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1、高中英語必修5詞組、重點句型總結(jié)Unit 1 Great scie ntistsI. Phrases1. put forward 提出2. draw a con clusi on 得出結(jié)論3. be/get un der con trol 在控制下be/get out of con trol失去控制,不能操縱4. be absorbed in 專心5. be to blame應(yīng)該受責(zé)備(用主動形式表示被動)blame sb. for sth.因某事責(zé)備某人6. in addition也,另外,此外7. li nk.to.將和連接或聯(lián)系起來8. die of因而死亡(內(nèi)因)die from因而死

2、亡(外因)9. lead to導(dǎo)致,通向10. make sen se有意義,說得通11. apart from除之外,此外12. con tribute to為作貢獻或捐款,導(dǎo)致,有助于13. be en thusiastic about 對 熱情14. be curious about 對好奇15. cure sb. of illness 治好某人 病16. point of view態(tài)度,觀點,看法17. (be) strict with sb.對某人要求嚴格II. Senten ces1. Joh n Snow was a well-k nown doctor in London -

3、so famous, in deed, that he atte nded Quee n Victoria as her pers onal physicia n.約翰斯諾曾經(jīng)是倫敦一位著名的醫(yī)生 一一他的確太負盛名了,所以他成為了維多 利亞女皇的私人醫(yī)生。2. But he became in spired whe n he thought about help ing ordinary people exposed to cholera.但當(dāng)他一想到要幫助患病的普通老百姓,特別是那些得了霍亂的患者時,他就感 到很振奮。3. Neither its cause, nor its cure w

4、as un derstood.人們既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治療方法。4. He knew it would n ever be con trolled un til its cause was found.他知道,在找到病源之前,疫情是無法控制的。5. He got in terested in two theories expla ining how cholera killed people.霍亂之所以能致人于死,當(dāng)時有兩種看法,斯諾對這兩種推測都很感興趣。6. The sec ond suggestedthat people absorbed this diseasei nto t

5、heir bodies with their meals.第二種看法是在吃飯的時候人們把這種病毒引入體內(nèi)的。7. He believed in the sec ond theory but n eeded to prove he was correct.他相信第二種說法,但是需要證明他是正確的。8. It seemed that the water was to blame.看來要歸罪于飲用水了。9. Immediately Joh n Snow told the ast oni shed people in Broad Street to remove the han dle from th

6、e water pump so it could not be used.約翰斯諾馬上叫寬街上驚惶失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手,這樣水泵就用不成 了。10. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sen se.只有當(dāng)你把太陽放在中心位置上,天空中其它行星的運動才能說得清楚。11. But only his new theory could do that.看是只有他的新理論才能作出解釋。12. Yet Coper ni cus theory is now the b

7、ase on which all our ideas of the uni verse are built.然而哥白尼的理論卻是我們宇宙賴以建立的基礎(chǔ)。Unit 2 The Uni ted Kin gdomI. Phrases1. con sist of 由組成2. divide into 把分成3. at war (with 與)交戰(zhàn)中4. break away ( from 掙托(束縛);脫離5. educational / legal system 教育 / 立法制度6. have a good / bad in flue nee on 對有好 / 壞影響7. take the plac

8、e of 代替8. break down機器)破壞,損壞;(人)身體出毛?。唬ㄓ媱澋龋┦艽?,失敗9. make an error 出錯10. leave out省去;遺漏;不考慮11. puzzle over / about 為 煩惱,困擾12. debate sth. with sb.與某人討論、爭辯13. at your convenience在你方便的時候14. in / with relation to (介)關(guān)于;和相關(guān)15. un der con struct ion 在建設(shè)中II. Senten ces:1. There is no n eed to debate anymore

9、 why differe nt words are used to describe the four coun tries.對于用來描述這四個國家的詞語,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)沒有爭辯的必要了。2. To their surprise, the three coun triesfo und themselvesu nited peacefully in stead of by war.這三個國家驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn)他們是和平地而沒有通過戰(zhàn)爭聯(lián)合起來了。3. You must keep your eyes ope n if you are going to make your trip to the Un ited

10、Kin gdom worthwhile.如果你想要使你的英國之旅不虛此行,你就必須把眼睛睜得大大的。4. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pin gyu had made a list of the sites she wan ted to see in London .由于擔(dān)心時間不夠,張萍玉早就把她想在倫敦參觀的地點列了一張單子5. It looked sple ndid whe n first built.剛建成的時候,它看起來真是金碧輝煌。6. What in terested her most was the Ion gitude li

