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1、編號: _融資合作信息保密合同甲方: _乙方: _簽訂日期: _年_月_日第1頁共9頁甲方: _Party A : _法定代表人: _Legal representative:_地址:_Address:_乙方: _Party B:_法定代表人: _Legal representative:_地址: _Address:_鑒于乙方擬進行以引進投資者為目的的融資活動,甲方有參與乙方本次融資活動的初步意向,甲方擬就本次乙方向甲方提供的_Inc. 融資活動的投資、融資服務等事宜進行合作,就工作中的資料和信息保密事宜達成如下協(xié)議:Whereas: PartyB intends to carry out f

2、inancing activity for the purpose of attractinginvestors, and Party A has the preliminary intention to participate in this financingactivity of Part B. Party A achieve the following agreement on the confidentiality ofdata and information for the ongoing cooperation about SVTIC offering informationfo

3、r_ancing activitys investment, financingInc. about this finservice and other affairs between Party A and Party B with respect to:第一章術語定義第2頁共9頁Chapter one: Definition of Terms第一條本協(xié)議所指之“資料”包括軟件、芯片、文件、圖片、說明書、用戶手冊、磁帶、光盤及任何其它以物理形式記錄的圖文內容。Article1 The “data ” referredto in thisagreement includessoftware,c

4、hips,documents,pictures, instructions, user manuals, tapes, CDs and any other image-text contentsrecorded in physical form.第二條本協(xié)議所指之“信息”包括通過討論、評估、交談等獲得的非文字內容。Article2 The “information”referredto inthisagreementincludesnon-textcontentsobtained by discussion, evaluation, conversation and so on.第三條本協(xié)議所

5、指之“提供方”為提供資料和信息的乙方或甲方。Article 3 The“provider ” referred to in this agreement should be Party A or Party Bwho provides data and information.第四條本協(xié)議所指之“收受方”為接收資料和信息的乙方或甲方。Article 4 The“recipient” referred to in this agreement should be Party A or PartyB who receives data and information.第五條本協(xié)議所指之“第三方”為

6、簽署本協(xié)議的甲、乙方之外的任何一方。甲、乙任何一方的上級單位、下屬單位、股東、協(xié)作單位在本協(xié)議中均被認為是第三方。Article5 The “thirdparty ” referredto in thisagreementshouldbe any person or entityapartfrom PartyA and PartyB who has signedout thisagreement.Any superiorauthority,shareholders,subsidiary or cooperative organization of either Party A and Part

7、y Bis considered to be a third party in this agreement.第二章保密責任Chapter two: Confidentiality Obligations第六條甲乙雙方均有為對方提供的資料和信息進行保密的責任。Article6BothPartyA and PartyB undertakeconfidentialityobligationsforthe dataand information provided by each other.第3頁共9頁第七條未經(jīng)提供方以書面方式授權或同意,收受方不得將對方提供之資料以任何形式,如口頭、書面、影印、復

8、制、攝像、傳閱或其它類型方式,轉讓或披露給第三方。Article 7Without the providers authorization or consent in written form, therecipientshallnot transferor disclosethe data providedby the oppositepartyto anythird party in any shape or form, such as oral, written, photogravure, cope, camerashooting, circulation.第八條未經(jīng)提供方以書面方式授

9、權或同意,無論出于盈利還是非盈利的目的,收受方均不得將對方提供之資料轉讓或披露給第三方。Article 8Without the providers authorization or consent in written form, therecipient shall not transfer or disclose the data provided by the provider to a thirdparty whether or not for the purpose of profiting.第九條應提供方的書面要求,收受方有責任將對方提供之資料完整退還或銷毀并向提供方發(fā)出正式的書

10、面確認函。Article9Upon writtenrequestof provider,the recipientshallreturnfullythe datato the supplier, or destroy the data and send a formal written confirmation to theprovider.第十條收受方有責任采取必要的措施以保證提供方提供之資料僅為實施相關項目的員工或所聘請的中介機構所使用,并促使這些員工或所聘請的中介機構遵守本協(xié)議第七條和第八條的內容。Article 10The recipient shall take the necess

11、ary measures to ensure that the dataprovided by provider is only used by the relevant staff members or the employees ofentrusted agencies related to the project, and urge them to comply with the content ofArticle 7 and Article 8 of this agreement.第十一條提供方擁有對所提供的任何資料的知識產(chǎn)權。收受方并不因為接收資料而擁有所接收資料中所包含的著作權、專

12、利權和其它知識產(chǎn)權。Article11The providerpossessesintellectualpropertyrightsforany data provided.The recipientcannotpossess the copyright,patentrightand otherintellectualpropertyrights contained in the data received, for the cause that they receive the data.第4頁共9頁第十二條在本協(xié)議第十八條、第十九條規(guī)定的期限內,收受方保證對提供方提供的信息實施本章各條款規(guī)

