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1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語一級模擬43公共英語一級模擬43第一部分 聽力理解第一節(jié) 圖片判斷 在本節(jié)中,你將聽到10個句子,每句話配有A、B、C三幅圖片,請選擇與句子內(nèi)容相符合的一幅圖片,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。每句話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便選擇圖片并看下一幅圖片。每句話讀兩遍。 下面請聽這些句子。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1.答案:A聽力原文F: We will wait for you at the bus stop.詳細解答 圖片A是公共汽車站臺,圖片B是火車站,圖片C是飛機場。2.答案:A聽力原文

2、M: She is pleased with my work.詳細解答 圖片A是高興,圖片B是生氣,圖片C是傷心。3.答案:B聽力原文F: We often have fish for lunch.詳細解答 圖片A是米飯,圖片B是魚,圖片C是面包。4.答案:A聽力原文M: It was a quarter to five when I got to the cinema yesterday afternoon.詳細解答 圖片A是4:45,圖片B是5:00,圖片 C是4:30。5.答案:A聽力原文F. He lost his umbrella again.詳細解答 圖片A是丟了雨傘,圖片B是丟了

3、自行車,圖片C是丟了鉛筆。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 6.答案:B聽力原文I ordered a glass of beer.7.答案:A聽力原文Wang Fang is good at math.8.答案:B聽力原文I had rice for lunch yesterday.9.答案:A聽力原文You can rest in the shadow of the tree,10.答案:C聽力原文At the end of the street theres a bookstore.第二節(jié) 對話理解 在本節(jié)中,你將聽到15個對話,每段對話后有一個問題。請從A、B、C三個選項中選

4、出答案,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。每段對話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便回答問題和閱讀下一問題及其選項。每段對話讀兩遍。 下面請聽這些對話。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1. What does the man mean?A.The train is always late.B.The train is arriving at 9:30.C.The train is already late.答案:C聽力原文W: The train will arrive at 9 oclock.M: Nine oclock!But its already 9:30.Q: What does the ma

5、n mean?句意 男士的話是什么意思?對話中女士說“火車九點到?!蹦惺空f“九點!可現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)九點半了?!彼运囊馑际腔疖囈呀?jīng)晚點了。故C項正確。2. What will happen?A.They will have dinner together this evening.B.The man will have dinner alone.C.The woman will have dinner with someone else.答案:A聽力原文M: Im calling to ask if youd like to have dinner with me this eveningW: W

6、hy not? Where?Q: What will happen?句意 會發(fā)生什么事?對話中男士問女士是否愿意和他一起吃晚飯,女士回答“為什么不呢?在哪里?”由此判斷兩個人會一起吃晚飯。故A項正確。3. What will the woman do?A.She will tell Mike her problem.B.She will find out Mikes problem.C.She will tell Mike how to solve the problem.答案:A聽力原文W: Mike. Ive got a problem.M: Whats that?Q: What will

7、 the woman do?句意 接下來女士會做什么?對話中女士說“我有個問題?!蹦惺繂枴笆裁磫栴}?”這表明男士對女士的問題感興趣,所以女士會把她的問題告訴男士。故A項正確。4. What will the man do next?A.Say he was sorry to ask.B.Try to find another seat.C.Sit down.答案:C聽力原文M: Do you mind if I sit here?W: Of course not.Q: What will the man do next?句意 接下來這位男士會做什么?對話中男士問“你介意我坐在這里嗎?”女士回答

8、“當然不?!庇纱伺袛嗄惺繒聛?。故C項正確。5. What does Lisa mean?A.She couldnt answer the phone.B.She didnt want to answer the phone.C.She would answer the phone after she finished washing her hair.答案:A聽力原文M: The phone is ringing. Lisa, answer the phone.W: But Dad, Im washing my hair.Q: What does Lisa mean?句意 麗薩的話是什么意