11、ne.她最感興趣的是那條經(jīng)線。7. Come and see me whe never it is convenient to you.只要你方便,隨時都可以來。Unit 3 Life in the FutureI. Phrases1. make a deep/str ong impressi on on sb.給某人留下深刻印象 impress sb. with sth.= impress sth. on si使 人記住某事2. take up拿起/占用/接受/開始/從事/繼續(xù)/選修speed up力卩速sweep up打掃 /橫掃 /掠過use up用光come up過來eat up吃光s

12、it up熬夜/坐正turn up出現(xiàn)/開大(音/水量)3. remi nd sb. of sth.使某人回想起某事 /提醒某人某事remi nd sb. to do sth.提醒某人去做某事remi nd sb. that提醒某人4. as a result (of 結(jié)果)5. suffer from 遭受6. be similar to 和相似7. keep doing sth. 一直做某事8. the six of us我們六人(共六人)9. by/ for /through +( the / a ) lack of 由于的缺乏be lacking in 缺乏(品質(zhì)/特點)lack fo

13、r 否定句)缺乏10. in no time很快,立刻11. on one s從病痛或挫折中)復(fù)原12. in all directions 四面八方13. Sb. lose / catch sight of看不見/ 看見Sb. / Sth. be in / out of sight 看得見 / 看不見at first sight 第一眼at the sight of 一看見就14. provided A with B 向 A 提供 B15. plenty of + u / c許多16. be previous to 早于17. compare A with Bcompare A to B把A

14、與B作比較,把 A比喻作B18. for health reaso ns 出于健康原因19. bend the rules 變通,放寬20. on earth究竟,到底21. be under repair 在維修中22. search for 尋找 II. Senten ces:重點句型:1. Think about how many cha nges there have bee n in the last one thousa nd years . 想想近一千年來有多少變化。2. What problems do you think people in the future will h

15、ave overcome?你認為,未來的人將已克服了什么問題?3. The air seemed thin as though its comb in ati on of gases had little oxyge n left.空氣似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的氣體中剩下的氧氣很少。4. Why not sit down and rest? = Why don t you sit down and rest?為什么不坐下休息呢?5. What three visits would you ask to go on if you were Li Qiang ?如果你是李強,你想去哪三個地方看看?6

16、. Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to .這兩種生物都不容易與之交談。7. The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can t tell which is which.丁波茲”有這么多的臂和腿,以致你無法區(qū)分哪些是手臂哪些是腿。8. Every one will get twice as much pers onal space as in flats on land.每個人都將得到陸上公寓兩倍的個人空間。Unit 4 Maki ng the NewsI. Phrases1. be

17、curious about對感至収子奇2. be to do必將/將要/應(yīng)該3. go out on a story夕卜出采訪4. on one s o獨自, * 自己of one s ow自己的5. concentrate on 集中精力于6. be of in terest = be in teresti ng 有趣的7. bring with隨身攜帶8. have a nose for 對非常敏感9. depe nd on 依賴10. a trick of the trade 職業(yè)訣竅11. accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb. with sth指 控某人做某事1

18、2. so as to do sth 句 中)為了13. be supposed to have donei應(yīng)當(dāng)/被認為做過某事14. look forward to (doi ng) sth.盼望做某事15. be eager to do sth. /for sth.渴望做/16. get the wrong end of the stick 完全搞錯了17. tell the whole truth說出全部真相18. ahead of 在前頭19. set (out)to do/ set about doing 著手做某事20. passon to 把傳遞給21. make an appo

19、 in tme nt with sb.與某人約會,預(yù)約22. polish the style潤色語言風(fēng)格23. be / get absorbed in專心于,集中精力于24. in turn依次,逐個地25. defendagainst為某人辯護26. note dow n 記下27. cover sth. / interview sb報道某事 / 采訪某人28. do some research on 對做調(diào)查29. work on 從事30. last of all 最后31. on purpose / by accident 故意地 / 偶然,意外地32. arrange an in

20、 terview (with sb.安排采訪33. stick to 堅持34. A rather than B A而不是 B35. account for 解釋36. through sb. s an通過某人的分析II. Senten ces:1. (倒裝)Never will ZY forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily. 周陽永不會忘記他在中國日報報社當(dāng)記者的首次任務(wù)。2. (倒裝)Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story

21、by yourself.3. ( There s ) No need for a came沒必要帶相機。4. (倒裝)Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university so it s actually of special intertestne.對攝影我不僅感興趣,在大學(xué)我還專修過攝影,因此,我的確對攝影特別感興趣。5. This is how the story goes.事情是這樣的。6. Have you ever had a case where somebody accused yo

