is the easiest way to make dead 新鮮空氣接近地面,及時(shí)趴下。新鮮空氣接近地面,及時(shí)趴下。 Fresh air is approaching the ground, bend over on your belly. 如被困在室內(nèi),盡量讓自己站在窗口被人看到。如被困在室內(nèi),盡量讓自己站在窗口被人看到。 If you

12、are blocked in the room,try to stand beside the window. FireFightingTraining 14 煙火圍困時(shí),不要輕易打開房門以防煙霧侵入;逃生時(shí),隨煙火圍困時(shí),不要輕易打開房門以防煙霧侵入;逃生時(shí),隨 手關(guān)上通道的房門,防止煙霧流通,通過煙霧區(qū)時(shí),最好匍匐手關(guān)上通道的房門,防止煙霧流通,通過煙霧區(qū)時(shí),最好匍匐 前進(jìn),并用濕毛巾等捂住口鼻。前進(jìn),并用濕毛巾等捂住口鼻。 In case you are besieged in smoke and fire, dont open the door to avoid smog enteri

13、ng . On the way to escape, you must close the door of passage behind you to avoid smog passing. Crawl through the dense smoke area and cover your mouth and nose with wet towel. 濃煙,有毒氣體,或吸入熱氣時(shí)濃煙,有毒氣體,或吸入熱氣時(shí) In case of dense smoke, poison gas or In case of dense smoke, poison gas or inbreathing heat.i

14、nbreathing heat. 5. 5. 自我保護(hù)自我保護(hù) Protect yourself FireFightingTraining 15 身上著火時(shí)不要奔跑,應(yīng)設(shè)法脫掉衣服或就地打滾壓滅火身上著火時(shí)不要奔跑,應(yīng)設(shè)法脫掉衣服或就地打滾壓滅火 苗。除清水外,禁止直接向身上噴滅火劑。強(qiáng)制自己保持苗。除清水外,禁止直接向身上噴滅火劑。強(qiáng)制自己保持 頭腦冷靜,設(shè)法延緩時(shí)間,保護(hù)自己等待營救。頭腦冷靜,設(shè)法延緩時(shí)間,保護(hù)自己等待營救。 Dont try to run when your body caught fire, try to take off your cloth or writhe t

15、o push down the flame on ground. Avoid to use the extinguisher directly to spray to the body except the water. 缺氧,燒傷,行為失當(dāng),缺氧,燒傷,行為失當(dāng), 其它原因其它原因( (坍塌等坍塌等) ) In case of anoxia, burn, In case of anoxia, burn, improper actionimproper action and other reasons (collapse) and other reasons (collapse) 5. 5.

16、自我保護(hù)自我保護(hù) Protect yourself FireFightingTraining 16 消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備 Extinguisher Equipment Other Fire fighting Facility Keep up straightKeep up straight 垂直平放垂直平放 滅火器滅火器 H Hand extinguisherand extinguisher 消防龍頭消防龍頭 Extinguisher hoseExtinguisher hose FireFightingTraining 17 防火卷簾門防火卷簾門 Fireproof shutt

17、le rollerFireproof shuttle roller 警鈴警鈴 Fire alarmFire alarm 消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備 Extinguisher Equipment Other Fire fighting Facility FireFightingTraining 18 煙感煙感 Smoke sensorSmoke sensor 噴淋頭噴淋頭 SprinklerSprinkler 消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備 Extinguisher Equipment Other Fire fighting Facility FireFightingTraini

18、ng 19 防火門防火門 Fireproof doorFireproof door 應(yīng)急燈應(yīng)急燈 Emergency lightEmergency light 消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備 Extinguisher Equipment Other Fire fighting Facility FireFightingTraining 20 手動(dòng)報(bào)警器手動(dòng)報(bào)警器 Manual alarmManual alarm 推車式干粉滅火器推車式干粉滅火器 Handing dry powderHanding dry powder fire extinguisher fire extinguisher

19、 消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備消防設(shè)施及滅火設(shè)備 Extinguisher Equipment Other Fire fighting Facility FireFightingTraining 21 1 1、火災(zāi)報(bào)警系統(tǒng)、火災(zāi)報(bào)警系統(tǒng) Fire Alarm System Fire Alarm System 2 2、自動(dòng)滅火系統(tǒng)、自動(dòng)滅火系統(tǒng) Automatic fire fighting system Automatic fire fighting system 3 3、人工滅火系統(tǒng)、人工滅火系統(tǒng) Manual fire fighting system Manual fire fighting sys

