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1、管衛(wèi)東老師全程考研英語講義告訴你如何應付考試,講課方式獨特報名學習、咨詢請點擊以下鏈接/web2005/course.asp?courseid=71097學生常見的問題1、 問:平時很多老師叫我們做精讀,但真需要這么做嗎?對得分真有幫助嗎?答:不需要,對得分沒有實質(zhì)性的幫助。因為精讀和泛讀的區(qū)別一在于精讀是當有一個單詞不認識時就會根據(jù)上下語境來推測單詞的意思,可考試時如果我們遇到一個不認識的單詞時應該放棄而不是根據(jù)上下語境來推測單詞的意思,因為在考場是我們是沒有時間這樣靠上下文語境來推測單詞的意思的;二在于真正的精讀是要把文章都搞懂,但是在考試時文章懂不懂不

2、重要,只是要把題做出來,而每道題考的句子只是一句或者兩三句,加起來一篇文章考的句字也就是十幾句,剩下的句子你讀的越懂就越可能增加錯誤選項的迷惑性,錯誤選項的迷惑性也就越高。2、 問:為什么有時候文章明明都讀懂了,可做題錯的還是一塌糊涂?答:因為中國人讀文章讀得越懂就越喜歡把原文按照自己的主觀意識進行加工,舉個例子:如果原文說a不是導致b的唯一原因,那么a是原因嗎?如果我們用主觀意識一推就會認為a是導致b其中的一個原因并且還有其他原因,而基于原文的字面意思a不是導致b的唯一原因,只能說明導致b還有其他原因,但是a是不是原因我們并不知道,因為原文并沒有告訴我們,認為a是原因也是我們自己引申出來的。


4、就越可能做錯了。3、 問:為什么我練了這么長時間的長難句分析,讀句子還是這么慢?答:因為在真正讀句子的時候,如果我們要把句子的主謂賓、定狀補分析得都很清楚,那么我們很可能就已經(jīng)把這句話讀了很多遍,要想分析得越清楚讀的遍數(shù)也就越多,這就是我們讀句子慢的原因。其實任何一種語言都是先有意思后有語法結(jié)構(gòu),舉個例子,美國文盲能聽懂任何一句話的意思但是卻不知道這句話的語法結(jié)構(gòu)什么是主謂賓,什么是定狀補,這就證明一種語言是先有意思后有結(jié)構(gòu)。按照真正閱讀的過程,每句話我們應該只需要讀出它的意思就夠了,如果只需要讀出它的意思,我們就沒必要過多的關(guān)心它的語法結(jié)構(gòu),而按照我們課程中所說的讀句子的方法就能夠明白句子的

5、意思,只是不知道它的語法結(jié)構(gòu)到底是什么樣的。所以,長難句分析不是在有時間壓力下進行閱讀時使用的,而是在研究這句語言結(jié)構(gòu)有多美時使用的,是建立在了解這句話的意思的基礎(chǔ)之上的,而這并不是在考試時有時間壓力時我們能做到的和應該做到的,我們要做的不是去體會這句話結(jié)構(gòu)有多美,而是去了解這句話的意思。4、 問:為什么作文我背了模板句,作文的分數(shù)還是不太理想?答:這有兩個原因,第一個是模板句的重復率很高,考生你用這個句子我也用這個句子。舉個例子,一般漫畫或圖表作文里,我們在文章的開始一般都會用這個模板句“as is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly that

6、 ”,如果這句話在考試中考生你用我也用,那么判題人第一次看到這個句型的時候會覺得寫得還不錯,但看到很多人都套用這個句型之后,他就肯定不會把判題的重點放在這里了。第二個原因,由于第一原因?qū)е碌闹貜吐剩沟门蓄}人愛看考生基本上用不上模板句的地方,那么一篇文章中依照考生現(xiàn)在背的模板句的情況,很可能是每段中間的內(nèi)容基本上用不上模板句,因為每段的段首和段尾考生可以依照模板句套用,但中間的部分涉及到這個題目本身具體的內(nèi)容所以不可能有萬能模板可套,只能靠考生自己寫,由于判題人知道段首和段尾考生有可能套用模板句,這就使他們更多的關(guān)注段中的部分,如果段中部分你寫得不好,那么段中的句子和段首尾的句子在語言上就會形

