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1、知秋研習(xí)社英語資料7輔導(dǎo)老師:包巧林初中there be句型用法及配套練習(xí)一:there be句型基本認(rèn)識1、定義:There be句型表示某處存在某物或某人。2、結(jié)構(gòu):(1) There is +單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞+地點(diǎn)狀語(2) There are +復(fù)數(shù)名詞+地點(diǎn)狀語注意事項(xiàng):there是引導(dǎo)詞,在句中不充當(dāng)任何成分,翻譯時也不必譯出。句子的主語是某人或某物,謂語動詞 be要與主語(某人或某物)的數(shù)保持一致。當(dāng)主語是兩個或兩個以上 的名詞時,謂語動詞要與跟它最近的那個名詞一致。如: There is a bird in the tree. 樹上有一只鳥。 There is a te

2、acher and many students in our classroom. 我們教室里有一位老師和許多 學(xué)生。 There are two boys and a girl under the tree.樹下有兩個男孩,一個女孩。二: there be句型的??键c(diǎn)考點(diǎn)一:各種句型轉(zhuǎn)化。1:變成否定There be句型的否定式的構(gòu)成和含有be動詞的其它句型一樣,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和not There arent any pictures on the wall. =There are no pictures on the的不同:not是副詞,no為形容詞,not a/

3、an/any + n.相當(dāng)于no+ n.。例如:There are some pictures on the wall. wall.There is a bike behind the tree.t There isnt a bike bheinree. =There is no bike behind the tree.2:變成一般疑問句There be句型的一般疑問句變化是把be動詞調(diào)整到句首,再在句尾加上問號即可。但同時要注意:當(dāng)肯定句中有some時,要將其改為any (否定變化也一樣)。There is some water on Mars.There are some fish in

4、 the water.3:特殊疑問句對主語提問:當(dāng)主語是人的時候,則用 注意:無論原句的主語是單數(shù)還是復(fù)數(shù), 據(jù)實(shí)際情況來決定)。如:There are many things over there.There is a little girl in the room.對地點(diǎn)狀語提問:則用where弓I導(dǎo)。如:There is a computer on the desk.t Is there any water on Mars?t Are there any fish inehte wawho引導(dǎo),當(dāng)主語是物的時候,則用what引導(dǎo)。對之提問時一般都用 be的單數(shù)形式(回答時卻要根t Wha

5、ts over there?t Who is in the room?t Where is the computer?There are four childre n on the playgro und.對數(shù)量提問:般有兩種句型結(jié)構(gòu):t Where are the four childre n?How ma ny+復(fù)數(shù)名詞+are there+介詞短語?How much+不可數(shù)名詞+is there+介詞短語?考點(diǎn)二:there be句型的時態(tài)。be 可以有現(xiàn)在時(there is/are)、過去時(there was/were)、將來時(there is/are going to be 或

6、 there will be)禾口完成時(there have/has been);還可用 there must be ,there can t be, there used to be等。女口:-Therea concert this evening.-Yeah. Excit ing n ews!A. are going to be B. is going to be C. is going to have D. will have考點(diǎn)三:there be句型反意疑問句的構(gòu)成:be (not) there?女口:There is some milk in the bottle,?A . is

7、nt thereB. arent thereC . isnt itD . are there考點(diǎn)四:there be句型的主謂一致:There be結(jié)構(gòu)中的be動詞要和后面所跟名詞保持一致,遵循就近原則。如:I. Thereany rice in the bowl.A. areB. isC. isn tD. aren t2. Theremany apples on the tree last year.A. have bee nB. wereC. areD. is考點(diǎn)五:there be句型用的其他動詞:there be 句型中有時不用動詞be,而用 come , live ,stand ,

8、lie, seem to be , happen to be ,等。如:Therea knife and a fork on the table. (2007 黃岡)A. seems to be B. seem to be C. is seem ing to be D. are剖析:根據(jù)就近原則,首先排除 B、D,而there be句型中有時不用動詞 be,而用come , live ,stand , lie, seem to be等,所以答案應(yīng)從 A、C中選。感官動詞一般不用進(jìn)行時,故C也不正確。注意事項(xiàng):there be句型與have句型的區(qū)別(1) There be句型和have都表示

