已閱讀5頁,還剩29頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語一級(jí)模擬98公共英語一級(jí)模擬98第一部分 聽力理解第一節(jié) 圖片判斷 在本節(jié)中,你將聽到10個(gè)句子。每句話配有A 、B 、C 三幅圖片,請(qǐng)選擇與句子內(nèi)容相符合的一幅圖片,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。每句話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便選擇圖片并看下一組圖片。每句話讀兩遍。 下面,請(qǐng)聽這些對(duì)話。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1.答案:C解析F: The police said that the truck driver was drunk when the accident took place.

2、本題圖片為交通工具或者運(yùn)輸工具,因此考查的是交通方式或者運(yùn)輸方式。句中出現(xiàn)了the truck driver(卡車司機(jī))一詞,因此本題選C 。2.答案:A解析M: Its said that the price of eggs will go up from next week.圖片為三種不同的食品,聽音時(shí)注意聽清相關(guān)的食品名詞即可。句中提到的食品名稱是(the price of eggs,因此答案是A 。3.答案:B解析F: The term exam will be held next Tuesday, and I have to prepare for it.本題為日期聽音題。句中出現(xiàn)的

3、時(shí)間狀語是next Tuesday(下星期二),因此答案是B 。4.答案:A解析M: My girlfriend sent me a nice watch as a gift for my twentieth birthday.本題圖片為三種用品,聽音時(shí)應(yīng)注意聽清與這些用品相應(yīng)的名詞。句中提到的是a nice watch (精致的手表),因此答案是A 。5.答案:A解析F: Excuse me, sir, but you cannot smoke here.三個(gè)圖片都為禁止性標(biāo)志,因此考生主要是聽清否定詞和被否定的動(dòng)詞。句中出現(xiàn)的是can not smoke(禁止吸煙),因此答案無疑是A 。

4、(如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 6.答案:C解析M: Theres a hole in the trousers I just bought here yesterday. Can you change a new pair for me?本題圖片是穿戴用品。句子較長,但由其中的(in the)trousers(長褲)及后面的a new pair即可知要選C 。其余兩項(xiàng)都不用pair修飾。7.答案:B解析F: It seems your brother enjoys playing basketball, doesnt he?三張圖片都表示的是運(yùn)動(dòng),因此考生主要聽清相應(yīng)的運(yùn)動(dòng)名詞或者

5、動(dòng)詞。句中出現(xiàn)的是playing basketball(打籃球),因此選B 。8.答案:B解析M: My pet dog, Kaka, usually sits aside quietly when we are at table.由圖片可以看出,本題考查的是位置關(guān)系,因此聽音時(shí)主要是聽清句中表示位置的一些介詞或者副詞等。本題句中出現(xiàn)的是sit aside(坐在旁邊),且后面又出現(xiàn)了table一詞,結(jié)合起來可知應(yīng)選B 。9.答案:A解析F: I worked in a supermarket as a sales manager three years ago.選項(xiàng)圖片為地點(diǎn),而句中直接提到了

6、地點(diǎn)supermarket(超市),因此答案是A 。10.答案:C解析M: Dear, Mr Smith just called you at half past seven, he wants to visit us this evening.本題為時(shí)間數(shù)字聽音題。句中出現(xiàn)的時(shí)間數(shù)字是half past seven(7點(diǎn)半),選項(xiàng)中只有C 表示的是這一時(shí)刻。第二節(jié) 對(duì)話理解 在本節(jié)中,你將聽到15段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話有一個(gè)問題。請(qǐng)從A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出答案,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。每段對(duì)話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便回答問題和閱讀下一問題及其選項(xiàng)。每段對(duì)話讀兩遍。 下面,請(qǐng)聽這些對(duì)話。 (如需獲

