1、while there is life there is hope.通用參考模板(word文檔/a4打印/可編輯/頁眉可刪)研究生復(fù)試英語面試問題 考研英語面試中,在自我介紹完了老師就會開始問你問題這里列出一些常見的問題,可以認真準備。注意在準備的過程中,要結(jié)合自己的經(jīng)歷和見解來準備答案,讓自己回答的問題和整個的自我介紹融為一個整體。要不然很容易被考官抓住把柄,問個沒完,很容易因緊張而露出馬腳。在每一年的面試中都會有很多相同的問題,這些問題看起來很平常,卻有很多陷阱,一不小心就會被考官抓主小辮子了?;卮疬@些常見的看起來很平常的問題,是很有藝術(shù)的。在這里一共提供了75個常見的各類問題,_進行了詳
2、細的分析。一、傳統(tǒng)面試問題(sample traditional interview questions)1、what can you tell me about yourself?(關(guān)于你自己,你能告訴我些什么?)這一問題如果面試沒有安排自我介紹的時間的話。這是一個必問的問題??脊俨⒉幌M愦笳勀愕膫€人歷史,他是在尋找有關(guān)你性格、資歷、志向和生活動力的線索,來判斷你是否適合讀研或者mba.下面是一個積極正面回答的好例子:“在高中我參加各種競爭性體育活動,并一直努力提高各項運動的成績。大學(xué)期間,我曾在一家服裝店打工,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我能輕而易舉地將東西推銷出去。銷售固然重要,但對我來說,更重要的是要確信
3、顧客能夠滿意。不久便有顧客返回那家服裝店點名讓我為他們服務(wù)。我很有競爭意識,力求完美對我很重要?!眎n high school i was involved in competitive sports and i always tried to improve in each sport i participated in. as a college student, i worked in a clothing store part-time and found that i could sell things easily. the sale was important, but for
4、me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. it was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. im very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.2、what would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(
5、在畢業(yè)以后5年內(nèi)你想做些什么?)你要清楚你實際上能勝任什么。你可以事先和其他的mba交流一番。問問他們在畢業(yè)后在公司的頭5年都做了些什么。可以這樣回答:“我希望能在我的職位上盡力做好工作,由于在同一領(lǐng)域工作的許多人都被提為區(qū)域負責(zé)人,所以我亦有此打算?!眎 hope to do my best i can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, i am planning on that also.3. what is your greatest strength?(你最突
6、出的優(yōu)點是什么?)這是很多面試考官喜歡問的一個問題,這是你“展示自己”的最佳機會,不要吹噓自己或過于自負,但要讓雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的優(yōu)點。如可答:“我認為我最大的優(yōu)點是能夠執(zhí)著地盡力把事情辦好。當做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的預(yù)想時,我會有一種真正的成就感。我給自己定了一些高目標。比如說,我要成為出色的畢業(yè)生。盡管在大學(xué)一年級時我啟動慢了些,但最終我以優(yōu)等論文完成了學(xué)業(yè)?!眎 feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. i feel a real sense of a
7、ccomplishment when i finish a job and it turns out just as id planned. ive set some high goals for myself. for example, i want to graduate with highest distinction. and even though i had a slow start in my freshman year, i made up for it by doing an honors thesis.4. what is your greatest weakness?(你
8、最大的弱點是什么?)你不應(yīng)該說你沒有任何弱點,以此來回避這個問題。每個人都有弱點,最佳策略是承認你的弱點,但同時表明你在予以改進,并有克服弱點的計劃??赡艿脑挘憧烧f出一項可能會給公司帶來好處的弱點,如可說:“我是一個完美主義者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不會撒手的。”im such a perfectionist that i will not stop until a job is well done.5. how do you feel about your progress to date?“(對于你至今所取得的進步你是怎樣看的?)絕不要對你以前的所作所為表示內(nèi)疚。如可答:“我認為我在學(xué)校表
9、現(xiàn)不錯。事實上,有好幾門功課我的.成績居全班第一。在某公司實習(xí)時,我獲得了該公司數(shù)年來給予其雇員的好幾項最高評價?!眎 think i did well in school. in fact, in a number of courses i received the highest exam scores in the class. as an intern for the x company, i received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.二、其他常見問題university?years af
10、ter graduation?accomplishment?weaknesses.have held?三、行為面試問題(sample behavioral interview questions):you have been a member.13tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. how did you get all of your work done?when you sold someone on an idea or concept.creative in solving a problem.or clas
11、smates who dislike each other to work together.bad decision.四、壓力面試問題(sample stress interview questions):-difficult to work with?-difficult to do?interviewer?about our school?m holding. sell it to me.五、案例面試問題(sample case interview questions):receives its stock on a decentralized basis. each store dea