7、成一個比較大的落差,段首尾是抄的所以應該在用詞和結(jié)構(gòu)方面都不錯,而段中的句子是考生自己寫的,可能在用詞和結(jié)構(gòu)方面都不是很好,一篇文章出現(xiàn)語言上的落差就很可能導致分數(shù)不高。因此,基本上就是句型重復和語言落差這兩個原因?qū)е铝俗魑姆謹?shù)不高。5、 問:老師把閱讀理解的題目做了細致的分類,可在考場如此短的時間里我能把這些復雜的方法應用在我的解題過程中嗎?答:很多老師通常把閱讀的題目分成主旨題、細節(jié)題、詞匯題、代詞指代題等,還有人更細化把作者態(tài)度題分為全文作者態(tài)度題和局部作者態(tài)度題,這樣的方法聽起來很系統(tǒng)但是卻忘記了越系統(tǒng)的方法步驟就越多,步驟越多在考場上有時間壓力的情況下可操作性就越低,而且步驟越多的方

8、法在運用時犯錯的可能性就越多。舉個例子,如果一個方法只有兩步,考生做錯步的概率比一個有十步的方法考生做錯的概率要小得多,因為只有兩步考生做錯的可能性非常小,而有十步的,考生即使前九步都對了但最后一步錯了也會導致最終的錯誤,那么前九步的工作都白做了。因此,由于步驟越多的方法在有時間壓力下的考場越用不上,步驟越多的方法犯錯的概率越大,所以考生根本不太可能在考場時間如此短的情況下應用如此復雜的方法。那么,為什么大多數(shù)老師喜歡講復雜的方法呢?因為越復雜的方法聽起來越系統(tǒng),越系統(tǒng)的方法在中國傳統(tǒng)的教育理念里越容易接受,但是我們要記住在考場上是有時間壓力的,我們是沒有時間做這些事的。6、 問:為什么所有的



11、了,那么進行分析為什么第三步老師是這么做的而自己卻是那么做的,原因無非有兩種,第一種是老師講的方法沒有理解,那么要分析一下沒有理解的是哪個部分,第二種就是根本沒辦法和老師想的一樣,那么很可能這個老師是事先知道答案的。7、 問:為什么老師總是讓我背大量的固定搭配,可考試那天萬一有一個我沒背過的詞組我該怎么辦?答:其實任何固定搭配都是不需要背的,因為固定搭配涉及到語法,而我們說過任何一門語言都是先有意思后有語法,可以根據(jù)句子的意思推出語法怎么寫。舉個例子,一個動詞后面是跟to do 還是跟doing問題 ,例如enjoying,如果沒有背過,我們把意思說出來就決定了語法只能這么寫,因為無論enjo

12、ying后面跟to do 還是跟doing表達的意思都是享受做某事,在意思中有兩個動作,而這個意思使得享受和做這兩個動作必須同時產(chǎn)生,因為如果不做著就無法享受,而表示兩個動作同時發(fā)生只能用doing,to do通常表示動作有時間先后順序關(guān)系,例如stop to do 表示停下來去做某事,那么只有先停下來才能再去做某事。因此沒有所謂的固定搭配,所有的固定搭配都可以通過意思推出來,而在考場上我們根本不需要背。閱 讀 部 分1、閱讀a1)閱讀方法概論 客觀:在接受原文給所給的信息時,只能接受原文的字面意思和字面意思存在的前提。例題:a. a不是導致b的唯一原因a也是原因之一b. 有a .b兩組人,a

13、這組人抽煙b不抽,經(jīng)過十年的跟蹤調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)a這組人都得了各種各樣的癌癥而b這組人卻很健康,我們知道抽煙和得癌癥是有必然聯(lián)系的所以我們知道是由于抽煙導致癌癥發(fā)病率提高c. 政府的這個政策使gdp 增長了0.5%政府的這個政策沒有用d. 管衛(wèi)東英吉喝水的前提是什么a 他們渴了b 有水存在c 他們能喝水 不充分性思維(必要性思維)在做任何一件事情的時候都要有主次之分,先去滿足較重要的條件(這件事情要想成功的必要性前提是什么),當重要的條件得以滿足是這件事情不一定能成功,但這些條件都滿足不了這件事情肯定不能成功。例題:a. 管衛(wèi)東英吉是老師他們不是企業(yè)家2) 思維在閱讀中的應用 題干,原文和選項的重要性