13、定的保密責任。Article12Withinthe prescribedtime-limitshouldguaranteetoimplementthe confidentialityof Article18 and Article19, the recipientobligationsofallthe provisionsinthis chapter for the information provided by the provider.第十三條甲方、乙方要對雙方的合作成果承擔保密責任。Article 13Party A and Party B should undertake the co

14、nfidentiality obligations forthe achievements of the cooperation between the two parties.第十四條提供方對所提供之信息必須在叁拾(30) 日內以書面形式通告收受方。凡經(jīng)書面形式通告的信息自動轉為資料。如收受方在叁拾(30) 日內沒有收到提供方的書面通告,則收受方認為提供方放棄要求收受方對所提供的信息保密的要求。Article 14 The provider shall inform the recipient in written form within thirty (30)days and the in

15、formation annunciated in written form will be automatically convertedto data. Should the recipient not receive the written notice from the provider withinthirtydays,the recipientwillthinkthatthe providergivesup the demand of requiringthe recipient to keep the information provided confidential.第十五條提供

16、方提供的資料和信息如屬下列范圍的不在保密之列:Article 15 The confidentiality obligations under shall not extend to the followinginformation and data provided by the provider:1、收受方已擁有的資料或已獲悉的信息;2、收受方經(jīng)合法渠道獲取的已公開的資料和信息;3、在不違反本協(xié)議內容的條件下從第三方合法獲得的資料和信息;4、在不依靠提供方提供應保密資料的條件下自行開發(fā)或研究獲得的資料和信息;5、已成為眾所周知的資料和信息;6、提供方已通過論文,報刊或新聞媒介公諸于世的資料

17、和信息;7、甲乙雙方同意不列入保密范圍的其他資料或信息。1.The data and informationwhich has alreadybeen possessed by or known to the recipient.第5頁共9頁2.The data and informationwhichis inpossessionor control ofthe recipientvialegalchannels.3.The data and informationwhichhave been obtainedlegallyfromany thirdparty withoutviolatin

18、g the contents of this agreement.4.The data and information which have been developed or studied voluntarily withoutrelying on the confidential data provided by the provider.5.The data and information which is rightfully known to the public.6.The data and informationwhichhave been releasedto thepubl

19、icby the providerthroughthesis, newspapers and periodicals or news media.7.Other data or informationthatbothParty A and Party B disagree to putintothescopeof confidentiality.第三章爭議解決Chapter three: Dispute Settlement and Governing Laws第十六條因收受方違反本協(xié)議規(guī)定而給提供方造成損失的,提供方有權向收受方提出賠償要求。Article 16 The provider i

20、s entitled to claim compensation from the recipient for thelosses which were caused by the recipients behavior of violating the provisions ofthis agreement.第十七條因履行本協(xié)議而產(chǎn)生糾紛時,雙方應首先友好協(xié)商解決。協(xié)商解決不了的應提交深圳仲裁委員會, 按照申請仲裁時該會實施的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對各方均有約束力。Article 17All disputes arising from the execution of or i

21、n connection with thiscontract,shallbe settledamicablythroughfriendlynegotiation.In case no settlementbe reached through negotiation, the dispute shall then be submitted to ShenzhenArbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitral rules. Thearbitral award is final and binding up

22、on both parties.第6頁共9頁第四章期限Chapter four: Term of the Agreement第十八條本協(xié)議自雙方簽署之日起生效,有效期_年。Article18 This agreementshallremain effectiveforone year,and shallcome intoforceas from the date of execution of this agreement.第十九條本協(xié)議到期前,如雙方認為有必要可延長本協(xié)議的有效期,每次延長的時間最長為_年。Article 19Before the expiration of this agr

23、eement, if both parties consider itnecessaryto extend the validityof thisagreement,the maximum periodforeach extensionshall be one year.第二十條經(jīng)雙方同意并以書面方式確認,可以隨時終止本協(xié)議。Article 20This agreement could be terminated at any time upon agreed and confirmedwritten consent by both parties.第二十一條若本協(xié)議涉及的資料或信息已公開或提

24、供方認為已失去保密意義,提供方將用書面方式通知收受方。Article 21 Should the provider consider that the data and information related to thisagreementhave been made publicor insignificantforconfidentiality,the providerwillinform the recipient in awritten notice.第五章其它Chapter five: Others第二十二條對于提供方認為密級較高的重要信息或資料,提供方將以書面形式通知收受方,其保密期限由雙方另行商定, 不受本協(xié)議第四章相關條款的限制。Article22 The providershallinformthe recipientin writtenform thatsome of the dataand information provided are extreme


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