22、ur reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?你是否有這樣的情況:有人控告你手下的記者的報道完全失實?Unit 5 First aidI.Phrases1. give / offer / do first aid to sbperform / carry out first aid on sb.對某人實施急救2. fall ill 生病3. get injured / infected / burned 受傷 / 感染 / 燒傷4. save one s挽救某人的生命5. sense of touch 觸覺6. electric shoc

23、k 觸電;電休克7. take off脫下;(飛機)起飛8. squeeze out 榨出; 擠出9. over and over aga in 反復(fù); 多次10. in place在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢?;適當(dāng)11. put one s hand找到n12. prese nt sb. with sth.prese nt sth. to sb.贈予/給予某人某物13. a piece of jewellery 一件珠寶14. cause / do damage to 使.受到危害/損害15. a nu mber of +n. (pl.)若干; 許多16. stick sth. to 貼在.上17. mak

24、e a differe nee 區(qū)另 S18. assist sb. in /with sth.=assist sb. in doing sth.=assist sb. to do sth.幫忙,協(xié)助某人去做某事19. go soft 變軟20. speak in whisper 低聲地說21. be optimistic about 對樂觀22. switch on / off the power 開 /關(guān)電源23. explain to sb. sth.= explain sth. to sb.向某人解釋某事24. give off 發(fā)出(光/熱等)25. get / be caught

25、in 被困在中26. require sb. to do sth.=require that sb. (should ) do sth要 求某人做某事Sth. require doing / to be done 某物需要被27. be supposed to do 應(yīng)該28. be equipped with 裝備有29. be esse ntial for / to對是必要的II. Senten ces:1. Bur ns are called first degree, sec ond degree or third degree bur ns depe nding on which l

26、ayers of the skins are bur nt.根據(jù)皮膚燒傷的層次而有一度燒傷、二度燒傷和三度燒傷。2. Joh n was study ing in his room whe n he heard scream ing.約翰正在房里學(xué)習(xí),突然聽到一聲尖叫。3. She was lyi ng in her front garde n bleed ing very heavily她躺在前花園的地上,流血不止。4. There is no doubt that Jon quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at schoo

27、l saved Ms Slade s life.毫無疑問,是敏捷的思維和在學(xué)校學(xué)到的急救技術(shù),使得斯萊德女士的生命得救 了。5. It shows that a kno wledge of first aid can make a real differe nee .這說明了急救知識的確能發(fā)揮重要的作用。6. If bur ns are on arms or legs, keep them higher tha n the heart, if possible.如果燒傷的部位在臂部或腿部,可能的話,就要把他們抬高到高于心臟的位置。20高中英語必修6詞組、重點句型總結(jié)12. as a conse

28、quence =in consequence = as a rest結(jié)果 as a consequence of =in consequence of =as a resu由of 擁有Unit 1 Art I. Phrases.1. in the abstractabstract sth. from sth.2. as well as3. aim at sth. aim to do sth. aim at doing sth. with the aim of4. focus on=concentrate on5. convince sb. Of6. a great deal7. in the

29、flesh8. take the place of sb. = replacetake one s place9. break away from10. at the same time11. would rather do sth would rather sb. did sth.would rather sb. had done sth.13. in possession ofin the possession of sb =in one take/ have possession of14. consider doingconsider sb./sth. to be/asconsider

30、 that-clauseconsider it adj./n汁 to do sth.15. be well worth doing16. be contemporary with抽象地,理論上從中提取也,同,和;同一樣瞄準(zhǔn)意欲,企圖做某事帶有的目的集中使某人信服大量活著的本人代替,取代代替,取代;入座;就位脫離,擺脫,放棄同時;但是(主語)寧愿做某事寧愿某人做某事(現(xiàn)在或?qū)恚幵改橙俗瞿呈拢ㄟ^去)的原因s p為某人所擁有擁有(占有)考慮做某事認為,看待值得(表被動)與屬同時期17. convince sb. of sth使某人確信/明白某事convince sb. +that clause使

31、某人相信說服某人做某事企圖做某事convince sb.to do sth.18. attempt to do sth.19. on one handon the other hand一方面另一方面20. scores of21. not onlybut also許多,大量不但而且22. every two years每兩年every second yearevery other year23. be (well) worth n./doing主動表被動)1. Art is influenced by the way of life and beliefs of the people藝術(shù)受人們