20、tem 4 4、排煙系統(tǒng)、排煙系統(tǒng) Smoke exhaust system Smoke exhaust system 5 5、增壓送風(fēng)系統(tǒng)、增壓送風(fēng)系統(tǒng) Pressurization blower system Pressurization blower system 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting System Structure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 22 6 6、防火卷簾系統(tǒng)、防火卷簾系統(tǒng) Shuttle roller system Shuttle roller sy

21、stem 7 7、空調(diào)防火系統(tǒng)、空調(diào)防火系統(tǒng) Air-condition system for fire fighting Air-condition system for fire fighting 8 8、電梯系統(tǒng)、電梯系統(tǒng) Lift system Lift system 9 9、緊急疏散系統(tǒng)、緊急疏散系統(tǒng) Emergency evacuation system Emergency evacuation system 1010、事故廣播系統(tǒng)、事故廣播系統(tǒng) Broadcasting system for emergency Broadcasting system for emergency

22、消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 23 1 1、火災(zāi)報(bào)警系統(tǒng)、火災(zāi)報(bào)警系統(tǒng) Fire alarm system Fire alarm system 用途用途 : :在火災(zāi)初期發(fā)生警報(bào),顯示火災(zāi)的具體位置,啟動(dòng)和監(jiān)視在火災(zāi)初期發(fā)生警報(bào),顯示火災(zāi)的具體位置,啟動(dòng)和監(jiān)視 相應(yīng)的消防設(shè)施。相應(yīng)的消防設(shè)施。 Function: Indicate the precise fire location at the beginning of

23、 alarm,launch and supervise related fire fighting facilities accordingly. . 組成組成Structure a: a:火災(zāi)探測器火災(zāi)探測器 Fire fighting detector b: b:控制模塊控制模塊 Control module (American) c: c:監(jiān)視模塊監(jiān)視模塊 Surveillance module d: d:手動(dòng)報(bào)警按紐手動(dòng)報(bào)警按紐 Manual alarm button 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure o

24、f Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 24 1 1、火災(zāi)報(bào)警系統(tǒng)、火災(zāi)報(bào)警系統(tǒng) Fire alarm system e: e:控制器控制器 Controller f: f:樓層顯示器樓層顯示器 Floor indicator g: g:聲光報(bào)警器聲光報(bào)警器 Sound-light alarm 2 2、自動(dòng)滅火系統(tǒng)、自動(dòng)滅火系統(tǒng) Automatic fire fighting system a: a:噴水滅火系統(tǒng)噴水滅火系統(tǒng) S Sprinkling system of fire fighting (1)(1)、閉式、閉式 Closed type

25、 : 濕式濕式 Wet 干式干式 Dry 干濕兩用系統(tǒng)干濕兩用系統(tǒng) Wet and dry system (2)(2)、開式、開式Open type : 雨淋雨淋 Sprinkler 水幕水幕Water curtain、水霧系統(tǒng)、水霧系統(tǒng) Sprayer system 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 25 b: b:氣體滅火系統(tǒng)氣體滅火系統(tǒng)Gas fire fighting system 鹵代烷滅火系統(tǒng)鹵代烷滅火系統(tǒng) Ch

26、emical fire system (1 1)、)、1211 1211 (2 2)、)、1301 1301 CO2 CO2 system c: c:其它滅火系統(tǒng)其它滅火系統(tǒng) Other anti-fire system (1)(1)、干粉滅火系統(tǒng)、干粉滅火系統(tǒng) Dry powder system (2)(2)、低倍泡沫滅火系統(tǒng)、低倍泡沫滅火系統(tǒng) Low power foam system (3)(3)、高倍泡沫滅火系統(tǒng)、高倍泡沫滅火系統(tǒng) High power foam system 組成組成Structure : 閉式噴灑頭閉式噴灑頭Closed sprinkler valve 水流指示器水

27、流指示器 Water indicator 濕式報(bào)警閥濕式報(bào)警閥 Wet alarm valve 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 26 延時(shí)器延時(shí)器 Delay apparatus 水力警鈴水力警鈴Waterpower alarm bell 壓力開關(guān)壓力開關(guān)Pressure switch 水箱水箱 Water tanker 水泵水泵 Water pump 貯水池貯水池 Reservior 水泵結(jié)合器水泵結(jié)合器Water pu