9、思?對話中爸爸讓麗薩去接電話,麗薩說“可是,爸爸,我在洗頭?!彼谙搭^,當然不方便接電話。故A項正確。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 6. Which floor does Linda live on?A.The fourth floor.B.The fifth floor.C.The sixteenth floor.答案:B聽力原文M: Which floor do you live on, Linda?W: On the fifth floor.7. What is the woman doing?A.She is doing her homework.B.She is wr

10、iting a letter.C.She is washing her clothes.答案:B聽力原文M: Would you please help me with my English?W: Ill be glad to. But I must finish the letter first.8. What Will the man do?A.He will borrow the watch from the woman.B.He will buy the watch for the woman.C.He will repair the watch for the woman.答案:C聽

11、力原文W: Can you repair my watch in an hour?M: Sorry, I need at least two hours.9. Who is the tallest?A.Bob.B.Tom.C.Mike.答案:C聽力原文W: Of the three boys, who is the tallest one?M: Mike is much taller than Bob and Tom.10. What does the man mean?A.Mr. White is still living in the village.B.Mr. White has mov

12、ed to a big city.C.Mr. White no longer lives in this world.答案:C聽力原文W: Does Mr. White still live in your village?M: No, he died three years ago. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 11. Why isnt Tom going to the cinema?A.He doesnt like the film.B.He likes to see a doctor.C.He is ill.答案:C聽力原文W: Shall we go to the cin

13、ema, Tom?M: Im afraid I cant make it today. I have to go and see the doctor.12. What is Susan doing?A.She is looking for a pen.B.She is reading something.C.She is playing.答案:A聽力原文W: Have you seen my pen, Tony?M: Look at that one on the desk, Susan. Maybe its yours.13. What does Jack like?A.He likes

14、reading.B.He likes listening to the radio.C.He likes watching TV and listening to music.答案:C聽力原文W: Do you enjoy watching TV, Jack?M: Of course, and listening to music, too.14. Whats the time now?A.11:40.B.11:55.C.12:15.答案:A聽力原文W: When will the plane take off?M: At five to twelve. You have to wait an

15、other fifteen minutes.15. What are they talking about?A.They are talking about the radio problem.B.They are talking about the picnic.C.They are talking about the weather.答案:C聽力原文W: Its rather warm, isnt it?M: Yes, but I listened to the radio this morning. Its going to be cooler later on.第二部分 英語知識運用第

16、一節(jié) 單項填空 閱讀下面的句子和對話,從A、B、C三個選項中選出一個能填入空白處的最佳選項。 問題:1. Im surprised to see you drinking coffee; you_drink tea.A.usedB.are used toC.used to答案:C句意 看到你喝咖啡我有些吃驚;你過去常喝茶。本題考查的是短語used to?!皍sed to+動詞”表示過去習(xí)慣做而現(xiàn)在不做的事。選項中的are used to的原形是be used to,表示習(xí)慣于。兩者不可混淆。故選項C正確。問題:2. There are other three hospitals _ this

17、one in this city.A.exceptB.besidesC.with答案:B詳細解答 此題考查介詞。此句意為:除了這個醫(yī)院以外,這個城市還有三個醫(yī)院。besides意為:除以外還有,包括;而except意為:除開,不包括。問題:3. _a teacher and some students in the classroom.A.There areB.There hasC.There is答案:A考查主謂一致。這是個There be句型,be要用單數(shù)還是復(fù)數(shù)形式應(yīng)由后面表語的數(shù)的形式?jīng)Q定。本題中表語顯然是復(fù)數(shù),故要用are。注意,不能因為緊鄰空格的是單數(shù)a teacher而用is。問

18、題:4. He took a job in his spare time in order to _ some experience.A.winB.gainC.checked答案:B解析 此題考查近義詞辨析。win意為“贏得”, gain意為“增加,獲得”。問題:5. Turn _ the radio, please, I want to listen to the weather report.A.inB.onC.to答案:B解析 turn in:上繳,交出;turn on:打開,旋開(電燈、自來水、煤氣、無線電等);turn to:轉(zhuǎn)向,求助于。根據(jù)第二句的語境,可知選項B是正確答案。問題