7、取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. How much does a new bed cost according to(按照,根據(jù)) the woman?A.$146.B.$158.C.$156.答案:B解析M: I bought a secondhand bed for $122.F: If you spend $ 36 more, you can get a new one.本題需要在聽清數(shù)字的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行簡單的計(jì)算。男士說用122美元買了一張二手床,女士說再多花36美元就可以買一張新床,所以新床價(jià)格是158美元。2. When does Wang Lin usually begin h

8、is classes?A.At 8: 00.B.At 7:50.C.At 8:10.答案:A解析F: What does Wang Lin usually do at 8:00?M: He usually begins his classes.對(duì)話中女士問Wang Lin在8點(diǎn)鐘通常做什么,男士回答說那時(shí)他開始上課。本題的難點(diǎn)在于題目信息中的開始上課與答案中的8點(diǎn)分別出現(xiàn)在兩個(gè)對(duì)話者的話語中,信息出現(xiàn)的順序相反,需要考生總體理解對(duì)話內(nèi)容。3. What does the man mean?A.He wag ts to get rid of his broken radio.B.He wants

9、 the womans husband to repair his radio.C.He wants the woman to repair the radio.答案:B解析F: My husband often repairs radios for people.M: Really? I just have a broken one.本題需要推斷。對(duì)話中女士說她丈夫經(jīng)常給別人修理收音機(jī),而男士先用really表明了自己的驚奇,然后說自己就有一臺(tái)壞的收音機(jī),由此可以推斷男士是想請(qǐng)女士的丈夫幫他修理收音機(jī),選B 。4. What does the man mean? A. He wants to

10、 sell his car.B. He likes his car. C. He wont sell his car. 答案:A解析F: I hear that you are going to sell your car.M: Yes. It looks good, but it doesnt work well.對(duì)話中女士先指出男士打算賣掉車子,男士則首先用yes肯定了女士的話,然后補(bǔ)充說明了原因,因此他當(dāng)然就是想賣掉車子,選A 。5. Who found the lost boy?A.Tom.B.A policeman.C.Toms youngest brother.答案:B解析F: H

11、ave you found your youngest brother, Tom?M: Yes. He was picked up by a policeman.對(duì)話中男士回答說:He was picked up by a policeman.指出他弟弟是被警察找到的??忌⒁獾氖穷}目中酌the lost boy指的就是對(duì)話中的your youngest brother (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 6. When will the mans uncle come?A.June 2nd.B.July 22nd.C.June 22nd.答案:C解析F: When will your

12、 uncle come?M: Next Friday, 22nd of June.本題為日期辨聽題。男士的回答中明確指出:22nd of June,C 只是表達(dá)上稍有不同。July與 June、2與22在讀音上差異都較大,關(guān)鍵還是聽清細(xì)節(jié)。7. Which floor does Linda live on?A.The fourth floor.B.The sixth floor.C.The fifth floor.答案:C解析M: Which floor do you live on, Linda?F: On the fifth floor.對(duì)話中男士問女士住在幾樓,女士回答說:On the

13、fifth floor直接指出自己是住在第5層。同樣,fifth與fourth、sixth的讀音差異都較大,辨聽并不困難。8. Who is the youngest of the three they are talking about?A.Jack.B.Kate.C.Mike.答案:C解析F: You know, Jack is younger than Kate.M: Yeah. But he is older than Mike.本題需要在聽清對(duì)話的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行推斷。女士說Jack比Kate小,男士回應(yīng)說he比Mike大,其中的he指代的就是女士話語中的主語Jack,可見三個(gè)人中Mike

14、最小。9. When was the building built?A.Several years ago.B.Twelve years ago.C.Twenty years ago.答案:B解析M: How old is that building?F: It was built twelve years ago.女士回答中twelve years ago表明他們談?wù)摰慕ㄖ镆延?2年的歷史了,題目與B 項(xiàng)只是表達(dá)上有所不同而已。10. Where is Miss Liu now?A.She is in the shop.B.She is on her way back home.C.Joh

