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1、簡(jiǎn)短英語歡迎詞范文【篇一:英語歡迎詞范文】 1. 寫一篇 welcome speech. 內(nèi)容為:你代表海南大學(xué)園藝園林 /土木建筑工程學(xué)院,歡迎新一屆研究生新生的到來,并對(duì)海南大學(xué)和學(xué)院進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)介,最后表達(dá)你的祝愿。 2. 寫一篇 farewell speech. 內(nèi)容為:你代表海南大學(xué)園藝園林 /土木建筑工程學(xué)院全體研究生,歡送來自美國(guó)哈佛大學(xué)的布朗教授,對(duì)他在海大期間所作的學(xué)術(shù)演講和給予學(xué)術(shù)研究上的指導(dǎo)表示感謝,并表達(dá)你的祝愿。ladies and gentlemen, first of all , please allow me to express a warm welcome to

2、youon behalf of our school of civil engineering architecture ofhainan university. we have been looking forward to seeing youfor a long time.it is a very nice day today. located on the island of hainan, hainan university is the onlycomprehensive university in this province. located in thecapital city

3、 of haikou in hainan province, hainan university isbounded by qiongzhou strait to the north and nandu jiang riverto the south. the campus is characterized by its tropical marineshoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulatingexpanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the sunshine.hainan universi

4、ty covers 150 hectares of land, offering an idealsurrounding for learning and growing in a domain of wisdom.our school is relatively small between all school of ouruniversity. but it is one of the most popular profession. since we are already here, lets make ourselves at home. thankyou very much.lad

5、ies and gentlemen, first of all, i wish to thank you all for the speech you havegiven us in the past days. you have kept good time on alloccasions, which made things a lot easier . also, you havebeen kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do betterin the area of academic research. i ketod ali

6、dd that you arethe best friends we ve ever been with.once again, thank you for your speech and guide.enjoy your voyage!【篇二:英文歡迎詞】good afternoon ladies and gentlemen ! first let me introduce myself.my name is mina ,a student fromnanjing audit university .im honored to have this opportunityto welcome

7、dear guests from skema business school . an old chinese saying may express our hospitality: “here comefriends afar, exceedingly how happy we are! ” your visit makesour campus full of fragrance and passion despite of theextremely cold weather. this also marks the friendship betweenskema business scho

8、ol and nanjing audit university is just likea ship which is advancing through the huge waves and winds.the communication will promote the internationalizationprocess between the two schools. therefore, please allow meto express the sincere greetings and warm welcome to ourhonorable guests on behalf

9、of all the teachers and students ofour school. to all of you who just arrive at our school , i knowthere are a lot of things new to you. you may be excited, maybe amazed by the differences and even a bit confused.it istotally understandable and expected. but there is one thing wewant you to know tha

10、t you are all welcomed here with warmarms and hearts! there is no doubt we are totally two differentcultures and there are a lots of differences. however, the factthat you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing totakeinitiatives to learn more about our schools, our country andour cultu

11、re. as we all know, culture is not what runs in yourblood, but how you participate. since you have lived in suzhou for a long time ,i suppose thatyou are familiar with nanjing to some degree.located in theeastern part of china, nanjing is the capital of jiangsu provincewhich is developed in economy

12、and an important central cityon the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river.nowadays, nanjing has developed into a multiple-producingindustrial base in eastern china, an important hub oftransportation and communication center. nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes. it isone

13、 of the first 24 well-known historic and cultural citiesannounced by the state. dr.sun yat-sens mausoleum, the mingtomb, the ancient city wall of nanjing, the stone carvings ofsouthern tang dynasty,the rain flower terrace and other placesare the main scenic spots and historic sites. the easternsubur

14、bs scenic area, the qixia mountain, the xuanwu lake, themochou lake, the qinhuai river scenic belt and other scenicareas are well-known far and near. among them, dr. sun yat-sens mausoleum and the qinhuai river scenic belt are among40 best tourist scenic spots in china.today, we build a new cooperat

15、ion platform, and we will make anew contribution to the friendship and communicationbetween the two countries. may the friendship between skema and nau live forever. maythe two schools make great progress together. we sincerely hope our noble french guests will have a goodtrip in nanjing.thank you v