28、mp combining device 溫度和色標(biāo)溫度和色標(biāo) Temperature and color signal 5757C C橙色橙色Orange 68 68C C 紅色紅色 Red 79 79C C黃色黃色Yellow 93 93 C綠色綠色C C Green 141 141C C藍(lán)色藍(lán)色 Blue 182 182C C紫紅色紫紅色Aubergine 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 27 over 227 227

29、 C C 黑色黑色Black 常用噴頭常用噴頭 Common Sprayer 68 68 C C and 9393C C 3 3、人工滅火系統(tǒng)、人工滅火系統(tǒng) Manual fire fighting system 組成組成Structure : 水槍、水帶、消火栓閥門、消防喉舌、水泵、報(bào)警開關(guān)水槍、水帶、消火栓閥門、消防喉舌、水泵、報(bào)警開關(guān) Hydrant gun、 water pipe、hydrant valve 、fire fighting mouthpiece、 water pump、alarm switch 4 4、排煙系統(tǒng)、排煙系統(tǒng) S Smoke Exhaust System 用途

30、:當(dāng)防火分區(qū)內(nèi)有火災(zāi)發(fā)生時(shí),將疏散通道內(nèi)的煙霧排出,用途:當(dāng)防火分區(qū)內(nèi)有火災(zāi)發(fā)生時(shí),將疏散通道內(nèi)的煙霧排出, 保證人員安全疏散,當(dāng)閥處溫度達(dá)到一定時(shí)保證人員安全疏散,當(dāng)閥處溫度達(dá)到一定時(shí)(2 28 80 0 C)C) ,關(guān)閉排煙,關(guān)閉排煙 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 28 閥,防止火災(zāi)擴(kuò)散。閥,防止火災(zāi)擴(kuò)散。 Function:Exhaust the smog in the evacuation path when t

31、here is alarm in the fire area ,guarantee personal security evacuation,shut off discharging valve when temperature reaches 280 C ,preventing diffusion of fire. 組成:排煙風(fēng)機(jī)、排煙管道、排煙閥組成:排煙風(fēng)機(jī)、排煙管道、排煙閥 Structure : Smoke exhaust engine、 smoke exhaust pipeline 、 smoke exhaust valve 5 5、增壓送風(fēng)系統(tǒng)、增壓送風(fēng)系統(tǒng)Pressurizat

32、ion blower system 用途:當(dāng)防火分區(qū)出現(xiàn)火警時(shí),向指定部位送風(fēng),形成正壓,保證人用途:當(dāng)防火分區(qū)出現(xiàn)火警時(shí),向指定部位送風(fēng),形成正壓,保證人 員安全疏散,當(dāng)閥處溫度達(dá)到一定時(shí)員安全疏散,當(dāng)閥處溫度達(dá)到一定時(shí)(2 28 80 0 C)C) ,關(guān)閉送風(fēng)閥,防止,關(guān)閉送風(fēng)閥,防止 火災(zāi)擴(kuò)散。火災(zāi)擴(kuò)散。 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 29 Fucntion: Blow to the appointed locat

33、ion and pressure when fire take place in the fire area, guarantee the personal security evacuation,shut off the valve when reached certain temperature (280 C),prevent the diffusion of fire. 6 6、防火卷簾系統(tǒng)、防火卷簾系統(tǒng) S Shuttle roller system 用途:火災(zāi)發(fā)生時(shí),進(jìn)行防火分割,防止火災(zāi)向其它分區(qū)蔓延。用途:火災(zāi)發(fā)生時(shí),進(jìn)行防火分割,防止火災(zāi)向其它分區(qū)蔓延。 Function:Ap

34、art the fire area when fire taking place,preventing spread to the other areas. 組成:卷簾門、控制箱、探頭、水幕組成:卷簾門、控制箱、探頭、水幕 Structure :Shuttle roller、control box 、detector 、water curtain 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 30 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Stru

35、cture of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System 7 7、空調(diào)防火系統(tǒng)、空調(diào)防火系統(tǒng) Air-condition fire fighting system 空調(diào)防火閥在空調(diào)防火閥在70 70 C C 時(shí)閥關(guān)閉,平時(shí)閥打開。時(shí)閥關(guān)閉,平時(shí)閥打開。 The air-condition switch is open except at 70 C . .8 .8、電梯系統(tǒng)、電梯系統(tǒng)Lift System (常用電梯和消防電梯(常用電梯和消防電梯Common lift and fire fighting lift) 接到火災(zāi)信號