15、n dont know where she is.答案:C解析F: Did you see Miss Liu this afternoon, john?M: Yes. I saw her on my way back home from the shop, but I dont know where she is now.對(duì)話中女士問男士見到Miss Liu沒有,男士肯定回答后補(bǔ)充說明:I dont know where she is now,即不知道她現(xiàn)在在哪里,選C 。注意on my way back home from the shop指的是John見到Miss Liu的地方,而不是Mi

16、ss Liu現(xiàn)在所處的地方。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 11. What is the time now?A.15:12.B.14:40.C.15:20.答案:C解析M: Do you have a watch, Jane?F: Oh, yes. My watch says its 15:20.本題考查的是時(shí)間數(shù)詞的聽音辨音。女士回答說:My watch says its 15:20因此選C 。注意twelve與twenty的辨音。12. What are they talking about?A.A book.B.A CD.C.A film.答案:A解析M: What is

17、the title?F: Gone with the Wind. Its famous. I have read it several times.由對(duì)話中男士話語中的title(標(biāo)題)及女士話語中的動(dòng)詞read(閱讀)即可推知他們談?wù)摰氖菚J聦?shí)上,Gone with the Wind是書名,即飄(或譯作隨風(fēng)而逝),是名著。13. Where does the conversation take place?A.In a hospital.B.In the street.C.In a bank.答案:B解析M: Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can g

18、et to the nearest hospital?F: Certainly. Go along and turn to the left at the third turning.本題提示對(duì)話地點(diǎn)的關(guān)鍵詞是go along、turn to the left,表明對(duì)話應(yīng)當(dāng)發(fā)生在大街上,男士是在向女士問路。而且,男士所用的Excuse me及女士回答的Certainly等常用詞都提示答案是B 。14. When will Jason do his homework?A.On Sunday.B.Today.C.On Saturday.答案:A解析F: Jason, look the clock.

19、 Its time to do your homework.M: But its Saturday today, mum! Im going to do it tomorrow.對(duì)話中男士回答:Im going to do it tomorrow表明他想明天做作業(yè);而其前面一句指出今天是星期六,那么明天就是星期天了,選A 。15. What are they doing?A.Having an important meeting.B.Making an appointment(約會(huì)).C.Checking the time.答案:B解析F: Shall we meet at a quarter

20、 past three?M: No, lets meet at a quarter to three.本題需要在理解對(duì)話內(nèi)容的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行推斷。女士問男士會(huì)面的時(shí)間,男士對(duì)她所說的時(shí)間進(jìn)行了修正,因此他們實(shí)際上是在討論約會(huì)的時(shí)間,選B 。第二部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空 閱讀下面的句子和對(duì)話,從A 、B 、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 問題:1. He didnt know _ is more difficult between maths and physics.A.whichB.thatC.where答案:A考查從句連接詞。填入的詞作主句的賓語和從句的主語,且含有疑問

21、意思,因此選which。注意that雖然也可作主、從句的主語和賓語,但它引出陳述句,不含疑問義。where只作從句的地點(diǎn)狀語。問題:2. He said that I should always try hard and never _.A.get upB.give upC.put up答案:B考查固定搭配。get up起床;give up放棄;put up樹立,忍受。由句意特別是空格前的never (永遠(yuǎn)不)可知應(yīng)選B 。問題:3. I have _ homework to do this evening.A.too muchB.much tooC.too many答案:A考查副詞用法。副詞

22、too與much連用修飾名詞時(shí),too必須放在much之前,指“太多”。注意這里too不是與后面的to連用構(gòu)成too.to.結(jié)構(gòu)。問題:4. Usually Simon spends _ time doing homework than Daniel does.A.littleB.fewC.less答案:C考查限定詞與比較級(jí),由空格后的than可知此處應(yīng)用比較級(jí)形式,選C 。little和less修飾不可數(shù)名詞,few修飾可數(shù)名詞。問題:5. - _ ?- Only 5. It is very cheap.A.What time is itB.How much is itC.How many