16、ery much!【篇三:英語歡迎詞、宴會(huì)詞、感謝詞范文】歡迎詞 1. 寫一篇 welcome speech. 內(nèi)容為:你代表海南大學(xué)園藝園林 /土木建筑工程學(xué)院,歡迎新一屆研究生新生的到來,并對(duì)海南大學(xué)和學(xué)院進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)介,最后表達(dá)你的祝愿。 2. 寫一篇 farewell speech. 內(nèi)容為:你代表海南大學(xué)園藝園林 /土木建筑工程學(xué)院全體研究生,歡送來自美國(guó)哈佛大學(xué)的布朗教授,對(duì)他在海大期間所作的學(xué)術(shù)演講和給予學(xué)術(shù)研究上的指導(dǎo)表示感謝, 并表達(dá)你的祝愿。welcome speech ladies and gentlemen, first of all, please allow me to

17、express a warm welcome to youon behalf of our school of civil engineering architecture ofhainan university. we have been looking forward to seeing youfor a long time. it is a very nice day today. located on the island of hainan, hainan university is the onlycomprehensive university in this province.

18、 located in thecapital city of haikou in hainan province, hainan university isbounded by qiongzhou strait to the north and naidu jiang riverto the south. the campus is characterized by its tropical marineshoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulatingexpanse of sea and lake waters rippling in t

19、he sunshine.hainan university covers 150 hectares of land, offering an idealsurrounding for learning and growing in a domain of wisdom.our school is relatively small between all schools of ouruniversity. but it is one of the most popular professions. since we are already here, lets make ourselves at

20、 home. thankyou very much.farewell speech ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for bulang professor to leave. it s a pity thatyou can not stay in hainan university any longer. allow me, onbehalf of our school of civil engineering architecture, then, totake this opportunity to say something by way

21、 of a farewell. first of all, i wish to thank you all for the speech you havegiven us in the past days. you have kept good time on alloccasions, which made things a lot easier. also, you have beenkind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in thearea of academic research. i d like to add

22、 that you are the bestfriends we ve ever been with.once again, thank you for your speech and guide.enjoy your voyage!宴會(huì)詞父母生日祝酒辭尊敬的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、各們長(zhǎng)輩、各們親朋好友:大家好! 在這喜慶的日子里,我們高興地迎來了敬愛的父親(母親) xx 歲的生日。今天,我們歡聚一堂,舉行父親(母親) xx 華誕慶典。這里, 我代表我們兄弟姐妹和我們的子女們大小共 xx 人,對(duì)所有光臨寒舍參加我們父親(母親)壽禮的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、長(zhǎng)輩和親朋好友們,表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝!我們的父親(母親)

23、幾十年含辛茹苦、勤儉持家,把我們一個(gè)個(gè)拉扯長(zhǎng)大成人。常年的辛勤勞作,他們的臉留下了歲月刻畫的年輪,頭上鑲嵌了春秋打造的霜花。所以,在今天這個(gè)喜慶的日子里,我們首先要說的就是,衷心感謝二老的養(yǎng)育之恩!我們相信,在我們弟兄姐妹的共同努力下,我們的家業(yè)一定會(huì)蒸蒸日上,興盛繁榮!我們的父母一定會(huì)健康長(zhǎng)壽,老有所養(yǎng),老有所樂!最后,再次感謝各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、長(zhǎng)輩、親朋好友的光臨!再次祝愿父親(母親)晚年幸福,身體健康,長(zhǎng)壽無疆!干杯!恩師壽宴祝酒辭各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、老同學(xué)們:值此尊敬的老師 xx 華誕之時(shí),我們歡聚一堂,慶賀恩師健康長(zhǎng)壽,暢談離情別緒,互勉事業(yè)騰飛,這一美好的時(shí)光,將永遠(yuǎn)留在我們的記憶里?,F(xiàn)在,我提議,