32、生活方 式和信仰的影響。值得n.Sentences2. If the rules of perspective had notbeen discovered, people would ndtave been able to paint such realistic pictures.如果沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)透視法,人們就不可能畫出如此 逼真的畫.3. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the impressionistswho lived and worked in Paris.那

33、些脫離傳統(tǒng)繪畫風(fēng)格的印象 派畫家們在巴黎生活工作.4. When people first saw his paintings they were convinced they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene當(dāng)人們第一次看到他的畫時 他們確信他 們是從墻上的一個孔看一個真實的場面.5. The garden of this lovely mansion is also well worth a visit座 可愛的花園大廈 也是很值得一看的.6. In the Renaissance, new ideas and

34、values took the place of those thwkere held in the Middle Ages在文藝復(fù)興時期,新的想法和價值觀取代了中世紀(jì)的想法和價 值觀.7. People became focused more on humans and less on relig人i們的注意力更多 地集中在人類本身,而對宗教的注意力減少了 .8. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and other possessions, as well as their acti

35、vities and achievement高價聘請著名藝術(shù)家 來為自己畫相,畫自己的房屋和其它財物,以及他們的活動和成就。9. Nowadays, there are scores of modern art styles, buW ithout the impressionists many of these painting styles would not exist.如 今,現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)風(fēng)格已經(jīng)有好幾十 種,然而如果沒有印象派,那么這許多不同的風(fēng)格就不可能存在。10. Its art collection covers more than 5,000 years of civilizat

36、ion fronmany partsof the world, including America, Europe, China, Egypt, Africa and South America.它的藝術(shù)品收藏涵蓋了 5,000多年來世界上眾多國家的文明史,期中包括美洲、歐洲、中國、埃及、非洲和南美洲。11. (一句多譯)這個地方值得參觀。This place is worth visiting/a visit.This place is worthy of being visited/a visit.This place is worthy to be visited.It is worth

37、while visiting this place/ to visit this place.Unit 2 PoemsI. Phrases1. go over復(fù)習(xí),檢查2. make sense有意義,說得通(Sb.) make sense of sth 理解(Sth.) make sense to sb 有意義,說得通3. recite / read / explain sth. to sb給某人背誦 /讀 / 解釋4. couvey ones emotions 表達情感5. bow to 向鞠躬/屈服6. stay/sit up 熬夜7. take it easy = take thing

38、s easy 放輕松,別緊張 take ones time另S著急,慢慢來& (Sb.) run out of sth.用完,耗盡(及物)(Sth.) run out用完(不及物)9. make up組成/編造/化妝/彌補/和解be made up of = consist of 由組成10. a few more minutes 再多幾分鐘11. be popular with =be well received b很 受歡迎12. be brimful cf = be full of 充滿13. translate A into B 把A翻譯成E14. week in ,week out

39、一周又一周day by day 一天又一天15. on and on繼續(xù)不停地16. by chance / accident巧17. hold on繼續(xù)/別掛斷(電話)18. (Sb. / Sth.) be likely to do st有可能 .19. try out 試驗try on試穿20. let out泄漏/發(fā)出(聲音)/釋放/放寬(衣服)21. look forward to 盼望II. Sentences1. There are various reasons whypeople write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe

40、 something in away that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions.人們寫詩有各種各樣的原因。有些詩是為了敘事,或描敘某事給讀者以強烈的印 象。而有些是為了傳達某種感情。2. They delight small children becausethey have strong rhyme and rhythm and have a lot of repetition.這些童謠能使孩子們快樂,因為它們節(jié)奏感強,又押韻,而且重復(fù)多遍。3. We would

41、have won if Jack had scored that goa對過去的虛擬)如果杰克踢進了那個球的話,我們就贏了。4. It is not a traditional form of English poetry but it is very popular with English speakers.它不是英詩的傳統(tǒng)形式,但在說英語的人們中間,這種詩是很流行的。Unit 3 Healthy Life1. Phrases1. due to由于;歸功于2. be/become addicted t對有癮3. decide on對做出決定4. be/become/grow accusto

42、med to sth./doing sth慣于某事 /做某事5. feel like (doing)想要(做)6. in spite of不管;不顧7. stand for支持;代表8. get (sb.) into (sth陷入;染上壞習(xí)慣;進入get into the way/habit of doing sth.成做某事的方法/養(yǎng)成做某事的習(xí)慣9. be ashamed of/that.為感到慚愧/羞愧be ashamed to do st羞于做某事10. take off開除/脫衣/起飛/取消/休假11. quit (doing) sth 停止做某事12. at risk處在危險之中t

