新冀教版六年級英語下冊《Unit 1 SportsLesson 6 A Famous Football Player》教案_13_第1頁
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新冀教版六年級英語下冊《Unit 1 SportsLesson 6 A Famous Football Player》教案_13_第4頁




1、Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player教學背景分析教學內(nèi)容分析:本課為冀教版六年級下冊第一單元第六課。第一單元主要圍繞有關運動的話題展開。本課講的是貝利成長為“一代球王”的故事,與單元主題相關聯(lián)。學習者分析:本課的教學對象是小學六年級的學生,這些學生從三年級開始學習英語,已經(jīng)掌握了一些英語基礎知識,有了一定的自主學習的能力。本課的故事內(nèi)容不長,有一些詞匯沒有學過,但是可以聯(lián)系上下文猜測詞義,不影響學生理解故事。教學目標知識與技能目標1. 能在教師的幫助和圖片的提示下讀懂本課故事。2. 能在圖片和關鍵詞的提示下講述故事。學習策略目標1. 學生嘗試閱讀英語故事。2. 積

2、極運用所學英語進行表達和交流。3. 對所學內(nèi)容能主動預習。情感態(tài)度目標1. 學生敢于開口,表達中不怕出錯誤。2. 體會球王貝利的精神,初步感悟“愛好出勤奮,勤奮出人才”的道理。教學重難點教學重點:能在圖片和老師的幫助下讀懂故事。教學難點:能在圖片和關鍵詞的提示下講述故事。教學準備:多媒體、圖片教學過程I. Class Opening1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Huang.T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.2. ReviewT: First, Lets play a ga

3、me: do and guess. I need a volunteer. Who wants to come here? You do, others guess.T:What sport did she play?S:She played basketballfootballping-pong.(設計意圖:課前師生親切的問候可以拉近師生之間的距離,可以復習之前所學知識,同時將學生快速帶入到英語課堂中。)II. StoryStep 1: Pre-reading1. T: Good work. Today well learn a story about a famous football p

4、layer.T: Look, what can you see?S1: I can see a boy.S2: I can see a bottle.T: Yes. Its a kind of bottle. We call it “can.”T: The boy plays with the can, also he plays with the bottles and boxes. Why?Now read Part 1 and underline the answer.屏幕顯示Question: Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footb

5、alls?T: Who can read the question?T: Have you got the answer?Ss: Yes.S1: He liked to play football very much, but his parents couldnt buy him a football.T: Who can say it again?S2: .T: This time, read together.(板書play football)T: Why couldnt his parents buy him a football?S:s Because he was from a v

6、ery poor family.T: Read together, a very poor family.(板書)(設計意圖:通過預測的形式發(fā)散學生的思維,引導學生繼續(xù)學習故事的欲望。)2. T: Look here, what was the boy playing with?Ss: Football.T: Who gave him the football? Listen.(播放Part 2 音頻)(設計意圖:聽錄音為學生提供地道的語音、語調(diào),聽音后回答問題可以檢測學生的聽力理解水平。)T: Who gave him the football?Ss: The coach.T: Yes. L

7、ook here. He is a coach. Whats the meaning of coach?Ss: 教練。T: Yes. Who can read it?Ss: Coach.T: This line, one by one to read it.Ss: Coach .T: Now Ill show you some other pictures. Look! Whats he/she?He/She is a _.(設計意圖:通過不同的圖片呈現(xiàn)coach,讓學生在圖片中理解其含義,形象、直觀。)T: Why did the coach give him a football? Can

8、 you find the answer?(屏幕出示問題Why did the coach give the boy a football?)Ss: Because he thought that the boy would be a good player.T: Read together.Ss: .3. T: Good work! And from then on, the boy played football harder. AtChristmas time, he wanted to do something for the coach. What do peopledo at Ch

9、ristmas?S: Give gifts, go shopping, put up Christmas tree.T: What did the boy do? Read Part 3 silently and find the answer.(設計意圖:讓學生帶著問題默讀故事,有助于培養(yǎng)學生自主學習的能力。)Read and choose. What did he do for the coach at Christmas time?A: He bought a Christmas gift.B: He dug a hole for the Christmas tree.T: Which

10、one is right?S: B.T: Yes. He dug a hole for the Christmas tree.T: Here, dug is the past tense of dig(. 屏幕顯示dig.)Follow me, dig. Dig, dig, dig. (教師做動作)Whats the meaning?Ss: 挖。T: Why did he dig a hole? Could he buy a Christmas gift?Ss: No.T: He was from a very poor family.(指著板書說)T: What did he say?Ss:

11、 I cant buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree.T: How did the coach feel?Ss: He was very happy.T: What did he say?Ss: This is the best Christmas gift.T: Now you are the coach. Who can say it?S1: .T: Was the coach very happy? Who wants to try again?S2: .T: Now role-pla

12、y. One is the boy, the other is the coach. Work in pairs.(設計意圖:角色扮演可以發(fā)揮學生的主體作用,活躍課堂氣氛,激起學生的興趣。)4. T: Wonderful. What would the coach do and what would happen next? Please readPart 4 and find the answer.Q1: What did the coach do?Q2: What happened in 1958?Check the answer.Q1: The coach asked the boy t

13、o be a player on his football team.Q2: The boy and his team won the World Cup.T: Yes. He was famous around the world.T: In 1958, how old was the boy?S: He was 17.T: Yes, he was only 17. How old are you now?Ss: Im 11/12 years old.T: Five or six years later, you will be 17. At that time, you are study

14、ing in high school.The boy won the World Cup when he was 17. So he was very very great!5. T: Now do you know who the boy is?S: 貝利。T: Yes. He is Pelethe world famous footballplayer. And he is called “the king of football.”T: Now read the story by yourselves. Then lets do an exercise: match the pictur

15、es andthe sentences.(設計意圖:通過自讀故事,使學生對球王貝利有一個整體的了解和認識,同時為接下來的活動做鋪墊。)Step 2: Post-reading1. Match the pictures and the sentences.2. Tell the story.T: This time, lets retell the story in groups of four. You can look at the keywords onthe blackboard. Eg: pic 1, The boy liked to play football very much. He was from avery poor family, so he used boxes and bottles as his footballs. Clear?(設計意圖:通過不同的形式檢測學生對故事大意的理解程度。描述故事可以培養(yǎng)學生的語言組織能力和團隊合作意識。)3. T: What can you learn f


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