9、有的含義。區(qū)別如下:There be表示 某處存在某物或某人 ” have表示 某人擁有某物/某人”它表示所有、擁有關(guān)系。女口:He has two son s. 他有兩個兒子。There are two men in the office.辦公室里有兩個男人。當(dāng)have表示 包括” 存在的含義時,There be句型與其可互換。如:A week has seve n days. =There are seve n days in a week. 一個星期有七天。三:課堂實(shí)地演練I. 將下列句子變成否定句和一般疑問句。1. There is some water in the bottle.2

10、. There are many apples in the box.II.對句子劃線部分提問。3. There are seve n days in a week.4. There are lots of books in our library.5. There is a knife over there.6. There is a little milk in the glass.川.單項(xiàng)填空。( )8.Theren otmilk in the cup on the table .A. are, manyB. are , muchC. is ,ma nyD. is ,much()10.H

11、ow manyare there in the room ?A. appleB. stude ntsC. milkD. paper()11.Do you know ifa meet ing next Sun day ?A. there was going to haveB. there was going to beC. is there going to beD. there will be()12. Is this the last exam we have to take ?C No, but thereano ther test three mon ths later from now

12、.A. will be going toB. isC. will beD. has bee n()13.Theregreat cha nges in such kind of computers in the last fewyears.A. isB. areC. will beD. have bee n( )14.There a film tomorrow eveningA. will haveB . haveC. is going to beD . has( )15.Therea football match on TV this evening.A. will haveB. is goi

13、ng to beC. hasD. is going to have()16.Thereaschoolatthefootofthehill.A. haveB . sta ndC . areD . sta nds()17.Theres going toin tomorrows n ewspapers.A. have someth ing newB. have new somethi ngC. be someth ing newD. be new someth ing()19.How many boysthere in Class one?A. beB. isC. areD. am( )20.The

14、rea lot of good n ews in todays n ewspaper.A. isB. areC. was D. were()21.Therepen cil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk.A. is aB. are someC. has aD. have some()22.Therean apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any ofthem.A. areB. isC. hasD. have()23.any flowers on both sides of

15、the street?A . Is thereB . Are thereC . Has D . Have()24. Theregreat cha nges in our country since 1982.()25Thereis?A.isnt thereB. is nt it()26.Thereisnothere?C. has bee nD. arelittlewaterintheglass,C. is itD. is thereairorwateron themoon.IsA. have bee nB. wereA. Yes, there areC. Yes, there isntB. N

16、o, there isntD. No, there is()27.-What did you see in the basket then ?-Therea bottle of orange and some oran ges.A. isB. areC. wasD. were()28.any flowers on both sides of the street ?D. HaveA. Is thereB. Are thereC. Has()29.is there on the table?A. How many applesB. How much breadC. How much breads

17、D. How many food()30. There isntpaper in the box. Will you go and get some for me?A. anyB. someC. aD. an()31. How manyare there in your classroom?A. desksB. deskC. chairD. door()32. Theresometh ing wrong with our classroom.A. areB. hasC. isD. have()33. There is someon the table.A. appleB. orangeC. c

18、akeD. san dwichIV. 漢譯英。34. 房子前面有一輛小汽車。35. 今晚不開會。36. 我能為你做點(diǎn)什么嗎?37. 山腳下有一棵大樹。38. 你們班有多少學(xué)生?39. 桌子上放著什么?40. 你丟的那個錢包里有多少錢?參考答案1. There is not any water in the bottle.Is there any water in the bottle?2. There are not many apples in the box.Are there many apples in the box?II.3.How many days are there in a week.?4. How many books are there in your library?5. What s (there) over there.6. How much milk is there in the glass?川.7 - 11 CDBBD 12-16 CDCBD 17-21 CACAA22-26 BBADB 27-31 CBBAA 32-33 CBV. 34) There is a car in


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