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1、書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學子:學業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復習資料大全公共英語一級(B)分類題問路公共英語一級(B)分類題問路第一部分 情景對話A. Whats your name? B. What for? C. Can you tell us about it on Friday? D. Thank you. sir. E. How about it? F. About a year. A: Excuse me. sir. Can I have the day off (請假) tomorrow? B: 1 A: My uncle is coming back fro

2、m America. My parents and I axe going to meet him at the airport tomorrow. B: Of course you can lake the day off. A: 2 B: Well. how long has your uncle been in America? A: 3 B: Im sure helheg you a lot about America. 4 A: Yes. FII try my besl. 1.答案: B2.答案: D3.答案: F4.答案: CA. Whom did he go with? B. I

3、 Iow long has hc been there? C. Has he ever been there before? D. Where is Jbn? E. no news is good news. F. Have you heard from him? A: 5 B: He has gone to England. A: 6 B: He has been there for half a year. A: 7 B: Of coupe! He lived there before he came to China. A: 8 B: He went there wlth his wif

4、e. A: 9 B: No. I havent. A: Oh. well. 10 5.答案: D6.答案: B7.答案: C8.答案: A9.答案: F10.答案: EA: E 11 me? Can you tell me the way 12 the cinema. please? B: Ycs. Go a 13 fidsmad. andt 14 left at the second crossing. Go across the b 15 . You can find the cinema o 16 your right. You cant m 17 it. A: T 18 Very mu

5、ch. B: You am welcome. 11.答案: Excuse12.答案: to13.答案: along14.答案: turn15.答案: bridge16.答案: on17.答案: miss18.答案: ThanksA: E 19 me? Can you tell me the way 20 the cinema. please? B: Ycs. Go a 21 fidsmad. andt 22 leftatthesecondcrossing. Go across the b 23 . You can find the cinema o 24 your right. You can

6、t m 25 it. A: T 26 Very much. B: You am welcome. 19.答案: Excuse20.答案: to21.答案: along22.答案: turn23.答案: bridge24.答案: on25.答案: miss26.答案: Thanks第二部分 閱讀Last year after I had left a small village in the south of France. I drove omo file next town. On the way a young man slopped me and asked me for a lift

7、(搭便車). As soon as he got thto the car. I said Good morning to him in French and he replied itl (回答) in file sannc language. Except for a few words. I rio not know any French are all. Neither of us spoke during the traveling. I had nearly roached the town when rile young man suddenly said very slowly

8、: Dont.you.speak English? I looked at hbn in surprise (驚訝 ). Here was no Frencthnan speaking English. Only then Iunderstand that he. too. was an Englishman.1. The wriler went to tile next town by taxi. A. True. B. False. 答案:B2. A young man slopped the writer and asked the writer to give him a lift.

9、A. True. B. False. 答案:A3. The writer wasnt good at French. but the young man was. A. True. B. False. 答案:B4. The young man was all Englishlnan. bUl the writer was not. A. True. B. False. 答案:BBefore Christmas Mr. Smith hroke (折斷) his right Icg and had to stay in hospital. When he was there. he always

10、asked his doctor when be could go home. itc didnt like to spend (渡過) Christmas in hospkaL Though the doctor did his besl. Mr. Sngth didnt get buttuer. So on Christmas Day he was still in hospital. He spent a gad day in the bed thinklng that he missed a lot of hn (樂趣) on such a happy day. The next da

11、y the doclor told Igm that he might be well enough to leave hospgal in time for the New Year. Mr. Smith was very happy. He think that he would spend New Years Day outside hospital. Stoon Mr. Sndth left hospital and on New Years Eve (除夕夜) he went Io a party. He enjoyed himself (玩的高興) ) there. But he

12、drank too much. On his way home that nlght. he had a fail and broke his left leg 5. Mn Smith spent Chrismlas Day in hospital because he hroke his left leg. A. True. B. False. 答案:B6. He felt happy on Christmas Day. A. True. B. False. 答案:B7. He had a good time on New YcaFs Eve. A. True. B. False. 答案:A