23、do you want答案:B考查表達(dá)。詢問價(jià)錢用how much。問題:6. The teacher made us _ the words three times.A.sayB.to sayC.Saying答案:A考查動(dòng)詞用法。make是使役動(dòng)詞,其后用不帶to的動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語補(bǔ)語??忌⒁獾氖钱?dāng)這種使役動(dòng)詞變成被動(dòng)語態(tài)時(shí),其賓語后的動(dòng)詞不定式中的to必須加上。問題:7. When everyone was _ , the meeting began in the meeting room.A.sitB.seatedC.seating答案:B考查動(dòng)詞用法,seat作動(dòng)詞時(shí),是及物動(dòng)詞,

24、用seat oneself或be seated表示“就座”。s訌是動(dòng)詞原形,不能用在be后;seating與be連用構(gòu)成進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài),其后應(yīng)跟賓語。問題:8. He forgot _ the bottle first before _ the medicine.A.to shake; takingB.shaking; to takeC.to shake; to take答案:A考查動(dòng)詞用法。首先,forget后可跟不定式或者動(dòng)詞的-ing形式,但前者表示沒有做,后者則表示做過了,只是忘記了,此處明顯表示的是“沒有搖瓶子”,因此要用不定式;其次before是介詞,其后應(yīng)跟 (動(dòng))名詞,不能跟不定式。

25、結(jié)合這兩個(gè)方面可知應(yīng)選A 。問題:9. - Whats one-fourth and a half, do you know?- Yes, its _.A.three-fourthsB.three-fourthC.three fours答案:A考查分?jǐn)?shù)的表達(dá)。分?jǐn)?shù)在表達(dá)時(shí),分子用基數(shù)詞、分母用序數(shù)詞;當(dāng)分子不是1時(shí),分母的序數(shù)詞要加上-s。因此,正確的表達(dá)是A 。問題:10. Some people think that CD-ROMs will soon be _ books.A.as more popular asB.as popular thanC.more popular than答案

26、:C考查比較級(jí)別。as.as是同級(jí)比較,其中的形容詞或副詞要用原形;than表示的是不等級(jí)比較,其中的形容詞或副詞要用比較級(jí)。兩者不能混用。選項(xiàng)中搭配正確的是C 。問題:11. The thief was caught _ he was leaving the shop.A.afterB.asC.before答案:B考查連詞用法。after表示“在之后”,as表示“當(dāng)時(shí)”,before表示“在.之前”。A 、C 都表示主從句的動(dòng)作發(fā)生有先后,從句謂語一般用過去時(shí)態(tài);B 強(qiáng)調(diào)主從句動(dòng)作同時(shí)進(jìn)行,從句謂語一般用進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。因此本題選B 。問題:12. Bob likes playing _ tabl

27、e tennis but his sister likes play _ piano.A.the; theB.the;/C./; the答案:C考查冠詞用法。動(dòng)詞play不但可用于指玩球類和體育活動(dòng),還可指玩或演奏樂器。但是球類名詞前不用定冠詞,而樂器名前一般要用定冠詞the。因此本題答案是C 。問題:13. - Could you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?- _.A.All rightB.CertainlyC.yes, I could答案:B在肯定回答別人用Could you.提出的、要求幫忙的詢問時(shí),一般用OK或Certainly、Sure

28、等。C 雖然語法上正確,但不符合表達(dá)習(xí)慣。問題:14. The suitcase looks too heavy for the lady to carry. Lets go to help her, _ ?A.do weB.shall weC.will you答案:B考查反意問句。用let與第一人稱復(fù)數(shù)us引出的祈使句的反意部分有兩種形式:Lets.后用shall we,強(qiáng)調(diào)一起行動(dòng);Let us.后用will you,強(qiáng)調(diào)是別人允許說話者行動(dòng)。本題由Lets引出,因此其反意部分應(yīng)為B 。問題:15. From her words we realized that she was reall