14、誰先誰后?(重要性的高低決定我應當先看誰) 題干的作用,如何看題干,對題干如何分類?a. 題干的作用:題干將會決定這道題要想做對應當讀原文的那句話b. 找:題干問了原文的具體內(nèi)容,并且此內(nèi)容并不是文章通篇講的核心概念不找:題干根本沒問原文的具體內(nèi)容; 題干問了原文的具體內(nèi)容,但此內(nèi)容是文章通篇講的核心概念例題:a. the joke about doctors implies that, in the eyes of nurses, they are-b. the author discusses a particular travel agency in the passage most l

15、ikely in order toc. the passage suggests that, if the criteria discussed in lines 16 32 were the only criteria for establishing a reservations water rights, which of the following would be true?d. the example of the grandmotherly woman is used to show the publicse. the author believes that, in face

16、of the challenge from animal rights advocates, scientists should 如何讀原文只接受字面意思及前提,不允許讀出原文之間的邏輯關(guān)系(可能會讀錯,也沒必要因為就算讀對了也會花費很長的時間)例如:a 公司為了表明他們公司生產(chǎn)的小汽車耐用,引用了一個事實:1970年其它公司生產(chǎn)的小汽車大多都報廢了,而a公司在1970年生產(chǎn)的小汽車還有一半仍在被使用。 跑得多-耐用 耐用-跑得多 如何看選項正確選項在大多數(shù)情況下不會完全支持原文,它的存在只會使原文的正確率有所提高(正確答案要想是對的前提是的和原文所說內(nèi)容沾邊,沾邊的不一定對,但不沾邊的肯定不

17、對,所以再讀選項時只要選項和原文應該讀的句子在意思上沾邊,就先留下,不沾邊的先排除,如果沾邊的只有一個,此答案就是正確的,如果沾邊的不止一個再用a-b或者虛實原則進行進一步比較) a. a-b原則(b是a存在的必要前提)例題:most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during

18、the day.3. the negative feelings generated during the day tend toa aggravate in our unconscious mind.b develop into happy dreams.c persist till the time we fall asleep.d show up in dreams early at night.a use humor effectively.c add humor to speech.d different humor strategies.b reduction in supply.

19、 d iraqs suspension of exports.b. 虛實原則:虛的選項錯誤概率最小(a) 管喝水 (b) 管干了件事情3) 閱讀方法流程圖如能做出則不管其他選項題干中說明了考查的具體位置找不著的題目按局部方向做題如不能做出則將選項當作能找的題干回原文定位分析對錯按全文方向解題并注意各段首句和轉(zhuǎn)折后內(nèi)容(94年54題)題干中沒有說明考查的具體位置如不能做出則將選項當作能找的題干回原文定位分析對錯讀這幾句話的內(nèi)容并按此解題不能精調(diào)到一句根據(jù)題干應記憶詞回原文定位劃出很多句讀且只讀這句話按這句話的好壞、內(nèi)容解題(下例1、年題)能采用微調(diào)精調(diào)到一句話(下例2、4)根據(jù)題干應記憶詞回原文

20、定位只劃出一句能找著的題目 讀懂確定考這句讀不懂按這句話所在這層的方向解題按這句話所在這段的方向解題確定不考這句不清楚是否考這句根據(jù)題干應記憶詞回原文定位一句沒劃出來讀這句話如做不出考慮這句話所在這段方向做不出按順序出題原則定位(努力尋找所記詞的同義詞)(下例3)4) 初試鋒芒if you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems. your humor must be relevant to the au

21、dience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view. depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. if you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods

22、 of their secretaries; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.here is an example, which i heard at a nurses convention, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors. a man arrives in heaven and is

23、being shown around by st. peter. he sees wonderful accommodations, beautiful gardens, sunny weather, and so on. everyone is very peaceful polite and friendly until, waiting in a line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rushes to the head of the line, gra

24、bs his food and stomps over to a table by himself. “who is that? the new arrival asked st. peter. “on, thats god, came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks hes a doctor.if you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are comm

25、on to all of you and itll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairmans notorious bad taste in ties. with other audiences you mustnt attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their

26、 chairman. you will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the post office or the telephone system.if you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural. include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforc

27、ed manner. often its the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.look for the humor. it often comes from the unexpected. a twist on a familiar quote “if at first

28、 you dont succeed, give up or a play on words or on a situation. search for exaggeration and understatements. look at your talk and pickout a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.41. to make your humor work, you should . a take advantage of different kinds of audienc

29、e.b make fun of the disorganized people.c address different problems to different people.d show sympathy for your listeners.42. the joke about doctors implies that, in the eyes of nurses, they are .a impolite to new arrivals.b very conscious of their godlike role.c entitled to some privileges.d very