19、:6. - How _ will he be back? - In two days. A.longB.soonC.often答案:B精析 句意 一要多久他才能回來?兩天。本題考查的是時間副詞的 用法。選項中l(wèi)ong與how連用構(gòu)成how long表示“多長時間,多久”;how soon表示“多少時間之后”;how often表示“多長時間一次”。根據(jù)句意 選項B正確。問題:7. I am looking forward to _ from you.A.receiveB.hearingC.receiving答案:B名師解析 本題考查“l(fā)ook forward to”的用法。由于to為介詞,后面

20、應(yīng)加名詞或動名詞結(jié)構(gòu),故可先排除選項A,又由于本題要表達“等待你的來信”的意思,所以空格處應(yīng)填“heating”構(gòu)成短語“hear from”表示“接到的信”。故選B。問題:8. My wife often forgets _ the door, but she remembered _ it when she left yesterday.A.closing; closeB.closing; to closeC.to close; closing答案:C解析 本題考查不定式與動名詞的區(qū)別。forget和remember后面都既可以接不定式,又可接動名詞,但意思不同。接不定式時,意思是指“忘記

21、(記住)去做某事”;接動名詞時,意思是指“忘了 (記得)曾做過某事”。本題前半部分意思是說“忘記關(guān)門”,后半句是說“記得關(guān)上了”。問題:9. _ this kind of telephone made in China?A.WillB.AreC.Is答案:C問題:10. Please ask Jim _ a picture here.A.to bringB.to takeC.bring答案:A解析 此題中有一固定的詞組ask sb. to do sth.,首先可以排除C;根據(jù)本句的意思“讓他帶一張照片來”,可知答案為bring, take的意思是“帶走”。問題:11. I really don

22、t know _.A.when startedB.when to startC.when start答案:B問題:12. The girl was heard _ upstairs.A.to singB.singC.singing答案:C解析 本題考查賓語補足語。hear sb. doing sth. 意為“聽見某人正在做”。本句是被動語態(tài),sb. be heard doing sth. 。問題:13. The ground is wet. It _have rained last night.A.mustB.canC.should答案:A解析 本題考查情態(tài)動詞的用法。所以答案為A。而shou

23、ld表示猜測時一般用在否定句和疑問句中。知識拓展情態(tài)動詞除了should表示“意愿、應(yīng)該”的意思外,還可以用來表示說話人吃驚、詫異的情緒,可以翻譯為“竟然”。might,could,can都沒有此項意思,再比如,It is unbelievable that he should have left without asking for a leave真難以相信,他竟然不請假就走了。should have done表示本應(yīng)該做卻沒有做。如:You should have come earliercan和could的區(qū)別:can和could都是情態(tài)動詞,都和動詞原形構(gòu)成謂語。表示“能夠,做某事的能

24、力”時,兩者的意思差不多。can主要用在現(xiàn)在時態(tài)中,而could作為can的過去時,主要用在過去時態(tài)中。在表示“可能性”時,兩者的區(qū)別主要在語氣上。can表示推測的可能性更大,而could則表示可能性相對小點。could更常用于“請求、要求”中,語氣更委婉。問題:14. _ did the first man walk on the moon? In 1969. A.WhatB.WhereC.When答案:C解析 根據(jù)答句,可知問句問的是“人類是什么時候首次登上月球的”。問題:15. What are Mr. Green and Mrs. Green do now? They are. A.i

25、n breakfastB.at breakfastC.eating breakfast答案:C名師解析 由問句中“now”可知問的是“他們現(xiàn)在正在干什么?”回答應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在進行時。要表達“正在吃早餐”不能在breakfast前加上介詞in或at來表示,所以選項A、B均錯誤。只有選項C用現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)表示“他們正在吃早餐”。故選C。第二節(jié) 完型填空 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所組的A、B、C三個選項中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項。 My family planned 1 house tomorrow. But my father called me when I was in company. He s