29、y looking forward to _ us.A.hearing fromB.hearing aboutC.hear from答案:A考查動(dòng)詞固定搭配。首先,look forward to(期待)中的to是介詞,其后應(yīng)用動(dòng)詞的-ing形式;其次,hear指“聽到”,hear from指“收到的來信”,hear about指“聽說”。結(jié)合句意可知應(yīng)選A 。第二節(jié) 完型填空 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的A 、B 、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful

30、(有害的). Fire can keep your house 1 ,give light and cook food. But fire can bum things, 2 . Big fire can bum trees, houses, animals or people. Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are 3 interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is 4 a man. The man 5 a very lo

31、ng time ago. He went up the sun and 6 fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes like to play with 7 . But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn 8 , and than it could burn a house. A small fire can turn into a big fire very quickly. So you 9 be

32、careful with matches. Be careful with fire, and it will (50) you. But if you arent careful with fire, it may hurt you. 1.A.warmB.coolC.warmer答案:A考查形容詞辨義與上下文理解。warm暖和的;cool涼爽的,warmer是比較級(jí)。本句主語是 fire,根據(jù)常識(shí)可知它可使房間暖和,且沒有比較義,故選A 。2.A.alsoB.tooC.either答案:B考查副詞用法。also與too都含“也,還”義,但前者一般用于句中,后者多用于句末,且其前用逗號(hào)與其他句

33、子成分隔開。本題前有逗號(hào),因此選B 。either用于否定句和疑問句。3.A.manyB.muchC.little答案:A考查限定詞。many修飾可數(shù)名詞,much和little都修飾不可數(shù)名詞。本題修飾的是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式stories(故事),因此用many。4.A.overB.aboutC.around答案:B考查介詞辨義,over指“超過”;about指“關(guān)于,大約”;around指“大約,在周圍”。句子主語是one,指的是前文提到的story,空格后是a man,屬于故事的內(nèi)容,因此選介詞about。5.A.workedB.learnedC.lived答案:C考查動(dòng)詞辨義與上下文理解

34、。work工作;learn學(xué)會(huì),了解;live生活。由文意可知這里指的是這個(gè)人生活在很久以前,因此選C 。6.A.bringB.to bringC.brought答案:C考查動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)。由空格前的and可知這里是與前面went up并列的謂語動(dòng)詞,因此時(shí)態(tài)應(yīng)與前面一致,用一般過去時(shí)態(tài),選C 。7.A.themB.itC.him答案:A考查指代一致。由句意可知填入的詞應(yīng)指代前文的可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式matches,因此用them,不能用“或者h(yuǎn)im。8.A.a paperB.one paperC.a piece of paper答案:C考查名詞的數(shù)。paper是不可數(shù)名詞,不能用a和one直接修飾,而

35、應(yīng)用a piece of修飾。9.A.canB.mustC.will答案:B考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。can指“能夠”,表示的是有能力;must指“必須”,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是義務(wù)will只表意愿和將來、由句意可知這里語氣很強(qiáng),表示的是一種告誡,因此選must。10.A.helpB.hopeC.tell答案:A考查動(dòng)詞辨義。help幫助,hope希望,tell告訴。由句意不難推知這里指“火能幫助你”。hope不能只跟人作賓語。第三部分 閱讀理解第一節(jié) 詞語配伍 從上欄所給選項(xiàng)中選出與下欄各項(xiàng)意義相符的選項(xiàng)。 A. summer B. night C. winter D.autumn E.post office F.b

36、us G.house 1. It is a season when leaves fall.答案:D關(guān)鍵詞是Season(季節(jié))和leaves fall(樹葉掉落)。樹葉掉落的季節(jié)秋天。2. It is the coldest season of a year.答案:C關(guān)鍵詞是coldest season(最冷的季節(jié))。一年中最寒冷的季節(jié)冬天。3. It is a place for people to live in.答案:G關(guān)鍵詞是place(地點(diǎn))和live in。人們住的地方房子。4. It is the time without sun and for people to sleep

