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1、書(shū)山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無(wú)涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語(yǔ)言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語(yǔ)四級(jí)模擬(無(wú)語(yǔ)音,只提供參考125公共英語(yǔ)四級(jí)模擬(無(wú)語(yǔ)音,只提供參考125Section Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accom

2、pany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answer in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test book

3、let to ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW, as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a dialogue about a lost property. Listen and complete the sentences in questions 15 with the inf

4、ormation youve heard. Write not more than 5 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Where did this dialogue most Probably take place?答案: At the police station.解析 1-5M: can I help you, Madam?W: Well, I see

5、m to have lost my necklace.M: Im sorry to hear that. Well, at present nothing has been handed in. Ill have to fill out this lost and found report for you. Was it a necklace, you say? Where do you think you lost it?W: I think I must have lost it in the fitting-room where I was trying on my blouse.M:

6、But do you think you could give me some details?W: Ok. Its made of silver, with a pendant bearing my initials J. S. The pen dant has several tiny rubies on it.M: And what would it be worth?W: Well, it was quite expensive. Id say it was worth about twenty five thousand dollars.M: Did you say you went

7、 back home directly after you left that place?W: Yes, definitely. Well, what are you trying to tell me, officer?M: You see, Madam. Sometimes the lost property turns up in a different place.W: You mean.Oh, I got it. I have to check with the Taxi Company. I hope it will turn up there.M: I hope so, Mad

8、am. Could you leave us your address just in case someone hands it in?W: 133 Dorchester Road, apartment 3C.M: Your name and telephone number, please!W: Thoumas, Mrs. Edna Thomas, 938-7350. Thank you.M: You are welcome.2. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?答案: Police officer an

9、d madam.3. What was missing?答案: A necklace.4. The lady thought she lost it in答案: In the fitting-room.5. Her telephone number is答案: 938-7350.Part B You will hear a conversation about a crime. Answer questions 6-10 while you listen. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recordin

10、g twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the questions. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. What happened just now?答案: Robbery.解析 6-10M: Id like you to go over some of the things that you just witnessed at the bank.W: Well, I.just.I can remember basically what I said before. The man was tall, six feet, six feet

11、 one, and he had dark hair and moustache.M: All right. Did he have any other distinguishing mark? I mean scar, for example, anything like that?W: Scars. No, none of that I can remember.M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?W: Well, I guess.around 30 or maybe younger.M: Do you remember anyt

12、hing about what he might be wearing?W: Yes, he had on a dark sweater, a solid color.M: Ok. Anything else that struck you at the moment?W: I.I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater.M: Oh, very good. Now, can you tell us anything about the woman robber?W: Well, the big thing I rememb

13、er about her was that she did most of the talking. She had a gun pointed at us. She told us to lie down on the floor and not to move. I remember I just felt like she was pointing the gun right at me. She was wearing a wool sweater, a dark color knit, deep blue or black. I guess she was in her late t

14、wenties. Her hair was short, very short and curly.M: You remember how tall she was?W: About the same as myself around 514.M: Remember anything else about this woman?W: Yes I remember that woman was wearing a pendant or something at around her neck. I remember specifically, because my little boy star

15、ted to cry. And the woman came up to me and shouted and kicked up, so I got a good look at her.M: They either have any other noticeable characteristics. Now just take a moment to think about it.W: No.No. This is all I can remember.M: Did they either wear glasses?W: No.M: Thank you, Madam.2. What was

16、 the man wearing under the sweeter?答案: A light shirt.3. Why could the witness remember the woman so well?答案: She was close to her.4. The witness was as tall as答案: The woman robber.5. What is the most possible relationship between the two speakers?答案: Police officer and witness.Part C You will hear t

17、hree dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one. You will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answer. You will hear each piece once only. Questions 1113 are based o

18、n the following description of a scenic spot. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 1113. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. Why was the hall named Triple-Corn Ear Hall?A.It was named in pray for prosperity.B.Because official ceremonies used to be held here.C.Because the hall was very spacious.D.Because th

19、ere happened to be a good harvest of rice and wheat.答案:A解析 11-13 The spacious Tirple-Corn Ear Hall, with an implied meaning of prosperity, was used as the place for holding official ceremonies, and gatherings. A harvest of rice, wheat, corn, and fruits is carved on the window frames and beams. In th

20、e four comers of the corridor around the hall, one can see eight delicately carved windows. In the northeastern corner of the hall, there is a painting of pine and crane, framed artistically by four Chinese characters meaning fortune, prosperity, longevity and happiness. Behind the Hall stands a two