43、ake risks(a risk)冒險13. manage to do stl設(shè)法做好/設(shè)法辦到某事14. so far到目前為止(與現(xiàn)在完成時連用)15. make sure確定;查明;弄明白16. prevent sb. (from) doing sth阻止某人做某事17.every time每次;每當(dāng) 時II. Sentences4. It amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.感到驚奇吧,向我這樣的年紀(jì),身體健康,能在一個下午騎車跑20公里。5. I thi

44、nk my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.我想我之所以長壽而且精力充沛,要歸功于我的健康生活。3. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again you begin to do it automatically.正如你所知道的,如果你反復(fù)的做同一件事情,你就會開始機械的地做它。4. I didn t know it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it w

45、as more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.我不知道抽煙會嚴重損害人的心臟和肺,也不知道吸煙的夫婦的生育能力會下 降。5. I also noticed that I couldn run as fast any more and I wasn t enjoying sport as much.我同時也意識到我不能再和以前跑得一樣快樂,而且我也不那么喜歡運動。6. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I live. 我的確

46、希望這樣,以為我想讓你過上和我一樣長壽而又健康的生活。7. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually it damages your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease.在你的血液里,HIV病毒可以長期存在,但是它最終會使你的免疫系統(tǒng)嚴重受 損,以至使你的身體不再能抵抗疾病。8. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that person begins

47、to look sick.只有當(dāng)這種病毒發(fā)長成艾滋病時,人才會顯出病態(tài)。Unit 4 Global warmingI. Phrases.5.global warming全球氣候變暖 a supply of /supplies o大 量的 depend on 依靠 human activity 人類活動 a natural phenomenon自 然現(xiàn)象6. be trapped in被困在7. a quantity of/quantities of + n大量的8. result in導(dǎo)致.result from 原因是.9. as a result = in consequen

48、c因此as a result of =in consequence o由于 的緣故10. build up逐漸建立11. keep on 保持12. make a difference 有影響;有關(guān)系make no difference對沒有影響;不重要13. put up with 忍受14. as/so long a只要15. and so on等等16. glance at很快地看 一眼.17. on the whole大 體上18. compare to./compare .Wftlr相比19. come about發(fā)生(不及物)come across禺遇;穿過come back回來c

49、ome down降下;減低come in進來;到達come out出來;出版come up上來;被提出討論;發(fā)芽come up with追上;趕上come to結(jié)果達到;蘇醒20. heat up 受熱21. up to多達;比得上22. in the years aheac今 后一些年里23. carry out 執(zhí)行24. decrease by下降了 decrease (from )t從)下降到25. greenhouse effec溫 室效應(yīng)II. Sentences1. That probably doesn Sound very much to you or to me but i

50、t is a rapid increase compared to most natural changes.這對你我來說很可能是無所謂的,但是跟多數(shù)自然變化相比較而言,這卻是一種 快速的增長。2. There is no doubt that the earth is becomingwarmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this globaWarming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.毋庸質(zhì)疑的是地球正在變

51、暖,但關(guān)于它變暖的原因是由于人類活動所致還是一種自然現(xiàn)象還存在激烈的爭論。3. Without the “ greenhouse effect ” , twouarbe about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果沒有這種溫室效應(yīng)”,地球的溫度將比現(xiàn)在的溫度還要低 33攝氏度左右。4. Some people think future global warming would cause the sea level to rise by several meters; others predict severe storms,

52、droughts, famines, the spread of diseases, and the destruction of species.有人認為全球變暖會導(dǎo)致海平面上升好幾米;也有人預(yù)言會出現(xiàn)嚴重的風(fēng)暴、干旱、饑荒、疫病和物種的滅絕.5. It is the greenhouse effect that gives the earth surface the average temperature of 15C .溫室效應(yīng)使得地球表面的平均氣溫達到了15C.6. Together, individuals make a difference眾人拾柴火焰高。7. Your contr

53、ibution counts你的貢獻很有價值。Unit 5 The power of nature1. Phrases1. a volcano erupting一 次火山爆發(fā)2. an active / a live volcano舌火山3. comparewith / to把和進行比較compare to 把比作4. imagine doing stl設(shè)想做某事5. take risks / a risk 冒險at risk處于危險之中at the risk of doing sh. 冒危險risk doing sth冒險做某事6. meet with sb碰到、遇到某人7. excite sb./onese使某人/自己激動& protect sb. / sth. from 保護免遭9. be warned (not) to do sth被警告(不要)去做某事 warn sb. of danger警告某人有危險10. move sth. out of the way 巴搬離11. b


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