(全國用)高考英語大一輪復習 Unit 2 Cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8(2021年最新整理)_第1頁
(全國用)高考英語大一輪復習 Unit 2 Cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8(2021年最新整理)_第2頁
(全國用)高考英語大一輪復習 Unit 2 Cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8(2021年最新整理)_第3頁
(全國用)高考英語大一輪復習 Unit 2 Cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8(2021年最新整理)_第4頁
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1、(全國用)2018版高考英語大一輪復習 unit 2 cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8(全國用)2018版高考英語大一輪復習 unit 2 cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8 編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:這里是精品文檔編輯中心,本文檔內(nèi)容是由我和我的同事精心編輯整理后發(fā)布的,發(fā)布之前我們對文中內(nèi)容進行仔細校對,但是難免會有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(全國用)2018版高考英語大一輪復習 unit 2 cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8)的內(nèi)容能夠給您的工作和學習帶來便利。同時也真誠的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我們進步的源泉,前進的動力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺得對您有幫助請收藏

2、以便隨時查閱,最后祝您生活愉快 業(yè)績進步,以下為(全國用)2018版高考英語大一輪復習 unit 2 cloning教師用書 新人教版選修8的全部內(nèi)容。35unit 2cloning話題詞匯1invention n發(fā)明2progress n進步3digital adj.數(shù)字的4breakthrough n突破5technical adj.技術(shù)的6automatic adj.自動的7make a study of研究8shop online網(wǎng)上購物9surf the internet網(wǎng)上沖浪10browse the web page瀏覽網(wǎng)頁話題佳作目前,科技的發(fā)展如此之快已超出了我們的想象,克隆

3、技術(shù)成為世界上最先進的技術(shù)之一。針對這一技術(shù),有人支持,有人反對.假設(shè)你是李華,你的筆友mike來信詢問你對克隆的看法,請根據(jù)下面的表格,給他寫一封回信。支持反對你的看法?1.制造器官挽救生命(如:治愈癌癥);2.幫助不能生育的人擁有孩子;3.幫助想克隆自己去世的親人的人。1。對人生命不尊重,生命將不再唯一;2.在動物界創(chuàng)造出更多的疾?。?。使地球人口激增。佳作欣賞dear mike,glad to receive your letter.cloning is one of the most advanced technologies。but different people have dif

4、ferent opinions.some people are in favor of it,thinking the technology is beneficial。firstly,it can be used to produce organs to cure diseases like cancer.secondly,it can help those who cant have a baby but want one。besides,it can help those wanting to clone their dead relatives。however,a few people

5、 object to it。they believe cloning shows no respect for human life,and human life would no longer be unique.more seriously,it would create more diseases in the animal world and cause earths population to increase fast。in my opinion,although the technique is of benefit,cloning humans should be cautio

6、us。yours,li hua名師點睛本文第一段提出話題,第二段說明克隆的優(yōu)點,第三段是克隆的缺點,第四段是表述作者自己的觀點。中間兩段要點齊全,表達清晰明確,使用短語、句型準確。最后一段是作者自己的觀點,觀點明確,不含糊,給出了自己的令人信服的理由。文章中使用了現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語和定語、定語從句、賓語從句、狀語從句等復雜句式。文中一些高級詞匯也給短文增加了不少亮點,如:in favor of,beneficial,object to,show no respect for,be of benefit等。同時,firstly,secondly,besides等的使用使作者在列舉觀點時條理清晰,自然

7、流暢.a寫作必記單詞1differ vi.不同;相異(1)the story he told the police differed from(和不同) the one he told his mother.(2)they differ in size but not in kind。這些東西的區(qū)別只是大小不同而實質(zhì)一樣。2exact adj。精確的;準確的(1)not exactly不確切;不完全;不全對;(口語)決不(2)scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging,but they believe that

8、 they do??茖W家們?nèi)匀徊皇呛芮宄蚴窃鯓佑绊懰ダ系?但他們相信基因確實對衰老有影響。(2016四川)3object vi。反對;不贊成(1)objection n不贊成;反對;異議(2)object to反對(3)he has a strong objection to leaving early。他極力反對早動身.4obtain vt。獲得;贏得5owe vt.欠(賬、錢、人情等);歸功于(1)owe.。to.。.欠;把歸功于owe sb。 an apology應(yīng)向某人道歉(2)the harbour survived the storm owing to the arms of