26、aid today was a good day to move house. We needed to move 2 of things today. My boss told me we had to prepare three things 3 the new house. They were an ax(斧頭), three scallions(大蒜) and a boiler(鍋). Put the ax before the new 4 gate. Plant three scallions into a flowerpot (花盆). Put some water into th

27、e boiler and boil(燒) it. I have 5 the three things in the new house this afternoon. I went here this afternoon. The first thing was that I took my computer here. 6 now, there is music in all of rooms, I enjoy it 7 . The feeling was very good. Im 8 some old English songs now. Since I am interested 9

28、taking photos, so I took some photos about snow this morning. I will send one of them to 10 friends. 1.A.moveB.movingC.to move答案:C2.A.partB.partsC.a part答案:A3.A.toB.forC./答案:B4.A.housesB.houseC.houses答案:A5.A.doB.didC.done答案:C6.A.SoB.BecauseC.Since答案:A7.A.to myselfB.by myselfC.myself答案:C8.A.hearingB.

29、listening toC.listening答案:B9.A.atB.onC.in答案:C10.A.myB.mineC.me答案:A名師解析 本文是關(guān)于作者搬家的小作文。作者的父親計劃搬家,plan to do sth.是計劃做某事的意思,所以答案應(yīng)該是to move。他原計劃明天搬的,結(jié)果今天就打電話給作者,說今天是搬家的好日子。他說他們必須今天搬一部分,“一部分東西”應(yīng)該說part of things,比方說“一部分原因”是part of the reason,而parts of thing表示東西的每一個部分、零件;a part of thing表示東西的一個部分。作者的上司告訴他搬家必

30、須準備三樣?xùn)|西。這里準備東西是為了搬家,有個目的所在,所以該用介詞for。這三樣?xùn)|西是斧頭,三棵大蒜及一口鍋。將斧頭放在新家的門前,這里的門應(yīng)該是屬于新家的門,所以必須加s,表示所屬。將三顆大蒜裁入花盆,將水放入鍋內(nèi)燒開。作者在下午完成了這三樣事,前面有個助動詞have,因此這里的語法一定是完成時態(tài),必須用動詞的完成時,所以這里是have done。 第二段里,作者當天下午來到了這里,他做的第一件事就是把電腦帶來了,所以現(xiàn)在滿屋子都是音樂,這里根據(jù)文意是因果聯(lián)系,所以應(yīng)該用So。since now是從今往后的意思,并沒有表示“所以”。作者自己陶醉在音樂中,enjoy oneself就是盡情享受

31、的意思。這種感覺很好。作者現(xiàn)在正在聽一些英文老歌,前面有be動詞m,所以這里是現(xiàn)在進行時,必須用-ing形式,聽音樂是listen to music,listen是不及物動詞,后面必須跟介詞to才能加賓語,而hear是及物的,但表示“聽到”,而不是“聽”。 作者因為對拍照很感興趣,于是在那個早上拍了一些照片,感興趣是be interested in sth.doing sth.,應(yīng)該選介詞in。他會把其中一些照片寄給他的朋友?!拔业哪澄铩庇⒄Z相應(yīng)的應(yīng)該是my sth.,如my book。單獨“我的”是mine,比如說this book is mine(這本書是我的),me是賓格,非屬格,只代表

32、“我”,沒有“我的”意思。 第三部分 閱讀理解第一節(jié) 詞語配伍 從上欄所給選項中選出與下欄各項意義相符的選項。 A. washB. breakfastC. canD. greatE. copyF. behindG. Monday1. the first meal of a day答案:B2. at the back of答案:F3. try to do the same as others答案:E4. be able to答案:C5. make clean with water答案:A第二節(jié) 短文理解 1 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給問題的A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt S

33、ay)三個判斷中選出一個正確選項。 Many teenagers(青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members dont know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only

34、 go to their friends for some ideas. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication (交際)is very important in childrens growing up,

35、because friends can discuss (討論) something. These things are difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions: W

36、ho do you choose as your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents dont like? Your answers are welcome. 1. Many teenagers think that their friends can understand them better.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 答案在第一自然段第一、二句?!霸S多青少年認為,他們生活中