30、 busy even during lunch hours.43. it can be inferred from the text that public services .a have benefited many people.b are the focus of public attention.c are an inappropriate subject for humor.d have often been the laughing stock.44. to achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delive

31、red .a in well-worded language.b as awkwardly as possible.c in exaggerated statements.d as casually as possible.45. the best title for the text may be .a use humor effectively.b various kinds of humor.c add humor to speech.d different humor strategies.since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have d

32、evised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. that compulsion has resulted in roboticsthe science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. and if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they

33、have begun to come close.as a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. our banking is done at automated teller terminals

34、 that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. our subway trains are controlled by tireless robo-drivers. and thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with sub mil

35、limeter accuracyfar greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. but if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less human supervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for themselvesgoals that pose

36、a real challenge. “while we know howto tell a robot to handle a specific error, says dave lavery, manager of a robotics program at nasa, “we cant yet give a robot enough common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world.indeed the quest for true artificial intelligence has produced very mixed r

37、esults. despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.what they found, in

38、 attempting to model thought, is that the human brains roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talentedand human perception far more complicatedthan previously imagined. they have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled

39、 factory environment. but the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. the most advanced computer systems on e

40、arth cantapproach that kind of ability, and neuroscientists still dont know quite how we do it. 46. human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in .a the use of machines to produce science fiction.b the wide use of machines in manufacturing industry.c the invention of tools for difficult and dangerou

41、s work.d the elites cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work.47. the word “gizmos (line 1, paragraph 2) most probably means .a programs. b experts. c devices. d creatures.48. according to the text, what is beyond mans ability now is to design a robot that can .a fulfill delicate tasks like perf

42、orming brain surgery.b interact with human beings verbally.c have a little common sense.d respond independently to a changing world.49. besides reducing human labor, robots can also .a make a few decisions for themselves.b deal with some errors with human intervention.c improve factory environments.

43、d cultivate human creativity.50. the author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are a expected to copy human brain in internal structure.b able to perceive abnormalities immediately.c far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information.d best used in a controlled environ

44、ment.could the bad old days of economic decline be about to return? since opec agreed to supply-cuts in march, the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a barrel, up from less than $10 last december. this near-tripling of oil prices calls up scary memories of the 1973 oil shock, when prices qu

45、adrupled, and 1979-80, when they also almost tripled. both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. so where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time?the oil price was given another push up this week when iraq suspended oil exports. strengthening e

46、conomic growth, at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in the short term.yet there are good reasons to expect the economic consequences now to be less severe than in the 1970s. in most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller sha

47、re of the price of petrol than it did in the 1970s. in europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less s

48、ensitive to swings in the oil price. energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption. software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oil than steel or car production. for each dollar of gdp (in c

49、onstant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973. the oecd estimates in its latest economic outlook that, it oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of gdp. that is

50、 less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980. on the other hand, oil-importing emerging economiesto which heavy industry has shiftedhave become more energy-intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed. one more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike t

51、he rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand. a sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline. the economists commodity price index is broadly unchanging from a year ago. in 1973 commodity p

52、rices jumped b-y 70%, and in 1979 by almost 30%.51. the main reason for the latest rise of oil price is .a global inflation. b reduction in supply.c fast growth in economy. d iraqs suspension of exports.52. it can be inferred from the text that the retail price of petrol willgo up dramatically if .a

53、 price of crude rises. b commodity prices rise.c consumption rises. d oil taxes rise.53. the estimates in economic outlook show that in rich countries .a heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive.b income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices.c manufacturing industry has been seri

54、ously squeezed.d oil price changes have no significant impact on gdp.54. we can draw a conclusion from the text that .a oil-price shocks are less shocking now.b inflation seems irrelevant to oil-price shocks.c energy conservation can keep down the oil prices.d the price rise of crude leads to the sh

55、rinking of heavy industry.55. from the text we can see that the writer seems .a optimistic. b sensitive. c gloomy. d scared.5) 真題演練05年真題text 1everybody loves a fat pay rise. yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. indeed, if he has a reputation

56、for slacking, you might even be outraged. such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. but a study by sarah brosnan and frans de waal of emory university in atlanta, georgia, which h

57、as just been published in nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.the researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. they look cute. they are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food readily. above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services” than males.such characteristics make them perfect candidate


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