13、8. Mr. thnith would Ilave to spend New Years Day in hospital A. True. B. False. 答案:AYesterday evening. I went out for a walk with my mother. On the way. we met a foreigner (外國人). He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel. I told him to walk along the mad and take the third tumlng on the left. then

14、 he could see Ihe hotel. He thanked me for my help. I was happy that I could help him.9. The writer and his nlother went out for a walk. A. True. B. False. 答案:A10. An old tady asked them the way to the Hot Spring Hotel. A. True. B. False. 答案:B One day an old man went into tile post office. He wanted

15、 to posl (寄) a letter. He had never posted a letter be forerc Fie bought a stamp (郵票) and gave it together (一起) with his letter to the girl at the desk. Oh. no? tile girl said. You must slick (貼) the stamp on yourelf. He didnt know where to slick the stamp. so again hc asked the girl. You may Slick

16、it on yourself. the girl answered again. Then the man stuck the stamp on the body and went away. 11. The old nlan went to the post oflqee th order to _A.post a lciterB.buy a stampC.see the girl答案:A12. He gave _ to the gid at the desk.A.the stampB.his letterC.the stamp and his letter答案:C13. The old m

17、nan didnt know _A.where Io buy the stampB.where to post the lelterC.where m stick the stamp答案:C14. Which of the following is the main (主要的) idea?A.The girl cant explain (解釋) anything clear to others.B.The old man wanted to post a letter and he misunderslood (誤解) the girl.C.Posting a letler was diffi

18、cult.答案:B An eleven-year-old boy in a small town wanted to bo a driver. But he was born without arms (手臂). His uncle taught him to usa his fuel as hands. He couldnt go to school so he spent all his time watching (看) trains condng and going because he lived near the slabon. How he wished he could be

19、a train ddver! One day he saw an empty (空的) train and lie climbed (爬) in. Ite lied no difficulty in starting it with his feet. goon the train was traveling at forty nliles (英里) an hour. The railway officials (官員) could see tile boy in the wain and tried to stop the wain. The train arrived at a small

20、 station a little away from the town and then the boy drove it back. When he was near the town. a worker caught up with (追上) the train and stop it. At flint he was very angry (生氣). hut he laughed when the boy said simply. I like trains. Well. Im glad you dont like planes? the worker said. 15. An ele

21、ven-year-old boy wished lo he _.A.a plane driverB.a train driverC.a teacher答案:B16. The boy lived _.A.near the stationB.near the townC.fir from the station答案:A17. He had no difficulty in slalting the train with his _.A.footB.handsC.feet答案:C18. When he was near the town. _ and stopped it.A.a worker ca

22、ught up wilh the trainB.the railway officials caught up with the trainC.the boys uncle caught up with the train答案:A A tall man and a short man were waiting for a laxi on the same comer of the street. An old tady joined them because she also wanled to caleb a taxi. It was raining hard and all the tax

23、ies passed without stopping. Finally (最后) a taxi stopped. and the tall mar mn in fronl of tho sbori man. The short man slopped hinl and they fougbt (打架) with each other. Tile lall man was in a hmrry. but the sbort man was on the comer firsl. The short nlan pushed thc tall inan. and the tall man then

24、 took hold of the sbort nlans coat. The old lady quietly closed her umbrella (雨傘). opened the door. and got into the tmxi. The taxi driver smiled (笑) and drove away immediately 19. Wbo eanle to the comer first?A.The old lady.B.The sbort man.C.The tail man.答案:B20. Wbo at last got the taxi?A.The old l

25、ady.B.The short man.C.The tall man.答案:A第三部分 詞語配伍 A. state of being friend 40. by bus B. not far 41. friendship C. arrive there 42. driver D. friends ship 43. near E. a person who drives a car ( or a bus. or a track.) F. lake a bus G. buy bus 1. get there答案:C2.答案: F3.答案: A4.答案: E5.答案: B第四部分 詞匯問題:1. Wbat is she doing? She _ _ _ (尋找) her missing dog.答案: is l


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