12、ls independently with its suppliers. the president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. what are the key considerations in ma-ki-ng this decision?a magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribu
13、tion outlet in order to maximize profits. she has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. how should she determine delivery quantities?六、非常規(guī)問題:the pope that the earth is round?27. if i gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?28. why are soda cans tapered on the top and
14、bottom?29. how much ram does a pc need to run windows95?30. you are in a boat on a fresh water lake. in your hand is a rock. you throw the rock into the lake. how is the lakes water level affected?31. if it rained music, what would grow?32. describe your best friend and what he or she does for a liv
15、ing.33. in what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?s strengths and how do you capitalize on them?35. are you a happy person?36. according to jrm, jr., a fast growing software company asked this question you have a wealthy aunt who weighs 300 pounds. tell me how you would redesig
16、n her toilet.七、其他常見的英語面試問題:s the difference between mba program at home and abroad?s your opinion about the requirement that a mba student must have working experience?t find a job?, what would you do?在面試快結(jié)束的時候,一般考官都會問,你有沒有什么要問的。除非你是最后一個面試者,你明顯感到所有的考官都急切的想離開,一般不適合說“i dont have any question.”可以問考官一兩個
17、你關(guān)心的問題(questions you should ask the recruiter):(你希望我們學(xué)校會有些什么樣的變化)(什么課程是我們院最好的課程)最后可以說:thank you for giving me the chance. i hope to see you again and soon.(謝謝您給我機會,我希望很快能再見到考研復(fù)試英語面試經(jīng)典問題考研復(fù)試考生最擔心的就是英語口部部分了,害怕聽不懂,害怕不知道如何表達,所以考生一定要提前多做準備,尤其是英語口語和聽力不好的同學(xué)。在此分享考研復(fù)試面試經(jīng)典60問,大家趁著假期多練習(xí)多準備。1.whatsyourname?2.do
18、esyournamehaveanyspecialmeaning?3.wherewereyoucomefrom?4.whatkindoflandscapesurroundsyourhometown?5.whatistheclimatelikeinyourhometown?6.whatispeoplesfavoritefoodinyourregion?7.whatdoyoudoduringthespringfestival?8.canyoudescribeoneofthemainfestivalscelebrated ?9.tellmesomethingaboutthecustomsofyourh
19、ometown.10.howlonghaveyoulivedin_x?11.whatplacein_xdoyoulikebest?why?12.whichisthebestplaceyouvebeentochina?13.whatisthebiggestproblemyou will face?14.couldyoutellmesomethingaboutyourfamily?15.whenwillyougetmarried?16.whatsocial responsibilitiesshouldapost-graduatetake?17.whatdifficultiesdoyour pare
20、ntshaveconcerningtheiroldage?18.which kind of professor do you like best?19.whatdoesfriendshipmeantoyou?whatkindofpeopledoyoumakefriendwith?20.whatisyourmajor?21.howdoyoulikeyourmajor?22. whenandwheredidyougraduate?whatqualificationshaveyouobtained?23.whatimpressedyoumostwhenyouwereatuniversity?24.w
22、imeinterests?31.howdoyouspendyourweekends?32.whatisyourfavoritesport?whataretherules?33.whatkindoffilmsdoyoulikebest?34.whatkindofmusicdoyouenjoy?35.wherehaveyoubeentravelingto?whichplaceinterestedyoumost?36.doyouenjoytraveling?if yes. where and why?37.whatkindofdifferencesinthe system of higher edu
23、cationbetweenchinaandother countries?38.whatproblemdoyouthinkyouwillhavein_x?39.howwillyouovercomethedifficulties?40.doyouthinkyouwillbeabletocopewithenglish-demandsofyourintendedstudyprogram?41.whatdifficultiesdoyouthinkyoullencounterinyourstudies?42.whatdoyouintendtostudy?43.whydidyouchooseouruniversity?44.wouldyouwant to be a volunteer during olympic games?45.if there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?46.shouldyoustudymoretheoryordomorepractice?giveyourreasons,please.47.whatdoyo
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