36、時(shí),電梯自動(dòng)降到底層,門自動(dòng)打開,消防人員可控接到火災(zāi)信號時(shí),電梯自動(dòng)降到底層,門自動(dòng)打開,消防人員可控 制使用。制使用。 Lift to 1st floor and door to open automatically when received the fire signal. FireFightingTraining 31 9 9、緊急疏散系統(tǒng)、緊急疏散系統(tǒng)Emergency evacuation system 組成:疏散通道、疏散指示燈、應(yīng)急燈、防火門、排送風(fēng)裝置。組成:疏散通道、疏散指示燈、應(yīng)急燈、防火門、排送風(fēng)裝置。 Structure :Evacuation path ,evac

37、uation indicator light , emergency light , fire fighting exit, exhaust and blower device 1010、事故廣播系統(tǒng)、事故廣播系統(tǒng)Broadcasting system 組成:消防廣播、消防電話。要求必須是滾動(dòng)控制,也可以是人工組成:消防廣播、消防電話。要求必須是滾動(dòng)控制,也可以是人工 切換,消防電話必須是直通式。切換,消防電話必須是直通式。 Structure:Fire fighting broadcasting 、fire fighting telephone roller control , artifi

38、cial control , direct telephone 消防系統(tǒng)的組成消防系統(tǒng)的組成 Structure of Fire fighting SystemStructure of Fire fighting System FireFightingTraining 32 火災(zāi):凡是失去控制的燃燒現(xiàn)象統(tǒng)稱為火災(zāi)?;馂?zāi):凡是失去控制的燃燒現(xiàn)象統(tǒng)稱為火災(zāi)。 Fire:All the burning phenomenon out of control . 火災(zāi)的三要素火災(zāi)的三要素Three elements: (1 1)可燃物)可燃物 (2 2)助燃物)助燃物 (3 3)火源)火源 (1)Flam

39、mable thing (2)Combustion-Supporting thing (3)fire source 1 1、火災(zāi)的原因、火災(zāi)的原因Reasons: (1 1)用火不慎)用火不慎 Use the fire carelessly (2 2)用火設(shè)備不良)用火設(shè)備不良 Bad equipment (3 3)違反操作規(guī)程)違反操作規(guī)程 Break the rules (4 4)爆炸)爆炸 Explosion 火災(zāi)的原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類火災(zāi)的原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類 Reasons Reasons 、Methods and Category of fire foamMetho

40、ds and Category of fire foam FireFightingTraining 33 (5 5)超負(fù)荷、短路造成的火災(zāi))超負(fù)荷、短路造成的火災(zāi) Overload 、short circuit (6 6)電器設(shè)備接觸不良,亂拉亂接電源線)電器設(shè)備接觸不良,亂拉亂接電源線 Disconnect equipment, , put up the electric wire and connect without permission (7 7)自燃起火)自燃起火 Natural fire (8 8)雷擊或靜電造成的火災(zāi))雷擊或靜電造成的火災(zāi) Lighting strike and

41、static (9 9)飛火)飛火 Flying fire (1010)縱火)縱火 Set fire 2 2、滅火劑的種類、滅火劑的種類 Kinds (1 1)水)水 Water(2 2)干粉)干粉Dry powder (3 3)化學(xué)泡沫)化學(xué)泡沫 Chemical foam (4 4)氣體滅火劑(鹵代烷、二氧化碳)氣體滅火劑(鹵代烷、二氧化碳)Gas fire acidifier 火災(zāi)的原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類火災(zāi)的原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類 Reasons Reasons 、Methods and Category of fire foamMethods and Category o

42、f fire foam FireFightingTraining 34 3 3、滅火的方法、滅火的方法Methods (1 1)冷卻法)冷卻法 (2 2)窒息法)窒息法 (3 3)隔離法)隔離法 (4 4)抑制法)抑制法 (1)Frozen (2)Suffocation (3)Isolation (4)Restrain 4 4、火災(zāi)的種類、火災(zāi)的種類 Category (1 1)A A類火災(zāi):一般易燃物品發(fā)生的火災(zāi)。例:火柴、煤炭、紙張、類火災(zāi):一般易燃物品發(fā)生的火災(zāi)。例:火柴、煤炭、紙張、 紡織品等。紡織品等。 (2 2)B B類火災(zāi):可燃液體或氣體所發(fā)生的火災(zāi)。汽油、煤油、柴油、類火災(zāi):可燃液體或氣體所發(fā)生的火災(zāi)。汽油、煤油、柴油、 或煤氣、液化氣等。或煤氣、液化氣等。 火災(zāi)的原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類火災(zāi)的原因、滅火方法及滅火劑的種類 Reasons Reasons 、Methods and Category of fire foamMethods


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