9、the bay.由于海灣的保護,海港躲過了暴風雨。(3)he helped you a lot。you owe it to him to invite him to dinner。(填代詞)6retire vi。退休;離開(1)retirement n退休;離開(2)leroy chiao,54,an american retired(retire) astronaut after four flights,describes what happens even before you float out of your seat。(2015湖北)7bother vt.打擾;vi。操心;n。煩擾

10、(1)bother sb。with/about sth.為某事打擾或麻煩某人have much bother (in)doing sth。費勁/麻煩做某事(2)dont bother to get/getting(get) dinner for me.用法點撥表示“費心做某事”,其后可接不定式或動名詞作賓語.有時還可在bother后加反身代詞。8strike vi。& vt。打;撞擊;罷工;n.罷工(1)struck(strike) by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,they decided to visit the

11、small old town again。(2)it strikes me that you are not serious about it.(填代詞)(3)staff at the hospital went on strike(舉行罷工) in protest at the incidents。(4)a good idea struck me yesterday.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)i struck on a good idea yesterday。9resist vt。抵抗;對抗(1)the child resisted being carried(carry) off。(2)there i

12、s still much resistance to carrying out this plan.(填介詞)10reasonable adj.合情理的;講道理的;公道的(1)reason o/out of doing sth。說服某人做/不做某事(2)the reason why he didnt come was that he was ill。(填連接詞)(3)this is the reason that he gave me for being late。(填連接詞)b閱讀識記單詞11undertake vt.著手;從事;承擔undertake to do。答應(yīng)做12br

13、eakthrough n突破13procedure n程序;步驟;手續(xù)process n過程;進行;方法;步驟;程序;vt。加工;處理14altogether adv??偣?;完全地15conservative adj.保守的;守舊的16forbid vt.禁止;不準my father forbade me to watch tv。(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)my father forbade my watching tv。my father forbade me from watching tv.17accumulate vt。& vi。積累;聚積accumulation n積累;累積;堆積物18compu

14、lsory adj。必須做的;義務(wù)的;強迫的;強制的19assumption n假定;設(shè)想(1)assuming(assume) that it is true,what should we do now?(2)it is generally assumed(普遍認為) that stress is caused by too much work。(3)the project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was expanding.這一計劃是以經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的設(shè)想為依據(jù)的。用法點撥assuming conj.假如,假設(shè),引導條件

15、狀語從句。20regulation n規(guī)則;規(guī)章;法規(guī)regular adj.有規(guī)律的;規(guī)則的;定期的;經(jīng)常的21initial adj。最初的;開始的initially adv。開始;最初22vain adj.虛榮的;自負的;徒勞的in vain白費力氣;枉費心機23drawback n缺點;不利條件24decoration n裝飾decorate v裝飾25adore vt。崇拜;愛慕;喜愛he adores going to parties。他喜歡參加各種聚會.用法點撥adore后接動詞時用動名詞形式。1pay off得到好結(jié)果;取得成功;償清this work is starting

16、to pay off。the annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38 in 2000 to 5。4 in 2011.工作取得了成功,成年禿鷹的年死亡率從2000年的38%下降到2011年的5.4.(2016北京)2cast down使失望;使沮喪she was much cast down at the moment.她當時非常沮喪。3in favour of贊成;支持in ones favour對某人有利do sb。a favour/do a favour for sb.幫某人一個忙4(be) bound to (do)

17、.一定或注定(做)5o ones heart使刻骨銘心6from time to time不時;偶爾7bring back to life使復生;使復活8in good/poor condition狀況很好(壞);情況很好(壞)1it happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones。當園藝師從生長著的植物上剪下枝來培植新植物時,它(克隆)就發(fā)生了。2then came the disturbing news that dolly had become s

18、eriously ill。接著傳來了令人煩惱的消息-多莉得了重病。3could it be solved if corrections were made in their research procedure?如果改進研究程序,問題會不會解決呢?4however,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.然而,科學家們?nèi)匀幌胫揽寺〖夹g(shù)是會幫助我們還是傷害我們,以及它將把我們引向何處.5the advantage is that if there is a n