37、.答案:B關(guān)鍵詞是without sun(沒有太陽)和sleep。沒有太陽、人們睡覺的時(shí)候晚上。5. It is a place where you can send letters.答案:E關(guān)鍵詞是place和send letters(寄信)。你可以寄信的地方郵局。第二節(jié) 短文理解 1 閱讀下面短文,從A (Right)、B (Wrong)、C (Doesn Say)三個(gè)判斷中選擇一個(gè)正確選項(xiàng)。 Happy Fathers Day The idea for Fathers Day started in 1901. A woman named Sonora Dodd thought about

38、 starting a Fathers Day holiday while she was listening to a Mothers Day speech at church. She wanted a special day to give her father, William Smart. Mr Smarts wife died while she was giving birth to their sixth child. He raised the baby and his other five children on a farm. When she became an adu

39、lt, Sonora Dodd understood how kind and loving her father had been while he was raising his six children alone. She believed her father had worked very hard to make sure his children grew up healthy and strong. Sonoras father was born in June So she chose to hold the first Fathers Day celebration(慶祝

40、) on June 19th, 1910. Since 1966 the third Sunday in June has become a national Fathers Day in America. In early times, people wore red roses to show respect for fathers who were still living and white flowers for fathers who had died. Today, Americans celebrate Fathers Day in many different ways. H

41、owever the holiday is celebrated, the idea is for children to let their father know that he is loved. 1. Sonora Dodd was a famous reporter in the USA.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C題句意為:“Sonora Dodd是美國一位著名的記者?!蓖ㄗx全文,發(fā)現(xiàn)短文談?wù)摰氖恰案赣H節(jié)”的來歷和這一節(jié)日的一些習(xí)俗,提到Sonora Dodd這個(gè)人只是交代她慶祝“父親節(jié)”的原因,說明她是這一節(jié)日的創(chuàng)始人,至于她本身是干什么工作

42、的文章并沒有交代,因此題句應(yīng)歸人“未提及”。2. Sonora Dodd held the first Fathers Day celebration in June, 1909.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B題句意為;“Sonora Dodd在1909年6月舉行了第一個(gè)父親節(jié)。”短文第二段最后一句指出,第一個(gè)父親節(jié)是在1910年舉行的:So she chose to hold the first Fathers Day celebration on June 19th,1910因此題句是錯(cuò)誤的。3. Early Americans wore flowers

43、 to show respect for their fathers.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A題句意為:“以前的美國人戴花來向他們的父親表示尊敬。”短文第三段第二句指出,以前美國人戴紅玫瑰向健在的父親、戴白花向已故的父親表示敬意,綜合起來就是題句的意思,因此題句是對(duì)的。4. In the past many different ways were used to show respect for fathers on Fathers Day.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B題句意為:“過去在父親節(jié)向父親們表示敬意有許多

44、不同的方式”。短文最后一段第二句只指出了以前美國人用戴花的形式向父親表示敬意,而在第三句指出如今才有多種不同的方式,故題句錯(cuò)誤。5. The text mainly tells us something about the history of Fathers Day in America.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A題句意為:“文章主要介紹了美國父親節(jié)的歷史?!眳⒁姷?6題分析。文章首先指出Sonora Dodd這個(gè)人創(chuàng)始父親節(jié)的原因及意義、第一個(gè)父親節(jié)的舉辦及其推廣,還涉及了過去與現(xiàn)在慶祝方式的不同等等,綜合起來都屬于父親節(jié)的歷史,因此題句是對(duì)的。第三

45、節(jié) 短文理解 2 閱讀下列短文,從A 、B 、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇一個(gè)正確答案。 One morning a mailman walked up to a house. He rang the bell. A moment later a window of the house opened, and a woman put her head out. Whats it? she wanted to know. Ive got a package(包裹) for Mrs Smith, the mailman said. Is it registered(掛號(hào)的)? the woman asked