24、首先向教師敬上三杯酒。第一杯酒,祝賀老師華誕喜慶,第二杯酒,感謝老師恩深情重;第三杯酒,祝愿老師百歲高齡!一位作家說: “在所有的稱呼中,有兩個(gè)最閃光、最動(dòng)情的稱呼:一個(gè)是母親,一個(gè)是老師。老師的生命是一團(tuán)火,老師的生活是一曲歌,老師的事業(yè)是一首詩(shī)。 ”那么,我們的恩師 尊敬的教師的生命,更是一團(tuán)燃燒的火,教師的生活,更是一曲雄壯的歌,老師的事業(yè),更是一首優(yōu)美的詩(shī)。老師在人生的旅程上,風(fēng)風(fēng)雨雨,歷經(jīng)滄桑 xx 載,他的生命,不僅限血?dú)夥絼倳r(shí)噴焰閃光,而且在壯志暮年中流霞溢彩。老師的一生,視名利淡如水,看事業(yè)重如山?;叵?恩師當(dāng)年惠澤播春雨,喜看 桃李今朝九州競(jìng)爭(zhēng)妍。最后,衷心地祝愿恩師福如東海

25、,壽比南山!干杯!領(lǐng)導(dǎo)生日祝酒辭各位朋友、各位來賓:你們好! 今天是 xxx 先生的生日慶典,受邀參加這一盛會(huì)并講話,我深感榮幸。在此,請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我代表 xxx 并以我個(gè)人名義,向 xxx 先生致以最 衷心的祝福!xxx 先生是我們 xx 公司的重要領(lǐng)導(dǎo)核心之一。他對(duì)本公司的無私奉獻(xiàn)我產(chǎn)已有目共睹,他那份 “有了小家不忘大家 ”的真誠(chéng)與熱情,更是多次打動(dòng)過我們的心弦。他對(duì)事業(yè)的執(zhí)著同齡人為之感嘆,他的事業(yè)有成更令同齡人為之驕傲。 在此,我們祝愿他青春常在,永遠(yuǎn)年輕!更希望看到他在步入金秋之后,仍將傲霜斗雪,流香溢彩!人海茫茫,我們只是滄海一粟,由陌路而朋友,由相遇而相知,誰說這不是緣分?路漫漫,歲

26、悠悠,世上不可能還有什么比這更珍貴。我真誠(chéng)地希望我們能永遠(yuǎn)守住這份珍貴。在此,請(qǐng)大家舉杯,讓我們共同為 xxx 先生的 xxx 華誕而干杯!愛人生日祝酒辭各們朋友:晚上好!感謝大家來到今晚我太太的生日會(huì)!大家提議讓我講幾句,春實(shí)也沒什么事講的。你們從我一臉的燦爛足可以看出我內(nèi)心的幸福。那請(qǐng)大家容許我對(duì)我親愛的太太說上幾句。老婆,你 “抱怨 ”我不懂浪漫,其實(shí)看得出來你滿心歡喜;你說只要我有這份心,你就很開心。我們?cè)悄菢映錆M朝氣,帶著愛情和信任走入婚姻,我要感謝你,給了我現(xiàn)在擁有的一切 世上唯一的愛和我所依戀的溫馨小家!很多人說,再熱烈如火的愛情,經(jīng)過幾年之后也會(huì)慢慢消逝,但我們卻像傻瓜一樣執(zhí)著地堅(jiān)守關(guān)彼此的愛情,我們當(dāng)初鉤小指許下的約定,現(xiàn)在都在一一實(shí)現(xiàn)和體驗(yàn)。今生注定我是你的唯一,你是我的至愛,因?yàn)槲覀兪侵膼廴?,讓勻攜手一起漫步人生路,一起慢慢變老!愛你此生永無悔!最后,祝愿各位愛情甜蜜,事業(yè)如意,干杯!朋友生日祝酒辭各位來賓、各位親愛的朋友:晚上好!燭光輝映著我們的笑臉,歌聲蕩漾著我們的心潮。跟著金色的陽光,伴著優(yōu)美的旋律,我們迎來了 xx 先生的生日,在這里我謹(jǐn)代表各位好友祝 xx 先生生日快樂,幸福永遠(yuǎn)!在這個(gè)世界上,人不可以沒有父母,同樣也不可


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