19、ew illness some of these animals may die,but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation。其優(yōu)點是如果產(chǎn)生一種新的疾病,這類動物中的一些可能會死掉,但是另外一些卻能存活下來,并將這種抵抗能力傳給下一代。教材與語法填空cloning is a way of making an exact copy of 1。another animal or plant。2。it has two major uses。one is t

20、hat gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants。the other is that it is 3.valuable(value) for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals。however,the process of cloning is difficult 4。to undertake(undertake)the first successful clone,dolly the sheep,5。made(make)

21、 the whole scientific world follow its process,though it had 6。more(many) problems than the normal sheep.but on the other hand,dollys 7.appearance(appear) raised a storm of objections and had a great impact 8.on the media and public imagination。different people have different opinions on it。9.howeve

22、r,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and 10.where it is leading us.。教材與短文改錯the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals have always excited film makers。and they are not the only one.the popularity of the film jurassic park proves how interesting ordinary peopl

23、e are in the subject.it is a film in that a scientist clones several kind of extinct dinosaurs。in fact,we are long way from being able to clone extinct animals。from time to time people suggested that the animals that have disappeared from the earth,can be brought back to the life through cloning.unf

24、ortunately,based on what we know now,it is possible.so dinosaurs returned to the earth is merely a dream.答案the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals always excited film makers。and they are not the only .the popularity of the film jurassic park proves how ordinary people are in the s

25、ubject。it is a film in a scientist clones several of extinct dinosaurs。in fact,we are long way from being able to clone extinct animals.from time to time people that the animals that have disappeared from the earth,can be brought back to the life through cloning。unfortunately,based on what we know n

26、ow,it is 。so dinosaurs to the earth is merely a dream.。教材與微寫作寫作素材(關(guān)于克隆)1現(xiàn)在許多國家研究克隆。2人們對克隆有不同的看法.3有些人很沮喪,他們認為這在倫理上是不合理的,應(yīng)該被禁止。4實際上許多國家從事克隆研究并且已經(jīng)取得了重大的突破,所以我們無法抗拒它。提示:黑體部分用本單元詞匯表達,并且請使用because引導的原因狀語從句,that引導的賓語從句。連句成篇(將以上句子連成一篇50詞左右的英語短文)nowadays many countries do research on cloning。peoples ideas of

27、 cloning differ.some feel cast down because they think that it is not morally reasonable and should be forbidden.actually many countries undertake the research on cloning and have obtained great breakthrough,and therefore we are unable to resist it。閱讀理解a machine that takes sweat.laden(浸滿汗水的) clothes

28、 and turns the sweat into drinking water is in use in sweden。the machine makes the clothes turn round quickly,heats them to remove the sweat,and then passes the steam through a kind of special material to make purified water.since it has been brought into use,its creators say more than 1,000 people

29、have drunk others “sweat” in gothenburg.they add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water.the device was built for the united nations childfocused charity unicef to promote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water。the machine was designed and

30、 built by the engineer andreas hammar,known locally for his appearances on tv tech show “mekatronikhe said the key part of the sweat machine was a new water purification part developed by a company named hvr。“it uses a technique called membrane distillation(膜蒸餾),” he told the bbc.“we use a special k

31、ind of material that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria,salts,clothing fibers and other things out.they have something similar to the international space station,but our machine is cheaper to build。the amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is,but one persons t.shirt ty

32、pically produces 10ml,about a mouthful.”the device has been put on show at the gothia cup-the worlds largest international youth football tournament。mattias ronge,chief executive of stockholm。based advertising agency deportivo,said the machine had helped raise awareness for unicef,but in reality had

33、 its limitations.“people havent produced as much sweat as we hoped-right now the weather in gothenburg is lousy,” mattias ronge said?!皊o weve equipped the machine with exercise bikes and volunteers are cycling like crazy.even so,the demand for sweat is greater than the supply.and the machine will ne

34、ver be produced in large numbers,since there are better solutions out there such as water purifying pills.”1which of the following is the disadvantage of the sweat machine?ait takes too long for the machine to produce water。bthe amount of water the machine produces is rather limited。cit costs a larg

35、e amount of money to build the machine。dthe water processed by the machine is not clean enough。答案b解析細節(jié)理解題.由第五段最后一句“the amount of water it produces depends on。.about a mouthful.”可知,這臺機器的產(chǎn)水量太少了,故選b。2unicef is mentioned in the text to .ashow how the sweat machine worksbexplain why the sweat machine was