46、. Yes, the mailman said. Is it a big package or a small package? the woman wanted to know next. Its quite a big package, the mailman told her. I see. The woman thought for a minute, then she said, Who is it from? The mailman looked at the return address on the hack of the package Its from Jones and

47、Jones in London, he said. Now the woman was very interested. From Jones and Jones, eh? she said. Thats a very expensive shop. Whats in the package? Madam, the mailman said, becoming quite angry with the woman, I dont know. Why dont you come down and take the package from me, then you can open it and

48、 find out? Oh, I cant do that, the woman said. Why not? the mailman said. Because Im not Mrs Smith, she said. Youve come to the wrong house. Mrs Smith lives next door. 1. How did the woman know that a mailman came?A.The mailman rang the bell.B.The mailman knocked at the door.C.The mailman shouted.答案

49、:A細(xì)節(jié)題。短文第一段第二句描述郵遞員的行為時(shí)指出:He rang the bell(他按了門鈴)。本題電可由常識(shí)得出答案。2. Why was the mailman annoyed(生氣的)?A.Because the woman was hungry.B.Because the woman only asked questions and didnt come down to take the package.C.Because the woman didnt open the door and let him in.答案:B分析推理題。文章開頭部分做了許多的鋪墊,描述那位婦女盤問郵遞員

50、的情形。而在倒數(shù)第四段指出郵遞員很生氣,并用直接引語表達(dá)了他生氣的原因:Why dont you.fond out?即他生氣是因?yàn)槟俏粙D女不停地盤問卻不下來取包裹,選B 。3. Did the woman know what was in the package?A.No, she didnt.B.Yes, because the mailman told her.C.Yes, because she knew what kind of shop Jones and Jones was.答案:A分析推理題。文章倒數(shù)第五段指出,那名婦女在聽說寄包裹的是Jones and Jones后很感興趣,雖

51、然她知道那是個(gè)很貴的商店,但由她詢問的一句:Whats in the package?可知她并不清楚包裹里面到底是什么,因此答案是A 。4. Why did the woman ask so many questions?A.Because she never saw the mailman before.B.Because she never received a package before.C.Because she was curious.答案:C分析推理題。文章最后通過那位婦女的話指出她并不是收包裹的人,Mrs Smith是她的鄰居。而由她不停地盤問郵遞員包裹的相關(guān)信息及常識(shí)完全可推

52、知她是由于好奇心才那樣做的,選C 。5. What can we learn about Mrs Smith from the text?A.She was the womans neighbor.B.She ordered something from Jones and Jones.C.Both of the above.答案:C分析推理題。由文章第三段可知包裹是Mrs Smith的,而由最后一段可知Mrs Smith是那位婦女的鄰居,因此A 、B 兩項(xiàng)都是正確的,選C 。 6. Which city had the largest population in 2000?A.Mumbai.

53、B.New York.C.Tokyo.答案:C細(xì)節(jié)題。由于2000年的人口數(shù)是用左邊淺色的柱狀表示的,因此只要對(duì)照左邊柱狀上方的數(shù)字即可。東京是26.4 million,為2000年人口最多的城市。7. Which citys population will increase fastest from 2000 to 2015?A.Kolkata.B.Mumbai.C.Mexico City.答案:B分析推理題。本題有兩種答題方法:一是將每個(gè)城市兩年的人口數(shù)對(duì)比得出增長率;二是直接觀察柱狀圖,對(duì)比各個(gè)城市左右兩個(gè)柱圖之間的差距,差距最大的增長率也最大。相對(duì)而言,后者明顯要容易一些,很快就可發(fā)現(xiàn)Mumbai這個(gè)城市的兩個(gè)柱狀間的差距最大。8. Whats the increased population of Kolkata from 2000 to 2015


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