21、-storied pavilion. The lower floor is called Hall for Viewing the Mountain and the upper floor is called Pavilion of Rolling the Rain Curtain. The building looks elegant and charming, particularly the four uprising roof corners. A huge rockery stands opposite to the Hall for viewing the mountain wit

22、h a pond in between, showing the essential beauty of the garden. To the east of the Hall is a covered corridor called leading one gradually into the beautiful scenery. In front of the corridor, there sit two iron lions cast in the Yuan Dynasty in 1290. The middle section of the stone-floored corrido

23、r is a bridge under a roof. A long and narrow passage extends the corridor. To the left of the passage is a moon-shaped door above which there are the inscriptions Enjoying The Clean Stream Down The Hills, written by a famous calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zhi-Shan. On the stone wall at the e

24、nd of the passage there are characters The path twisting around the peaks, written by Wen Guo-Tin, a famous writer of the Qing Dynasty. 2. The Hall for Viewing the Mountain is located between _ .A.Triple-Corn Ear Hall and a pond.B.Triple-Com Ear Hall and the rockeryC.Triple-Corn Ear Hall and pavilio

25、n of Rolling the Rain CurtainD.Pond and the rockery答案:C3. The characters enjoying the clean stream down the hills was written in _ .A.Yuan DynastyB.Qing DynastyC.1290D.Ming Dynasty答案:D Questions 1416 are based on the following introduction of a scenic spot. You now have 15 seconds to read questions

26、1416. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 4. The Hall of Supreme Harmony impresses people with its _ .A.wooden structureB.brilliant color combinationC.glazed tile-roofD.beautifully decorated throne答案:A解析 14-16 After entering the Forbidden City, one will be impressed by a magnificent building guarded by a pair of l

27、ife-like bronze lions. This is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, one of the three main buildings in the Forbidden City. The Hall of Supreme Harmony, rectangular in shape, is as high as a nine-storied building and covers 2,300 square meters. It is Chinas largest existing palace structure of wood and an ou

28、tstanding example of the brilliant color combination for which Chinese architecture is noted. Its contrasts are at once striking and harmonious-the bright yellow of the glazed tile-roof against a blue sky, the elaborately painted beams, the golden chain-patter decoration on the red door panels and t

29、he bright red columns set on the glittering white platform. The throne at the center of the hall rests on a two-meter high platform and is decorated with openwork carving. On either side stand six columns carved with golden dragons. High above the throne is a carved ceiling with gold-painted designs

30、 of dragons toying with pearls. This hall was understandably named the Hall of the Golden Throne. This is where grand ceremonies were held, such as the crowning of a new emperor to the throne or the emperors birthday. 5. How many basic colors can be found on the building?A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five答案:D

31、6. The designs of dragons playing with pearls are carved on _ .A.a high platformB.six columnsC.the throneD.the ceiling答案:D Questions 1720 are based on the following passage introducing belly dancing. You now have 20 seconds to read questions 1720. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 7. Belly dancing is regarded as

32、 an art, because _ .A.It is an oldest dancing in historyB.It was always performed in palaces.C.It is a perfect combination of body movement to the music.D.Its movements are very beautiful.答案:C解析 Belly dancing is an artistic form of dance which depends on movements of the belly and other parts of the

33、 body to certain rhythmic tunes, hence the name: belly dancing. If you trace back the origin of belly dancing, you will find out that it is one of the oldest forms of dancing. Some historians trace it back to the New Kingdom of ancient Egyptian civilization Scenes of belly dancing are depicted on th

34、e walls of palaces and tombs of the nobility in Egypt. These pictures portray young women wearing almost nothing in a way that captures a belly dance in progress. This kind of dance was performed in more or less the same way that belly dancing is performed today. Dancing was performed in temples for

35、 prayer and in palaces for entertainment. One of the most famous scenes was a wall painting from the tomb of Neveman in Western Thebes. Thebes was located in southern Egypt; today it is the city of Aswan. This type of dancing spread all over the Middle East, and nobody really knows how it happened.

36、But you can find it in Morocco, in Algeria, in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. But still the Egyptian style is considered the best because of its feminine, graceful, and creative character, and because of the music that goes in perfect harmony with the dance. What exactly is belly dancing? The belly dan

37、ce is like a poem recited or a story told through movements of the shoulders, the legs, the hands, the head, the eyes, and every part of the body. The beautiful tunes are always in exact synchrony with the movements of the body, to the extent that you can imagine how a dancer is somehow connected to

38、 the musical instruments and even becomes part of them. 8. Belly dancing first developed from _ .A.Middle EastB.LebanonC.Western ThebesD.Egypt答案:D9. The difference between earliest and present belly dancing lies in _ .A.the place of performanceB.costume of dancersC.the dancing musicD.the movement of