36、 invented cshow the importance of the united nationsdtell us who invented the sweat machine答案b解析細節(jié)理解題。由第三段的內(nèi)容可知,作者在文中之所以提到unicef是因為這臺機器是為unicef所組織的一個活動而設(shè)計制造的,故選b。3what did mattias ronge think of the sweat machine?ait could only be used in summer。bit did not work at all。cit was not worth popularizing

37、。dthe water it produced tasted sweet.答案c解析推理判斷題.由最后一段中mattias ronge所說的“the machine will never be produced in large numbers”可知,他認為這種機器不值得普及。故選c.4the text is written mainly to tell us that .aa machine which turns sweat into drinking water is inventedb780 million people in the world lack access to clea

38、n waterca better solution to purifying dirty water is discovereddthe pill which turns dirty water into clean water is produced答案a解析主旨大意題.由第一段第一句“a machine that takes sweat.laden(浸滿汗水的) clothes and turns the sweat into drinking water is in use in sweden?!币约跋挛牡拿枋隹芍?作者通過本文主要向我們介紹了一種能夠?qū)⒁路系暮挂恨D(zhuǎn)化為飲用水的機器,故

39、選a。.七選五(2017山西四校聯(lián)考)imagine going to bed not knowing where your next meal is going to come from。 1 today,nearly 11 percent of people on earth suffer from hunger,according to a recent state of food insecurity in the world report published by the united nations。but it turns out that this number is some

40、thing to celebrate!though the numbers look like a lot,the number of hungry people in the world has actually decreased by about 209 million since 1992。this has been mainly due to the hard work of organizations such as the un,the fao and the wfp.according to the wfp,the world produces enough food to f

41、eed the entire population of 7 billion people。 2 there are many reasons why food does not go from the producers to the consumers。people living in poverty cannot afford nutritious foods。this makes them weaker and it is harder for them to earn money to escape from poverty and hunger。 3 an average pers

42、on in the us spends just 6。6 of the income on food.drought is one of the most common causes of food shortage in the world. 4 in many countries,climate change is worsening the situation。conflicts around the world can disrupt farming and food production。fighting forces millions of people to flee their

43、 homes.these people dont have the means to feed themselves。 5 food that is wasted uses up precious natural resources。ahow can we solve the problem?beach nation has its own challenges。cone.third of all food produced is never consumed。dbut not everybody has access to food when they need it。ethat is th

44、e fate of nearly 805 million people in the world。fnatural disasters such as flood and tropical storms can impact food output too.gdo you know in poor countries people spend over 80% of their earnings on food?1答案e解析根據(jù)上句:想象一下,臨睡前不知道你的下一頓飯從哪里來。再根據(jù)下句:現(xiàn)在世界上11%的人遭受饑餓的痛苦.可知e.that is the fate of nearly 805

45、million people in the world。那就是世界上805 000 000人的命運。符合上下文的意思。2答案d解析根據(jù)上句:世界生產(chǎn)足夠的糧食養(yǎng)活全部70億人口。再根據(jù)下句:很多原因?qū)е铝耸澄餆o法從生產(chǎn)者那里運到消費者手中。可知此空的意思是:還有很多人沒有飯吃。此處表示轉(zhuǎn)折,故選d.3答案g解析根據(jù)上句:他們很難賺錢擺脫貧困和饑餓。再根據(jù)下句:在美國,一個普通人僅花費收入的6.6%在食物上??芍猤。do you know in poor countries people spend over 80% of their earnings on food?你知道貧窮國家的人們要花費

46、收入的80%在食物上嗎?符合題意。4答案f解析根據(jù)上句:干旱是世界上最常見的食物短缺的原因之一。再根據(jù)下句:在很多國家,氣候變化正在惡化局勢。可知此空要表達的意思應(yīng)該是:自然災(zāi)害也影響糧食的產(chǎn)量。故選f.5答案c解析根據(jù)下句:浪費的食物消耗了寶貴的自然資源??芍暇涞囊馑际牵核猩a(chǎn)出來的食物中有三分之一從未被消費掉。故選c。完形填空(2016浙江)during the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in california.i went to live there in order to be 1 him.