37、最重要的人是朋友。他們認為自己的家人并不像朋友那么了解他們?!?. To make friends and communication is very important to teenagers.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A 解析 答案在第二自然段。對于青少年來說,有一個或多個朋友是很重要的。交際在孩子們的成長中很重要。3. When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents, they usually stay alone at home.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.D

38、oesnt say.答案:B解析 答案在第二自然段三、四句。這種交際在孩子們的成長中很重要,因為在朋友之間可以時論的某些事情,很難對自己的家人講。所以,孩子們遇到很難對自己的父母講的事情時,就去找朋友。4. The sentence Your answers are welcome means Your answers are always right.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B 解析 本句意為“You are welcome to discuss the questions with us”。5. The writer thinks that pare

39、nts should try their best to understand their children better.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A 解析 答案在第三自然段。父母們經(jīng)常為他們的孩子選擇朋友,甚至阻止孩子們和好朋友們交往。很明顯,作者不同意這樣做。他認為,父母應(yīng)該多了解他們的孩子。第三節(jié) 短文理解 2 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給問題的A、B、C三個選項中選出一個正確答案。 請根據(jù)下面的短文回答以下各題。 Mr and Mrs Green lived in a big city, and one summer, they went to t

40、he country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much, because it was a quiet and clean place. One day they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old man. He lived on a farm, and he was sitting in the warm sun in front of his house. Mr. and Mrs. Green asked him, Do you like to live in th

41、is quiet place? The old man said, Yes, I do. Mr. Green said, What are the good things about it? The old man answered, Well, the people know each other. They often come and visit me, and I often go and visit them. And there are also many children here. Mr. Green said, Thats interesting. And what are

42、the bad things? The old man thought for a moment, and then said, Well, the same things really. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Green went to the country _.A.to see the old manB.to visit the quiet placeC.to spend their holiday答案:C2. Mr. and Mrs. Green enjoyed the country because _.A.it was far from the cityB.it was

43、quiet and cleanC.they had many friends there答案:B3. Mr. and Mrs. Green took a walk _.A.early in the morningB.in the afternoonC.after supper答案:A4. The old man liked _.A.to live in this quiet placeB.to go and live in a big cityC.to go out for a walk early in the morning答案:A5. Did the old man like the p

44、eople to come and visit him? _A.Yes, he didB.No, he didntC.Sometimes he did, but sometimes he didnt答案:C The Maryland Science Center is more than fun. You can enjoy the three floors of exciting things, watch the larger-than-life play on the 4th floor, and travel to other worlds, to faraway stars, on

45、the 5th floor. Dont just look. You are expected to feel, to turn, to push. Build your own house and learn why it stands or falls. Use computers to work out plans just as famous scientists have done. There is always something new to learn at the Maryland Science Center. Children and group visitors en

46、joy half price. The excitement of the Maryland Science Center does not end when you leave. Visit the Science Store for a gift youd like to keep. Electronic jewelry( 電子珠寶), games, books, and more-take part of the Science Center home with you. Information Where to call: 24 hour general(常規(guī)的) informatio

47、n(410)685 -5225 24 hour STARLINE night sky information (410)539 STAR Group visitor information (410) 685 2370 Hours: The Maryland Science Center is open 7 days a week ( except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day) Monday -Friday 10 a.m. -6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. -8 p.m. 6. What can visitors

48、do at the Maryland Science Center?A.Learn science by trying it out.B.Watch and take part in a play.C.Make gifts for their friends.答案:A解析 答案在第二自然段第一、二句。別只是看。這個科學(xué)中心期望你親自動手去感受一下。7. The Maryland Science Center stays open _.A.every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.B.almost all the weekdays and weekendsC.on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day答案:B解析 答案在文章的最后??茖W(xué)中心除感恩節(jié)和圣誕節(jié)以外,每天都開放。從星期一到星期五開放時間為10a.m.-6p.m.,從星期六到星期日開放時間為10 a.m. -8p.m.。8. By calling (410)685 -


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