39、 body答案:B10. The belly dancing is compared to a recited poem, because _ .A.it is an oldest form of dancingB.the music that accompanies the dancer is so beautifulC.the dancing looks elegantD.Reciting poems is part of the dancing答案:CSection Use of English Read the following text. Choose the best word

40、for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Britain has a bad 1 for strikes. In fact there are other countries in Western Europe and the rest of the world that 2 more working days 3 strikes every year than Britain. The trouble is that in Britain these strikes occur in 4 industri

41、es. Some people say the strikes are due to the unions. Other people 5 that they are due to bad management. There are over 495 unions in Britain with a 6 of our million members-just over 45% of the 7 population. Some unions are very small. Over 20 have more than 100,000 members. There are four main t

42、ypes of union. The first is general unions whose members do all sorts of jobs in many 8 . Mr Chapmans union, the Transport and General Workers Union, is one of these. 9 there are the industry-based unions, 10 the National Union of Railwaymen, 11 members all work in the same industry. Thirdly, there

43、are craft unions, for example the Boilermakers Union which accept 12 members only people with 13 skills. Lastly, there are the so-called White Collar unions whose members do clerical 14 office work. Unions do not 15 only to 16 money. They also 17 their members. Thy provide sick 18 and try to improve

44、 working conditions. Trade unionists say that we must 19 the unions for the great 20 in working conditions in the last hundred years. 1.A.nameB.reputationC.luckD.attitude答案:B2.A.gainB.getC.lackD.lose答案:D3.A.withB.forC.throughD.by答案:C4.A.essentialB.lightC.heavyD.some答案:A5.A.thinkB.regardC.argueD.cons


46、andB.orC.butD.however答案:B15.A.tryB.remainC.lastD.exist答案:D16.A.needB.requireC.askD.demand答案:D17.A.teachB.educateC.trainD.coach答案:B18.A.benefitsB.bonusC.paymentD.charity答案:A19.A.thankB.appreciateC.enjoyD.praise答案:A20.A.increaseB.facilitiesC.improvementD.number答案:CSection Reading ComprehensionPart A R

47、ead the following four texts and answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Passage 1 It was the Victorians who firmly established the family reunion. Present-day impressions of this important occasion are of a strange blending of formality, p

48、lain speaking with hovering dissension and a general lack of natural warmth. The rarer such meetings, it would seem, the more important it was to reflect prosperity and propriety. Firm attention was paid to suitable clothes and manner while hostesses must demonstrate their ability to provide abundan

49、t meals in dignified surroundings. Children eyed little known cousins with distrust and they, together with grown-up daughters, had to entertain the company with piano-playing or recitations while their own parents beamed complacently. There was the barbed (有倒刺的) exchange of news, gossip, gloomy pre

50、diction about absent relatives, reminiscences of Uncle Albert and shared memories of childhood. The mask of formality gradually slipped and the natural individual, self-satisfied or envious, charitable or spiteful, assumed control. Half-forgotten feuds glowed again, the quarrels and rivalries of chi

51、ldhood clamoured only just below the disturbed surface. Goodbyes might be colder than greetings and unflattering assessments of the hosts occupy the return journey. But these less than perfect connections were, after all, part of oneself; unattractive and unsympathetic perhaps, merely seen but in so

52、me indefinable way necessary. The ritual of the family reunion is less rigid nowadays but, despite the avail- ability of the private car, meetings are probably more infrequent. Summer weekends offer the pleasures of the sea and countryside and in winter television adds to the attractions of a home w

53、hich may be warmer and more comfortable than Cousin Lindas. In any case there are fewer opportunities for visiting. Small families have been the fashion for more than seven years and even uncles and aunts are in short supply. There is a good chance moreover that the nearest family member lives two h

54、undred miles away or even in another continent. Special occasions however still seem to gather a sizeable contingent of relatives near or further removed. Few young couples even today marry without a united family blessing and a wedding affords an ideal family reunion. Everyone preens (打扮) in lounge

55、 suit, new gown and eye-alluring hat; food and drink mellow and en-liven. That compact privileged group, the family, surrounded by mere friends, probably gets the greatest pleasure out of celebrations. Note is taken of how Uncle Richard has aged and Aunt Margaret is putting on weight-wherever did sh

56、e get that absurd little-girl dress? In-laws on the outer fringes regard one another vaguely and those more closely allied with some suspicion, but the mood is relaxed, genial and harmonious. 1. We can learn from the text that Victorian families who rarely met tried to show that they were rich, successful and respectable and knew how to _ .A.dance, play and cookB.dress, cook and entertainC.drink, reflect and dignifyD.speck, control and greet答案:B2. The commonest topics of conversation a


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