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1、Unit 1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Do you take exercise in your spare time? Which sport do you like? Are you a member of the school basketball team? Do you often win the matches? 牛牛文庫文檔分享 The Great wall The Great wall stands for china . 代表 牛牛文庫文檔分享 T:I always forget to do som

2、ething ,I have a poor memory . I have a good memory . 我記憶很好。 牛牛文庫文檔分享 S:I cant do my homework well, it is very difficult. T: That is no excuse ! 借口 牛牛文庫文檔分享 point 比分 I hope I get one hundred points in the final examination. 牛牛文庫文檔分享 decide 決定 decision 決定 decide to do something 決定做某事 make a decision

3、做一個決定 牛牛文庫文檔分享 noon 中午 正午 At noon 在正午 I have lunch at school at noon . 牛牛文庫文檔分享 What are these ? They are seats . seat 座位 牛牛文庫文檔分享 S:may I not finish my homework? T: No way ! 沒門 牛牛文庫文檔分享 My mum says that I must do all the housework instead of my sister, but I cant agree .Thats not fair! 公平 牛牛文庫文檔分享

4、Kick 踢 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Who can say fast ? noon memory decision point kick fair excuse seat No way 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Listen and complete the sentences. 1. Tonys basketball matches are held _ Saturday. 2. If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over _ in a match, it can play in the competition. 3. Tonys

5、team BIG stands for Beijing _ Giants. 4. BTGs _ think they are fantastic. every 50 points International fans 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Listen and answer the questions. 1. Why does Tony look tired? 2. Which team is Tony on? 3. When is the match? 4. Which team does Lingling hope will win the match? He is training with

6、 BIG for the big match next week. BIG. Its next Saturday at noon. BIG. 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Basketball competition Teams Scores of last match Time of next match Linglings favorite team to win HASBIG HAS 98BIG 52 next Saturday at noon HAS Listen again and complete the table. against : 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Complete the sente

7、nces. 1. Tony looks tired because _. 2. Betty has seen HAS play this season, and she thinks _. 3. Tony hopes BIG will _. 4. Betty and Lingling say that BIG will win because they want Tony to _ _. he is training for the big match next week itll be a difficult match win try harder to win 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Read

8、 and work out the meaning from the context. Thats no excuse! No way! Face the truth. Youve got no chance! Nice work! 這不是借口!這不是借口! 絕對不可能!絕對不可能! 面對現(xiàn)實吧。面對現(xiàn)實吧。 你們沒有你們沒有 機會了。機會了。 干得好!干得好! 牛牛文庫文檔分享 1. What does BIG stand for? stand for 是.的縮寫;代表;象征 What do the letters UN stand for? 字母UN代表什么? CPC stands for

9、 the Communist Party of China. CPC是中國共產(chǎn)黨的英文名稱縮寫。 The olive branch stands for peace. 橄欖枝象征和平。 Language points 牛牛文庫文檔分享 stand for還有“容忍;支持”的意思 I dont have to stand for such rude behavior. 我不忍受如此粗魯?shù)男袨椤?Its outrageous, and we wont stand for it any more. 這太不像話了,我們再也不能容忍下去了。 We always stand for a peaceful

10、settlement of the international dispute. 我們一貫主張和平解決這一國際爭端。 知識鏈接知識鏈接 牛牛文庫文檔分享 stand against 反對 stand at attention 立正 stand behind sb. 支持 stand by 支持;袖手旁觀;準備行動 stand on ones own feet 依靠自己 stand out 突出;顯著 stand back 向后退 stand up 站起;起立 知識鏈接知識鏈接 牛牛文庫文檔分享 2. Didnt they beat you last time? beat在這里是“打??;戰(zhàn)勝”的

11、意思 If we dont prepare for the speech contest, they will beat us. 如果這場演講比賽我們不做好準備的話, 他們就會打敗我們。 I can beat you in swimming. 在游泳上我要勝你一籌。 牛牛文庫文檔分享 beat, win這兩個詞的共同意思是“贏”。其 區(qū)別是: beat的賓語是對手,即表示人的名詞或代詞; 而win的賓語是比賽或獎品等,即表示物的 名詞或代詞。例如: They beat us in a match. 在一次比賽中他們把我們打敗了。 I won the match yesterday. 我贏了昨天

12、那場比賽。 知識鏈接知識鏈接 牛牛文庫文檔分享 4. That was a bad decision. decision n. 決定;決心 I dont think his decision is wise in fact. 實際上, 我覺得他的決定并不明智。 She argued him out of the decision. 她說服他改變決定。 It took us several hours to arrive at a decision. 達成一項決議花了我們數(shù)小時。 I think that I made a wrong decision. 我想我是做了錯誤的決定。 牛牛文庫文檔分

13、享 arrive at a decision 決定下來 bring sth. to a decision 決定某事,使某事 得以解決 come to a decision 決定下來 make a decision 做決定 pass a decision 通過一項決議 reach a decision 達成協(xié)議 decide v. 決定 decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth. 知識鏈接知識鏈接 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Talk about your favourite sports team or sports stars. Who are the

14、y? What sport do they do? Why do you like them? 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Do you take exercise in your spare time? Which sport do you like? Are you a member of the school basketball team? Do you often win the matches? 牛牛文庫文檔分享 My mum says that I must do all the housework instead of my sister, but I cant agree .Thats not fair! 公平 牛牛文庫文檔分享 My mum says that I must do all the housework instead of my sister, but I cant agree .Thats not fair! 公平 牛牛文庫文檔分享 Read and work out the meaning from the context. Thats no excuse! No way! Face the truth. Youve got no chance! Nice work! 這不是借口!這不是借口! 絕對不可能!絕


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