47、i hated the place.i had never 2 been so unhappy。my husband was ordered out on a long。term duty,and i was left in a tiny shack(棚屋) alone.the heat was 3 almost 125f even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌) 4 a soul to talk to。the wind blew non。stop,and all the food i ate,and the very air i breathed,were 5 w

48、ith sand,sand,sand!i was so sorry for myself that i wrote to my parents.i told them i was 6 and coming back home。i said i couldnt stand it one minute longer.i 7 be in prison! my father answered my 8 with just two linestwo lines that will always sing in my 9 two lines that completely changed my life:

49、two men looked out from prison bars,one saw the mud,the other saw the stars.i read those two lines 10 。i was ashamed of myself.i made up my mind i would find out what was good in my present 11 ;i would look for the stars。i made friends with the natives,and their 12 amazed me.they gave me presents of

50、 their favorite artworks which they had 13 to sell to tourists。i studied the delightful forms of the cactus.i watched for the desert sunsets,and 14 for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean 15 。what brought about this 16 change in me?

51、 the desert hadnt changed, 17 i had。i had changed my 18 .and by doing so,i changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing 19 of my life。i was excited by this new world that i had discovered。i had looked out of my self。created prison and 20 the stars。語篇解讀這是一篇記敘文.作者講述自己為了離丈夫近一些,住在他所在的沙漠的軍營里,寂寞的生活

52、和惡劣的生存環(huán)境讓作者難以忍受,她寫信告訴父母要回家.父親給她的信中就兩行字,就是這兩行字使作者改變了生活態(tài)度,學會了在逆境中享受生活。1a.off bbehindcnear dbeyond答案c解析根據(jù)空格前的went to live there可以看出,作者到那里住的目的是希望離丈夫近(near)一些.off離開;behind在后面;near在附近;beyond超出,遠于。2a.before balreadycthen dstill答案a解析根據(jù)上文使用的過去時及第二段第三句“i said i couldnt stand it one minute longer?!笨芍髡咴诖酥?be

53、fore)從未那么不快樂過。before在之前;already已經(jīng);then然后,那么;still仍然。3a。inflexible bincomprehensible cuncontrollable dunbearable答案d解析由破折號后的“.。almost 125f even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌)”可知,即便是在仙人掌的陰涼里,這種炎熱也是讓人無法忍受的(unbearable)。inflexible缺乏彈性的,不可改變的;incomprehensible難懂的,不可理解的;uncontrollable控制不住的,無法管束的;unbearable無法忍

54、受的,承受不住的。4a。only bnotcmany dsuch答案b解析由該段內(nèi)容可以看出,作者所居住的地方環(huán)境很惡劣,可推知空格處應(yīng)該指這里沒有(not)作者可以與之聊天的人。only僅僅,只有;not沒有;many許多;such那樣的。5a。covered bfilledcburied dcharged答案b解析be covered with用覆蓋;be filled with充滿;be buried with被掩埋;be charged with被指控犯(罪).由該句語境可以看出,無論是作者吃的食物還是呼吸的空氣,到處都充滿了(were filled with)沙子。6a。catchi

55、ng up bkeeping up cgiving up dgetting up答案c解析由后面的“i said i couldnt stand it one minute longer??梢钥闯觯捎诰幼〉貝毫拥沫h(huán)境,作者打算放棄(give up)并準備回家。catch up趕上;keep up保持,維持;give up放棄;get up起床。7a.ought to bmight well cwould rather dhad better答案c解析由該空所在句可知,作者在信中告訴父母,她一分鐘也堅持不下去了,她寧愿(would rather)去蹲監(jiān)獄。ought to應(yīng)該;might we

56、ll有可能;would rather寧愿;had better最好。8a.request bcallcquestion dletter答案d解析由該段第一句中的“.。i wrote to my parents.”可知,作者給自己的父母寫了封信.request請求,要求;call通話,召喚;question問題;letter信。9a。comparison bimagination cconsideration dmemory答案d解析由下文可以看出,作者父親的這兩行話徹底改變了作者對生活的態(tài)度,所以這兩行話總是在她的記憶(memory)里唱響。comparison對比;imagination想象;consideration考慮,體貼;memory記憶。10


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